This is the official Twitter account for #OklaEd, thehashtag that brings OK educators together. #OklaEd is not political & promotes constructive dialogue.
For tonight's chat we will follow the normal Q1/A1 format. Please give @drphilcampbell an Oklahoma welcome! I'll be posting the questions, but make sure you follow him not just for tonight, he's been a great resource in my PLN. #oklaed
Rick Cobb, Mid-Del superintendent - I'm looking forward to the gravy from the drippins ... slathered over the whole plate of everything. #oklaed#MDPurpose
Michelle Waters, 9-11 English, Wayne High School. I just walked in the front door after flying in from #NCTE18. Excited, but also glad to be home! #oklaed
#oklaed Dr. Joanna Lein @JoMabeeLein representing the Teaching and Leading Initiative of Oklahoma. We support school districts in training and coaching novice teachers and aspiring leaders in areas of instructional excellence. I am looking forward to the potatoes!
#OklaEd John Bennett, Emeritus Faculty, general education pain in-the-neck. Thanksgiving would not be the same without dry filling, with Turkey gravy of course!
Competition will make our schools better? It's not what drives the Top 10 States! We believe cooperation to help ALL kids is a better way forward. #OklaEd
Sorry to miss #oklaed tonight. I’m a math T in OKCPS who is drowning in allgery medicine so that I can be ready to eat fried turkey, cornbread dressing and cranberries this week.
A1: I told the freshmen PLC going into this year, that the syllabus can wait & challenged them to try something different this year on the 1st day. #oklaed#bedifferent
A1: I start day one just having conversations with my kids. It’s my favorite to do anyway. We also do morning meeting, class polls, carousel poster writing with questions, etc. #oklaed
Christie Paradise, 2nd grade, Mid-Del. I do believe I'm most looking forward to Butterbeer. We'll be hanging in Hogsmeade! Thanks for the calendar change, @grendelrick! #OklaEd
A1 - We do a lot of ice breakers, but my favorite beginning of the year story is sharing my story and then having my students share their story. I learn more about them in this one activity than anything else. #oklaed
Just to be clear, there are soooo..... many dishes making Thanksgiving the best meal of the year!! But dry filling with gravy is the best for sure. #oklaed
A1 #oklaed Go beyond the syllabus and the student handbook. In fact you have my permission to tell students, "I trust you to read this." Start building relationships on day one. Start teaching content on day one. Set the norms that show you care and are serious about learning.
A1: We conduct student interviews, play ice breaker games, complete a stem challenge, and then I always share a little about myself and allow for a Q&A session afterwards. Relationships are KEY to a successful year! #oklaed
A1: One of my fav day 1 activities is called “lost in space.” Emphasizes teamwork and that everyone brings something to the table while utilizing math, science, problem solving, and critical thinking! #oklaed
A1: I don’t really do meaningful activities to build relationships I just respect them, have conversations, laugh with them, treat them like people. #oklaed
A1 I wouldn’t call it an activity, but I have the kids do a beginning of the year survey that includes their I can make it a point to ask about them and attend events. Lots of my early skill building relates to getting to know each other as well. #oklaed
A1: I told the freshmen PLC going into this year, that the syllabus can wait & challenged them to try something different this year on the 1st day. #oklaed#bedifferent
A1:) All about relationships, a variety of activities with our admin to get to know each other at a little different level. For classes I teach, I love to hear what folks are hoping to gain, their current role, etc. Relationships and connections the key. #oklaed
A1: I have some technology surveys but I really like to share my story and hear theres. I sit on the desk and we compare notes about life, Biology, and stuff #oklaed
A1: I make sure I’m at the scanner everyday to greet students, especially the first week. I want the first thing for kids to experience is something positive when they enter the building. #oklaed#middelpurpose@OKCPS
A1: encourage the importance of building relationships from day 1 by getting to know students, asking questions, give students a safe space to share about their likes/dislikes #oklaed
A1) My cousin makes pencil bags for my students every year. They are all different fabrics. I let them choose what they want, and then we talk about why they like it. Gives me a quick look at their likes and dislikes. #OklaEd
A1: playing a game asking questions and have the students move to answer the question. I get to learn about what they have done over the summer, and find out more about the individual student. #oklaed
#oklaed A1) Obviously relationships and collaboration are essential, yes. This is something that most educators excel in. What we often excel in is @Radical_Candor. This is essential for establishing a culture of feedback and continual improvement. #instructionalleadership
A1. When I taught freshmen math, I would give tours of the school to them so they would feel more comfortable in the school. Coming to the HS can be overwhelming. Leadership we usually do team building activities like Mousetraps or a scavenger hunt. #oklaed
A1. I have my kids fill out a survey on the first day. I make it a point to ask a follow up question about one of their responses during the first 2 weeks of school. This yr I added “what do you want to know about me” and answered their Qs in the last 5 minutes of class. #oklaed
A1: We play several games to help them start conversations with each other (Save Fred, M&M color questions, and a quick STEM project in small groups) I also share about my family and let them share too #oklaed
#OklaEd A1: When in the classroom, there first assignment was to answer in writing (remember, back in the 1800’s ...) a series of get-to-know questions - including “What three things from the course description and quick look through the book would be of interest to them.”
