#LearnLAP Archive

#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.

Monday May 21, 2018
8:00 PM EDT

  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:01 PM EDT
    Welcome to #LearnLAP chat! Let's start off the night with quick intros! I am your moderator tonight, LIZ, from south Georgia. I serve as the #ProudPrincipal of @BryanCountyMS and am currently reading so many awesome books, including a new Pirate read:The Principled Principal
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    In reply to @missliz31, @BryanCountyMS
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Brian from SoCal Teaching #LEARNING through the 6 C's in Biology, Anatomy and Algebra @AmatLancer #LearnLAP #flipclass
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Hey everyone! Adam from Cincinnati. 7/8 grade social studies. My not read is LAUNCH - Design Thinking. #LearnLAP
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Hey #LearnLAP! I'm Brandy, an IS from Houston, TX 🤓👋🏼
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Hello #LearnLAP Melissa, 7th Grade Science from Upstate NY here! Still have over a month to do lots of fun stuff with the kiddos
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Worried that you might forget about an upcoming #LearnLAP chat? Sign up to receive free REMIND'ers via text or email here: https://t.co/7Ga9QqvE1z Never be late or miss a chat again! :)
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Q 1 rolling in 3 minutes.... #LearnLAP
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    4th & 5th grade school teacher & Dean of Professional Growth in Portland, Maine saying hello. My favorite ice cream is...wait you didn't ask that. #edtechchat #LearnLAP
  • Mtiesworth May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Mike Tiesworth-Tech Integration Coach K-12 from Frankfort, MI @FEAS_Panthers #LearnLAP
  • HowardKiyuna May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Howard from SF Bay Area. Full inclusion middle school math and science teacher. #4thchat #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    AWESOME! Thanks for joining!! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsAsztalos
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Heyyyyyyy! Thanks for joining! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @ReaderLeaderBSA
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Hey all! Phil from Northern Virginia signing in. I teach 7th grade US History II and am the founder of #waledchat that meets Thursdays at 9pm. Always great to be here! #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    LOVE the book! Welcome! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @moler3031
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Alex from Nashville, TN. PE and Math Teacher. Currently reading #learnlap and about to start "Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions"
  • BKd204Sci May 21 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Brian, 8th gr science from IL...been too long since I joined this group! #LearnLAP
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Did someone say ice cream?! LOL #LearnLAP
    In reply to @T_HEB
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Hello #LearnLAP Linda Edwards Toronto 🇨🇦
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    ELITE! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @smarterteacher, @AmatLancer
  • TeacherRunner42 May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    good evening, #learnlap - michael from columbus ohio - middle grades teacher
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Miguel from the Great State of Texas. Elementary school principal. Looking forward to new ideas and great lessons. #LearnLAP
  • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Hello #LearnLAP. Chad from NY. Elementary principal. Currently reading #LT8keys from @E_Sheninger and @thomascmurray
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Hey #LearnLAP crew! I’m Stefanie an instructional technology coach for @DunlapSchools My current read is #EmpowerBook
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Oh wait! I LOVE ice cream! It’s so hot in South Georgia! Welcome! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @T_HEB
  • lothridgeslane May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    Hey guys! I am Lindsey Lothridge, and I serve as a 7th grade math teacher at Bryan Co middle school! My next read will be Teach Like a Pirate, as provided by @missliz31, my awesome principal! #LearnLAP
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    HI all! Cory, a GOVT prof from Conroe, TX! #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    Welcome!!! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @Mtiesworth, @FEAS_Panthers
  • MsJachymiak May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a soon to be first year teacher from IL. I am currently reading #theteachersjourney and plan on reading a book for @middleweb next. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    AWESOME! Thanks for joining! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @HowardKiyuna
  • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    Hi everyone! I am a school counselor serving as the college admission coordinator at Ben Davis High School in Indianapolis, Indiana for now. We are moving to the Columbus OH area this summer. Lots of audio books to read in the car! Just finished Love Warrior. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    Welcome Phil! Thanks for joining in! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @MrPStrunk
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP I am the counselor at @BryanCountyMS! Excited to join in!
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    Hi, gretchen from KY joining in. STEM. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Alright! Let's Go....Q1 is here! Remember to use A1, A2, in your answers and also don't forget our Pirate hashtag: #LearnLAP ...
  • PintoBeanz11 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Q1 of the #InnovatingPlay #SlowFlipChat! CONNECT What clicked this year? Share a key takeaway or something you learned this year? Participate on Twitter or Flipgrid! https://t.co/0TZ6IVte7g #gafe4littles #tosachat #tlap #edtechchat #learnlap #teacherfriends #KidsDeserveIt
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Oh... welcome and love the title! Keep us posted! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @Coachadamspe
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    OHIO! My home state! Welcome! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @TeacherRunner42
  • KatieJMcNamara May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Hey hey #learnlap high school teacher librarian empowering from Cali. Reading Solo.
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Always! Welcome! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @spqrmiguel
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Kellie- 4th grade teacher from Virginia Beach, VA- My summer must read list is topped with #Ditchtextbook, #BetheOne #learnlap
  • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Good evening #learnlap... Trey from Bryan County Schools... working to better serve kids through Operations and Student Services... Excited to be here!
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Elite! Welcome! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @chadw675, @E_Sheninger, @thomascmurray
  • AmandaSopko May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    Good evening! I teach 6th grade math/STEM in Cincinnati, OH. My Next read is The Wild Card. #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    A1 Ss thrive when you give them leadership opportunities The more intentional I get w/Ss leadership, the more they want #LearnLAP
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    A1: My favorite recharge is SLEEP! I also love attending summer conferences and meeting all my Twitter friends in person 🤓 #LearnLAP
  • MelAdamsBC May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP 7th Grade Life Science SPED & Gifted @BryanCountyMS How Good Do You Want to Be? Nick Saban & Brian Curtis
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    Reading #TeacherMyth right now #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31, @BryanCountyMS
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    A1: I usually try to take some time to get away and not think about work. Then I like to read and consume as much as I can to get ready for the year #learnlap
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    A1: Discipline being a teachable moment as opposed to punitive. Trauma-Informed/Trauma-Responsive. #LearnLap
    In reply to @PintoBeanz11
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    Hey! Hey! I’m Katherine Ferreira. Instructional Lead Teacher at Bryan County Middle School #BeBCMS @missliz31 #LearnLAP
  • TheStephenKeys May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    Stephen from KY here. #learnlap
  • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1: Resting and recharging are important. #7habits says that you must #sharpenthesaw. Take care of body by exercising and the mind by reading #LearnLAP
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    Bivins Miller -Principal @McAllister_ES “Happiest School on Earth” #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    My girl!!!!! Thanks for stopping in! #LearnLAP #BeBCMS ☠️❤️☠️
    In reply to @kferreira71
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    Rest and recharge is mostly going to consist of reading and listening to the things I want to listen to rather than what I "need to" listen to. That and much needed gym time. #LearnLAP
  • TeacherRunner42 May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    a1: school, home, and personal life responsibilities. found a great balance this year #learnlap
  • KristenSevinsky May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    Krisren from PA. I teach 6th grade physical science. #learnlap
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    Hello! Kim from IL. HS Special Education Teacher #LearnLAP
  • TheStephenKeys May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1. Gardening. Sleep. Reading. #learnlap
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1- Not summer yet here (another four weeks!) but when it comes, I'll be spending time with my horses and friends and relaxing. Also will present and attend the VB Digital Learning Summit! #learnlap
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1 Taking family trips to the lake, reading a great non work related book, slowing down, and letting my mind wander to consider new possibilities for teaching and learning. #LearnLAP
  • MrDurajWildcats May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1: plan for next year. Love the things that worked and tweak the things that didnt. Outside of that, run 🏃 #learnlap
    In reply to @missliz31
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1: For me it is time w/ my family! This year we are vacationing in Gulf Shores and then just a vacay w/ the Mr. in Punta Cana! #LearnLAP
  • LaneWalker2 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    Hello, Lane from St.Louis, HS math teacher w/inquiry-based learning & STEM integration #edtechchat #learnlap #NYEdchat
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    Kids Deserve is next on the list for me! #LearnLAP
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    Mariah Way from Liberal, KS. Currently serve at SRMS teaching 7th ELA! And I am currently reading #LAUNCHbook next will be #tlap or #culturize or #bethewildcard haven’t decided yet 😬 #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    ELITE ELITE read! Welcome! Thanks for being an amazing chaperone today of all our scholars! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @MelAdamsBC, @BryanCountyMS
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1: Read and relax. A couple of EdCamps. Time with family! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    Lindsay Snowden teaching 7th grade Life Science at Bryan County Middle School. I am currently reading What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty! #learnLAP
  • AmandaSopko May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1: I recharge by reading and playing with my kiddos. We LOVE day trips to explore our city. #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1 Helps if I respond to correct post...I plan on getting into my landscaping and gardening this summer...seeing things grow is a great recharge #LearnLAP
  • lothridgeslane May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A2: #LearnLAP I plan to recharge by resting, going on vacation, and giving my brain a few days of a break, so I am 100% recharged and ready for year 2!
