Good morning everyone, my name is Cliandonica Del Mundo! I am an aspiring Elementary Special Education teacher attending Stockton University, New Jersey. This is my first #sunchat!
I am excited to participate in my very first #Sunchat ! My name is Sarah and I am a sophomore Speech Pathology major with a mild to mod. Special Ed. minor at Kent State University.
Good morning, beautiful friends, old and new! Alex, 21st Century Teaching and Learning Coordinator in rainy Freeport, IL, Where is was -37°F just a few days ago! #sunchat
A1: This something that our school is desperately trying to build and improve upon. We have a very large school that leads to teacher, administration, and faculty isolation. But our new administration is slowly trying to change that and develop a sense of school spirit #sunchat
HI! Susan from the Jersey Shore - a bit collier than the rest of the area because the winds are coming across a frozen bay, so my toes are up against the wood stove this morning. How's everyone doing? Grade 6 ELA.... #sunchat
Positive social climate in my school is a safe learning environment, positive relationships between the students and with the students, and pay attention to any needs students may have! #sunchat#gen2108
To me, a positive school climate is an explicitly inclusive school climate. I would love to know what your schools' intentional inclusive school practices are... #sunchat
Good morning, #sunchat. Karl, 3-6 basic skills ELA teacher from the NJ shore checking in.
It's 30* and it feels like short sleeve weather already after the last week of temps!
How's it going?
A1: They are developing leadership teams (with more teachers included) to tackle issues like climate (for both students and faculty), trauma informed education, school safety, etc. Collaboration between admin., T's, and S's the should help improve the social climate #sunchat
To me, a positive social climate means that everyone feels valued and heard. It’s the understanding that we all have an essential role to play in the well-being of the whole- and knowing that we are strongest together #sunchat
Good morning, everyone. I'm Jim McClain, a middle school math teacher in northern Indiana. Thirty-two years in with 167 days to go in my career. Not that I'm counting or anything. #sunchat
(1/2) #sunchat On the subject of positive classroom climate...I want to share a quote from an orchestra student in my district that was sent to me: "It's kind of like a big family :) We're all really nice to each other, and helpful, and thoughtful to each other."
(2/2) #sunchat ...Everyone cares about everyone. If I've been having a bad day, it's really nice to come to a class where everybody wants everybody to be happy and succeed. It's just a really really happy and kind environment."
I may not even get to watch the game today, but I will once again be rooting for the Patriots to lose. (Not the same thing as rooting for the Rams to win, although that would be the outcome.) #sunchat
While i was teaching preschool, I tried to create a positive social climate starting with my own attitude and positivity. I wanted my students to learn from an example in their classroom. #sunchat
Inclusivity, voice, love, genuine support- so many crucial ingredients to a positive social climate.
Q- are high expectations also a necessary ingredient? #sunchat
One of the things the #sunchat mod team talked about before sharing this topic was the balancing act of being the "fun" teacher versus the "traditional" teacher. Are their misconceptions about both? How does thar relate to social climate? #sunchat
A positive social climate is one where everyone works to make everyone feel accepted regardless of who they are. Sometimes people don't want to connect but they should not be able to say people didn't try #sunchat
A positive school climate is one where both staff and students want to come into the building. Both adults and students are encouraged to work together. #sunchat
I also think that a positive climate does not necessarily mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows. We all have rough days- how do we treat each other when times get rough? How do we recover? #sunchat
So important to model that behavior - especially when we deal with other adults in front of the students. Co-teachers need to show respect and cooperation between them so students see that in action. #sunchat
While i was teaching preschool, I tried to create a positive social climate starting with my own attitude and positivity. I wanted my students to learn from an example in their classroom. #sunchat
I think it's important to note, especially for middle school teachers, that when students are undergoing drastic hormonal changes, they often don't say what they mean to you. They often say what they feel. They may respect you very much, but can't express it well. #sunchat
I also think that a positive climate does not necessarily mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows. We all have rough days- how do we treat each other when times get rough? How do we recover? #sunchat
This is a great point. I also think we don't think about how to do rough days well. I started doing roses and thorns in my classes. It is one way to handle rough times. #sunchat
A1) I believe so as long as they’re reasonable. It’s great way to push students along knowing that they can achieve a goal and will feel such a sense of accomplishment. It will install a “shoot for the stars” motto in them #sunchat#gen2108
Our school started posting 1 min videos of teachers and students saying why they chose to be there. So many of our teachers are alumni who have been there since graduation. #sunchat
If students are focused on being "right" or proving they're "best" instead of focused on making meaning collaboratively, that's a negative environment. Getting students to focus on working together + making meaning together as a community is a sign of a positive climate. #SunChat
@tiffanytruitt I think the most difficult part of finding this balance is in how you challenge students. A misconception is that "fun" teachers perhaps don't push their students intellectually/academically as much as "traditional" teachers. #sunchat
The next day after they cuss you out, they will apologize in tears. As a middle school teacher, you have to let stuff like that roll off your back, and it's a very hard lesson to learn. Give kids a new start every day at that level. #sunchat
I think you can still be a “traditional” teacher and have strong relationships with the students, which helps build a better climate. There is a right balance to strike, and it’s not always easy to accomplish it #sunchat
Great tangential, yet critical, question. My co-teacher, @teachjv93, is a master of this balance. Laughter and fun, but couple with the ebb-and-flow of getting serious thinking and work done. Learning a ton from her this year. #sunchat
Maybe it is not about being fun or traditional, although I think balance is a better approach. It might be more about being accepting and inclusive than teaching style. #sunchat
People want to be a part of something. They want to do well. Taking high expectations out really waters down the sense of pride and accomplishment.
