#scchat Archive

All resources and ideas tweeted alongside #scchat and #sccrowd captured here.

Wednesday January 2, 2019
8:30 PM EST

  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:30 PM EST
    Welcome to #SCCHAT! I’ll be co-moderating with @ttchorzynski Topic: Counselors as Leaders: Advocating for your program and becoming Change Agents! Let’s get our chat on! #scchat
  • VIPKidTeacherIN Jan 2 @ 8:30 PM EST
    Just finished teaching classes with #VIPKid! If you want to make money teaching from home, click here to get started: https://t.co/Kz81GVk1AI #1to1techchat #FLEDchat #EarlyLang #scchat #122edchat #ATchat #miched #workfromhome
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:30 PM EST
    Welcome to #scchat I will be co moderating with @counselorPCE For the next hour, tweets will be dedicated to #scchat! Feel free to jump in and join us at any time! #sccrowd #escchat #hscchat #mscchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:31 PM EST
    Let’s start by telling everyone who you are and where you are from. #SCCHAT. I’m Nicohl Webb, Elementary school counselor at Pate’s Creek Elementary in Stockbridge, GA. So excited to hear from all of you about this very important topic! #scchat
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 8:31 PM EST
    My name is Ben Barry. I'm a middle school counselor from Carlisle, Iowa. Excited to be able to join and chat and learn tonight! #SCCHAT
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Steve, school counselor from VA checking in to tonight’s discussion. Glad to be here! #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Hi Ben. Welcome! How's the weather in Iowa? #scchat
    In reply to @CounselorMs
  • amness Jan 2 @ 8:32 PM EST
    I'm Angie... I'm a K-4 counselor in Northern Indiana. #scchat
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Hi #scchat! I’m Laura. MS counselor from Georgia.
  • erebss Jan 2 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Erin, Elementary School Counselor from Central PA. Excited to be here! #scchat
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Becca, K-12 clinical counselor from Rural Nebraska #scchat
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    ’m Terri Tchorzynski, school counselor at the Calhoun Area Career Center in Battle Creek, MI. I’m so excited to chat with #SCCHAT tonight about 2 topics close to my heart - leadership and advocacy!
  • mbmccormac Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    #SCCHAT Mary Beth joining from KY tonight chatting with other school counselors
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    My name is Duane Morelli, Family of Schools Counsellor in Chilliwack, BC, Canada. 1 middle school and attached to 2 elem feeder schools. #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Hi! I’m Mindy Ganser from Beaver Dam, WIsconsin!! #SCCHAT
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Hi Steven. We just had good friends move to VA. We miss them terribly and hope to be visiting soon. Welcome to #scchat
    In reply to @Counselor_Myers
  • AngCleveland - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Hi #SCCHAT! I'm Angela from NJ. Former School Counselor, now Program Director @NCWIT Counselors for Computing; @NJSCA webmaster; Cat Pun-maker (litterly, fur real). :-)
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Hi, all. I’m Rawn—MS counselor joining from Virginia. Looking forward to some great conversations. #scchat
  • jebatiano Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    I’m Joseph Batiano RI SCOY for 2018 for RI School for the Deaf PK-12 #scchat
  • EricaMcCabe4 Jan 2 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Hi! I’m Erica, elementary counselor from Baltimore, MD #scchat
  • sc_kasey Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    My name is Kasey Wierzbicki, I'm a first year school counseling student at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI! Excited to follow along with my very first #scchat!
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    Hello! I’m Sweety, School Counselor from Jersey City, NJ #SCCHAT glad to be here!
  • art_tillery Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    Hello #scchat! Tillery from RVA. High School counselor💛
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    #scchat Angela from Maine!
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    Chrysa from NJ #scchat
  • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
      Lauren, preK-3rd grade school counselor, joining from NJ 😊
  • judywilliams77 Jan 2 @ 8:34 PM EST
    I'm Judy Williams, counselor educator from Grand Valley State University. #scchat
  • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 8:35 PM EST
    Hey everyone! Happy 2019! I’m Megan and I’m a middle school counselor in VA. #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 8:35 PM EST
    Hi! I’m Mindy Ganser, Elementary School Counselor at Dodgeland Elementary School in Juneau, Wisconsin!!!! #SCCHAT
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • CounslrSHANNON Jan 2 @ 8:35 PM EST
    Im Shujuan, MS counselor in Charleston, SC #SCCHAT
  • MrsStreett Jan 2 @ 8:35 PM EST
    Using a strengths-based approach to teaching/interacting with students facing grief/loss @SCMOQ Excellent resource! #scchat
  • RFScounselor Jan 2 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Hi #scchat ! I’m Sarah from Columbus, Ohio. I am a school counselor for K-5 students!
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:36 PM EST
    It’s time to begin the Q & A live chat on #SCCHAT! I’ll ask Q1 and you’ll start your response with A1 and so on! Let’s collaborate #hscchat #cscchat #SCCrowd #escchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Hello Rawn. I see that you went to ODU. My little cousin plays football for @ODUFootball. We love going to games. Welcome to #scchat
    In reply to @RawnBoulden, @ODUFootball
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Hi! I went to Charleston last summer for the first time. Loved it, especially the food! Oh, the food. #scchat
    In reply to @CounslrSHANNON
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 8:37 PM EST
    Susan from Calgary 🇨🇦happy to be here with so many new people #scchat
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:37 PM EST
    Joining late from NOLA! Looking forward to tonight's #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:38 PM EST
    Loving all of the new and old (seasoned) Counselors that are on this chat tonight. #scchat. We are still taking introductions, but will start soon. Questions will be in the format of Q1, Q2, etc. Answers should be A1, A2, etc. Don't forget the hashtag #scchat.
  • RachelDelaneySC Jan 2 @ 8:38 PM EST
    #scchat Hi y'all! I'm Rachel Delaney - elementary school counselor in Chesterfield, VA.
  • ItzzName Jan 2 @ 8:38 PM EST
    #scchat Hi y'all! I'm Rachel Delaney - elementary school counselor in Chesterfield, VA.
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:39 PM EST
    Question #1 Let's go #SCCHAT!