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    SLEEP is mandatory! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @ReaderLeaderBSA
  • PrincipalSmart May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    Hello #learnlap Michelle from Saskatchewan, Canada jumping in. I am principal of a K-8 and grade 6 ELA teacher.
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1 I like to read, garden, swim just enjoy being outside in the warm weather #LearnLAP
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP One of my favorite things to do to recharge is find a local band to go see. I love hearing live music, it has always been so important to me. (@missliz31 Jamari says hi!) @BryanCountyMS
    In reply to @missliz31, @missliz31, @BryanCountyMS
  • kylelaurie May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    I’m Steve, a Tech Integrator from the FLX. This is my next read... #LearnLAP
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1: Rest and recharge is mostly going to consist of reading and listening to the things I want to listen to rather than what I "need to" listen to. That and much needed gym time. #LearnLAP https://t.co/4Dig7h23Ot
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    LOVE this book! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @AmandaSopko
  • loliveira55 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1 Spending much less time worrying about grades and more time making connections with the students. #learnlap
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1: I rest and recharge with a beach vacation to North Carolina and I jump back into teaching tennis at various clubs around town. #LearnLAP
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1 I love to chill at home and watch movies or Bravo. Love my housewives and pump rules. It gives my brain a rest to just be entertained! #LearnLAP
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1: I plan on spending quality time with my HS daughters & husband, exercising, reading, catching up with friends, sleeping in & staying up late, turning off my alarm, & attending some PD. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    Have heard good things about that book. #learnlap
    In reply to @BivinsMiller
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1: Projects are way cooler when students are building authentic products. My experience with projects was posters and powerpoints. Loved having students do Twitter Chats, Shark Tank pitches, and differentiated menus to allow for voice and choice! #learnlap @ERobbPrincipal
  • PrincipalSmart May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1 Our last day is not until the end of June, but I spend the summer with my family, resting, reading, and building up for next year. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    Thanks for joining! ☠️❤️☠️ Elitemess awaits you! #LearnLAP #Dare 🎉
    In reply to @treyrobertson72
  • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1. Taking time truly away helps me! I usually turn off my social media and work related emails for a week or two. #LearnLAP
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    A1: I recharge by catching up with my friends, reading, and enjoying family time/vacations. #learnlap
  • HeatherJoy001 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    Hello #learnlap ! Heather, music teacher from way upstate ny popping in for a bit 😁
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    #learnLAP Anna Waddell 7th grade Social Studies teacher @BryanCountyMS 🖤❤️, serving kids by providing new experiences in and out of the classroom! 🚌🗺 Excited to dive into some new web resources for my kids to use in the classroom this summer! 💻🤔😁
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Q1-I ❤️ reading some books of my own interest, particularly historical fiction, to feed the soul! About mid-summer, I transition to 📚 I think they might like it read. And of course lots of 😴😴😴. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    A1. Reading, Gardening, Walking, Visiting with family and friends! #learnlap
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Hello! I am a grade 3 teacher in Canada. #learnlap
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Changed school in January. Very different population. No longer in a 1 to 1 situation. Lots of change but "kids are kids, "teaching is teaching" and "LEARNing is #LEARNING" It still comes down to what is best for the STUDENT. #LearnLAP
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    A1: Rest and recharge is mostly going to consist of reading and listening to the things I want to listen to rather than what I "need to" listen to. That and much needed gym time. #LearnLAP
  • 7k23432533 May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Heyyyyyyyyyy! Welcome to one of my most elite colleagues! #LearnLAP ☠️☠️
    In reply to @BivinsMiller, @McAllister_ES
  • MsJachymiak May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    A1: I rest and recharge by listening to music, reading books pertaining to education, and going on Twitter. #learnlap
  • M_Abbas747 May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    I think I am excited to be able to engage more over social media now that school is out. Feel like I don't have time for it during the year. #learnlap
    In reply to @Annacoyne74
  • HowardKiyuna May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Hey #learnlap. Was the Q the slide with slowchat flip something on it?
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    A1: Netflix, videogames, go on fun dates with @LBStrunk, blog/podcast (https://t.co/DacioI4EWA), and Twitter Chats! All help me fill my cup so I can pour into students. #learnlap
  • MarilynEDU May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Hey, #LearnLap, Marilyn, 6th grade, from southern California.
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Hi, #learnlap ! I'm Katie and I wanted to drop in and try a new chat tonight. I'm from PA and teach 7th Social Studies in an online setting.
  • KatieJMcNamara May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    A1 a day of zero deadlines and responsibilites .... then taking advantage of every moment I can steal with my family. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    LOVE 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 and love Jamari too! Tell him I said HI! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @MsGeorge228, @BryanCountyMS
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    A1: After my wedding in June I plan to relax on our honeymoon in St. Lucia. I plan to also read a lot, spend time with family and friends, and spend as much time outdoors as possible! #learnLAP
  • MrDurajWildcats May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    A2: time it out. Set a schedule for when school stuff will be taken care of. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP Jerry Toups checking in from Richmond, TX Since 1990 I have been teaching my math Ss to #AlwaysBeleive Great day today taking #BelieveSelfies with my Ss.
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Hi #LearnLAP! Noel, ELA Teacher from NC here.
  • baengtanasf May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP School Board Robbie Erlin Slack #hardball #MissUSA https://t.co/vqM4iptOp2
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Hoping to develop a habit of listening to podcasts. Now that my children are a little bit older I might have a few moments of quiet to listen. Any suggestions? #LearnLAP #edtechchat
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Great choice! This was a fantastic read! #WildCard #LearnLAP
    In reply to @AmandaSopko
  • jclambert33 May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    A1: I like to revisit my #Why, read some new books, set new goals, sometimes be a tad bit selfish and add some self care #LearnLAP
    • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
      Alright! Let's Go....Q1 is here! Remember to use A1, A2, in your answers and also don't forget our Pirate hashtag: #LearnLAP ...
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    https://t.co/ghzW1bkk7N folks! Disconnect for a minute! It works! #LearnLAP ☠️
    • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:10 PM EDT
      A1. Taking time truly away helps me! I usually turn off my social media and work related emails for a week or two. #LearnLAP
  • PrincipalSmart May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    A2 I think it is a real thing. Teaching can be done 24-7 but it is also possible to say no, go home without the laptop and claim your life back. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    Q3 is up in 2 minutes..... #LearnLAP
  • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    #learnlap A1. Unplug for a couple of days... After that- evaluate the year (the good, but most importantly the bad)... Then start contacting my team to plan how we are going to move forward and win the upcoming year.
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A1: Read, garden and creative projects. #learnlap
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A1: Sleep forever. Run and read. Get away to the mountains! #learnlap
  • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A2. Didn’t we just have this conversation @missliz31?!?! I don’t believe in work-life balance. I believe there is a natural ebb and flow that occurs when you are engaging in work that you love and investing in downtime when needed. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    ❤️☠️❤️☠️❤️☠️❤️☠️❤️☠️❤️☠️ #LearnLAP
    • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:11 PM EDT
      #learnLAP Anna Waddell 7th grade Social Studies teacher @BryanCountyMS 🖤❤️, serving kids by providing new experiences in and out of the classroom! 🚌🗺 Excited to dive into some new web resources for my kids to use in the classroom this summer! 💻🤔😁
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A2: Have to learn to say "no" so you can say Yes to what matters most. #learnlap
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A2 There has to be a balance. I made a rule this year to not bring home grading more than 1 night a week. I only do work at home if I want to, not have to #LearnLAP
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A1: I'm a big outdoors person. Hiking, Kayaking, and yoga are my biggest rechargers. #LearnLAP
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A1: The best way for me to recharge is to spend it with my family somewhere out there in the woods relaxing around a fire or cooling off next to a nice river. #LearnLAP
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A.1 I hope to get a a bit of not catching fish in for a week in Mammoth. Just taking in the tranquility. #LearnLAP
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2: It's important to self reflect often to see where your stress comes from. It may be as simple as finishing paperwork that's lingering, but sometimes we may need a day away or to unplug for a bit. Healthy and happy are always a priority to be an effective educator! #LearnLAP
  • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2: Work/life balance is a must! Have to know when you’ve reached your limit of productivity and call it a day! Things have to get done, but you must take care to be your best self or you won’t be effective #LearnLAP
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2: It is a real thing if you try your best to make it a priority. #learnlap
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A little late to the #learnlap chat tonight... needed a moment to clear my head before diving into chat 2 tonight. I teach 7th grade social studies in northern NY
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Welcome! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @wesaquje
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2: I think it’s important to set yourself up to provide more feedback at school to help ease the burden of grading at home. I have found a better balance this year. #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2 "Work-Life" balance is a real thing So important for Ts to see their job as a career; not their life. Easy to get burned out, Ts need to find that balance...when someone finds it please let me know! #LearnLAP
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2-There are days where my work comes first and my family knows that. But there are also days where my family comes first and my students know that. I also try to maximize time at school as much as possible to get grading done. ✅ But... #thestruggleisreal #LearnLAP
  • KristenSevinsky May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A1: I’m not someone who is good at resting or recharging. I tend to get stagnant. But I have a 6 yo, a 4 yo, and a 2 yo so I don’t get a whole lot of rest, even if I wanted it, lol! #learnlap
  • HeatherJoy001 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A1. #LearnLAP we have 5 or six weeks till summer break! But... I will be dedicating this summer as hike n write! I am determined to write my dissertation & some awesome lesson plans for my new classes next year
    • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
      Alright! Let's Go....Q1 is here! Remember to use A1, A2, in your answers and also don't forget our Pirate hashtag: #LearnLAP ...
