#21stedchat Archive
Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Sunday January 31, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Welcome to tonight: RTI, 504, IEP & Regular Ed Accommodations - How Do We Ween SS & Can Tech Help? with & I
Please introduce yourselves and don't forget the hashtag.
Evan Robb- Principal from VA Happy t be here!!
Lara Kinder teacher from WA state
We will be using Q & A to move the convo along. As a side note we won't be chatting next week due to the Super Bowl.
Brianne Loseke, education major
Hi! Rachel, college student in Education in NC!
Juli Gerlach from Miami, FL first time here ready for good discussion
Kim from Fresno, CA. MS Sci/STEM teacher
hi, Rachelle from Pittsburgh, teach Spanish and culture course
Looks like Jill ( ) is gone tonight. Do I have a RTer?
Millions of educators couldn't tell you the first thing about or 21st century ed. And they are brilliant teachers
BTW I am Dave a HS Science Teacher from MI.
I am here, internet trouble, sorry!
Jen from Bay Area, 2nd grade teacher
I am Jill from NC a Personalized Learning Director and cohost for
Hi - Aron. Research Tech Specialist. Seattle-ish. Glad to be here and avoid laundry and the Pro Bowl.
Q1: Are we over intervening for Ss with RTI, IEP's, 504 plans, differentiation etc.?
hi, rachelle from Pgh, Spanish teacher :)
I'm Valerie from the 616. Whats good, teachers????
A1) Students deserve to have education that is designed for them. I don't think we're over intervening.
A1 RTI is a great way to target and create goals that are monitored! Need a good Univ screener
A1 yes. Students need a little struggle in their life. Life is like a box of chocolates.
A1) I do feel that the process can be streamlined though.
JonSmith chiming in. Tech dude.
Q1: quick answer I think no, but I do think intervention needs to be thoughtful and specific
I agree! Students do deserve to have education fit for them and their abilities
A1 Everyone has to answer for themselves. I agree more with this https://t.co/9JGR2u7tqR
A1) Students deserve to have education that is designed for them. I don't think we're over intervening.
A1 struggle and failure are impt but is essential to level playing field for Ss
A1 I think we are providing the necessary supports to meet the diverse needs of all SS.
A1: I think we underestimate Ss ability & develop interventions that many Ss don't need or only need for a short time
A1. I think we need to do what's best for each student but that some things could be streamlined (especially paper work)
DT of Q1: Are we over intervening for Ss with RTI, IEP's, 504 plans, differentiation etc.?
Good point. Probaby needs to be revisited more often than it currently is https://t.co/tyN0aA9nuz
A1: I think we underestimate Ss ability & develop interventions that many Ss don't need or only need for a short time
That is a very good point
A1 Intervention needs to be specific ad student centered
side note: really glad to see more see education students getting involved in Ed chats - no need to wait
I agree, each student deserves the best to suit all their needs
A1: We have to support the learning of all students- how we do that (formally or informally)might vary but it's our obligation!
exactly, many Ss increase their capacity faster than we hold IEPs
Q1: I think it's important to have good partnership with parents and other staff involved to honestly discuss what is necessary
A1) I believe we should cater to everyone's needs but the intervention needs to be thought out and planned very carefully
That's why progress monitoring is so important https://t.co/xxobDGYwOS
Good point. Probaby needs to be revisited more often than it currently is https://t.co/tyN0aA9nuz
A1: I think we underestimate Ss ability & develop interventions that many Ss don't need or only need for a short time
A1: We must make sure that any intervention/changes occurring is in the best interest of the student
Just wrote 2nd quarter progress on an IEP that is almost completely mastered - I'm prone to agree.
hi friends - Julie from St Louis checking in 😀
I think it makes people "trust" more when we officially label how we're supporting students
Q2: As a HS teacher of Jrs & Srs I see a learned dependance on interventions. Should there be a weening process?
A1: There may be too much paperwork or too many programs. I don't think we are over intervening.
A2) There should be a weening process if there is no longer a need for the interventions.
A2: The goal should always be to build independence overtime, but sometimes it takes longer for some students
A2 if we want students to learn and cope, they need a little freedom. Not a super crutch
A2. Difference between weaning of needed supports and teaching Ss to take charge of their own accommodations/supports.
