Walt, principal at CRJ Baltimore. A celebration for me this week was recognizing the academic award winners for 3rd quarter and out Distinctive Scholars of the Archdiocesan Schools of Baltimore. #mdeschat
A1- After graduating from college, I realized that teaching was where I was called, so I got into the school system, simultaneously got the EDU coursework needed, and the rest is history. 12 years later, having as much fun as ever. #mdeschat
I can definitely relate. Was blessed to have had so many wonderful teachers growing up. Learned so much from them, and appreciated their impacts. #mdeschat
A1: Sometimes I reflect on the student I was as an elementary learner; the challenges of being misunderstood and felt I should give back understanding to urban school environments. #mdeschat
Powerful reflection, Walt! I think of my experiences in elementary, and throughout school from time to time. Helps me to consider my approach and fuels my desire to be positively impactful. #mdeschat
A1: Mentors, parents, colleagues, and students, who reach back sharing narratives of my days as a teacher/coach all help to affirm my career path. #mdeschat
A2. My teachers and as soon as I became a teacher; my students! They challenge me and push me to be better for them; they are my reason and inspiration #mdeschat
A2- At a summer program where I worked during the summers while in college, a pastor and his wife, as well as my church pastor, and of course my family were instrumental in affirming my career path even when I didn't realize it. #mdeschat
A3. Hugs, high 5s, saying I'm proud of their efforts & accomplishments, positive parent communication, or 😊 & say I'm glad you're here today #mdeschat
A3- Faith-based answer- God calls me to love. I have to walk and talk in love. So important for my Ss to see that. Don't have to talk about my faith to show love, help them to know that I care, and that I am here for them and want to see them succeed. #mdeschat
A3. I receive my students in the morning; we celebrate, we laugh... I support their struggles, their fears, their adventures and their learning. They know they can count on me and that I count on them. Building relationships #mdeschat
A3: Affirming Ss begins with an understanding and respect for their dignity, which influences communication, modeling, and sharing experiences to promote each other’s development. #mdeschat
A4: Affirming Ps can be done by inviting them to partner in schooling, listening to understand their concerns, and identifying their children’s disposition toward college and careers. #mdeschat
A4. W/ every interaction, show I care by engaging & sharing something about positive their child, this includes when calling home after an office visit #mdeschat
A4. Start by listening and giving them a voice. Empower them to partner with you in benefit of their kids. Make them part of the team and thank what they do. Model #mdeschat
Yes! Ps need to feel that their voices are heard, as they are of course a critical piece to the partnership between parents, teachers, students, and school community. #mdeschat
A4- Connecting daily w/ highlights and opportunities for growth. Greeting w/ a smile. I even give parents high-5's and hand shakes from time to time, like I do my Ss. Maintains that positive connection. #mdeschat
A5: One way I affirm colleagues is by listening to their challenges without judgement and being a champion for them through challenges/successes. #mdeschat
A6. Come to Twitter and connect with my PLN and WoW it does lift me up and knocks those walls down. Thanks to #mdeschat! and all my awesome collaborators