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A1: Sleep. Get outside and exercise. Read some poetry and write. #LearnLAP
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A2 I do not think you can find a perfect balance day in and day out. However, you can develop positive habits so one does not overshadow the other at any point. Being honest with expectations, "shutting off" at certain times so you can be w/ family. #LearnLAP
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Oops - what am I reading ... 10 Mindframes for visible Learning (Hattie) AND Impact Cycle #LearnLAP @missliz31 @BeBCMS
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Always! Keep the main thing the main thing! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @smarterteacher
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    A2- I've gotten better at separating my world the longer I've taught! I used to spend hours working on school work. It took me a long time to learn that I had to be able to walk away from school to really be effective! #learnlap
  • LaneWalker2 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    I agree. Doing the right thing whenever, wherever, doesn't feel like "balance" to me. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @Annacoyne74, @missliz31
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    Love it! We need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others! #learnlap
    • PrincipalSmart May 21 @ 8:12 PM EDT
      A2 I think it is a real thing. Teaching can be done 24-7 but it is also possible to say no, go home without the laptop and claim your life back. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    Whyyyyy do you think it became a Q for tonight! #LearnLAP ☠️
    • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:13 PM EDT
      A2. Didn’t we just have this conversation @missliz31?!?! I don’t believe in work-life balance. I believe there is a natural ebb and flow that occurs when you are engaging in work that you love and investing in downtime when needed. #LearnLAP
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    A2: It was a goal to make self-care a priority this school year. Reflecting back I think I did a pretty good job despite some hectic days/weeks. It take commitment! And we are worth it! #LearnLap
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    A2:When I'm at school, that's where my focus is. When I'm home, that's my time. I've finally gotten pretty good at keeping the two separate. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • MarilynEDU May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    A2) For sure, it's a real thing. I thought it was only when I had young children at home, but work-life balance is still a struggle even as empty nesters. #LearnLap
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    A1 - constantly read to recharge my thinking. To rest - there’s nothing like a pool day #LearnLAP @missliz31
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A1 Just saying, this will be my 1st summer I haven't worked @CampCayuga IMO when you spend the summer creating magical memories with kids, it keeps your heart young. This summer I will be finishing my 1st book, "The Story of Always Beleive" Due out this fall!
  • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    #learnlap A2. There has to be balance... That may not look the same for everyone. Everyone is wired differently, but we all have to find a balance between work and life. "All work and no play, makes Johnny a dull boy"
  • AmandaSopko May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    A2: I get all of my school work done at school so I can focus on family/home time in the evenings. I occasionally bring work home, but I wait until the kids are in bed to do it (usually with the TV on). #LearnLAP
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A2: Learning the importance of this SO MUCH this year. I've made the conscious effort to get involved in something other than school. For me, it's helping out at my yoga studio two nights a week. Helps me feel at least a little more balance. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    Live your BEST life! #LearnLAP ☠️
    • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:14 PM EDT
      A2: Work/life balance is a must! Have to know when you’ve reached your limit of productivity and call it a day! Things have to get done, but you must take care to be your best self or you won’t be effective #LearnLAP
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A2: I think it is real but I had a brand new position this year. I have learned that it is hard to make everyone happy all the time about everything but there is a part of me that always wants to try. I was also not prepared for my inbox....so overwhelming. #LearnLAP
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A1 practice some mindfulness and do something I enjoy before committing to lesson and year planning #LearnLAP #edtc300
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A2: work/life balance is real! Sometimes when things get hectic at work I catch myself waking up at 3 am (on the dot!) worrying about if my scholars had dinner, if they’re safe, etc. I’ve created a wellness plan of doing things to recharge like music or seeing friends. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • Spyloaded_com May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    #Shazam Mike Budenholzer Slack Lou Lamoriello #LearnLAP Obamas #MissUSA https://t.co/NCBWoFBIdB
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A3: Dedicate at least one day per week for self care.😊 #learnlap
  • TheStephenKeys May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A2. There has to be as balance. But if its tilted, tilt toward home! #learnlap
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    I have been able to develop some great stuff this year because it is a choice, not a chore. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @chadw675
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A3: Want to learn to give better feedback. Feedback that is without praise or advice but just true feedback. Want the students to own their own actions based on the feedback the receive from teacher, students, and self. #learnlap
  • LearningHoot May 21 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    A1 Does anyone else play MMORPG type games? I do! Best relaxing time as I actually made friends online from all over the world. #LearnLAP And cake, of course. Cake is always good!
    • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
      Alright! Let's Go....Q1 is here! Remember to use A1, A2, in your answers and also don't forget our Pirate hashtag: #LearnLAP ...
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    Hattie 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @kferreira71
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A2: Work and life seems to be interconnected now. I think it is important to recharge and step away, though, so that when you come back to it you are fresh. #LearnLAP
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    #learnlap hi good morning APRAJITA RALLI from India but didn't want to miss the chat
  • AwesomeScience May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A2 During the school year, work = life, not healthy, but job gets done. However vacation is my time and pack as much "life" in as possible #learnLAP #vacationLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A3: All district preK is moving from neighborhood schools to a centralized location. Packing, organizing, and wrapping my head around it is going to be my focus this summer. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • RobLunak May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A2 yes! Not easy but important. It helps that I love my job, so the work isn’t something I dread. #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A2: As a soon to be 1st year teacher, I really want to make sure that I am consistent and have procedures in place. I plan on re-reading "The first days of school" and taking time to put all of the systems in place. #learnlap
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A3: I need to organize my room, rewrite my classroom mission statement for clarity, and be more consistent throughout the year. #LearnLAP
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A1: This is where I call home... I’ll be spending time here. #LearnLAP
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A1 - Family Time and a beach trip ...work related I like to organize myself and declutter for a new year and it allows me to rest easier and get the most from a recharge. #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A2: Tough to say, I believe I am called to education, which means education is not just a 9-5 job that I clock in and out of, but it is something I have been blessed with talents to contribute to. Balancing both is embracing what makes you uniquely you! #learnlap
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    #learnlap A1. Unwinding is time spent with my daughter and family travelling....planning on that .lets see
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    Q2: I do believe that there is a work/life balance. Being a new teacher I have been told many many times that it is important to keep that balance! I think it will be something that I learn to balance better after more years of teaching. #learnLAP
  • KatieJMcNamara May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    A2 Work- life bsllance is very different with educators. You can't just turn your passion off. But you can turn your device off. #learnlap
  • TeacherRunner42 May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    I have a 20+ year old copy of that :) great read! #learnlap
    In reply to @MsJachymiak
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    SUMMER BOOK STUDY! July 2nd-August 6th on #LearnLAP - Buy the book on Amazon: https://t.co/AeHEOqprQB - Buy the Audible Audiobook: https://t.co/sb6Q5hmQ7y - BULK Orders: https://t.co/osJoU6ZJlD #kinderchat #1stchat #2ndchat #3rdchat #4thchat #5thchat #mschat #edchat #education
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A3 I plan on finishing my Microsoft 21st Century Learner course and completing the Minecraft course @MicrosoftEDU #LearnLAP
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A2:I try my best to be “present when I’m present.” At school, I give 100%, when I’m home- I’m home. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t times when school comes home but I have to make it a point to stop & give my family my undivided attention. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A2: I think the idea of work/life balance has changed. Now work and life are much more integrated. The key is to find something rewarding and keep it in balance. #LearnLAP
  • KristenSevinsky May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A3: I really want to blog, but during the year, So many other things are a priority. I also need to create stations for the second half of the year and break down all of the objectives and two simple concepts that I can easily assess. #learnlap
  • MrsMurat May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A1: blessed to spend much of the summer on this .. reading, paddle boarding, soaking up the sunshine and being in my zen place on the water. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    I love that! Be in the moment — or as my elite former principal @squire16 used to say: #BeWhereYourFeetAre #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @PreK33, @squire16
  • jclambert33 May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A3: to bring professional development to the teachers, make it what they want, this summer I can create that #roadmap #LearnLAP
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A2 work-life balance IS REAL! We work with kids which requires PATIENCE! LOTS OF IT! You must balance this out with your "home" life. Do what it takes at home and over the summer to recharge your teaching battery. #AlwaysBelieve
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A3: Wehave really been focused on #literacy this year and I want to increase the focus on this in my classroom next year. So after choosing some 📚 titles that align w/ the curriculum, my job this summer is to do an intensive read through and think about implementation. #LearnLAP
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A3: I want to get organized this summer so that I'm able to start the year strong with my teams. I also want to get my Google Certifications because I've been putting it off too long! #LearnLAP
  • Lcrosby003 May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    Hello! #learnlap! My name is Lauren I teach Physical education @BryanCountyMS.
