#wischat Archive
#wischat is a great way for Wisconsin educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Sunday October 2, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Welcome back for the latest edition of . In Honor of Connected Educator Month, our topic is What It Means To Be A Connected Educator
We will be following a Q1, Q2 ... A1, A2 format. Remember to include in all of your tweets.
Please begin by introducing yourself and let us know where you are joining us from tonight.
Hey, John. Looking forward to this evenings chat. Jay, Principal from Merton, WI joining in for
John Gunnell, middle school Principal from Baraboo, Wisconsin.
- Good evening Jay. Welcome back for
Hey all you mentors and mentees and chatters! We're talking connected educators on
Hi Rita from St. Croix Falls. Best weather ever this weekend!
Q1: What does the term "connected educator" mean to you?
- thanks for joining us tonight on Rita.
A1: Connected educator means one who collaborates and connects with other. Also one who uses tech to do connect and more
A1 Being a connected educator means that you are always learning with and from everyone you can. … https://t.co/fueg7pwVPY
Q1: What does the term "connected educator" mean to you?
A1: A connected educator sees the value in developing a professional łearning network that extends beyond their school district.
A1: A connected educator uses digital tools and social networks to extend their own łearning and collaborate with others.
YES! No need to "know it all," looking to others to help. This fits w/ both A1 & https://t.co/03XcyEX1GQ
A1 Being a connected educator means that you are always learning with and from everyone you can. … https://t.co/fueg7pwVPY
Q1: What does the term "connected educator" mean to you?
A1 A connected educator takes ownership 4 their own professional development by collaborating w/an open ended network of learners.
- thank you for being a part of tonight.
Thanks for welcoming me 🍎👍 I love soaking up everyone's genius ideas because it makes me better https://t.co/qb3hhyT3Nj
- thank you for being a part of tonight.
Q2: What platforms/devices/resources etc, are essential tools in today's connected educator's tool box?
A2: Twitter, Google Drive, FB, YouTube, text I use each every day!
A2 My favorites are Twitter and Voxer, but I use Google hangouts, too. https://t.co/t2yG26HfDC
Q2: What platforms/devices/resources etc, are essential tools in today's connected educator's tool box?
Hi all! Sorry I'm a little late... Sarah, Middleton, 5th grade teacher, and
A1: It means making meaningful connections with educators around you and staying up to date on methodology and practice. 1/2
A2: I still rely primarily on Twitter, Google apps, Voxer, Todaysmeet and Facebook. There are quite a few new tools out there now.
A1: It also means incorporating technology to improve and transform instruction, seeking out others through tech. 2/2
A2: I still haven't tried Voxer. I need to make that a professional goal.
- Welcome Sarah, thank you for joining us tonight on . We are glad to have you here with us.
A2: Twitter, Instagram, Google Classroom, Google sites. I've become a better communicator because of them.
- Voxer is an excellent tool for collaboration. I'll admit that I don't use it enough.
A2: I'm also a big fan to . Another great way to connect with students and another opportunity to show learning.
Q3: What are some of the most frequently cited barriers to becoming a connected educator?
A3: cited...time. Not cited but observed...fixed mindset.
A3 Time. Don't know or understand the format. Don't want everyone to know what I'm eating/doing. … https://t.co/Ww4K1jND8E
Q3: What are some of the most frequently cited barriers to becoming a connected educator?
A3: Lack of access to resources or training to meaningfully incorporate connectedness as a part of being a professional.
A3: The most frequently cited barrier is time, but that is a bit of an excuse. I believe that the biggest barrier is mindset.
A2-Google+ communities have quickly become my favorite!! Great way to share, collaborate, and communicate!
A3: They don't know how! Many of my friends say this about Twitter. Also, they don't want another thing to do. I get that!
A3: Time is always an issue, but it's how we spend our time. Full day conferences are time consuming too and often not as engaging.
A3: My principal has encouraged staff to connect using Twitter. It's been great ot see it modeled well.
A3--many people feel as though they don't have time. What they don't realize is that being connected is a huge time saver!
- Thanks for joining us on tonight.
- Welcome back Dale. Thanks for joining us on tonight.
Agree. I really don't thinkn it's for everyone. I try to talk about why I like it w/o pushing the idea
Ray Boyd , Australia sorry forgot to intro
..and the next staff meeting will be a only
- Thanks for being a part of . We welcome your collaboration.