  • MsDayinMS Jan 2 @ 8:40 PM EST
    Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I’m Laura, MS counselor from Singapore #scchat
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 8:40 PM EST
    @counselorPCE #scchat fabion from Georgia. MS counselor, 3rd year.
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A1: An informed SC who believes, supports, and promotes every student’s opportunity to achieve success in school. (Way more than 10 words) Maybe I should have changed the word limit on the question. #scchat
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A1. Developing, implementing, and promoting your program to all. #SCCHAT
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A1 Great Q! Speaking up when it is hard to do so and sometimes going against what is popular because you know it is right! #scchat
  • jebatiano Jan 2 @ 8:41 PM EST
    #scchat A1 Advocacy means doing what’s right & necessary on behalf of the students & their needs
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:41 PM EST
    Love having fellow GA School counselors. Where are you? I'm in Stockbridge . #scchat
    In reply to @fabeonsax
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A1. Advocacy means looking for and doing what is best for my students #scchat
  • erebss Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A1: Being the voice for our students so their academic, social/emotional, and physical needs are met #scchat #escchat
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    Yep that was more than 10 words! LOL #scchat
    • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:41 PM EST
      A1 Great Q! Speaking up when it is hard to do so and sometimes going against what is popular because you know it is right! #scchat
  • amness Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A1: Helping stakeholders understand how the program can benefit all students especially in promoting equity. #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    Advocacy = Actions to solve systemic problems #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    Right and necessary. Love those words when discussing children. #scchat
    In reply to @jebatiano, @ttchorzynski
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A1 #scchat Using my voice and experience to improve kids’ lives.
  • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
    #SCCHAT A1. Providing a comprehensive program that supports all students and families
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: #SCCHAT Relentlessly serving as the voice for students whose voice is not always heard AND empowering those students to discover their own voice (sorry . . . more than 10 words)
  • judywilliams77 Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    #scchat A1: I've never answer anything in 10 words or less . . .but, Advocacy - courage to support, encourage, and uphold all students and programs.
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: Ensuring that students have what they need to succeed. #scchat
  • art_tillery Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: Advocacy to me is standing and speaking up for those who cannot & being fully aware of your own privilege. #SCCHAT
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: Advocacy is what we do for our students everyday. It is also important we advocate for our profession as a whole too through a variety of means. #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    Hello #scchat. Mindy, Counseling Coordinatir in Madison, WI and Advocavy and Public Rel Dir for @WSCAlink
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: Advocacy is working on behalf of students and their families for their well-being. #scchat
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: Advocacy for those we serve Speaking up and being involved in what makes the School Counselling Profession better #servingonlocalcouncils #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A1: Being assertive and finding a voice for what needs to be said! #SCCHAT
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    SC advocacy is: Being a voice for what is best for all students, my counseling program, and the school counseling profession #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Love the use of "equity." #scchat
    In reply to @amness
  • TromineTonya - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Tonya from Fort Worth, high school counselor! Ready to chat! #scchat
  • AngCleveland - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A1 Advocacy: Inspiring people to use their power/voice/privilege to effect change. #SCCHAT
  • RachelDelaneySC Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A1: Advocacy for SCs means being visible, having tough conversations, and showing our impact #scchat
  • MsDayinMS Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A1 Being the voice for kids (and sometimes parents) when they need it and helping them to find their own voice and the power to use it #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Great point, realizing their own voice and autonomy #scchat
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Great counselors give student's a voice. Love it! #scchat
    In reply to @LRossSchCnslr
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 8:45 PM EST
    #scchat collaborative effort in informing all stakeholders in what we do.
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 8:45 PM EST
    #scchat Jim, MS Counselor from Texas, but visiting family with my bride of 28 years in North Carolina this week. I’m lurking tonight.
  • art_tillery Jan 2 @ 8:45 PM EST
    Thank you. We must acknowledge it to avoid the “Savior” complex. #SCCHAT
    In reply to @dgmorelli
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A1 #scchat Advocacy: imperative to push our profession forward. Not being afraid to share the good we are doing
  • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A1: Standing up to support others and help breakdown injustices #scchat #equityambassadors
  • mbmccormac Jan 2 @ 8:45 PM EST
    #scchat A1 School counselors advocate for students, equitable policies, & the profession!
  • iheartcounselor Jan 2 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Karen Perez 3rd year Counselor Alief ISD -Houston, TX #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Q2: Question 2. Show me those superpowers! #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Yes! #schoolcounselors never hesitate to advocate for students but often aren’t comfortable advocating for their comprehensive programs #scchat
    • amness Jan 2 @ 8:42 PM EST
      A1: Helping stakeholders understand how the program can benefit all students especially in promoting equity. #scchat
  • CounslrSHANNON Jan 2 @ 8:46 PM EST
    #scchat A1. Confidently asking for what you need for the benefit of the students and your program, with data to back up why
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • sc_kasey Jan 2 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A1: Fighting for equitable experiences for ALL students. #scchat
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A2: My Superpower and our team's superpower is positive energy and being personal with everyone. Students and staff feel comfortable w/us and know we are going to bring positive energy. #SCCHAT
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A2 #SCCHAT At this past #ASCA18 conference, a presenter said, “You either have a seat at the table, or you’re on the menu.”As SC we need to have seats at the table. I became involved in my state SCA, am on my county leadership team and mentor and supervise new SC.
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A2: creating connections & building relationships. I believe advocacy begins with relationships. #scchat
  • StvSharp Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    RT AngCleveland "Hi #SCCHAT! I'm Angela from NJ. Former School Counselor, now Program Director NCWIT Counselors for Computing; NJSCA webmaster; Cat Pun-maker (litterly, fur real). :-) https://t.co/XvdTeTdqva"
  • StvSharp Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    RT AngCleveland "A1 Advocacy: Inspiring people to use their power/voice/privilege to effect change. #SCCHAT"
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A2: Diplomacy, the ability to advocate in a way that gets others to listen, remaining positive, not getting defensive or putting others on the defensive. #scchat
  • amness Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    I've learned the power of data and how to find areas of need as well as areas of inequity so I get a broader picture of what needs there are in my school both from the student and the staff perspective. #SCCHAT
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A2 #scchat I’m not afraid to speak up to stakeholders to advocate for what kids need. Social media is my super power to help others understand what we school counselors do. Make sure I have a seat at the table, so my kids’ voices are there.