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3- Laser like focus on priorities of the school house! Go BIG on the top two and make sure all structures are in place to support. #learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    Most important thing to remember from that book is emphasizing the importance of the systems. If students do not do it exactly how you want, do not settle and say "oh well." Have them keep practicing so they know that it is important! #learnlap
    In reply to @MsJachymiak
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3: A goal would be fixing the way I grade and making my classroom more student centered and encouraging Ss to take initiatives in their learning. Seeking advice and looking into best practices. Starting off strong! #LearnLAP
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3: Make a schedule and stick to it no matter what. :) #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3 Overall, become more efficient Too much time wasted, in class and out. Need to slow down & not force the flow as much #LearnLAP
  • AmandaSopko May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3: Build a system for my gifted kiddos to move at a quicker pace while the rest of the class can still learn at their pace. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    Great insight•• looks different for everyone and in different chapters of life! #LearnLAP ☠️
    • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:15 PM EDT
      #learnlap A2. There has to be balance... That may not look the same for everyone. Everyone is wired differently, but we all have to find a balance between work and life. "All work and no play, makes Johnny a dull boy"
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3 Still have a month of school left, so not quite ready to reflect year. I do know next year I want to implement full on blended learning. #LearnLAP
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3: This summer is going to be a lot of revamping as this past year was my first teaching my current course. Also, working on a number of creative projects as well. #learnlap
  • DebiMcNeal May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    Tardy but ready! Debi McNeal, @RichmondHill_HS principal #LearnLAP
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A3: My goal is not to be intimidated by secondary grades. Just because I was an elementary teacher doesn't mean I can't help other grade levels. I need to be confident & continue to learn! #LearnLAP
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A2: I found that adding the #idealday that I got from @alienearbud has helped to keep me in better balance throughout each day. #LearnLAP
  • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    #learnlap A3. Delegation/ Asking for help... Our jobs are too big without asking for help... Allow others the chance to grow with responsibility.
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    Q4 is ready! #LearnLAP
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A3: I am a few days away from finishing my first year teaching Geography. I've previous been in Civics. I want to move my course to talk more about global issues and problems instead of just saying what the exports, imports, and population of each nation is. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    I love this! For me: it’s @orangetheory • totally my new love when I am not in school zone! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @MrsDevlinSS, @orangetheory
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A2: You have to balance your work and life. Our former superintendent @drmarcusnelson used to tell us, “take care of yourselves so that you can take care of our students.” You should always find time to relax and enjoy yourself. #LearnLAP
  • HowardKiyuna May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    Summer planning is tricky. I start now. My school year has 1 wk off in June, then 3 off in August. I teach sessions in summer. Been doing it 17 yrs now so you learn to keep at it all yr. The last wk has work in it of course! #learnlap
  • DebiMcNeal May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A3: mentoring new teachers w consistency #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A3: I caught the conference bug this year and want to present more! Definitely excited to spend the start of summer presenting with @PHausTech and @MHSLewisHistory! Hoping for more opportunities in the upcoming year! #learnlap
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A3 I know I never really took the time to be truly present in the past year, I want to be the teacher that is able to actually be present in the moment and embody mindfulness as an example to the students #learnlap
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A3: One big goal I have set for myself is to allow for students to have more choice in the classroom and opportunity to learn in ways that suit them best. I plan to focus this summer on improving my differentiation practices and bring them into the classroom in the fall #learnLAP
  • LearningHoot May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A2 Work- life balance is very different with educators. You can't just turn your passion off. But you can turn your device off. #learnlap via @KatieJMcNamara
    • KatieJMcNamara May 21 @ 8:17 PM EDT
      A2 Work- life bsllance is very different with educators. You can't just turn your passion off. But you can turn your device off. #learnlap
  • Principal_H May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A1 No time for rest, but I recharge by attending as many #CoffeeEdu ‘s and #Edcamps as humanly possible with my copresenter @DynamicDuda338 #wondertwins @EdcampNJ @SpEdcampNJ #LearnLAP
    • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:06 PM EDT
      Alright! Let's Go....Q1 is here! Remember to use A1, A2, in your answers and also don't forget our Pirate hashtag: #LearnLAP ...
  • kylelaurie May 21 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    Q3 In my role as a tech integrator, I’ve spent more time in classrooms this year. I’ve really enjoyed it, and hope to plan even more opportunities next year! #LearnLAP
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    Yes and you will bring something amazing to the upper grades that they still need--enthusiasm and excitement. Don't lose your elementary mindset of learning and fun! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @StefaniePitzer
  • Lcrosby003 May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    Q1- I love going to the beach and spending time with my family. #LearnLAP
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A3: I want to bring mindfulness into my classes and so my goal is to practice this myself this summer. #LearnLap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    Could not love this more! #LearnLAP ☠️
    • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:18 PM EDT
      A3: Wehave really been focused on #literacy this year and I want to increase the focus on this in my classroom next year. So after choosing some 📚 titles that align w/ the curriculum, my job this summer is to do an intensive read through and think about implementation. #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A4: I am currently in the process of trying to obtain Taylor Swift tickets. I am also planning a brief vacation with my family. #learnlap
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A3-Right now I'm multitasking- Watching @Flipgrid s my SS made for me today (thanks to a wonderful guidance counselor! @RepaVB As I listen, I'm realizing what really made an impact on them! #studentchoice #studentledclassroom #collaborativelearning @classcraftgame #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A4: I'm going to Disneyworld!! #learnlap @LBStrunk
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A4 I spend a lot of time up north at the cottage with family and friends. Paddle board, swim, read and garden #LearnLAP
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A.3 Looks like I will be teaching more Algebra next year. Need to spend some time brainstorming more problem solving and less text book with @ddmeyer #LearnLAP https://t.co/6lLd0BA24R
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A3: I want to read more from educators whose visions align with mine and my idea of service learning. I want to get @BryanCountyMS even more involved in experiential learning for 18-19! #learnLAP #BeBCMS
    In reply to @missliz31, @BryanCountyMS
  • BKd204Sci May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A4 Hopefully watch some baseball! Hit the gym...had a good year health wise & getting in better shape will keep that trend going #learnlap
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A4: Resting, reading, time with family. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯#LearnLAP ☠️
    • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:19 PM EDT
      A3- Laser like focus on priorities of the school house! Go BIG on the top two and make sure all structures are in place to support. #learnlap
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    A4: Lots of fresh air on tap for this summer. That is exciting for me to think about right now. :) #learnlap
  • cybraryman1 May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    My Summer Learning page https://t.co/u9v5MfkFF6 My Summer Reading page https://t.co/4WhCLFU2mu My Summer Fun & Learning Pages https://t.co/8FtXZDj54p #LearnLAP #4thchat
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A4: 2 vacays planned that both involve beaches. Looking forward to some reading, unplugged activities, family time, my district's summer PD calendar & getting to be mom full time! #LearnLAP
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A2 - I think the work life imbalances have is often self - inflicted.m, always need to remember it will be there tomorrow and my little ones will not be little forever! #LearnLAP
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A3: I am planning to read as much as I can about addressing students in trauma-how to address behavioral issues, academic gaps, etc. I'll try to find books, but I will use twitter, blogs, online resources as well. We need to be more prepared to educate our ss in trauma. #learnlap
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A4: I'm treating myself to a day at Hogwarts (@UniversalOrland) after the Model Schools conference in June! I'm so excited! (Maybe less rest but definitely extra excitement) #LearnLAP
  • TeacherRunner42 May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    a4: starting summer off with my first attempt at a 100km run! very nervously excited O.o #learnlap #runlap
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A3: Manage my time and be a better organizer. I always seem to run out of time and don’t seem to improve in organizing myself. I will try, again, this coming school year. #LearnLAP
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    #learnlap A2. School days are rush hours ...the adrenaline rush is something I can't do with out .so it gives me going . Holidays I totally unwind
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A3: I’ll be attending a 2 day digital learning summit over the summer. I’m looking forward to learning about various technology tools and the opportunity to integrate them into literacy instruction. We’re also moving to full day K so I’m excited. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31
  • danvkoch May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    Join #edtechafterdark tonight at 10PM EST! Dan will be moderating and chatting about what teachers REALLY do over summer - and it ain’t all barbecues and loungin’. #whatisschool #learnlap https://t.co/z1hxS8QlPQ #edtech #digcit
  • PrincipalSmart May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A3 We are moving toward digital portfolios for all teachers and students so my focus will be on that plus continuing to move toward a student led classroom and what steps will be next. #learnlap
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A4: A week of hiking in Asheville, North Carolina. As well as some time at the family cabin without cell reception - ready for some unplugging! #LearnLAP
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A4: Not sure how much rest I’ll get, but excited to spend time with youth in the Rocky Mountains worshipping and time in the Bahamas serving on a mission trip! So refreshing hearing great messages and seeing youth grow! #LearnLAP
  • MarilynEDU May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    I love that, Kim. You'll go back with lots of practical experience for students. I might take up this goal as well. #LearnLap
    In reply to @KimberlyOnak1
  • AwesomeScience May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    HS students are the same babies in bigger bodies. Be the best you and teach them to be the best them. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else except High School! #mystudentsareawesome #learnLAP
    In reply to @StefaniePitzer
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    Q4- Finish the dissertation. Period. End of the tunnel!! 📚🤔💪🏻👩🏻‍🎓🌟🔥🍾💡🔑📝#LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A2. Balance is key. Take time for family and self care along with learning. #learnlap
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    Sounds heavenly, Katie! #learnlap
    In reply to @MrsDevlinSS
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A4: I am headed to New York in the summer with my hubby! #learnlap
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A4: we usually go on a vacation to Topsail Island. The rest of the time is spent going to the zoo, museums, and tennis. #learnlap
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    A4 I plan to do a lot of cycling. I did 30k today and felt so at peace, my stress just melted away, it was magnificent! #LearnLAP
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A4: I am #superexcited to be going to the #PEInstitute18 this year. I can't wait to connect and learn. #learnlap
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A4 - Beach 🏖 🏝 Trip and first ever trip to Disney - Going to be an EPIC summer for sure! #LearnLAP
  • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A4: I am a rare @redsox fan from NY and will be going to @fenwaypark several times this summer for games and to see @billyjoel. Also spending some days in Vermont. Looking forward to the downtime #LearnLAP
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    #learnlap A3. with two weeks still to go ..i haven't started the reflective approach yet , but I think I want to go slow next year and get more in synch with my subject group .