Q4: How can connected educators best assist their colleagues with getting connected?
A4: Model. Educators need to realize the value that is added to their professional growth that comes with being connected.
A4: Answer questions and model what you do in your practice. Share mistakes successes. Emphasize growth in being connected.
Exposure to the 21st century. we use PD to expose our crew to new ideas and current communication platforms https://t.co/MFTtnZO0jD
Q4: How can connected educators best assist their colleagues with getting connected?
A4: share the stories of what you've learned by being connected, how fun it can be and that you can do it at your leisure
A4: Loved idea to do a staff mtg or PD by twitter
A4-As elem principal, I try to post challenges for Ts in which when met have to be shared to Twitter. Reward: free jeans day.
Yes! I think sharing our own successes is a great idea. https://t.co/3F1FGfGe9E
A4: share the stories of what you've learned by being connected, how fun it can be and that you can do it at your leisure
A4: being connected isn't difficult and no more time consuming than you want it to be
A4: Being connected is a huge time saver and it provides a lot more bang for your buck than many traditional PD formats.
if staff are on Twitter, instagram , tumbler I praise them on social media , they engage with colleagues 2 take up
A4: It's like in the business world, you need to be on top of trends and changes. Unconnected educators are being left behind.
I get resistance no time for social media how do I approach that?
I forgot our school Instagram account! I use IFTTT to connect it with Twitter and Facebook so I only need to post once.
A4 Being connected puts the łearning in the hands of the learner. It gives you total control over your own professional development
Yes its gr8 2b able 2use 1platform to channel thru to others we linked our school's facebook , twitter, tumblr &instagram
find two teachers who you can show how Twitter works. Then find two more. It takes no time to see the value
- By giving them the time to start. Teach them how to start. Provide practice time and model, model, model.
Good strategy to help others learn to use twitter to learn! https://t.co/1q0GGrIbFT
find two teachers who you can show how Twitter works. Then find two more. It takes no time to see the value
Do you mean to post for the school or to learn on the side?
Q5: How can we best support students on the path to becoming connected learners?
I think is right about giving time in school, at PD or mtgs.
You will see progress if and when you provide PD time to teach and let them play with it
we have a social media person at each school to post for the school I want more on for learning what others r doing
A5-allow them to use SM for learning activities in the classroom. Let them see the value of SM as a learning tool. Not just social
A5: Encourage them to get connected. Model digital citizenship. I tell Ss that they're publishing and need to be professional. 1/2
A5: Many students are already connected. It is important to help them understand how to use their networks for real world łearning.
So important. I do most of the posting for my school and do it several times a day. Getting a school ipad helped
A5: the obvious answer is to model but the best is to be connected with students online.
Also, picking one or two people to be the social media ambassadors, as the librarian, I was a good choice
- Offer "badges" or prizes for participating in Twitter challenges.
YES to prizes! How about taking a tcr's class while s/he drinks a fancy coffee in the lounge!
Our foreign language classes used instagram to do scavanger hunts throughout the school with a hashtag it was pretty sweet
A5: I then teach them how to Tweet, etc., from my classroom accounts, . We work on professionalism from there. 2/2
Integrate activities that require connectivity into exiting lessons.
A5: I teach 4k-4th grade. We stop at email. At home many use
Integrating is key. No tech for the sake of tech.
It is important to understand what message or impression you want to create on social front!
A6: What efforts are being made in your school and/or district to get parents connected to the positive stuff happening in schools?
A6: using social media. Facebook has been great for engaging parents.
Q6: What efforts are being made in your school and/or district to get parents connected to the positive stuff happening in schools?
A6: Very active Facebook page!, Schology, Twitter account, , and
A6: Many of our schools have Twitter accounts. I've invited parents to follow us on Instagram and Twitter. Many Ts have websites.
A6 We use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Classroom and Infinite Campus Messenger in order to connect with our families.
A6: We frequently use the telephone to reach out and connect directly w/ parents/share good news about students + class happenings.
Twitter is like a huge forest with birds tweeting. Some join by RT and others add further tweets to yours. Great way to connect!
Q7: Last question, who should we all be adding to our professional łearning network?
A7: There are so many great educators to follow on Twitter. Don't be afraid to talk to strangers.
- We ask all of our teachers to connect by phone with 100% of their students and we document + track those contacts.