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A2: Trying to find solution even when it looks like all options have been exhausted. Never giving up on a situation or student! #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:48 PM EST
    Totally agree! #scchat
    In reply to @MrsAveryBMS
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A2: Whenever possible, tying advocacy efforts to data (grades, attendance, etc.) #scchat
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A2: #SCCHAT Leadership! Being a leader amongst colleagues, as well in my SCA has provided me with opportunities to advocate for SCs and students. As SCs we need a strong voice at the table so never shy away from opportunities to lead!
  • iheartcounselor Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A1: Doing. Believing. Encouraging. Reminding others of what I do. #SCCHAT
  • MrsStreett Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    So true! Hi, Bernadette from @SCMOQ @ArchbaltSchools #scchat
    In reply to @Wendarooski, @SCMOQ, @ArchbaltSchools
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A2: I’m still looking, but my basic powers are SCUTA, data, collaborate with teachers and other counselors. #scchat
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • art_tillery Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A2: I’m not afraid of “No” or I rather ask for forgiveness than permission. 😏😅 It can be risky, but when you’re moving in the best interest of your students and families then it’s worth it. #SCCHAT
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A2. Probably you #1 way to affect change is through the formation of relationships. Kids, teachers, parents, and administrators know I care. I often get to be a liaison and help cultivate better understanding between these groups #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:50 PM EST
    NEVER! Even if I don't think I was able to help, I try to find one thing that I was able to change. Sometimes we are the only ones that don't give up! #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A2. I refrain from making cultural judgments about any student, or their family. I try not to let assumptions or general beliefs about a culture or demographic difference influence my decision making. Esp. important when deciding a course of action for a desired outcome #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:50 PM EST
    Plus when you “know your worth” and have the data to back it up, that NO doesn’t sound so bad. #scchat
    In reply to @art_tillery
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A2: I help. I believe we have so many opportunities to make a difference every day in small and big ways #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 8:51 PM EST
    Yes #scchat. @ttchorzynski getting involved in my state and national SCAs built my career
    • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:49 PM EST
      A2: #SCCHAT Leadership! Being a leader amongst colleagues, as well in my SCA has provided me with opportunities to advocate for SCs and students. As SCs we need a strong voice at the table so never shy away from opportunities to lead!
  • ATL_Counselors Jan 2 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A2: Acting on the change we wish to see in our program #scchat
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 8:51 PM EST
    Q1: Advocacy-blazing a trail for educational justice and self-discovery. #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:51 PM EST
    Whew... we are moving fast! I'm excited though. Question 3 will be coming soon. #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A2. I also think very hard about who should get such information about a student, and how my colleague or consultant can best help the student #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 8:52 PM EST
    When our principal (@PrincipalJ) and I literally dress up as superheroes for our quarterly assembly! We create a fun environment because it's about social emotional needs and not the rigorous efforts of academics! #scchat
    In reply to @counselorPCE, @PrincipalJ
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:52 PM EST
    Love this! #scchat
    In reply to @CounselorMindy, @PrincipalJ
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A2: #scchat My advocacy superpower is building collaborative relationships with my colleagues, then sharing data and program results with them...relentlessly.
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A1: Advocacy - Blazing a trail for educational justice and self-discovery. #SCCHAT
  • iheartcounselor Jan 2 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A2: The ability to empathize with students who come from the same background as myself. To give them hope for a better future. #scchat
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:53 PM EST
    Question #3 - Let's hear some success stories #SCCHAT!
  • art_tillery Jan 2 @ 8:53 PM EST
    !!!!! Yes. Give me a slow yes than a fast no & you’ll never regret it. Trust me. Trust the process. Let me work as a COUNSELOR!#scchat
    • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:50 PM EST
      Plus when you “know your worth” and have the data to back it up, that NO doesn’t sound so bad. #scchat
      In reply to @art_tillery
  • mbmccormac Jan 2 @ 8:54 PM EST
    #scchat A2 As an advocate I point on issues of social justice and model how school counselors must collect data to show how students are different as a result of having a comprehensive School counseling program
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:54 PM EST
    Hey Maria #scchat
    In reply to @ATL_Counselors
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 8:54 PM EST
    #scchat A2 - Middle School counseling is messy. If I have a power it’s that I’m not afraid of getting in the muck. That’s where you see the most growth. Enjoy the crazy.
  • AngCleveland - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Q2: My superpower is that I always assume positive intent. I look at every situation assume the person has the best intentions, even if their words, actions, coping skills don't reflect that intent. #SCCHAT
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Maintaining relationships is key. Don’t forget to put the hashtag, #scchat!
    In reply to @dgmorelli
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Beautifully stated #scchat
    In reply to @AngCleveland
  • TromineTonya - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:56 PM EST
    My superpower would be the ability to partner with administration and teachers to find solutions to support and help students to be successful! As leaders, we have the opportunity to create an encouraging environment that can have powerful effects! #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 8:56 PM EST
    This is also a fantastic affirmation for the beginning of the new year. Thanks for the reminder. #scchat
    In reply to @AngCleveland
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A3: Transforming some of our practices to being more restorative and strengths-based. #scchat
  • MsDayinMS Jan 2 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A2 Relationships. Building trust with a transient student population means you have to work fast to connect :) #scchat
  • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A2: Clearly not afraid of being a superhero! I listen/get multiple perspectives and establish proactive programs through those interactions. Anyone else run #MixLunch @Tolerance_org at their schools? This year was a super hero theme! And last year was...just me being me #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3: Anytime that I am able to use data to drive my program, that’s success in my book. #scchat
  • iheartcounselor Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3: Providing various resources as well specific resources that will act fast when others are in need. #scchat
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3: For me, the best success stories are when former students return to visit and share what they are up to. Always a great feeling when you see the success stories of past students. #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    Love this #scchat
    • mbmccormac Jan 2 @ 8:54 PM EST
      #scchat A2 As an advocate I point on issues of social justice and model how school counselors must collect data to show how students are different as a result of having a comprehensive School counseling program
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3 #SCCHAT : As a result of some data-driven practices and intentional planning with admin and staff, our counseling dept. developed a curriculum action plan specifically around college/career readiness. Admin adopted the plan and it became part of our School Improvement Plan!