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A4 Leaving for a week family vacation at the beach the week after school ends. No better way to recharge than Cape Cod! #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    💪🏻💕💋🌸💞 thanks for joining! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @DebiMcNeal, @RichmondHill_HS
  • schoenebk May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    Going to visit family in Virginia Beach 🏖 #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A4- Going to spend lots of time on the beach, and playing with the poines! #learnlap
  • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A3. I’m in a strange and exciting land of possibility with our relocation. A major goal is to find a school where I will be as happy and fulfilled as I have been at Ben Davis. 😭😊🙌#LearnLAP
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A4: Despite recently hobbling myself with a sprained ankle, I look forward to a quick healing process and getting back out on the trails, mountains, and waterways of the Adirondacks! #learnlap
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    Agreed! I was able to get some tips and tricks from another teacher in our district and plan to read and reflect as well. #learnlap
    In reply to @Miss_Bregg
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A3: I want to build my production and publishing of blog and podcast posts into a more regular part of my schedule. If I can do that and get time planned in daily for writing my book, I will be a happy camper. #LearnLAP
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    #learnlap A4 travel plans
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    Yeah...Mine too. This next year, you and I will stick to it. Deal? #LearnLAP
    In reply to @spqrmiguel
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A3: Jamari’s goal is to have more fries and hamburgers at school, from McDonald’s. He is giving his answers to questions too. He’s #learnLAP too ;) 🍟
    In reply to @missliz31
  • MarilynEDU May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    I'm with you on this one. #MoreProblem solving!!! Have you tried @IllustrateMath? I think it would pair well with Dan's work. #LearnLap
    In reply to @smarterteacher, @ddmeyer, @IllustrateMath
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    A3 I would like to take the time to better integrate a cross curricular approach using PBL and marry that with a design thinking mindset. This will require re reading @IntentionBook, leaning in on my #PLN, and digging into digital resources. #LearnLAP
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A3 I am staying home from being a summer camp photographer @CampCayuga to finish my book "The Story of Always Believe" My mission is to spread how this rule has changed my Ss lives. My book will be released this Fall. #AlwaysBelieve
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    A4: I am going to Vegas. #LearnLAP
  • Principal_H May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    A2 I think it’s more about having priorities and enjoying what you do for a living - if it’s important you make the time -if you love what you do ( for a living ) it’s not really work . Get what I’m saying 😜 #learnLAP @DynamicDuda338 #wondertwins
  • AwesomeScience May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    A4 Going to Utah, Australia, Nth Carolina and Florida. Maybe squeezing in a trip to Denmark. The world is my oyster #travelLAP #learnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    #learnlap A4. Taking a cruise with the family to Havana... I'll find a good book and completely unplug!
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    Good luck with your running! I'm sure you've been preparing for this and you're ready! #learnlap #runlap
  • PrincipalSmart May 21 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    Sorry everyone but I need to run. We are going out for supper. Have a wonderful week. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    Love this! Keep us posted on this transition! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @PrincipalSmart
  • TeacherRunner42 May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    a4: Taking my almost-17-year-old on some college visits this summer. weird paradigm shift :) #LearnLAP
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    A4 I actually just started reading the Zen Teacher and want to try and incorporate some zen practice into my summer and the next year #LearnLAP @thezenteacher
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    A4: We are building a house and that is super exciting, but not really restful! We are moving in right after school starts. Other than that is some great little day trips and a presentation @NISOD this weekend! #LearnLAP
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    They're a great place to visit, even better place to live. We're pretty spoiled up here. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsDevlinSS
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    Possibly starting a podcast with another teacher this summer. We're excited! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @EffectualEdu
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    YOU GOT THIS! #LearnLAP ☠️❤️
    • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:23 PM EDT
      Q4- Finish the dissertation. Period. End of the tunnel!! 📚🤔💪🏻👩🏻‍🎓🌟🔥🍾💡🔑📝#LearnLAP
  • HeatherJoy001 May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    A2, #LearnLAP for me, my passion is the the result of wants &/or needs. I wanted better educational opportunities for my children, which became for all children, which led to my own journey to find and be with and learn with folks passionate about education
    • Principal_H May 14 @ 8:12 PM EDT
      Q2: We’ve all had (or been) the student who spends his/her time daydreaming in class. How much of a role does maturity, age, or readiness play in motivation? When do you start to care about or become passionate about a subject? #LearnLAP
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    A4: Honeymooning to St. Lucia! #learnLAP
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    Thanks! I'm going to give them a read this summer!! #learnlap
    In reply to @PreK33
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely explore this as well. #LearnLAP A definite pebble
    In reply to @MarilynEDU, @ddmeyer, @IllustrateMath
  • AmandaSopko May 21 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    A4: Set up a quiet shady place in my yard to sit and have my morning tea or read while the kids play. Mini escape. The kids like it too and call it the quiet garden. 😁 #LearnLAP
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    A4 - Disney is always on the calendar and this year a cruise resting #LAP #LearnLAP
  • MrsMurat May 21 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    And they are such amazing kids! I am thankful for all the @meclassof2018 @MEClassOf2019 @MEClassof2021 Spartans in my life. They make me laugh, challenge me to keep learning and are the joy of my day everyday! Definitely an empty next in September each year! #learnLAP
    In reply to @StefaniePitzer, @meclassof2018, @MEClassOf2019, @MEClassof2021
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    Focusing on a deeper understanding of content/subject will definitely pay off! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @ApraRalli
  • DebiMcNeal May 21 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    A4: beach. Im lucky to live on the Georgia coast! #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:28 PM EDT
    Wait..... did you say a book????? @DebiMcNeal did you hear this? 📙📘📗📕 #BetterTakeTwo #LearnLAP
    In reply to @treyrobertson72, @DebiMcNeal
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:28 PM EDT
    A4: My husband & I are going to be tour guides for my parents when we Washington DC. It's their first time. Also planning a trip to OR with my husband and two sons. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:29 PM EDT
    GREAT book! Enjoy! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @Miss_Bregg, @thezenteacher
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:29 PM EDT
    A3. Get organized and look for some different activities and learning approaches to bring in to classroom. #learnlap
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    I want to invoke more Einstein in my math classes. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MarilynEDU, @ddmeyer, @IllustrateMath
  • litcoach09 May 21 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    Sheri from Cincy hopping on late! A4-looking forward to morning runs, coffee on the patio while everyone is still sleeping and catching up on some YA reading at the beach! #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    This is my favorite thing to do too! Always looking for new ideas to try! That’s why I love twitter so much! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @gdorn1
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A4 I have been blessed to travel in all 48 lower states. #GodBlessAmerica this summer I am driving to Cleveland for my wife's family reunion! #AlwaysBelieve Enjoy some of my post cards.
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    YA reading is IT. Currently have the latest John Green on my dresser. I'm just waiting for time to read it! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @litcoach09
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    A4. Visiting family! Visiting other places. #learnlap
  • MarilynEDU May 21 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    I bet your class discussions are fabulous!!! I can see some great Socratic Seminars coming from you. #LearnLap
    In reply to @smarterteacher, @ddmeyer, @IllustrateMath
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:32 PM EDT
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    Have you read "Learn Like a PIRATE" and want to connect with others at your grade level or in your position? If so, add your name to the #LearnLAP PLN: https://t.co/yqOsvPp2kv Bounce ideas off of others implementing collaborative, student-led classrooms!