...but, can you have a positive climate without high expectations? Yes. It will just be more surface-level. #SunChat
I think an important component of a positive social climate in a school is the ability to foster and provide space for critical conversations...whether that is teacher to student, student to student, student to teacher, or teacher to teacher #sunchat
For me, a positive school environment is one where members of the community attempt to create a place that people desire to be a part & contribute #sunchat
A1: I think a positive social climate means that everyone feels welcomed, accepted, and supported. In a way, knowing that when you walk into the school or classroom, you will be welcomed with positivity and encouragement from everyone. #sunchat
A1-- A positive school climate is one where everyone feels welcomed and safe to share their feedback and opinions. We can agree to disagree while working together for the best interest of our students. #sunchat
I've been thinking for a while now about what positive social climate means for those who work in a school, whether teacher, admin, office, custodian, bus driver. Do we wake up each morning excited to be with those with whom we work? Why or why not? Does this matter? #sunchat
A1 positive social climate is key at my school- I start with greetings at the door, learning Ss interests, giving Ss nicknames, looking Ss in the eye and letting them know I love them and my job #sunchat
If students are focused on being "right" or proving they're "best" instead of focused on making meaning collaboratively, that's a negative environment. Getting students to focus on working together + making meaning together as a community is a sign of a positive climate. #SunChat
@TheKevinMCline I believe it comes down to what your school prioritizes. If you prioritize a positive social climate and you model your own expectations for what that looks like, then the results you seek should follow #sunchat
That is so true in middle years. They can be very cruel and very fun and it switches up many times a day. Fresh starts are necessary and we cannot take what they do and say personally. #sunchat
Those of us who are parents understand that kids need defined boundaries (heck, we all do!). Making sure the classroom is a mix of "fun" and "disciplined learning" seems to work well for me in my room. Know when it's time to buckle down and get to learning. #sunchat
This is an awesome question. I think there are misconceptions with both. I think the word we need to use most is support. Sometimes things are fun. Sometimes things are traditional. Sometimes we are neither. However, I am always supportive. #sunchat
A positive social climate also means being honest & calling out when people are doing things that detract from it. Confrontation/honesty can be hard. But letting things slide lets them simmer. #SunChat
Yes- we focus on growth: “Who stretched their brain today? Who tried something new?” So success is accessible to everyone and all contributions are valued #sunchat
This is one of my key messages to preservice teachers: you can't take anything personally if you want to have a positive classroom climate. We react poorly when we internalize what likely isn't about us. Clean slates for everyone every single day. #SunChat
Adults, on the other hand...should know better. I give kids a lot more leeway than I do colleagues, and that's one of my biggest faults as a teacher. #sunchat
I 100% agree. Fun does not always = properly challenging lessons aligned with the curriculum. Traditional does not always = boring. It's much more contextual and complicated than popular culture may have non-educators think. #sunchat
I think you can still be a “traditional” teacher and have strong relationships with the students, which helps build a better climate. There is a right balance to strike, and it’s not always easy to accomplish it #sunchat
I think trying to find that perfect balance between both is hard, but not impossible. I’ve had a few teachings growing up that were traditional but also fun, and those are some of the classes and teachers i remember most #sunchat#gen2108
A former colleague was fond of saying that the working conditions of the staff are the learning conditions for the students. Do you agree? Why or why not? #sunchat
The balance is key. It’s important that kids enjoy being in the croom, and fun/laughter are big. But the kids should also expect to work; if our kids are leaving our crooms having only having had fun and no learning is happening, there is a problem. #sunchat
I think it does matter. How can we want positive social culture when the adults are not feeling positive? We need to model the culture we are are wanting to promote. #sunchat
Late to the convo - at the core, isn’t belonging what all people want? Notice I’m not at school. Learn something about. Take an interest in my personhood. Devise clubs that help me shine. Call my parents for the good you see in me - not just bad #sunchat
Even some educators. You can have a fun, hands-on, and engaging classroom that isn’t all lecture and test format (nothing against that), and the kids can still be learning #sunchat
In this sense of the term climate, I am truly focusing on the complexity of learning taking place. I think we spend a lot of time talking about acceptance and inclusiveness, but rigor and opportunities for deeper learner are important too when talking about climate. #sunchat
Maybe it is not about being fun or traditional, although I think balance is a better approach. It might be more about being accepting and inclusive than teaching style. #sunchat