  • RachelDelaneySC Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3: Kicked off PBIS in my building after a year of planning. And on a personal note, I presented alone for the first time this year at VSCA! #SCCHAT
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3 #scchat Advocated with use of data to get more help with test coordination so we could run our program. Admin listened: gained 4 more people to do job 2 were doing AND continued running groups for the first test season in years because we could!
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A3: #scchat my principal suggested that I start a feeder collaborative SC program where we all collectively implement a COMPREHENSIVE program and apply to ramp together in <2 yrs. Had opportunity to meet w/ zone PSC’s and we are already working.
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A3: program advocacy that led to less testing responsibility and more time in classrooms doing core curriculum #scchat
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A3: I helped start up a clothing drive and giveaway and our school food pantry. And my winter break project was a "Calm Zone/room". Promoting these and using these and helping others see what I/we can offer. #SCCHAT
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A3: #scchat
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 8:58 PM EST
    I had a S who has been wrestling w/depression for years due to some trauma. This year we really started to uncover how his thoughts affect his feelings and behaviors and he realized he had the ability to control some of it and said he didn’t know it could be this good! #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 8:58 PM EST
    Yes! I loved doing #mixitup when I was a k-8 counselor. Did a candy bar theme every year. #scchat
    In reply to @TheMrsNeforos, @Tolerance_org
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A3: I was able to get "tests read aloud" assignment reassigned out of the counseling department which means more time for students #scchat
  • amness Jan 2 @ 8:59 PM EST
    I presented data to admin that got them to agree we could use some staff training on implicit bias. #scchat
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A3 Our team has worked to chart how our time is used and worked with admin to make sure we are doing counseling duties and not non-counseling duties. Using our time where it is needed most. #SCCHAT
  • judywilliams77 Jan 2 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A3: I was asked by a school principal to send the best and brightest interns to his school because the counselor (1:700) needed help. I told the principal he needed another counselor, not interns. A second counselor was hired ;). #scchat
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 8:59 PM EST
    #scchat A3 - I have learned to make better use of time. Duties aren’t decreasing. Many counselors don’t know how to use time. Have to use time and data to advocate for yourself and stop feeling surprised and overwhelmed.
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A3: advocacy for ELL students to receive appropriate supports in language acquisition and not remediation classes. #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:00 PM EST
    Hallelujah! This is success and advocacy in one. #scchat
    In reply to @LRossSchCnslr
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:01 PM EST
    Q4: Let's talk collaboration. We couldn't do what we do without our colleagues. Tell us how you collaborate. #scchat
  • TromineTonya - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:01 PM EST
    A3: I had the privileged looping up with my students from middle school to HS. Kids updating me their journey, how things are going, hugs, and being able to continue those stories with those kids on my caseload! It has been amazing! I feel like I made a small diffence! #scchat
  • judywilliams77 Jan 2 @ 9:02 PM EST
    A4 #scchat I regularly present to student teachers on the role of the school counselor and how we can support teachers throughout their career.
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:02 PM EST
    A3: We expanded and increased enrollment in AP program with a focus on increasing participation of minority students #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 9:02 PM EST
    A3: This is my 1st year at @DodgelandSD and roughly after a month of getting to work for an amazing district, our superintendent hand wrote me a letter of thanks and mailed it to my home! #bucketfilled #SCCHAT
    In reply to @ttchorzynski, @DodgelandSD
  • mbmccormac Jan 2 @ 9:02 PM EST
    #scchat A3 I fought for school district to make it easier to track attendance data from year to year so we could see patterns like SPED students had higher rates of tardy arrivals and absences
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 9:02 PM EST
    A3: Anytime I can manage to change the narrative with staff who see challenging behaviours from students, as "they're just bad kids". When I hear those comments at team meetings, I continue to challenge them. #scchat
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    A4: We advocated for more time as a Counseling/Student Support Team and now meet weekly for an hour or more with our district team. Wish there was more time to collaborate w/parents & staff. Sometimes, collaborate is a lot email/quick calls. #SCCHAT
  • StvSharp Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    RT AngCleveland "Q2: My superpower is that I always assume positive intent. I look at every situation assume the person has the best intentions, even if their words, actions, coping skills don't reflect that intent. #SCCHAT https://t.co/VnbQOMULj0"
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    School counselors - if you are not on this #SCCHAT you are missing out! Great convos happening here! Join in!
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    Yay! Presenting is fun. I’ve done my state conferences and ASCA. #scchat
    In reply to @RachelDelaneySC
  • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    #SCCHAT A3. Created a 13 week SEL program for all k-3 classes. Ts report Ss apply skills independently. Gives all Ss the opportunity to know their SC prior to needing help with a problem. A lot of positive feedback from Admin. Big reach in small time.
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    A4. I spend a lot of time talking to my boss. He can’t help me if I don’t tell him what I need. I also work with other teachers on specific student needs, help with intervention ideas, and talk with parents and other professionals and link up resources when I can #scchat
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    #scchat Everyone wants to be on the top of the mountain but it’s cold and lonely. Only when you get in the valley do things grow and relationships build. Love that quote. Enjoy the crazy.
    In reply to @MrsAveryBMS
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:03 PM EST
    A4 #SCCHAT : Our Advisory Committee has been amazing in allowing us the opportunity to share what we do with major stakeholders in the school and community AND it has allowed us the opportunity to provide more community-based supports for our students. WIN-WIN!
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    A4 #scchat I collaborate daily as a school counselor, I could not do my job otherwise. Participate: leader team, weekly admin meetings, Counseling Advisory Council-including students! Twitter is my vehicle for collaboration professionally.
  • amness Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    I'm collaborating with one of the 4th grade teachers to allow her students do a research project on careers and hold a "career fair" for the younger Ss. #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    Totally agree! I’m loving all of the new people I’m able to follow. #scchat
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    It is an unbelievable feeling of gratitude for me . I have been blessed with many surprise visits and (notes on social media this year from students I would have never expected that I had impacted in the way they shared with me) #oneneverknows #scchat
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • MrsStreett Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    A2 Sincere Relationship building is key! #scchat
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    A4: #scchat be visible/available (title 1 meetings, parent nights, etc), present at state conference(I did), be ye ready to present at faculty meetings & PL in your building.