  • CAlcavage May 21 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    A1 I like to read some good mystery books, go to the beach, workout, and hang out with friends. #LearnLAP #TLAP
    In reply to @missliz31, @PaulSolarz
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    A4: This summer, I plan on taking advantage of every moment I have with family. I’ll have a rising HS Senior & freshman so this summer is going to be special for so many reasons. It will be about being in the moment & not taking it for granted. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    A5: I plan on participating in ed Twitter chats throughout the summer! #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    A5: #waledchat will be continuing throughout the summer and #122edchat is doing a book study that should be fun too. Continuing to podcast and blog will hopefully also help me continue to connect with others. #learnlap
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    A5: Definitely Twitter. MNy conferences this year that I’m looking forward to. Especially ISTE- hoping to meet new and inspiring educators! #LearnLAP
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    A5: Build my Twitter PLN even more. I am going to try to connect with some other people interested in bridging the gap for Ss between K12 and community colleges in S-driven instruction. #LearnLAP
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A5 Twitter chats over the summer will be happening. This beats Professional Development in my opinion. #AlwaysBelieve
  • MsJachymiak May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    A5: I plan to stay connected this summer by participating in Twitter chats and hosting a few as well. I started this journey as a pre-service teacher, and I am so grateful for the opportunities that have been presented to me. #learnlap
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    A5: Continue with Twitter chats, Facebook, blogging #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • ReaderLeaderBSA May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A5: I am excited to try a few Twitter book studies with other groups and grow my PLN! #LearnLAP
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A5: Twitter Chats. Conferences. Want to join a local co-op of educators. Also want to get more involved in voxer. Just kind of linger around #learnlap
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A5: More Twitter Chats! I've been choosing a new one to drop in on every week in order to grow my #pln. I'm always willing to try a new one, so all recommendations are welcome! #LearnLAP
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A5: I am going to participate in a few Twitter book chats. I also have a few teams from school that I am going to meet with over the summer and plan. Planning at Starbucks or Panera always seems more productive. :) #learnlap
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A5: I plan to keep up and stay consistent with edchatson Twitter. I plan to keep up my blog as well. #LearnLAP
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    Getting students to ask the questions is so important. And getting them to believe process is more valuable than answers. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MarilynEDU, @ddmeyer, @IllustrateMath
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    This is a great list! #learnlap
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    Voxer will help you build your Twitter PLN. There are tons of groups on V that you can connect with that will branch to Twitter! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @EffectualEdu
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A5: Always great to shoot an idea out into the Twitterverse at different hashtags and see what happens. Bouncing ideas off folks on twitter is great, but nothing beats those in person conversations with colleagues. #learnlap #tlap #sstlap #sschat
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A5 I'll be staying in touch with my Twitter PLN over the summer #LearnLAP
  • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A5: Participating in a @voxer chat on “What Schools Could Be” #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31, @voxer
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    I found this gem and plan to attend some great twitter chats over the coming months! #LearnLAP https://t.co/hiJxxGKTWa
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    Blogging! Something I have dabbled in....but am@very inconsistent! Need to get better to tell our story! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @PreK33
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    Me too! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @wesaquje
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A5: #LearnLAP I have gotten into twitter more lately and love reading things and connecting with other educators, and I have to admit a big time guilty pleasure of mine is Pinterest! I also talk to other friends in the field.
    In reply to @missliz31
  • learningisjoy May 21 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A1 - I am moving home this summer & looking for a new position, but I plan to spend time at the beach and at the parks. I plan to be outdoors and to spend time with family, doing what makes my soul happy. #learnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31, @PaulSolarz
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5: Definitely keeping up w/Twitter & hoping to catch the #TLAP chat on Mondays right after #LearnLap Also going to ISTE this June & a book club. It's all about balance
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5: Continue using twitter to connect and learn from fellow educators all over the world. #LearnLAP
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5: I also found an e-course on teaching with mindfulness I'm really interested in. #LearnLAP
  • AwesomeScience May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5 as much as I love you all, my plan is to completely disconnect over the summer. On that note, this will be my last #learnLAP chat until August. I am sure I will still be online, but intentionally removing scheduled chats from my schedule and live IRL for the next 2 mths
    In reply to @missliz31
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5: Twitter is my absolute favorite way to stay connected. I also use instagram @ techwithstef and our district has a Summer PD program #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5. I plan on participating in ed twitter chats, I'm also connected through Voxer, Attending an Edcamp. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    ME TOO! ☺️☠️❤️ #LearnLAP
    In reply to @chadw675, @voxer
  • litcoach09 May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5-Twitter for sure, #WEareLakota is doing multiple book studies this summer and ISTE! Plus catching up on podcasts and reading show notes! #organizemyDrive #LearnLAP
  • DebiMcNeal May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5: twitter always. I also like to look at other schools’ websites #learnlap
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5-I cannot live without our #7thgrade team group text! Looking forward to adding new peeps to this group over the summer. & my college BFF is moving to Georgia 🍑🍑 today! Given she has been out of the classroom for a while, I have deemed myself her Twitter 👩🏻‍🏫. #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A5- I'll continue to partipipate in my fave Twitter chats! Catch up on some of the #GoogleTribe and other podcasts I've gotten behind on! #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:37 PM EDT
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    Have you read Zen Teacher? @thezenteacher #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @MrsDevlinSS, @thezenteacher
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    A5: I plan to continue to stop by and participate in some twitter chats. I also want to devote time to working on my blog that I recently started. There are several @dbc_inc books that I will be reading and would like to reflect with my PLN. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31, @dbc_inc
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    Um, this sounds AMAZING. Thank you. I'll check it out! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31, @thezenteacher
  • learningisjoy May 21 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    A2: I have found that I keep balance in this way: I work hard from the moment I get there until the day is done & I do very little at home. I try to hold myself to that standard. I try to do work at home as little as possible. #learnlap
    In reply to @missliz31, @PaulSolarz
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A5 - This is where I need suggestions - Twitter is my go to, but I want a group to connect with - a real exchange of ideas rather than just finding or coming across something something - any ideas??? #LearnLAP @missliz31
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A.5 Twitter PLN chats are absolutely essential to keep the creative juices flowing during the summer. #LEARNLAP
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A5 Twitter and blog posts are my go to for staying connected during the summer months. I enjoy following the hashtag of my edu connected reading. #LearnLAP
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A6: EdCampKS, and NeRdCampKS #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • learningisjoy May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A3: I want to work on my management knowing what I know now. I plan to create a new behavior plan to implement using the tools I’ve learned this year. #learnlap
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A6: Excited to present at Learnapalooza with @PHausTech and @MHSLewisHistory with my principal, @ERobbPrincipal keynoting the event! #learnlap @vste @rodcarnill
  • DebiMcNeal May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A6: model schools conference with all my fav @BryanCoSchools folks #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    VOXER! Get the app and we can walk through it! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @kferreira71
  • BivinsMiller May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A5 - Use @Flipgrid so staff can share their summer adventures as well as a School # for our kiddos to join in on the fun! #LearnLAP
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    A6: Over the summer, I usually participate in Genealogy conferences. It is funny, but I often get ideas from them that I can apply to class. I haven't seen any educational conferences to attend yet, but I am sure I will find a couple. #learnlap
  • learningisjoy May 21 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    A4: I plan to take a vacation to the ocean! I plan to play my favorite video games & spend time relaxing. #learnlap
    In reply to @missliz31, @PaulSolarz
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    A6: We're going 1:1 next year, and our district is offering a couple days of PD workshops as well as a "tinker" day which should be awesome! #learnlap
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    A6: Excited that ISTE is in Chicago this year & our school district is sending teachers! #LearnLAP #ISTE18
  • learningisjoy May 21 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    A5: I plan to look for conversations and chats and to collaborate with others. #learnlap
    In reply to @missliz31, @PaulSolarz
  • msweisenbeck May 21 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    A6- Going to attend both #VaBeachDSS this June and again in August! #learnlap
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A5.#edtechchat Change is the constant for my life ...every year I do something new , this year too planning of some courses on @MicrosoftEDU and deepening my subject understanding. Looking for newer things to do ...the search is on
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A6: All the #LeadLearners and #ProudPrincipals in my district are going to Model Schools in June. Anyone else? We are ExExExCited! ☠️❤️☠️ #LearnLAP
  • Annacoyne74 May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A6. I don’t have any conferences or workshops booked but am looking forward to spending some quality time learning about Ohio Grad pathways and College Credit Plus🙌. #LearnLAP
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    I don't blog regularly, only when I think something needs to be addressed or something is heavy on my mind. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • learningisjoy May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A6: Id like to attend a #pbl conference if I find the time. #learnlap
    In reply to @missliz31, @PaulSolarz
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A6 Unfortunately I don't have any conferences or Edcamps over the summer. But I do have learning I'm looking forward to 😀 #LearnLAP
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A6 I will be presenting at @iCafeLCISD T3 conference this August for @LamarCISD about how to establish a POSITIVE classroom environment. This will be my 1st presentation to link to my book "The Story of Always Believe" coming out this fall. #SoExcited
  • siilva_eric May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    Paul Pierce Seth Rollins #ObieAwards #LearnLAP https://t.co/lneYEwL4hM
  • gwena_walker May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A4: We are leaving for a 10 day vacation in Gulf Shores!!