This is such a hard one for me. As a POC, I had horrible experiences of Ts not having high expectations for me. I wonder if I am not having high expectations for some of my Ss with disabilities. Some of my same reasons where applied to me by my Ts. Help!! #sunchat
why must everything be an either or ... it is possible to create a fun learning opportunity ... the biggest thing is to just be who you are. If you are not a "fun" person than your "fun" lessons will more than likely fall flat. #sunchat
@MissWinegar Unfortunately, the answer to both of your questions is no. We are taking baby steps and certainly much more is needed. But prior to this year, there was absolutely no collaboration among the various stakeholders #sunchat
Creating this sort of culture requires a lot of unlearning. When students come to my class, we have to spend a lot of time creating the conditions for this + implementing student-led, student-centered collaborative structures that support this kind of climate. #SunChat
Not surprisingly, when talking with both adults and students in a school
they often reflected on their relationships with teachers and administrators. Students often used familial terms when referring to adults who supported them academically and personally. #sunchat
Even some educators. You can have a fun, hands-on, and engaging classroom that isn’t all lecture and test format (nothing against that), and the kids can still be learning #sunchat
Largely - yes. We are all in the same space, the same environment, and we are all human beings with emotions. How can staff conditions NOT have an impact on student conditions? #SunChat
I incorporate games & humor, but Im not trying to be fun for fun's sake, Im trying to engage young minds to think deeply about history, the humor & games are tools to accomplish that goal, & it works for me b/c it fits my personality. #sunchat
Feb 6, 2019 is Global School Play Day! Join the grassroots movement to bring awareness to the importance of unstructured play for children. 390,000 plus from 68 Nations are ready to play. Are you? Learn more & register at
Yes it matters. It’s hard for you to be positive for the students if you are miserable or just unhappy in the atmosphere. You can only fake it till you make it for so long #sunchat
The balance is key. It’s important that kids enjoy being in the croom, and fun/laughter are big. But the kids should also expect to work; if our kids are leaving our crooms having only having had fun and no learning is happening, there is a problem. #sunchat
I think we forget that everyone has a responsibility to make a climate happen. So many times we want it to be a program or rules that make it occur. Everyone sets tones in a room or building. #sunchat
I don't know if it is how they are saying it, either. I think it is more about what are they trying to say. Filter through the angry words and disrespectful tones and find the actual message. #sunchat
I think that these implicit, subconscious biases are SO hard to surface and address. Kudos for your awareness. Don't know if I have any great advice, but that awareness is a great start. #SunChat
That is an interesting point. We also discuss this often as a student support team. Do our students at the top get lost and are not challenged as they should be in our quest to be inclusive and accepting? If so, what can we do about it? #sunchat
A2: I believe high expectations are necessary to the extent that they are reasonable and measurable. It's important that these expectations are also measurable so that the student can feel that sense of accomplishment once they have met their goal #sunchat
...bringing in community partners to provide resources & support to Ss, developing a school wide budget process to increase the transparency of where dollars are being spent, & opportunities for staff to share their thoughts & participate in differentiated PD. #sunchat
Have you ever walked into a school and know the school climate is good/bad? What do you feel, see, think, notice that contributes to these environments? #sunchat
For me I’m happy when I hear a student say “This is one of those class’s where we work”...that tells me something about expectations and that Ss are in a mindset. Having said that, I have a goal to hear laughter at least three times in a class period. #sunchat
That's so awesome! Love it! If a classroom doesn't make space to honor attempts at learning + to consider all voices, I'm not really sure that's a climate that I'd consider positive. #SunChat
That is such a loaded question. Because I use comics in the classroom, teachers think that I don't teach serious math. Nothing could be further from the truth. I get a lot of rude comments made behind my back that get back to me. They don't withstand scrutiny. #sunchat
Yes- kids know when they’re being given busy work. Giving students choice and voice in their learning promotes positive classroom experiences. #sunchat
your learning environment is your gift to your kids ... if you choose to be the a-hole teacher than that is the culture you will breed. I had a group of kids who were afraid to go ask a teacher a legit question because they were afraid she would yell at them ... she did #sunchat
Doesn’t sound like a fault to me. Students deserve more leeway than adults, and adults who are cruel, disparaging, sarcastic or caustic need to know the devastating impact that could have. #sunchat
And I think that’s a good time to teach by example of not saying what you don’t mean and finding the right words to express yourself or I feel like that behavior will carry on with them #sunchat#gen2108
In reply to
@alextvalencic, @lethajhenry, @TheJimMcClain
In order to have fun and learn, teachers need to cultivate an #SEL environment. If there's low respect, then "fun" goes sideways. And learning can't get done anyway.