A1 with my new AP sophomores, I let them write an anonymous “one burning question” that they have about the class...and I answer them all honestly. That has made a huge impact on the class climate. #oklaed
A2 #oklaed It's important to remember that students will always remember when you knock them down. Do it with mercy. Let them get a save, either with discipline or academics. And add to the positive bucket every chance you get.
A1 - I don't really do anything special on the first day.
I'd rather build and share through content presentation. When there's a topic that I can relate to and share, I do. Seems more authentic that way.
I wrote about it here:
A2: talk to them, eat lunch with them, play games (I never work indoor recess, always play games with my kids), joke around...I just don’t think there a formula for this 🤷🏻♀️ #oklaed
A2: I show my kids I care. I'm hard on them. I have high expectations. But we laugh ALL the time, we veer off course, meander with conversations about what is important to them and then back to the grindstone. #oklaed
I like this approach because it also allows students space. Even as an adult, I don’t always love introducing myself to a group or immediately engaging or filling out a form. Also, I am a big fan of being treated like people. #oklaed
A1: I don’t really do meaningful activities to build relationships I just respect them, have conversations, laugh with them, treat them like people. #oklaed
A2: I make sure to have a positive, personal interaction with every single student every day. I also begin the day by greeting the students and end the day with a "high five, personalized handshake, or hug." Also- student voice and choice!! #oklaed
A2) By being proactive instead of reactive. It’s not often done in the world of advocacy but needs to be. Districts should be investing in building and maintaining relationships with #okleg just as they do with students and parents. #oklaed
A2: by being real with my students. If you’re having an off day voice that. If you make a mistake own it. Be flexible. Let them have a voice. Don’t sweat the small things. #oklaed
A2) I try to be as accessible as possible to help with whatever task is needed in the moment. Then I go back to find a way to solve issues that may arise. #oklaed
A2: It's the little things: greeting kids as they get to school and as they leave in the afternoon, high fives between classes, eating lunch with the kids, attending extracurricular and sporting events, reaching out when they are absent from school, it all adds up! #oklaed
A2: the kids share a lot in their journal writing & we have the best conversations as we discuss our novels- mostly about how they are relating it to their own lives, we do service projects together and focus on encouraging each other #oklaed
#oklaed A2) There is a great speech called "The Power of You" where is addresses how to build authentic relationships. Check it out here -
A1: Day one and everyday thereafter...provide positive energy. Make commitment to staff and communicate to all potential hires that people who drain energy from the room do not fit in here. #oklaed
A2 know your kids, be aware of their stresses (other demanding classes or activities) and respect them, ask questions and REALLY listen to their answers... basically I try to treat them like I would want my instructors to treat me. #oklaed
A2: stay involved, truly care about the whole child, & LOVE them and the relationship will continually grow into a meaningful lifelong friendship on its own accord. We should only have to work on establishing a relationship. Great rapport keeps it rolling. #oklaed
A2:) Check ins are important.. Being available 4 staff is important, even if I am on the go. A phone call, I am always available by text but often times they need a face to face. I find a + to speak about them & to them frequently. Show appreciation often. #oklaed
A2. Idon’t have a set plan in my room. We have stuff to get done, but if we are stressed we play volleyball or meditate. If we want to have fun, the kids decide what activity to do. Throw in teambuilding, @TheHarborTV, event planning, etc relationships get stronger daily. #oklaed
A2: Walk and talk as an building admin as much as possible. Now, try to visit sites and see how Ts and Ss are using tech... Good, bad, and ugly uses. #OklaEd
A1: The first day of school sets the tone for subsequent days, weeks and months. Everyone should be visible and greeting students/stakeholders with “Chick Fil A customer service”. We cannot forget who our customers are....#OklaEd
Kids know when we are real. If we care, they know. So, we show up. We ask questions, and listen to the answers, We cultivate a safe space to explore, create, learn, and make mistakes. #oklaed
It is amazing! It has both affirmed ideas I already had and given me new ones to support what I am doing in my classroom. I can't wait for next year! #oklaed#NCTE18#rethinkela
#Oklaed A1 Too many good answers! It all come down to personal style to get the interaction started. Big takeaway: Do something to get things started well.