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    And you work with PreK. You deserve a medal!! #scchat
    In reply to @CounselrEberenz
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
    A4. I try to show the teachers that what is important to them, is important to me - harmonious classroom, academic achievement, administrative support, emotional resources, respect, evidenced-based results and timely, appropriate actions #scchat
  • TromineTonya - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:05 PM EST
    Q4: Communication is key! When teachers know you are willing to advocate for kids and include the teacher as well, it creates trust with all three! The kid always wins! It creates a positive culture in the school! It is like a domino effect! #scchat
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 9:05 PM EST
    #scchat. Found out recently that I will be presenting on using time at the Texas School Counseling State Conference in February. Going to have a blast.
    In reply to @jebatiano
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 9:05 PM EST
    A4: Taking an active role in professional development and professional organizations at the state and national level. We have great professional counselor organizations here in VA with both @VSCA and @vcaprofdev #scchat
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    It is more than just small for many they don’t always share that until they are all grown up #scchat
    In reply to @TromineTonya
  • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    A3: I helped advocate for a team approach to track and provide interventions for chronic absenteeism. We have an awesome team with a lot of support. Also super thankful my school wholeheartedly backs my co-counselor and I with RJ attendance circles to help these students! #scchat
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    A4: Partnering with students to help develop meaningful initiatives/opportunities #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    I always forget the hashtag #scchat
    • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 9:02 PM EST
      Advocated for a counselor in my district to attend the @ASCAtweets Annual Conference. She is going for the first time this year and plans to #ramp very soon!
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    A4: Participation on school/district and state committees including ACT State Council, regional teams with business and industry leaders, advisory councils #scchat
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    Great #superintendent #scchat
    In reply to @CounselorMindy, @ttchorzynski, @DodgelandSD
  • AngCleveland - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    Q3 #SCCHAT One time I had a teacher & student in major personality conflict, feeling disrespected & unheard. I listed 10 statements on index cards & had them each raise their hand if the statement applied to them or fill in the blank.They realized they both were feeling the same.
  • jebatiano Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    #scchat A4 evidence, data, the latest information, news articles research all helps validate what needs to happen when collaborating. I’m the only school counselor so it can feel lonely so have to bridge with others to bring about changes.
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    A4. I also make it clear that I want to collaborate. I recognize the teachers' strengths and experience. I tell them I need help and am open to feedback when they offer it, no matter what #scchat
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 9:06 PM EST
    A4: Becoming involved in our provincial school counselling association executive @bcsca. Also, weekly meetings with our core team of support staff. #scchat
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:07 PM EST
    A4 #scchat A huge part of collaboration is connecting to teachers, building relationships with them so they can trust you and know that you both have the same interest: student success. Open lines of communication is very important.
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:07 PM EST
    A4: Collaboration is an essential part of our job. Sometimes it can mean working with difficult individuals, but knowing that we are doing what is best for children, always helps. #scchat
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:07 PM EST
    A4: Provide staff development to your faculty based on needs, lead a book club #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 9:07 PM EST
    A4: Presentations! I have presented on my roles as an elementary school counselor 4 times this school year! At our staff meetings and at a school board meeting! In order for people to collaborate with me, they first need to know who I am and what I am here to do! #SCCHAT #prezi
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • judywilliams77 Jan 2 @ 9:08 PM EST
    A4: Our SCA is also beginning to collaborate with the other state level professional organizations as well. #scchat
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:08 PM EST
    A4: I collaborate often with my principal on staff development on creating connections with between teachers and students. It’s so great to have admin support for such an important topic that is my focus as a counselor #scchat
  • mbmccormac Jan 2 @ 9:08 PM EST
    #scchat A4 I hope all school counseling programs have a strong counseling advisory council because they are the stakeholders that will be most knowledgeable about the program if the council is an ongoing group that provides quality feedback for the program!
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:08 PM EST
    Keep it up #SCCHAT! So many rock stars hear. Question 5 coming soon . .
  • sc_kasey Jan 2 @ 9:09 PM EST
    Seems like such a simple concept, but a good reminder to let others know that we WANT to collaborate! Jotting this down for future reference, thanks Chrysa! #scchat
    In reply to @castaiano
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:09 PM EST
    Thank you for mentioning school boards - one of the greatest actions a counselor can take to bring light to your program and advocate for your students. Highly underutilized #scchat
    In reply to @CounselorMindy, @counselorPCE
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:09 PM EST
    I like to do an end of the year report on @SmorePages. It really helps to show ALL that I have been doing all year. Let's them know that I don't just run around like a chicken with my head cut off. :) #scchat
    In reply to @CounselorMindy, @SmorePages
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:09 PM EST
    Question #5 #SCCHAT! Let's set some goals and crush them for 2019!
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    A4: I collaborate with teachers l, admin, parents, and students. Our advisory council has been a great group to collaborate with too to help continuously improve our school counseling program #scchat
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    #scchat A4 Data is a wonderful tool to show what you’re doing daily but the biggest advocate in how you do you’re job. Are you building people up, forging bonds and impacting kids? Do those things and everyone will work out. Build your perfect job.
  • MrsStreett Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    A3 Took a summer course 🤔on Mindfulness! Loved it even tho it was a lot of work! Brought it to my school! Students & teachers 💕 it & use it regularly! #SCCHAT GREAT STRESS release!
  • AngCleveland - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    A4: #SCCHAT Can't (and shouldn't) do this job in isolation! Lean on your school counseling association for strategies! 💜 @ASCAtweets ❤️ @NJSCA And of course, participate in great Twitter Chats like #SCCHAT!