I totally agree! Even on days (which we all have) that we are not in the best mood so being able to keep that out of our classroom because the moods of people can easily change the mood of every student. #sunchat
Positive climate during reading workshop gives Ss the autonomy to curate texts that they want to read. When Ss curate for themselves & others, they are engaged and motivated to read and learn more! #whatareyougroupingfor#sunchat
One thing that does not create a positive school environment is forcing teachers to perform in cookie-cutter classrooms. Diversity is the salt of life & students should gain an appreciation that their school a kaleidoscope of teaching styles to engage them #sunchat
issue I am not hesitant to ask my teacher or advisors a question. Overall, there is a positive social climate for the entire Stockton community. #sunchat
THIS -> The discourse and tone seen in a school’s main office and at the doors
simultaneously inform and are informed by a school’s culture and climate. #sunchat
Yes- kids know when they’re being given busy work. Giving students choice and voice in their learning promotes positive classroom experiences. #sunchat
You can be firm if you’re fair. They might not like something, but they’ll respect you. Respect runs deeper than like. Fairness makes everyone feel secure. #sunchat
I definitely agree with you on this. I think in some cases it can be extremely difficult because I have found that confronting people can be somewhat nerve wracking. #sunchat
Thanks for sharing this - such a great point. Bringing joy to the classroom to advance learning and to raise enthusiasm is different than being the fun or “cool” teacher. Sometimes the latter can be lacking in terms of rigor and high expectations. #sunchat
When I show that I am teaching the standards with rigor and I bring all of my decades of experience to the plate, they have no leg to stand on. It may not help that I don't eat lunch in the teacher's lounge, but I'm used to being on the outside as a "fun teacher." #sunchat
The balance is key. It’s important that kids enjoy being in the croom, and fun/laughter are big. But the kids should also expect to work; if our kids are leaving our crooms having only having had fun and no learning is happening, there is a problem. #sunchat
I've encountered educators, both new and veteran, who have these same misconceptions. I'm not really sure where they come from. If I look at popular culture, I think of the great Hollywood movies where both were necessary. Why do we think these are opposites? #sunchat
I know what you mean. A big one for me is “I’m bored” or “This is boring” - understanding more about stress behaviour means that I usually see these as stress responses- often it is too high a cognitive load. I can respond much better now after changing my lens #sunchat
That is such a loaded question. Because I use comics in the classroom, teachers think that I don't teach serious math. Nothing could be further from the truth. I get a lot of rude comments made behind my back that get back to me. They don't withstand scrutiny. #sunchat
I gave my kids a traditional worksheet for the first time this year to practice identifying clauses. You should have seen their faces! "What is this? We have to actually do this?" LOL! I never do worksheets, but it was needed. #sunchat
Yes- kids know when they’re being given busy work. Giving students choice and voice in their learning promotes positive classroom experiences. #sunchat
There's this idea that students don't want to work + don't want to learn, which is nonsense. They've made the effort to come to school + our class, they should get something out of that. If a student didn't get anything from our class, it's usually not their fault. #SunChat
Wow! Great question. Being a “fun” T does not necessarily mean that you are a good T. Being a “traditional” T does not mean you don’t build meaningful relationships w/ Ss. Optimally, the important thing to consider is whether or not that T is doing what’s best for kids. #sunchat
QUOTE: School climate refers to the quality & character of school life. It is based on patterns of students', parents' & school personnel's experience of school life & reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, T&L practice & organizational structures. #sunchat
I don't think we have to keep our bad mood out of the classroom. I think it is better to make it known to our Ss and share how we are dealing with it. Too many times we don't help Ss navigate emotions. I am always sharing my "thorns" with Ss. #sunchat
Kids know, EXCEPT that so many of them have had so much of it that they believe that’s what school is. Hence the disengagement and feeling that school is irrelevant to them. Remember, there are whole schools - and in some cases - districts where busy work is the norm #sunchat
I've been catching myself with even little things. I don't say "I stole this idea from...," I say "I got this idea from..." It isn't a "cheat sheet" it is is a "resource guide." Those little differences model appropriate language. #sunchat
In reply to
@ahg2511, @lethajhenry, @TheJimMcClain
@CoachKCullen As well as cookie-cutter curriculum. Current curriculum is too apolitical and lacking meaningful content and learning objectives. It's also time our curriculum represent the diversity of our society and classrooms #sunchat
When you walk into a school you can feel the climate immediately. Are the walls empty, do you hear students engaged in the classrooms, is the staff friendly & helpful, etc. So many things play into a positive school climate besides the interaction between Ts and Ss #sunchat
After the new year, our staff has been doing a weight loss challenge. I have shared with my students how “hangry” I have been a day or two. And they are helping keep me accountable! #sunchat
Whether you are a teacher, administrator, or in a different position, it's super important to be a HUMAN BEING to those you are around. If you are 100% all about business, it's harder to feel connected (and, by extension, create a positive climate). #sunchat
No doubt it is the hardest thing, made easier though when expectations are made clear from the outset, and work is done to get the collective on the same page. Feels less personal then. #sunchat
I can't remember where I read the research but it has recently been shown that you don't have to get buy-in from everyone involved but key people who can move others. This gave me so much relief because I always thought you gotta get everyone in the boat at once. #sunchat
I get the same ... apparently kids liking to come to your class is somehow seen as a negative ... like they can't learn with a smile? #sunchat WTF up with that mentality.