As a teacher I always like to see positive interaction (S & T) with Administrators on the first day.
A2: Value the small things that students want to talk about or say to you. Then follow up on it. This shows that you genuinely care for your students.
A1) As I entered into a new district this year I was very pleased when @Glenpool_HS started the very first meeting of the year with #celebrations. Fav/Staff share things that they are thankful for. Awesome activity that let me know I was in a place with great perspective #oklaed
A3 - Nothing fancy - just invest a little extra in that kid. Ask personal questions. Show them I care. Try to find ANYTHING that we connect on. I don’t force an introvert to be an extrovert, but I want that introvert to know I notice them. #oklaed
#oklaed A2 Talk to teachers about their strengths. Tell them when you notice they are using a new strategy. Before giving advice, ask what they have already tried and what they are thinking about doing next.
A3 #oklaed One on one. Meet the student where he/she is comfortable. If that's in the back of the room, I'm fine with that. I need to get my steps anyway.
A3. Slowly say hi to them. Ask them about their day. But never pushy. I usually tell one of my student leaders to start interacting with them. I also have been known to chase kids down the hall and say you want to join. #oklaed
A3. I try to figure out what they’re interested in. I also try to keep in mind that it’s ok to be introverted. I look for opportunities for them to show me what they know until they’re comfortable speaking up in class discussions. #oklaed
A3: I like to walk behind the last row, sometimes I just stop and chat with them, make sure they aren't falling behind, a hand on the shoulder, a quick word, comment, joke under the breath to not draw attention. Works Great! #oklaed
A1) As an admin, it’s all about relationships. Ice breaker Q’s, getting to know S’s, opening car doors and meeting them at the bus as S’s arrive, making rounds in the cafeteria, etc. #oklaed
Depends. If it’s an introverted student, I utilize resources to give them a voice (group choice, answering/participating with technology, etc) if it’s a disengaged student, begin figuring out why & spend time to figure out what could make them tick. #oklaed
A3) i am not an educator but I feel you have to find out why they are doing this. Some kids sit in the back and don’t volunteer bc they are timid and don’t like being center of attention. This should be handled differently than a kid who’s slacking. #oklaed
A2: Always relate your current conversations to a previous opportunity to connect with your students. It helps to reinforce consistency in relationships. Our kids and coworkers need to know that you will always be there for them, makes them feel safe. #BeTheConstant#OklaEd
A3: FlipGrid and SeeSaw are good technologies. Also, Think-Pair-Share, report your partners answer, active answering and discussion strategies. #oklaed
A2: having individual conversations with students, asking how they are doing, giving hugs, walking/jog laps together while they are in class, giving high 5's, telling students that you care for them. #oklaed
A3: I figure out a way to get their story, more than likely by accidentally on purpose finding them outside of the classroom and striking up a conversation. May even call this type of student up to my office and take a walk & talk. Just to let them know I care. #oklaed
A3: This one is tough. You have to be authentic, real, passionate, and consistent. I will never quit. Too often, these kids have had adults quit on them.