    In reply to @counselorPCE, @ASCAtweets, @NJSCA
  • RachelDelaneySC Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    A4: Partnering with other groups in my building like the art department / exceptional Ed dept for special projects and events. Boosts visibility, is fun, creates connections.#SCCHAT
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    A4: The collaborative relationships I've built with colleagues around the globe through my involvement with @azssca, @WSCAlink and @ASCAtweets has invaluable to my counseling programming. #scchat
  • CounslrSHANNON Jan 2 @ 9:10 PM EST
    A4. #scchat collaborate with teachers to support behavior challenged students by creating individual behaviors plans and strategies, together
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:11 PM EST
    that’s amazing! You should be so proud of yourself #scchat
    In reply to @mindywillard17
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 9:11 PM EST
    A5: Our goal focuses on student attendance. We want to increase attendance by 1%. We are up by about 2.5% currently. New attendance policy, working on relationships w/Ss with attendance issues. Educating Ss and staff on mental health, etc. #SCCHAT
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 9:11 PM EST
    A2: Sensitivity to know when to extract my enthusiasm to change the system when it is not working in the best interest of my students. #SCCHAT
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:11 PM EST
    Same here. I used to be so nervous at them but we changed our format and made it much more interactive. It’s been great! #scchat
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 9:11 PM EST
    A4: You said it so well!! Love @VSCA and all the support @FCPS_SCS provides counselors in Fairfax. I have truly enjoyed spending time each month with other leaders in the School Counseling Leadership Cohort. #scchat
    • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 9:05 PM EST
      A4: Taking an active role in professional development and professional organizations at the state and national level. We have great professional counselor organizations here in VA with both @VSCA and @vcaprofdev #scchat
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 9:11 PM EST
    A4:Collaboration is up there with consult consult consult #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
    Awesome! I took Group Counseling in grad school (where we had to participate in group therapy) and the professor did a mindfulness exercise before every session. I felt weightless! #scchat
    In reply to @MrsStreett
  • amness Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
    A4: All counselors in our county (mult. districts) are being trained by @hatchingresults and are collaborating to build a comprehensive program county-wide. #scchat
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
    A5 #scchat My goal for this school year was to decrease our suicide ideation. So far four months in and every month we decreased. I am very proud of our team. Focus for the rest of the year is to make sure each child is connected and keep up with monthly data tracking.
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
    When I was in a school I loved utilizing my Advisory Council as a way to collaborate with community members, administrators, teachers, parents and students. #scchat
  • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
    #SCCHAT A4. Most recently, working with the principal, BSI teachers and reading specialist to regularly and appropriately monitor our tier 3 Ss, and provide them with the best interventions for their needs.
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
    42 in our chat tonight Thanks for joining #scchat
  • judywilliams77 Jan 2 @ 9:13 PM EST
    A5: To start a collaborative with a local charter school benefitting both SC students and K-8 through classroom lessons. The project starts this semester, and . . .finish the final details. Can someone get me a few more hours in a day? #SCCHAT
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:13 PM EST
    A5 Re-RAMP our school! RAMP is a great way to ensure you are providing a counseling program centered around student needs AND it’s an amazing way to advocate for your program! #SCCHAT
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:13 PM EST
    A5: I am working on getting some research published, I hope to have it submitted to a journal before the end of the year. Another way to advocate for the profession! #scchat
    • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:12 PM EST
      A5 #scchat My goal for this school year was to decrease our suicide ideation. So far four months in and every month we decreased. I am very proud of our team. Focus for the rest of the year is to make sure each child is connected and keep up with monthly data tracking.
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 9:13 PM EST
    A5. My goal for the year was to be more organized so I have a better system for seeing kids. I have a planner but there’s always the unexpected that throws me off schedule and I always feel like I’m playing catch up. Don’t know how to solve it but I’m open to ideas! #scchat
  • jebatiano Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    #scchat A5 to put it in writing a suicide policy, so our staff are aware of the protocols/procedures to ensure our students safety are addressed. A side goal, to begin the RAMP process
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A5: Been working hard this year to decrease behavior incidents through mentoring programs, peer tutoring and group counseling for our K-2 population. So far our referrals are down. #scchat
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A5: one of my goals this year was to revamp my 8th grade core curr. lessons. I am working on a year long project with them that integrates empathy, careers, peer relations, etc. so far so good. But working the format of the last 3 lessons of the year. #scchat
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    I never got an advisory council going, kept running into barriers I couldn't seem to get past. One of my great disappointments. #scchat
    In reply to @mindywillard17
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A5: We have a few goals, but I always like to push for increased career counseling opportunities when time presents itself. But that is one of the challenges, time! #scchat
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    More great insight coming from this #SCCHAT!
    • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:04 PM EST
      A4. I try to show the teachers that what is important to them, is important to me - harmonious classroom, academic achievement, administrative support, emotional resources, respect, evidenced-based results and timely, appropriate actions #scchat
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A4: By creating, building and leading committees, by delegating responsibilities through matching with passions, strengths and interests, by following-up and opening up opportunities for leadership to emerge in others. #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:15 PM EST
    I usually start off great.... and then slack off. I don't know if I can help you. Sorry :( #scchat
    In reply to @Becca_e_Moore
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:15 PM EST
    A5. A repetitive goal of mine is to decrease students' anxiety - they all seem so stressed out! I really worry about it because we all know it doesn't get easier as an adult. Does anyone have innovative anxiety-reduction ideas? #scchat
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 9:15 PM EST
    #scchat A5 - Said this the other day. After 28 years in education, my goal is to finish strong. Never want to be that person everyone says needs to retire and doesn’t. I want the same passion the last few years that I had at the beginning. So much still to do.
  • amness Jan 2 @ 9:15 PM EST
    Goal: To let staff know about the program, how it works, who does what (with the addition of a social worker), build a strong relationship with admin. Working hard on helping staff with the transition of the program... admin is GREAT! #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:16 PM EST
    Q6: Unfortunately, we all have them, but what are some barriers that prevent us from advocating for our students. #scchat
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A5: I also had of goal to introduce discussions with staff about being culturally Responsive educators. Started a book study that is continuing throughout the year. Did a staff development activity w/ my intern this morning on exploring unconscious bias. #scchat
  • AngCleveland - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A5 - My goal this year is a shared goal with @StvSharp (@myPSCA 2017 MS Counselor of the year)! We wrote a book for @CorwinPress about 50+ tech tools for school counselors! Comes out in May! LOTS of quotes from counselors in the book! So excited about this collaboration! #SCCHAT
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A5: A goal I had was to be visible, amidst all the other extraneous paperwork, case managing, etc and to ensure that "that stuff" never got in the way of seeing students daily. I have partially managed, but it's a daily challenge still. #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A5. My ongoing personal goal is to seek professional development outside of the school (conferences, projects, etc.) and help my admin/community value this too. Oh, what we could do if professional development was paid, thorough and encouraged #scchat
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A6: Sometimes, well-meaning stakeholders may have a rather antiquated view of the school counseling profession which can be a challenge (but also a great opportunity!) #SCCHAT
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A5: Some amazing goals, what great ideas and suggestions to use in the future, #schoolcounselors are awesome! #SCCHAT
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:18 PM EST
    If I can get the details together. I’m just trying to piece it together this year but I’m loving it so far. #scchat
    In reply to @MrsAveryBMS
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:18 PM EST
    A6 #scchat Time, to slow down, to be patient, to do things well when there are 20 other crises at the same time. Different perspectives than some staff, trying to meet both needs.