A2 I also teach HS and think Ss need to learn independence and/or use of their accommodation effectively
I think this is one of the toughest things to get right!
A2. I think there needs to be a way to show how to find the interventions they need in the real world, if they cont to need it.
once a strategy is found, let the students soar
RTI /district acc. allowed to all Ss sometimes feel "unofficial" but an IEP and 504 have legal implications
A2 I think so, my knowledge in this area is fairly new, 2 courses last yr, but I observe and work w/Ts to learn more
A2) If the students have become fully dependent on the intervention then I believe there should be some sort of weening process
Always important to do what is best for kids- if weening is not best we should not reduce supports
A2 should ween if it becomes necessary, but dependence on resources and help isn't a bad thing. Support is there for a reason.
The amount of supports available in college are probably not as prevalent.. (just a thought) https://t.co/pX3Tt9X7k2
A2 if we want students to learn and cope, they need a little freedom. Not a super crutch
1st=bad. 2nd is absolutely necessary part of education for life-long success. Disability/needs don't go away when school does.
A2 many adults have 'interventions'. I do things differently based on their needs. Ex some need checklists to stay on track
A2: Vertical Alignment is a strategy for supporting all learners.
A2: What happens when they graduate & there is no longer any interventions or supports.
A2b Ss should learn to depend on the resources and support - it's a part of learning self-advocacy
there is support, but it is on the students to get it
that's part of the process don't you think, college and post college life accommodations and adaptations
Then we shouldn't wonder why there are so many that do not complete college. https://t.co/IfYjq5UBR9
A2: What happens when they graduate & there is no longer any interventions or supports.
I agree as long as the students are not relying fully on the support system and are still able to learn
that is some of the problems we are seeing on the higher level.
why self-advocacy goals are a key component of any good IEP program.
A2: the goal should always be independence w/the understanding that "independence" may mean different things for different Ss
This is what I am seeing full dependance. Want 5-10 Q quizzes read to them. What will they do upon graduation?
A2: There needs to be a balance between the two topics, unfortunately this is very hard to accomplish
Good point. Include the students in their own IEPs and growth plans.
why self-advocacy goals are a key component of any good IEP program.
Sometimes this is the only way they can show what they know based on their disability https://t.co/TNijY4D7AA
This is what I am seeing full dependance. Want 5-10 Q quizzes read to them. What will they do upon graduation?
however when they enter the wkplace they have a choice about careers which may in itself be an accom
A2 Well large universities lecture in many Fresh classes- is that a reason to lecture?
Ss need to learn to use for independence starting early for this very reason!
Great points, students need support but ultimately need to be able to be independent
This then conflicts with college and career readiness. What career are they ready for?
that's required by law starting at age 14, but it should be done with every student!
You are leading in to Q3 up in a couple of minutes.
I think they should slowly be weened off the support and focus on teaching strategies to read and figure out info
or learn the support resources they can rely on independently
absolutely -the support is there to help them learn. Can't use it to avoid learning - then it's not a true support
Sometimes grown-ups need to read things outloud to comprehend- it's about figuring out what works for the ind.
Q3: Can technology inside and out of the classroom help? Please give examples if possible.
Rt of Q2: As a HS teacher of Jrs & Srs I see a learned dependance on interventions. Should there be a weening process?
I do and model that for my Ss
You wouldn't try to wean a S with a medical need off their lifesaving meds - you teach them to take charge of them. Same thing!
I agree but these students have it read to them. Won't happen in life will it?
A3 tech creates a level starting point for students to show knowledge and skills
A3) I believe technology can help in both areas, technology has become very important in the 21st century
with assistive tech it could
A3: Technology is not a silver bullet.
A3: Education almost revolves around technology these days so I do believe it could help tremendously
A3 tech sure can help - I love for the ability Ts and paras have to support, give feedback to students in real time
I think this may be where schools are failing. How do we fix it?
depends on how well they have been taught to find what they need to be successful in their life
You need to teach the S to effectively *use* the tech - or it's just an expensive dust collector.
A3 In the class- one to one tech can dramatically increase engagement!
A3: has approx. 30 schools in that are using technology to support personalized learning.
A3) Tech can assist with helping students better access the content. Can provide scaffolding and personalize learning.
Q3b Who's job is it to get Ss using assistive tech? What if schools can't afford it?