I use this info form on day 1 to gather intel that (hopefully) gives me insight into their likes and interests. #oklaed
A3 the tables in my room help with small group interaction. Some kids are less comfortable talking in front of a large group than others. I try to babystep them through lots of small group work first, then creating plenty of space to participate with larger groups. #oklaed
A3) If you know your student well it is easy to understand the student who is unwilling to participate from the one who is participating and learning in their own way. In Alternative Education we encounter students who are capable but may need a different method. #oklaed
A3: Maybe give them an interest inventory assessment to figure out what they are interested in. Have discussions, projects, mentions, etc. in regards to what they are interested in. This may positively motivate them to share or take part in more activities. #oklaed
A3) Movement to all areas of the room so that all Ss get attention in some way. Intentional connection with the Ss to know wants going on. Varied activities to engage. Options for learning. Showing mercy, patience, and grace. #oklaed
A3) You have to draw this student in by learning things about them & building relationship outside of just the classroom activities. Find things to recognize- new kicks, etc. Use strategies that require Ss to move around the classroom so this student can't always opt out. #oklaed
A3: we have to allow for introverts. We can’t force them to comply. Also I hate the word comply. I don’t need compliance. As long as I see on your work that you understand & you seem okay when we talk, I’m okay with you being quiet. You be you. #oklaed
A3: Make a connection one on one prior to asking them to engage in whole class activities. Might let them know prior to class that you are going to call on them for input today. Set them up for success as they get our of their comfort zone. #oklaed
A2: A common issue is to believe that school culture is about the students; staff culture has to be right to impact student culture. Sch Ls must be approachable and invest in the growth of their staff. Being intentional daily about staff culture is indeed an investment. #OklaEd
A2: Being new to my school and serving as a Teacher-Librarian I feel like I don't know anyone. One way I build relationships is constantly trying to build upon my name database, so I can call students by name. #oklaed
Greeting was one of the biggest culture shocks moving to HS to me. I started in elem and middle school so I will wave at you like a fool and chirp “Good morning” anytime. (Sadly, I have done it late in the afternoon. Fortunately, most students humor me.) #oklaed
A2: It's the little things: greeting kids as they get to school and as they leave in the afternoon, high fives between classes, eating lunch with the kids, attending extracurricular and sporting events, reaching out when they are absent from school, it all adds up! #oklaed
A3: I chat with them about things they’re interested in, make a connection, (even if I have to become interested in something new), try to find their strength and encourage them to share that with one other person, then another.. slow&steady wins the race, patience 💜#oklaed
A2: A common issue is to believe that school culture is about the students; staff culture has to be right to impact student culture. Sch Ls must be approachable and invest in the growth of their staff. Being intentional daily about staff culture is indeed an investment. #OklaEd
A3) Movement to all areas of the room so that all Ss get attention in some way. Intentional connection with the Ss to know wants going on. Varied activities to engage. Options for learning. Showing mercy, patience, and grace. #oklaed
A2) Showing genuine appreciation, giving specific complements and feedback, listening, celebrating T’s and S’s....oh, and LISTENING. #oklaed#saidittwice
A4) I have cousins this age so it helps stay connected. We are a close family so I am around them frequently. Student Advisory in HS and MS helps to stay connected to Ss of this age. They are pretty open - if you ask AND listen. #oklaed
A4: Talk to them. Daily. About their lives, their interests, what's going on in their world. What are they stressed about. What are they excited about. What are they doing this weekend. It's literally that simple. #oklaed
A4....urban dictionary? 😉
I try to pay attention to pop culture, student conversations, what’s trending on social media...not always successful, but it amuses the kiddos that I try! #oklaed
#oklaed A3) The deeper question is how we are going to create cultures in which kids cannot opt out (see Teach Like A Champion @TeachLikeAChamp) and we strive for 100%. This is bold and what is required to reach #allkids.
Yes! Sometimes kids need a little prep time to engage in class activities. My daughter is super smart but loathes activities outside of her comfort zone. A little prep work ahead of time and she's golden. #oklaed
A4b #oklaed Truthfully, I try to stay relevant. Every year it gets harder. I don't pretend to like what I don't like, but I don't disparage the things they like. Hell, Even Africa by Toto came back around eventually.
A2) #oklaed Building relationships within a classroom, school, district or organization requires trust. It’s built over time and accelerated by the choices we make to listen, ask more questions, reflect and respond to the contribution of others.