How do you do that with your students? I am just a student myself so I want to learn how to become a better teacher. On those days, do you have a conversation with your students? #sunchat
Have you seen the documentary Paper Tigers? It’s all about this concept. Understanding that Ss don’t always say what they mean, is not only a middle school student issue, kids with trauma also demonstrate behaviors that Ts need to know to let side off their back. #sunchat
A3: Yes, balance is essential in the classroom! While it's important for students to be met with positivity and fun, there can be too much of a good thing, so sticking to some traditional teaching aspects is also key to keep your class engaged and on track. #sunchat#barbersclass
I think sharing they way you teach with the other educators is a good way to prevent the misunderstanding and give each other tips on methods to get the lesson across to the students #sunchat#gen2108
Speaking of balance, the kids know, the kids see it. When learning isn’t happening, it can be frustrating, and that certainly doesn’t lend to positive climate. #sunchat
It also depends on your students. I have a group this year that needs more traditional teaching methods even though it is not really my style. In the end we should always be adapting to student needs. #sunchat
And the reverse is also true: If they leave having only learned but didn't have any fun, why on earth will they want to come back? Give them both so they want to be there to learn AND have fun; they go together like peanut butter and jelly! #sunchat
Well 100% buy-in will probably almost never happen for anything but I do think it’s important for people to help cultivate change based on what they are passionate about changing, at least those willing to do so #sunchat
Small group learning brings kiddos around the table - proximity fosters active listening & active engagement. Positive small group culture can be measured by body language, facial expressions = great formative assessment. #sunchat
@susankotch The irony is that often when they get to the high school setting worksheets are what many beg for. Perhaps, this is because many have become conditioned to this style of instruction over their years. It's also safe and doesn't challenge them. #sunchat
It took us a while to get where we are, but we did it without using the word 'mandatory'. It was mainly about 'Here's how you can help your students' and then sharing. You're right - collaboration is so important. #sunchat
Don't forget to reach out where you can. It would be a shame if you leave in 167 days & no one learned from u in your building. I'm sure sometimes things occur that are not "fun" to the kids. I think your kids would describe you more as caring than fun. #sunchat
A3 There has to be a balance and every year is different. As an elementary school teacher I always look for ways to have fun with my students while learning. I do have high expectations for my students even during “fun times”. #sunchat
The best way to understand the climate of a school is to talk to kids. Ask them. Find out which teachers challenge them, which teachers frustrate them, which teachers support them, and which teachers, if they could REPLICATE them, they would want to see more of, and why. #sunchat
The entire climate of a classroom changes when the teacher allows him- or herself to be open and vulnerable with students. Then we are part of the community and not some weird "other" in the room. #sunchat
Definitely! I’m more of a traditional learner and in school, I seemed to be in a classroom with many students who are not traditional learners. It was definitely hard but I managed through. I think incorporating both styles in the classroom is important #gen2108#sunchat
If the mentality is that one-sided sure its an issue. I love hearing about crooms where kids enjoy being, but I often ask “Why is it so enjoyable?” I hope to hear strategies I can borrow, but not always. #sunchat
In reply to
@DennisDill, @TheJimMcClain, @tiffanytruitt
Agree, fortunate to work at a school that has allowed me to formulate my own curriculum based on state standards. In that way it addresses needs to advance the history ed students receive as well as allows us to engage students to think about societal issues as well #sunchat
As someone who is changing careers from marketing to earning a graduate degree in teaching, I love to hear different styles. Especially because I believe a teacher should always adapt to a students need rather first #sunchat
Those classes make me sad sometimes. I know they need the more hands-on learning, but behavior gets in the way sometimes. It’s important to establish rules and stick to them. If rules can’t be followed, then when you show me they can we can try again #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @PrincipalSmart, @susankotch
This is good, in theory, but in reality teachers rarely have time to talk in depth about their craft within their own school building. Many will judge you by the noise that comes from your room, the stories kids tell. A virtual #PLN will be helpful. #sunchat
My first and second graders BEG for homework- they identify a big packet of worksheets as serious ‘big kid’ work. We don’t do that in class@so I certainly wouldn’t infringe on their precious home time with it either #Sunchat
I always wonder if classes like these ALWAYS hear this line? And because they are never given the opportunities to "have fun" they don't truly see its worth. What is the deeper message we are sharing with them? Is it an equity issue? Does that make sense? #sunchat
Ready to dance! I think of @brewerhm when I consider leading differently for students. He is creating a revolution for kids, climate, learning, and relentless action to make it all happen! #Sunchat
In reply to
@Ms_A_Yeh, @thnorfar, @MissWinegar, @phillbmartin00, @brewerhm
Jean Anyon did a study where she found that the most marginalized students are being trained to be compliant + obedient, not create, curate + think independently. That's the really nefarious part of worksheets + packets: who they impact the most. #SunChat
For me in teaching history, it is to go beyond the move of history to be monolithic, it is complex and has many forces & diverse people that have brought us to our present time. Knowing that allows to know "why" where we are now & where we go next #sunchat
I cringe when we as educators use terms like MANY and MOST in these sweeping statements. I have never worked in a school where MANY or MOST teachers act so unprofessionally. A few, of course, but never MANY or MOST. #sunchat
This is good, in theory, but in reality teachers rarely have time to talk in depth about their craft within their own school building. Many will judge you by the noise that comes from your room, the stories kids tell. A virtual #PLN will be helpful. #sunchat
Yes! I love that mindset. I believe anybody can do anything as long as they have the passion for it, so the "shoot for the stars" mentality is my ideal motto! #sunchat
Jean Anyon did a study where she found that the most marginalized students are being trained to be compliant + obedient, not create, curate + think independently. That's the really nefarious part of worksheets + packets: who they impact the most. #SunChat
A few ways. 1 is saying it at the beginning of the year that u want to help them in all areas. Another is sharing stories of how I deal with different things that relate to what Ss tell me about their own lives. A new way is using a technique called roses and thorns. #sunchat
Who would not want to go to school where @brewerhm leads? Are there invisible kids in your school? Shine the light and stop tourist kids from simply passing through your building. Check out this school climate!