1:1 tech can help to level the playing field
A3 Yes, gives Ss resources to help w/content, alternate ways to learn, meet diverse needs/skills, personalizd
Curious to know what supports are in place in your schools for teachers to strategically teach students who struggle
A3: Short answer is 'Having a grand piano doesn't make me pianist". Tech is helpful but need to know how best to use.
A3: my Ss use Text To Speech & Speech to Text on their Chromebook, both have helped a lot this year w/all Ss
supports lifelong learning
agreed but it can help, but we should be showing how to receive help w/o electronic tech. also
A3 I agree in the 50's people thought 8MM would change Ed- Tech can enhance when great it transforms
This chat is making me think about philosophy and vision
Mandate goals and instruction in self-advocacy. Teach about options. intervene when you see learned helplessness.
Not very many. SPED T's overwhelmed in their own world. Up to Reg Ed T's to figure it out on their own.
doesn't have to be high-tech.
Agree, tech is a great tool but we must understand how to utilize it to it's full potential or else it's useless
A3: something like Tenmarks or Front Row Education allows Ss to have questions read aloud and offers videos and hints
I've heard a lot of schools say they use technology. Unfortunately, we I visit the classrooms, not much is used effectively.
Can I recommend to you the wisdom of the community....
A3 I 100% Agree! A Smart board can easily be a high tech blackboard
Rt of Q3: Can technology inside and out of the classroom help? Please give examples if possible.
I think it is important to define tech, many ppl think it is elec. devices when it can be anything used to help us solve a prob.
remember friends. Tech is just a tool to supplement good teaching
Rt of Q3b Who's job is it to get Ss using assistive tech? What if schools can't afford it?
Everyone has interactive boards. Most use them as $90 overhead projectors
A3) Students who can't attend school can attend virtually and keep up with their learning.
Learning can extend beyond the day.
It's like saying: We did the lesson today. We covered the standards. We gave grades. We mapped the curriculum.
My teachers in HS only used our expensive boards to project their powerpoints when they could have done so much more
doesn't have to be expensive. Many free/low cost options. Sometimes families can get via insurance.
A3b There are intermediate units in PA that can provide/assist, with assistive tech.
A3b) It's up to everyone to be able to get the assistive tech into the hands of the students.
In some cases "can't afford it" is against the law.
in all cases. Not saying it doesn't happen. Just saying it's against the IDEA.
smart boards aren't always (I'd say rarely) used smartly
A3 Yes technology can help. Flipped classrooms are an innovative way to use tech outside class.
and Smart's new pricing strategy, They are going the way of the dinosaurs
it baffles me to I see a SMARTboard not set up to be interactive. Why? (miss my SMARTboard...)
Q4: How can we help reg ed T's help those with interventions especially when many classes are stacked w/them?
yeah, even less smart. opened new building this year. Whiteboard walls and no smartboards
A3 I agree!!1 It is important for administration to encourage growth and risk taking!
people get poor training. I love the video annotation feature on the PD side
Q4 Clarification...At Risk Ss tracked. Usually one class is heavy with them not evenly spread out.
IME school is advocating for Ss to use MORE tech. Maybe a HID vs Severe Needs difference?
It is a new world. We have found out that whiteboards are as effective
show them how it can benefit and make their teaching easier and more effective
Fast Baby Steps....,Effective PD is needed. Try 15 minute PD Power Bites on morning before school each week. Continuity!
A4) Provide teachers the resources needed to help their students.
PD is an important part of supporting your teachers. https://t.co/TcnjHw3rm7
Fast Baby Steps....,Effective PD is needed. Try 15 minute PD Power Bites on morning before school each week. Continuity!
A4: Professional Development, Co-Teaching Strategies, Personalized Learning Playlists, and Differentiated Curriculum/Resources
Love my whiteboard, but miss my SMARTboard - was more accessible for S access.
and create a collaborative culture where Ts support Ts!
I agree, if the teachers don't have enough resources they will not be able to help the students at all
we do 20 min 3 times a year, am groups it is a faculty favorite
That seems to be a general challenge in upper grades.
A4 Great question!!