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A6: I am excited to be going to #PEInstitute18 this year to connect with the best of the best in #physed. Also hoping to join the @Ed_Cooperative to connect with local educators in Nashville #learnlap
  • litcoach09 May 21 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A6-ISTE, nErDcamp in Michigan and our district has weekly PD sessions throughout the summer for teacher collaboration and learning #LearnLAP
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
  • chadw675 May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A6: Going to #EdCamp Leadership this July. Other than that, it’s my time to decompress #LearnLAP
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A6 Looking forward to Tech Camp that starts up right after school lets out. Our Ss are still fresh in our minds and we can think about how best to leverage the tools in purposeful ways to guide teaching and help learning. #learnlap
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A6: Hoping to attend some career sessions right after school let’s out with #ASCA and #GaDOE @georgiadeptofed! It is never too early to get the wheels turning about their futures. #BeBCMS #LearnLAP @BryanCountyMS
    In reply to @missliz31, @georgiadeptofed, @BryanCountyMS
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A6-This summer is my time to #focusonme. I've taken time this year to attend 2 @EdcampUSA events as well as 2 @GaDOE_SS training opportunities. So this summer, I've got to turn off the outside world 🌎 somewhat and focus on reaching some personal goals! #bettereveryday #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️The negative educators aren’t on Twitter! Love this! And don’t be a secret lurker! Be brave and put yourself out there! You won’t regret it! #LearnLAP
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A6: I’m attending the CPS Innovative Practices Conference in Cincinnati. #LearnLAP
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A6: I am presenting on Being REAL (Realistic, Authentic, Enthusiastic, and Learner-Centered) at the @NISOD conference this weekend in Austin. Nothing else on the agenda for conferences. #LearnLAP
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    A6: Super excited for ISTE and nErDcampks! #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    Think about replacing the word “management” For “leadership” ••• classroom leadership! You’ll be great! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @learningisjoy, @PaulSolarz
  • jenladd May 21 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    Can’t wait for NerdCamp! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @litcoach09
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    Q7 is on deck next......#LearnLAP
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A6: I’m really looking forward to attending the 2 day digital learning summer summit. I’m excited about the sessions that I’ll be attending that will help me support Ts and Ss moving forward with their learning. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    NerdCamp? That sounds awesome! #learnlap
    In reply to @mariahway17
  • Kuglmee May 21 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A6: ISTE in Chicago this summer! But that is the only one I can fit in #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A6. Edcamp in Lousville,KY, Possible ACS Conference. #learnlap
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A6: I am attending the ASCD Teaching Excellence Conference in Dallas. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    ELITE idea! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @BivinsMiller, @Flipgrid
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    A6 - my PL will be made up of reading and podcasts - no conferences for me so far #LearnLAP
  • gwena_walker May 21 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A6: Yes! EdCamp and a Twitter BookCamp - plus Jimmy Casas is speaking in my area!
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:45 PM EDT
  • ApraRalli May 21 @ 8:45 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A5 #edtechchat A6 . Looking at some online courses to be more engaged with what k eventually want to do.
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    Worried that you might forget about an upcoming #LearnLAP chat? Sign up to receive free REMIND'ers via text or email here: https://t.co/7Ga9QqvE1z Never be late or miss a chat again! :)
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A7 Twitter has opened my eyes to the amazing education community that is present, this summer I will be using that community to learn, build and network! #LearnLAP
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has allowed me to connect w/ amazing educators and edu heroes of mine all over the world. I have discovered so many books, learned a ton, and found a tribe! #LearnLAP
  • Kuglmee May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A5: Twitter chats and book studies on FB as well as here #LearnLAP
  • jenladd May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    It’s so amazing. You’re gonna love it! #nerdcampmi #LearnLAP
    In reply to @litcoach09
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    🤓nerd camp! I need to come this! Tell me more! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @jenladd, @litcoach09
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has helped to build my PLN and I will learn from them throughout the summer months too! #learnlap
  • gwena_walker May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A7: Stay connected with other Educators through chats and personal conversations. Help and be helped. Also doing a summer book PD through Twitter.
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A7: The people on twitter have forever changed the way I will teach. This summer I'll continue to make professional connections and pick up new strategies to best meet the needs of my Ss! #learnlap @PaulSolarz @ERobbPrincipal @burgessdave @_on11 @megan_hacholski @gcouros
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has helped me customize my learning, and has given me a supportive network. I am a happier, more up to date teacher because of it. I will continue to participate in PD on Twitter this summer, for sure. #LearnLAP
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter is a game changer. I mean come on, we are connecting with the author of this book right now!! How amazing is that? #learnlap
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has validated me both personally and professionally! I don't know why I held off for so long!! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A7: I need so many characters to answer this! It brought me an outstanding coach in @alienearbud #BLBS, connected me with other #Pirates in the PLN, and broadened the horizon of my mind for what prof learning can be. Changed everything! #LearnLAP
  • AwesomeScience May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A7 @twitter has brought me YOU - the best people I have never met, who share with abandon, live life with passion, and from whom I steal the best ideas and incorporate as my own #learnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31, @Twitter
  • BlackKoffee_ May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    The thug life takes no summer breaks #LearnLAP
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has allowed our school to share with the world the wonderful things happening every day in our building. There are hundreds of great things happening in every school building across our country daily. Let's share them with the world!!! #learnlap
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A7-P1-Twitter has really helped me connect with other #likeminded educators who are also working to provide engaging lessons everyday in classrooms across the world. Through communities such as #sschat and #WorldGeoChat, I've discovered great resources. #LearnLAP
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has helped me be less shy, plain and simple - and to be unafraid to join a conversation! It has helped me to see that there are some amazing people out there doing amazing things in their classrooms who are willing to help a fellow teacher out. #LearnLAP
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter continues to allow me to connect with outstanding, passionate educators. I love finding out about new books, apps & ideas from my PLN. #learnlap
  • treyrobertson72 May 21 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    #learnlap Without question twitter has been the greatest source of professional development in my career... It has forced me to rethink my views and even my beliefs on how we should educate our society.
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A7 Twitter is a powerful tool to find your tribe. Staying connected helps us unearth new ideas and gather support. It is also a great tool to receive a little pushback. We need a little now and again. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A7: I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ twitter and I love telling our story! Exceptionally proud of our staff for taking a risk with me- and loving my crazy- and taking the Twitter leap! Love you @BryanCountyMS 💋❤️💋 #LearnLAP ☠️
  • Kuglmee May 21 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has helped me connect with fabulous educators around the world. I’ve been led to some great PD, books, and strategies by my PLN so I’ll be checking in all summer #learnLAP
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A7 After reading @burgessdave book #tlap and participating in @Twitter chats, it inspired me to write my own book about how my 1st rule "Always Believe in Yourself" has changed lives AND my community. Just saying, now more than ever our Ss need POSITIVE Trs.
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A7. Twitter allows us to share our story, show pics of what we do with Ss. It allows us to coonect with others in #PLN network globally. Meeting other educators, sharing ideas, making connections! #learnlap
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has connected me to other inspirational educators and has given me a lot of great ideas this year - the tent, room transformations, history madness, etc #LearnLAP
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    A7-P2-The beauty of Twitter is being able to do a #deepdive into precious chats I've missed! I can spend time scrolling through chats on a specific topic and glean so much usable information! Goal of summer-discover what I may have missed!! 💡💡#LearnLAP
  • Coachadamspe May 21 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    I want to learn how I can make a skeptic out of people who are weary about joining twitter. I am 1 of 20 educators in my building active on twitter. #learnlap
    • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:48 PM EDT
      A7: Twitter continues to allow me to connect with outstanding, passionate educators. I love finding out about new books, apps & ideas from my PLN. #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    Same. ☺️☺️❤️❤️💯💯💯 the same! #BeTheOne #ChangeAgents #KidsDeserveIt #LearnLAP ☠️
    • AwesomeScience May 21 @ 8:47 PM EDT
      A7 @twitter has brought me YOU - the best people I have never met, who share with abandon, live life with passion, and from whom I steal the best ideas and incorporate as my own #learnLAP
      In reply to @missliz31, @Twitter
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    Absolutely! To build connections with other people, other cultures, other places... It's just amazing! #learnlap
    In reply to @Miss_Bregg
  • LaneWalker2 May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    mastery...let alone retention #LearnLAP
    In reply to @dbuckedu, @eikaiwa_Alpha_G
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    The last question of the night... Q8 up next......#AreYouReadyForIt #LearnLAP
  • dwsteven May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    Alright, #learnlap I'm out for the night! Be well!