We used the "fist of five" method of reaching agreement in a previous building. 5 = I love it 4 = I like it 3 = I'm not excited but I can live with it 2 = I don't like it, but can we change... 1 = I hate it; we need to do... #sunchat
In reply to
@MissWinegar, @thnorfar, @phillbmartin00
Especially since our goal at school is make sure the kids are prepared to take their learning with them to the next level. If we are failing them in the name of having fun, we haven't done our job. Balance. #sunchat@TheKevinMCline
Speaking of balance, the kids know, the kids see it. When learning isn’t happening, it can be frustrating, and that certainly doesn’t lend to positive climate. #sunchat
One of my strengths is a very strong memory of being in 7th grade, which I teach. I tell them relatable stories from my youth that show them how to handle different challenges they have. The technology may have changed since 1977, but people are still very much the same. #sunchat
In reply to
@alextvalencic, @BobayLaura, @MissWinegar, @thnorfar
@CoachKCullen I agree. It's truly refreshing to be able to design your own curriculum as an educator. I teach a World Religions course, which I designed, as well as a World History course with state mandated curriculum. There is a stark contrast between the two #sunchat
This T proudly announces she is the b_tch teacher. learning does not have to be a labor stress filled activity. I have been looking into my craft by asking past students why they liked my class because for all intents and purposes I suck as a teacher, but the kids learn #sunchat
In reply to
@TheKevinMCline, @TheJimMcClain, @tiffanytruitt
As a graduate student early in the process of becoming a teacher, what are some ways that as teachers you create 'fun' in your lessons? I want to be a teacher that creates a love for learning in my classroom! #sunchat
Boom! Absolutely- as a history teacher as well I’m committed to using all kinds of primary sources, from song, photos, newspapers, journals, whatever; to see the voice of the time as well as the bias of time! No textbooks! #sunchat
I agree with this! I know that throughout my schooling, many teachers mostly stuck to traditional worksheets, but it was the ones who used alternatives that made students eager to learn. This also shows the importance of differentiated instruction! #sunchat#barbersclass
I have a class like that too! I love to do group work and student talk sessions, but the students "hate" math and use the time to chat instead of work. #sunchat
In reply to
@MissWinegar, @TheJimMcClain, @PrincipalSmart, @susankotch
I love your life “diversity is the salt of life”. I believe celebrating diversity within the students and catering to students strengths. As a student studying to be a teacher I love learning from those who have been in the classroom #sunchat
With my English 9 + 10 students, we have "Stories Not Stuff" days where students can write about whatever they want in whatever form they want about our theme or topic. We take away rubrics + grades + focus on what makes us human: sharing stories. I learn so much! #SunChat
It’s the threads of the story that create the beauty in the human experience - connections - perspectives - discourse - context - what happens to ppl when created systems go awry? Are there voices missing? #Sunchat
Yes! When training to be a teacher I did a placement in a 6th grade class of gifted learners. The amount of time they had to investigate and explore their own interests was incredible. The mainstream 6th was very different- what message does that send? #sunchat
In reply to
@MrAustinA2, @phillbmartin00, @susankotch
@lethajhenry I hear that from many elementary and middle school educators. They say their students associate notes and worksheets with "high school/big kid work." That's really unfortunate, because many high school educators are bucking that trend #sunchat
I’m not a teacher yet but I personally loved(and still do) when teachers added Kahoot games to the lessons. So much fun and i retained information well #gen2108#sunchat
Laura, we need to connect! This is my passion for sure! I HIGHLY recommend reading Teach Like a Pirate by @burgessdave. It will open up a world of thinking about creating fun and engaging lessons. From there, the other Pirate books will really pave the way! #sunchat
In reply to
@BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt, @burgessdave
Yes! I have been in schools before where I wonder if the students are actually safe because of the lack of security. There are numerous factors that could account for a bad climate, but overall I find that most schools provide a positive climate #sunchat
Thanks for the great chat, friends! I've gotta go, but feel free to reach out during the week, too! We all help one another grow, and not just on Sunday mornings! #sunchat
One of my faves from my days teaching world history- “If you don’t know where Mesopotamia is, then you’ve been living under Iraq”(if you don’t get it, say it out loud) 😂 #sunchat
@DennisDill its why I have turned to Twitter. It gives me the place and time to have those discussions. And I enjoy the "noisy classroom" that you create here. Others may judge you for it, but for me it engages my own thoughts & practice. Thanks for being "noisy" #sunchat
In reply to
@DennisDill, @ahg2511, @tiffanytruitt, @DennisDill
If they never step foot in your room than how would they judge you? and yes they do judge you ... positive and negative. Let's not live in a faux perfect bubble. Yes, I bet even you will have a preconceived judgement of a teacher before you go into their room. #sunchat
In our graduate classes right now we used Kahoot for the first time and I absolutely loved it and hope to carry this into the classroom. I love that you recommended this! #sunchat
Agree! More focus on the positive group that are ready and more than willing to move forward. This is what will help create the positive culture and drown out the negative voices. #sunchat
My best advice would be to find, talk to, observe and remember the teachers who are doing it. And avoid those that are toxic or negative. The fact that you are asking this question on a Sunday morning means you are well on your way!! #sunchat
I taught fourth graders; some were okay about being open in public, others needed a safer space. I spent many lunches in my room with students, breaking bread, playing tabletop games, and just talking. It was always worth it. #sunchat
In reply to
@BobayLaura, @TheJimMcClain, @MissWinegar, @thnorfar
Comics, games, and hopefully school visits! I want to show kids how to make comics and show other teachers how to use my stuff in the classroom! #sunchat
My #PLN also gives me a more informed perspective when it comes to other teachers ... we all have our individual style. We have to teach in a manner that maximizes our personal strengths. #sunchat
In reply to
@CoachKCullen, @ahg2511, @tiffanytruitt
I find that I learn best in an environment where there is no mental wall between student and teacher! I find that teachers who are funny are very comfortable to be around. #sunchat
I was an abused child for five years, from ages 7-12. I tell them my stories and I often find out who's being mistreated. CPS probably knows my number by now without having to look it up. #sunchat