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 9:18 PM EST
    A5: what goal didn’t I have LOL! In all honesty, I would say building relationships! Being new to the district I knew no one! If I don’t have a relationship with a student, staff member, families and community members, how can I be an effective educator? #SCCHAT
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • TromineTonya - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:18 PM EST
    A5: Learn, learn, and learn while continuing to build relationships with my kids and staff! Being new to a high school is so different and bigger than a middle school! #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:18 PM EST
    A6: Difficult teachers (yes, I said it). Sometimes other educators get in our way of advocating for our kiddos. I try not to see this as a hinderance, but it can be difficult to have patience in this situation. #scchat
  • RawnBoulden Jan 2 @ 9:19 PM EST
    A6: Not enough hours in the day 😩 #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 9:19 PM EST
    A5Helping others understand how the roles of school psychs, social workers and counselors are different and equally important for student success. We are not trained the same and cannot substitute one for the other. All children deserve access to comprehensive programming #scchat
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:19 PM EST
    A6: People...lol! People with very differrent ideas. Sometimes it is important to listen to them though. And never give up on doing what is best for Ss #SCCHAT
  • jebatiano Jan 2 @ 9:19 PM EST
    @counselorPCE I knew a tough question was going to come #scchat A6 sometimes it is a lonely world being the only school counselor serving 85 IEP PK-12 deaf and hoh students and wanting to make so many changes and noises because the potential is there
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:19 PM EST
    A6 #SCCHAT We have worked hard to eliminate existing barriers to our work, so our biggest challenge is intentionally spending time in proactive services, as opposed to reactive services. Impacting more students is always our goal!
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A6: Time (of course). But seriously, with 520 Ss, I try to use every second I get to meet with Ss. Then run after school groups/clubs. Have 5 kids of my own at home. I forget to advocate b/c it simply doesn't fit in my time budget (But I know it should). #SCCHAT
  • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A5: I went a little out of my comfort zone and joined our digital citizenship team. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I’m so glad I did it. I will be kicking off an after school group this month to provide a safe place for kids to discuss issues that impact them. #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    That is a great goal. I had always gone to SCA conferences, but this year, I took the leap to join the leadership team for my state association. It really opened my eyes to how I could advocate even more. #scchat
    In reply to @TromineTonya, @AngCleveland, @ASCAtweets, @NJSCA
  • amness Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    I take things too personally. Teachers don't like change and this has been a big year of change for my program. I have a hard time pushing past their dislike of the message and not feeling a little defeated. #scchat
  • CounselorMindy Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A6: my thoughts. Staff members. Other people. I remind constantly I can only control me (my thoughts, responses, actions, etc), so learn how to take criticism and negativity from people. And, to show kindness always! #SCCHAT
    In reply to @counselorPCE
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    Yay! What a great resource, I can't wait! #scchat
    In reply to @AngCleveland, @StvSharp, @myPSCA, @CorwinPress
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A6: Being pulled in so many different directions, time can be a challenge. But trying to keep the focus and work on direct services is the goal. #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A6. I think my major barrier is time... everyone deserves advocacy and will need it at some point. Also, self-imposed limits because of the need for self care, imposed work hours and family/personal commitments #scchat
  • mindywillard17 Jan 2 @ 9:21 PM EST
    Comprehensive School Counseling Programs are Proactive and Preventative! This gets lost sometimes in all of the chaos of Reacting! #scchat
    • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:19 PM EST
      A6 #SCCHAT We have worked hard to eliminate existing barriers to our work, so our biggest challenge is intentionally spending time in proactive services, as opposed to reactive services. Impacting more students is always our goal!
  • RachelDelaneySC Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    Q6: Timing! Getting all the right people in the right room at the right time. #scchat
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    A6: just always making sure others understand the role of the school counselor...like a broken record. #scchat
  • jdeek Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    #scchat A5 - I started my own counseling podcast in June. @SSpellmanCann was one of my first guests on “5-minutes with the Counselor.” Reached my goal of 100 episodes before Christmas. So enjoy sharing my voice.
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    I hate to rush this great #SCCHAT too much . . . but here is Question #7. I said the D word . . . DATA!
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    Absolutely this! This is key and the challenge, but know you can only care for others when you care for yourself first. #scchat
    • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
      A6. I think my major barrier is time... everyone deserves advocacy and will need it at some point. Also, self-imposed limits because of the need for self care, imposed work hours and family/personal commitments #scchat
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    A5: #scchat ready to apply for RAMP for 2019-20/2020-2021 year with my zone, more small groups, college/career awareness. Make a schedule on weekly basis. I still need to do small groups, more consistent in making my schedule. working on a group for career readiness this semester
  • SSpellmanCann Jan 2 @ 9:22 PM EST
    School Counsellors must be leaders when it comes to #digitalcitizenship Good for you Megan #scchat
    • TheMrsNeforos Jan 2 @ 9:20 PM EST
      A5: I went a little out of my comfort zone and joined our digital citizenship team. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I’m so glad I did it. I will be kicking off an after school group this month to provide a safe place for kids to discuss issues that impact them. #scchat
  • StvSharp Jan 2 @ 9:23 PM EST
    RT AngCleveland "Q3 #SCCHAT One time I had a teacher & student in major personality conflict, feeling disrespected & unheard. I listed 10 statements on index cards & had them each raise their hand if the statement applied to them or fill in the blank… https://t.co/gWCgVBOcIB"
  • StvSharp Jan 2 @ 9:23 PM EST
    RT AngCleveland "counselorPCE A4: #SCCHAT Can't (and shouldn't) do this job in isolation! Lean on your school counseling association for strategies! 💜 ASCAtweets ❤️ NJSCA And of course, participate in great Twitter Chats like #SCCHAT!"