  • CAlcavage May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    A3 I plan on reading Teach Like a Pirate and will plan more problem based instruction into my teaching. Being an In-class support and a resource math teacher I would also like to get community members to visit my classes and incorporate their careers Into my lessons.#LearnLap
    In reply to @joellealrce
  • litcoach09 May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    A7- twitter has helped form my PLN, provided amazing resources and it challenges me to put myself out there! #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    Stay the course with it! Eventually they will take the leap! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @Coachadamspe
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    A7 I discovered the power of Twitter in December with #ditchsummit and I never looked back. I intend to get back into blogging this summer, and just see where the wind takes me next! #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    #learnlap! @misskoplin and I are presenting at a conference about Why To Build A PLN! Would love some of your insight. Find out how here: https://t.co/VWqITAZQxS
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter gives me great ideas or sparks great ideas! It is so encouraging to see Ts who work hard and love Ss. Knowing that others have similar stories! Helped me grow tremendously as a T and has helped me bring my A game to the classroom! #LearnLAP
  • smarterteacher May 21 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    A.7 Twitter is my favorite PLN. So many ideas from some of the most engaged outstanding educators around the world. #LearnLAP
  • CristinaDajero May 21 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    A7: Twitter has helped me expand my PLN, connect with educators through twitter chats, & motivate me to begin blogging. Twitter has given me the confidence to share my thoughts with others and find my voice as an educator. Twitter helps me grow. #learnLAP #LoveLiteracyLearning
    In reply to @missliz31
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    Lead the way and they will follow. We did a PD about Twitter and Tweetdeck for teachers at our school and it really made a difference! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @Coachadamspe
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    A7: My wife @AlmaGonzalez, who is also a principal, first introduced me to twitter two years ago. Now many of my school’s initiatives are modeled after learning them from other fellow principals all over. You learn something new everyday. #LearnLAP
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    Those are great goals!! It's evident you care about your students!! #learnlap
    In reply to @CAlcavage
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:53 PM EDT
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    SUMMER BOOK STUDY! July 2nd-August 6th on #LearnLAP - Buy the book on Amazon: https://t.co/AeHEOqH3fb - Buy the Audible Audiobook: https://t.co/sb6Q5h5fg0 - BULK Orders: https://t.co/osJoU6I8u5 #kinderchat #1stchat #2ndchat #3rdchat #4thchat #5thchat #mschat #edchat #education
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    ELITE beyond words book! All the books that end in •Like A Pirate• are must reads for all educators ☠️☠️☠️ #LearnLAP
    In reply to @CAlcavage, @joellealrce
  • HowardKiyuna May 21 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    Last year they gave me 10 min at beginning of every staff mtg. I shared what I learned on twitter. Now there are more staff using it regularly. #learnlap
  • LindaEdwardsi May 21 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    A7 I've made lots of great connections with people worldwide. I've learned many new things and had my thinking challenged by many great educators #LearnLAP
  • moler3031 May 21 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    A8: my goal is start the year off right, with a clear plan, and stay consistent. #learnLAP
  • wesaquje May 21 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    A8: STEM lesson plans for all science units. I love the hands-on approach. Looking to my PLN for amazing ideas! #learnlap
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    A7: In grad school we were required to create a "teacher twitter" and create our own PLN. Thanks to this I have found so many accounts that help with lesson planning, different activities and labs, and has helped me connect with other teachers across the globe #learnLAP
  • joellealrce May 21 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    Absolutely! I learn something new every time I go on Twitter. There are so many dedicated, selfless educators sharing their successes!! I love it! #learnlap
    In reply to @spqrmiguel, @AlmaGonzalez
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    A8: I want to incorporate some hyperdocs and Flipgrid into my classroom! @_on11 will help hold me accountable! #learnlap
  • EduGladiators May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    We are on break, but join us in "The Arena" - #EduGladiators {NEW} community group! 📲https://t.co/sYHQZuFye8 Share convos, resources & make deeper connections! Plus enjoy sneak peaks of chat Qs! #ImpactMatters #tnedchat #miched #FLEdChat #OhEdChat #LearnLap #sstlap #atplc
  • PreK33 May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A8: Working more closely with my PreK team! We've been scattered around the district. Now we'll all be in the same building! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • MrsAsztalos May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A8 Total blended learning classroom. I know I have some great mentors in my PLN to help with this! Many have already stepped up with offers of help! #LearnLAP
  • StefaniePitzer May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    Always a great way to start my week w/ some #LearnLap big thanks to @missliz31 for hosting!
  • LaneWalker2 May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    Yes! and I appreciate the humility. I have never been made to feel dumb for not knowing something already. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @joellealrce, @spqrmiguel, @AlmaGonzalez
  • MrsDevlinSS May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A8: I want visitors to my (online) classroom. If you've been to a part of the globe and want to tell your story, I want to use that (I teach geography). More collaboration, more interactions, more chances for my students to see this wonderful world! #LearnLAP
  • T_HEB May 21 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    Will be spending a great deal of time considering learning opportunities for our new maker space. Probably a center approach as the space will not be staffed so edus, not use to the space, will have something to start w/. #learnlap #edtechchat
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    Thanks for the conversation tonight #learnlap! I hope you'll join @_on11 and @megan_hacholski has they cohost #waledchat this Thursday at 9pm. Here are the Q's! https://t.co/MXYRiFcg7H
  • EffectualEdu May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8: Goals: Get my GOVT class of future teachers to evaluate educator evaluation policies and propose revisions to TEA, finish writing my book on Being REAL, create a bi-weekly podcast and blog post. #LearnLAP
  • kferreira71 May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A7 - twitter has helped expand my teaching methods and provides a wealth of ideas. I plan to use it to start sharing my own ideas this summer & by becoming more connected - This chick will not be a hoarder or knowledge 😁😁💁🏻‍♀️ #LearnLAP
  • noel_hoffmann May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8: My goal is to stay consistent with incorporating more student led activities throughout the year. Also, there is that schedule that I am going to stick to... #learnlap
  • MsGeorge228 May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8: One goal I have for myself is to involve career activities in more of what I do. Some days I get caught up in smaller parts of the job that the big picture slips away- giving these middle level learners a wholistic education beyond the academics of the classroom. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @missliz31
  • litcoach09 May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8- I want to become a Google Trainer, but also transform teaching in my buildings so T understand the power of the pirate for students! My amazing team will help me #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8. STEM plans. Looking for exciting new material. Start strong! #learnlap
  • waddellsworld May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8-This was our first year implementing clubs and my #schoolspirit club was a huge hit!! 🎉🌟 Next year I have a better, more focused plan to focus on school wide goals and initiatives, ultimately with the goal of increasing student awareness of @BryanCountyMS events! #LearnLAP
  • spqrmiguel May 21 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A8: My goal for next school year is to better manage my time. I still use a calendar but I will try to use technology more to be able to keep track of time and plan better. #LearnLAP
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    This is an ELITE goal! #LearnLAP ☠️
    In reply to @MsGeorge228
  • Miss_Bregg May 21 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A8 well I will actually be doing my final internship in the fall so I plan 1.) to crush building a classroom community 2.) giving useful and well thought out feedback 3.)not crying too often ;) #LearnLAP
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A8: Mindfulness will be coming to room 325 this August and I will ask a teacher I know already practicing this to keep me accountable #LearnLAP
  • HowardKiyuna May 21 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A8: I want to say more math/cooking based on success of Genius times this yr. But the whole pt was that genius times were mostly tech in the past. So I sorta have to 'not know' what the class will do next yr. I'd like to cook lunch for the school once a 1/4 for math #learnlap
  • KiddTrooper May 21 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    Magento Baltimore County Gio Gonzalez #LHHATL #LearnLAP #inners https://t.co/FAQSgG332R
  • MrPStrunk May 21 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    Would love if some of my ed chat friends could help @misskoplin & I as we get ready to present at an upcoming conference about the power of PLN Building. Find out how here: https://t.co/VWqITAIf9i #edchat #learnlap #tlap #waledchat #122edchat #tellyourstory #kidsdeserveit
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator May 21 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    Thanks so much to everyone who chatted with us tonight on #LearnLAP! ESPECIALLY to @missliz31 who moderated tonight! Please join us next week as @ReaderLeaderBSA moderates. TOPIC: "Creating Student Reader Leaders" For now, please head on over to #tlap for more great discussion!
  • mariahway17 May 21 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    A8: ONE goal is to implement more lessons that have at least a pinch of curiosity to them so that Ss are more engaged. Twitter will help me and convos with Ss and peers. #LearnLAP
  • Toups_J May 21 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    #LearnLAP A8 After 28 years of teaching, I hope this fall I can begin to start public speaking on how #AlwaysBelieve coupled with profound nonverbal communication has transformed my Ss. Now more than ever our Ss need Trs who walk the talk of goodness. Book released this fall!
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    🎉☠️🤓☠️🎉☠️❤️🎉☠️❤️🎉☠️ ☠️ Had an ELITE time #LearnLAP squad! Keep fighting the good fight and being a change agent for scholars! ❤️💯❤️
  • MissSnowden_ May 21 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    A8: My goal for next year is to get more involved in the school and community. I absolutely love @BryanCountyMS and my goal is to connect even more with the students outside of the four walls of the classroom! #learnLAP
  • KimberlyOnak1 May 21 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    @missliz31 Thank you for these fantastic questions tonight! Just what I needed to finish this year strong and focus on 2018-19 #LearnLAP
  • Kuglmee May 21 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    A8: Google certification, use more technology in the classroom (this year was about learning the curriculum), getting closer to done on my doctorate #learnlap
  • missliz31 May 21 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    WOW! Y'all are ELITE and ExExExCellent and make me proud to be an educator! Thank you so much for your time and thoughts tonight! Make sure to get connected and work to grow scholars! #LearnLAP
  • megan_hacholski May 21 @ 9:00 PM EDT