In reply to
@thnorfar, @BobayLaura, @alextvalencic, @MissWinegar
As a graduate student pursuing teaching, this is what really drew me to change careers. To give an environment to help take kids emotional pain away for 8 hours a day. I look forward to reading the books and using the other tips that are recommended #sunchat
Absolutely. Lack of security is a big one. I also think just the General way the school looks inside. The middle school I went to had no murals painted and I definitely did not want to be there. The high school I went to there were murals on every wall #sunchat#gen2108
When students are text averse or text avoidant, I've watched teachers double down on compliance mechanisms when it's those mechanisms that contributed to students becoming text averse and avoidant in the first place. Trust students + watch good things happen! #SunChat
In reply to
@lethajhenry, @phillbmartin00, @susankotch
Then why not invite them in? And, no, I don't believe all teachers go around judging each other all day. I think teachers have better things to do with their time. Are there some? Yes. But Ts are primarily concerned with doing what's right, and I'll die on that hill. #sunchat
If they never step foot in your room than how would they judge you? and yes they do judge you ... positive and negative. Let's not live in a faux perfect bubble. Yes, I bet even you will have a preconceived judgement of a teacher before you go into their room. #sunchat
My name is Hannah Weber I am an ECED Major with a mild to mod sped minor. I am excited to be participating in my first #sunchat today as well! #barbersclass
The best way to understand the climate of a school is to talk to kids. Ask them. Find out which teachers challenge them, which teachers frustrate them, which teachers support them, and which teachers, if they could REPLICATE them, they would want to see more of, and why. #sunchat
I think it’s great you are wanting to learn and put that learning into practice. One thing I’ve learned about education is that you always have to be willing to learn and try new things! #sunchat
My best advice would be to find, talk to, observe and remember the teachers who are doing it. And avoid those that are toxic or negative. The fact that you are asking this question on a Sunday morning means you are well on your way!! #sunchat
I've seen this in schools I've worked in: there's a really terrible "common sense" that certain students can't be trusted or can't operate independently or can't face a challenge. I wouldn't really be that energized to go to a place that thought about me like that. #SunChat
In reply to
@lethajhenry, @phillbmartin00, @susankotch
I'm going to disagree here. Do not avoid those who are negative. Like students, there's a reason for it. There is likely a valid complaint behind the negativity and it needs to be addressed. If it were being addressed, they may not remain negative. #sunchat
In reply to
@mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
I had a couple high school teachers who did that with me and it was the best thing that they could have done for me! Its awesome that you are able to do that! #sunchat
In reply to
@alextvalencic, @TheJimMcClain, @MissWinegar, @thnorfar
I posted this already during this chat, but Ts in my district were exposed to the documentaries Paper Tigers & Resilience during our PD about trauma and ACEs. I highly recommend them to gain a perspective about the impact of trauma on our Ss and how to handle situations. #sunchat
In reply to
@MsJester7, @Kortneyholman4, @MissWinegar
Be careful here. There is a difference between being critical and being negative. I don't have time for negative, but I love me some pragmatists. #sunchat
I'm going to disagree here. Do not avoid those who are negative. Like students, there's a reason for it. There is likely a valid complaint behind the negativity and it needs to be addressed. If it were being addressed, they may not remain negative. #sunchat
In reply to
@mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
smiling Ss does not mean less rigor (for those other T's that need that word)... it just means Ss know how to find success and are working towards it #sunchat
In reply to
@DennisDill, @TheKevinMCline, @TheJimMcClain, @tiffanytruitt
One of my biggest honors in teaching was seeing the following quote on a Facebook site listing memories about our school years ago, "Thought you were buddies with Mr. Cullen even if you never had him as a teacher." #sunchat
I think- aren’t these the kids who need that freedom the most? That time to uncover their passions and find the joy of learning, of discovery? Don’t tell me they don’t have time- I don’t buy it #Sunchat
In reply to
@MrAustinA2, @phillbmartin00, @susankotch
It's a great way to build community (in addition to adding writing volume) + students want to share their stories when they're done. There's a real desire to hear meaningful stories from their classmates + share their own stories with an authentic + willing audience. #SunChat
If you haven’t created one yet, @GetKahoot now has 3 levels of PD certification you can do to learn more about what they are capable of! It’s informative and fun! #sunchat
In reply to
@BobayLaura, @PrincipalSmart, @MsJester7, @ahg2511, @tiffanytruitt, @GetKahoot, @GetKahoot
I had a 10th grade history teacher & the first day he told us “always smile at everyone you pass” & his class brought me out of my shell! I came back to visit him and he said I was a totally different person (in a good way) those types of teachers are my fav #sunchat#gen2108
I am truly sorry you went through that. But it is inspiring you are able to share with your students and make a difference in their lives as well. Thank you for sharing. #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @thnorfar, @alextvalencic, @MissWinegar
This is amazing idea! I find that that this is a great stress reliever for the kids. Definitely something I will have to implement once I become a teacher! #sunchat
If I were talking to a leader I would say lean in and understand where negativity is coming from, but for a new teacher, I would avoid individuals who bring cynicism to the work, and negativity to kids and schools. Don’t eat with them, find the ones who love their jobs. #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
That sounds amazing!! I do have a passion for teaching and I get excited about new learning experiences so I hope that will eventually carry into my classroom one day! #sunchat
Yes, I feel the same! Kahoot games definitely make learning more fun and may even help students remember the information better. Last semester in one of my undergrad classes we did a Kahoot final review and the class energy went through the roof! #sunchat#barbersclass
I agree. Sometimes an empathetic ear can help connect someone who may be feeling isolated. How would we ourselves want to be treated if going through a rough patch? #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
Thank you. The way I view it is that it's part of who I am. If I am to like who I am, I have to accept that treatment as part of the whole package.