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:23 PM EST
    Yes. I remind myself that sometimes people show negativity and "cruelty" because that is what they have been given. Just being an upbeat, positive role model every day is advocacy too #scchat
    In reply to @CounselorMindy, @counselorPCE
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 9:23 PM EST
    A6: The biggest barriers are the lack of clarity of our role as well as the disputed significance of it. But here we are...ready to define! #scchat
  • iheartcounselor Jan 2 @ 9:24 PM EST
    A4: Constant and ongoing communication for common goals is key! We are all super busy so it might take a sticky note, a text, an email, or when a phone call. Whatever it takes!📒 #scchat
  • CounslrSHANNON Jan 2 @ 9:24 PM EST
    A5. #SCCHAT Completed 6th grade classroom antibullying lesson. Started Drop the Drama group for girls. Next goal anti bullying group counseling for boys
    In reply to @ttchorzynski
  • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 9:24 PM EST
    #SCCHAT A6. "Past practice" doesn't = best current practice. The idea that it does can be a frustrating barrier (especially when the current research doesn't support the former).
  • Counselor_Myers Jan 2 @ 9:24 PM EST
    A7: During advisory council meetings to share-out about the different counseling programs and the outcomes of our programming. #scchat
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:24 PM EST
    Totally! I can't stand when the person with all the data and firsthand experience isn't at the meeting! (Plug here for subs for school counselors, as well as teachers) #scchat
    In reply to @RachelDelaneySC
  • Becca_e_Moore Jan 2 @ 9:24 PM EST
    A6. Lack of time is my biggest barrier. We have so many kids and families with needs & I just usually feel like I’m a mile wide and and inch deep. I really want to be able to be more meaningful but I can’t with so many kids. I feel like I’m dropping the ball & I hate that #scchat
  • dgmorelli Jan 2 @ 9:25 PM EST
    A6: Time, having a caseload overtop of regular counselling, lack of clarity of what school counsellors do, and being split between 3 different schools....too much to feel that we can adequately support students to find the support they need. #scchat
  • fabeonsax Jan 2 @ 9:25 PM EST
    A6: #scchat Time. Urgent vs. important items. Making it a habit for myself to try to follow my schedule so that I can be a more effective professional school counselor.
  • TromineTonya - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:26 PM EST
    Q7: Grade Checks! I love teaching kids “how to do school.” We talk about baby steps, study skills, weekly goals, etc...I gathered data to determine if they improved, and then send to teachers! Teachers loved it, and I always have them send me names for the next six weeks! #scchat
  • SweetyP21 Jan 2 @ 9:26 PM EST
    A3: By helping to put the alternative program I work at on the map of our large district, the city as a whole and beyond, by gradually shifting the mindset of who we all are through our School Counseling and Advocacy work . #scchat
  • Wendarooski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:26 PM EST
    A7: In Louisiana it is part of our eval, Student Learning Targets (SLTs) I always created interventions and goals to improve outcome data (attendance, discipline, course enrollment patterns). #SCCHAT
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:27 PM EST
    A7 #SCCHAT Shared our needs assessment results with our teachers so they could identify the many needs of our students. Teachers became much more supportive of the work we were doing once they realized what their students were needing for their academic success.
  • iheartcounselor Jan 2 @ 9:27 PM EST
    A5: Continuing year two of our mentoring program. Using data and @Google to organize mentor and student meetings. #scchat #workinprogress #aliefisd
  • amness Jan 2 @ 9:27 PM EST
    I *LOVE* data. I use it to inform myself of my use of time, I look to see where there is disproportionate office referrals, all Ss are screen with SRSS 3xs a year to get an idea of what teachers are seeing and what the needs are for Tier 2 & 3 services. #scchat
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:27 PM EST
    A7: I actually presented on this @WeAreGSCA and will be presenting on this same topic at @ASCAtweets. I use all types of data to advocate for my program: Pre/Post tests, needs assessment, Use of time, referrals, behavior data. I actually am kinda a freak and I LOVE data! #scchat
  • LRossSchCnslr - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:27 PM EST
    A7: use school data profile to create our program goals. We present this to our leadership team at the beg. of year to show why we are using our time where we use it. Also use our school data profile to show student groups in need of support in terms of program changes #scchat
  • CounselrEberenz Jan 2 @ 9:28 PM EST
    #SCCHAT A7. An annual needs assessment drives my individual and small group counseling for grades 1-3. I use Google Form and partner with Tech teacher to collect the data. Successfully implemented now for 4 years.
  • castaiano Jan 2 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A7. Careful interpretation of the data - first language of the family/student, no jargon, slow pace, give the family their own copy, allow them to ask questions and take notes, correct party there to explain the implications, reassurance that data is ONE tool #scchat
  • CounselorMs Jan 2 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A7: We do a time/task analysis twice a year for a week each time. Track our every moment/task. Share out with our team and admin. #SCCHAT
  • MrsAveryBMS - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A7 #scchat I am beginning to utilize data more and more the last couple of years and it is paying off. Data is the language of administrators and teachers. It brings commonality to our work.
  • RachelDelaneySC Jan 2 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A7: My co-counselor (shoutout to @jennycox_sc) and I were able to show how our direct service hours increased after gifted testing was removed from our responsibilities #SCCHAT
  • jebatiano Jan 2 @ 9:29 PM EST
    #scchat A7 my assistant principal and school director loves data so I try my best to always bring data, luckily a lot of it is already built in and readily available. Recently I had to be the bearer of bad news with attendance data but that made the admin more proactive w/ a plan
  • ttchorzynski - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:29 PM EST
    I'm a self-proclaimed data nerd #SCCHAT!
  • counselorPCE - Moderator Jan 2 @ 9:29 PM EST
    We've been having sooo much fun, I almost don't want to do Q8, but here we go. #NSCW19 is coming up soon. How will you use your advocacy skills during that week? #scchat