Differentiating, belief in students, PD to support pedagogy, positive connections with students
A4. Effective fast tips for Ts on how to get resources & then cont office hour like time to talk and tell what works and doesnt
Technology can be a Game Changer for teaching & learning!
we are going to a co teaching model next year I'm excited
They're OUR students. Give us time to figure out how to best help and support them. https://t.co/wK84cRk2NT
and create a collaborative culture where Ts support Ts!
Can I introduce you to this new slide ruler
A4 Give opps for PD, collab w/ other Ts, We had schoolwide programs/training, I took grad courses,
A4) I think the teachers should also receive support, from more resources, or collaboration from other teachers
A4 Provide effective resources, model effectiveness, provide support.
A4. Play with the tech, use it w/ Ss and learn together.
A4: Teachers need more resources to make their teaching more effective and provide support
2 nts Superbowl themed 8pm
starting n15m
A4: It's all about creating smart systems. is one way to customize, but & are some other!
I agree, give them support constantly and they will eventually buy in
Don't forget the importance of
Q5: What one thing can we do tomorrow to help our students to lose or reduce their dependence on interventions?
A4: tech actually gives me more opportunities to work 1:1 or small group w/Ss, also scaffolding during lesson
isn't there public funding for assistive tech? Title 1 and 2? If not that's a cause for someone to donate toward
and let Ss play with technology and teach you and each other
A5: Be aware of how often we intervene before they have a question
A5 ask them what you can do to help them. Talk to them
A5) We could gradually ween the students off the support by letting them think and learn by themselves as much as possible
A5: Accountable Talk, Quick Writes, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, PBL, and Rubrics
A5: Ask them for their input; so many unique ideas can come from out students
A5: Involve them in creating a fading plan. That way we have shared goal and better buy-in.
I agree, we should have a conversation with them and find out what they are thinking about the whole situation
A5 Include them in the conversation, ask questions, provide support, communicate and get their input
I don't think we need to have them lose interventions, just find those they can use and find independently
A5.Assess for appropriateness of accommodations. What will make Ss more independent learners? Add those.
A5 Be clear about expectations- be positive, set students up for success!
A5. Try and let the Ss come up with how 2 intervene in one or two scenarios G.R.R.
A5 Build Ss agency through non-cognitive skills along w/ working memory and executive function as everyones brain is different
I agree, having to struggle for answers is essential
exactly, we can provide the best tech in the world, but w/out modeling & support,the tech cannot create effective change
Title I & II
Excellent, if used properly...or if taken advantage of for the district.
yes! Students can come up with very interesting and unique ideas about any situation
A5) Empower them to better understand how to intervene and seek out the supports for themselves.
A5: Learned Helplessness is an issue with some Ss. Providing academic support and scaffolding is just good teaching. Diff Topics
Q6 Coming up. Remember no chat next week.
Be a reflective educator and ask for feedback
Yes! Independence is the goal
Q6: What is/are your takeaway(s) from tonight?
A5: build confidence in Ss, often they lack the confidence to try w/o the intervention, show You are confident in their ability
a little more compassion from some. Not all students can go at the same pace. One size does not fit all.
Hi I need to interview a professional for my essay
A6) Students need to be involved in their own learning. All kids deserve their own plan.
A6: utilize our tech more effectively and find a balance between support and independence- kids can help find this balance?
Takeaway: we need to do more teaching of self-advocacy. And do more to get GenEd Ts on board with the process!
A6: One size does not fit all- we need to remember that, regardless of how challenging this can be
A6) There is so much more to education than I first realized and I need to listen to my students to meet their needs
A6 keep working toward Ss independence and help Ss fight for same
Yes- it might look different for him than anyone else, and that is ok!
A6) I am very excited to continue my journey of becoming an educator! I hope I am able to give my students their best chance!
A6 Important to provide support for Ss, but also keep them in the converstn, show their input matters,build independ
A6 Our expectations of ourselves/students has a positive or negative impact on the classroom- Choose the positive
Great chat tonight everyone. Welcome to all new ers. Come back in two weeks. Topic tweeted out later next week.
Great chat tonight everyone. Welcome to all new ers. Come back in two weeks. Topic tweeted out later next week.
Thanks for the chat this evening. See you in a few weeks.
Valentine's Day?
Thanks - my first time joining tonight! Thanks for getting my wheels turning!
No next week. Enjoy the superbowl or a night off!
thanks all, I look forward to next time