In reply to
@BobayLaura, @thnorfar, @alextvalencic, @MissWinegar
Agree, if it bothers you, hear them out. They might have a valid point. Festering issues can blow up into bigger problems & often it happens b/c we don't address the elephant in the room, but there are people who complain for complaining's sake, they should be avoided #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
Here’s one thing i always worried about with becoming a teacher; what do you do if you look like you could be a student? How can you earn respect from both students and teachers? #sunchat#gen2108
As Ts we can choose to look for the good or the bad in every situation. Our choice guides our mindset. If we choose negativity, the morale of our school will appear to be low. While this is NOT the only component of school morale, it IS the one we can control. #sunchat
Sometimes a good complaint session is in order. But in today's environment, we don't get the opportunity. The ostracizing of negative people makes teachers with valid complaints just bottle it in. They aren't going to get better that way. #sunchat
In reply to
@CoachKCullen, @mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
As Ts we can choose to look for the good or the bad in every situation. Our choice guides our mindset. If we choose negativity, the morale of our school will appear to be low. While this is NOT the only component of school morale, it IS the one we can control. #sunchat
One of the best teachers I know gave this advice to a new teacher, “Let kids know that no matter what happened today, tomorrow is a fresh start.” I like that philosophy #sunchat
#transformation - isn’t that the ultimate aim? Learning the stories of others grows us - AND when an adult sees who you CAN be and ARE becoming - BOLM! Hidden gems exist in ALL Ss. Some are more difficult to reflect the light. Grateful you had that experience! #sunchat
Grow older LOL, Yrs ago, I was mistaken on a field trip as a student. A woman wanted the "teacher w/the admission $" so I ran forward telling everyone it was on me. She yelled at me like a kid & I said, Ma'am, I am the teacher with the $$" She was very apologetic. #sunchat
@LaurenAngelone I participated in #sunchat where we discussed classroom environment. We discussed different teaching styles and also books to help to deal with students’ trauma. Someone even brought up using Kahoot in the classroom,which I said I was just introduced to and loved!
I ask the same question! But I have gotten advice where as long as I stand my grounds and establish a reputation for being professional, I shouldn't have issues earning respect from students and teachers #sunchat
I hear you, and I agree. My original point about avoiding negative folks was for @bobaylaura who asked about bringing joy to her new profession. I’m not about ostracizing or allowing people to suffer in silence. Just wanted to clarify. #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @CoachKCullen, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt, @BobayLaura
Understood. I was just being defensive as one of those negative people. The difference is that when I go negative, I offer positive solutions. I still get labeled though. #sunchat
In reply to
@mitchcenter, @CoachKCullen, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
I appreciate your input, as well as everyone else's! I have a lot to learn and it is very helpful having professionals guide me in my journey! #sunchat
In reply to
@mitchcenter, @TheJimMcClain, @CoachKCullen, @tiffanytruitt
Sometimes I think how, days after giving birth, I would be sitting on a donut cushion, severely sleep-deprived, and be flooded w/ msgs saying: Enjoy every moment!!! And I just couldn’t. I feel the same sometimes with Edutwitter memes pop up- it’s OK to have off days #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @CoachKCullen, @mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
I can relate to this even though I'm not a teacher yet. This definitely applies in other areas of life, but in any case, internalizing negativity is never a healthy solution. #sunchat
In reply to
@TheJimMcClain, @CoachKCullen, @mitchcenter, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
I believe there is a difference between negative teachers and those teachers who need to vent "occasionally". I avoid negativity as much as I can because I love my job and I do not want them to bring me down. On the other hand, some days a teacher needs to vent. #sunchat
In reply to
@mitchcenter, @TheJimMcClain, @CoachKCullen, @BobayLaura, @tiffanytruitt
I have found that school can, and should be, fun. It also should be challenging - each person in the school (EVERYONE) should work to improve - this creates a culture of excellence through growth & should start at the top. #sunchat
Good teaching will earn you the respect you will need. There may be some struggles or you may get sick of hearing it, but Im confident you will get through it. (And when you get almost 30 yrs in like me, you will have good stories to share to encourage someone else) #sunchat