A4: Give up control and listen through all the chaos and distractions of our lives and theirs. Work to amplify their message and include them in the conversations. #oklaed
A4:I let them be themselves. I ask when there is new words/sayings I don't understand. They like to teach me what is okay and current and what isn't. I get a lot of "never again" never do that again. It's hilarious so of course I do it more. #OklaEd
A4: I don't work with many teenagers but the great thing about all the cool trends now is that they were cool when I was young (i.e., teenage mutant ninja turtles and power rangers) #oklaed
A4 - Ummmm well my HS students had to explain a meme to me the other day sooo maybe I am not the best at this. LOL! But I try and I ask lots and lots of questions 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ #oklaed
A3: 1. Set the classroom up in a way that there is no “back of the room” or corners to hide. OR 2. Don’t force the student to move -publicly. Have a private conversation in a safe environment to find out why. #OklaEd
#Oklaed A5 In music it is important to record in-class performances or entire rehearsals. Review takes 2 to 3 time longer than rehearsal. Can't do every day. Rehearsals involve massive complex interactions. Any on-paper document would the tip of the iceberg, if that.
A4: easy I am the hippest teacher around. 🤣 jk it helps having 3 millennial children, it also helps that I am the youngest 42 yr old I know. Also, just make it a priority. If you want learning to be relevant, stay current. You stay relevant. #oklaed
If your desk or where you sit determines the front and back of your classroom please explore teaching methods that includes less sitting and more interaction #oklaed
And the nice thing about being English teachers, formally or otherwise, is that the media they like is also built on the same story structure of the media that we liked. There is still that commonality and we can appreciate that with them. #oklaed
#oklaed A4) All of the strategies that others have named... plus, be real. A lot of kids think it is funny when you try too hard or bring in popular things from before their time. The point is... be you. Be authentic. Kids see right through you if you try to be fake.
A4: Many hours of active supervision in the lunch room, after school programs and before ball games. That’s how I keep my relevancy game on “fleek.” That term is old but the kids get a kick out of it 😂 #oklaed
A4) Ask them. Talk to them. Attend their events. #oklaed I have 3 teens so that helps. I play Fortnite with my son. That gives me bonus points at school with the kids when I can talk in specifics about their interests.
A4: Interact. Listen. Try sitting with them at lunch or stand around as they wait for rides home to find out more about their perspective. They are the best source. I’ve seen Socratic Seminar engage students in this manner as well. #OklaEd
A4 this is where you have given them an opportunity to teach you. This helps you build stronger relationships with them by showing them that you value their interest enough to learn about them. #oklaed
A3) As an admin...if I see them in the hall, maybe I just walk alongside them and ask them what they had for breakfast to get a convo started. Try to connect with them about basic things like favorite hobbies. Ask them their opinion about something. #oklaed
Having a couple of my own teens helps. Heck, I've been known to act like a teenager from time to time. LOL #oklaed Seriously, I try to keep up with the latest trends and what not, sports is an easy one to stay on top of.
A1) Building, growing, & building relationships are the best part of the first day & every day! As a teacher it was always something different each year w/ a focus on common interests & sharing... #OklaEd
Some kids smuggled their Pokemon cards into the library before school last week. Another student wanted me to take them away and I was like, "Nah, they're going to become gozillionaires and buy me cool things when they remember I let them go crazy with Pokemon." #oklaed
A4: in 5th grade- piece of cake! Within the first 5 minutes you’ll see the newest dance moves, toys and hear the most “hillllllarious” current jokes 🤪 (plus YouTube helps a lot) #oklaed
A1) As an admin I think it is a must that you walk the talk. I know cliche, but SO true. Staff must know you are fully invested and have the children’s best at 💙. AND that you respect them as professionals. #OklaEd
A5) Working with students to set goals along the learning continuum is one way. Then celebrate progress along the continuum. ICAP is proving to be a great tool for helping students set goals, work toward purpose - this looks different for each S. Which is beautiful! #oklaed
A5 - Man - I am trying hard at this. My Ss are so accustomed to success coming through scores and I am trying so hard to show them that it can mean many things. I try to push the #failforward mindset & help them celebrate growth. #oklaed
A5 it is more about asking questions and simply listening & then redirecting w another question. Young people really tune out when we do all the talking #oklaed
A4 #oklaed Try ending sentences with, "as the kids are saying," even if the kids aren't saying whatever you just said. They at least know you know you're not current.
A5: so important as building/district admin to celebrate teacher successes. To some, getting the tech out for the first time or letting kids lead the convo is a reason for celebration. I celebrate everytime some asks if the email is safe to open before they do! #oklaed
A2 Be available. Hear what they say. Look them in the eyes and tell them what you truly appreciate about them. Everyone needs to hear something good sometimes. Shout the good for all to hear and whisper the bad when necessary...#oklaed
A5 We’re all learners and we’re all learning things in our way and in our own time...and that’s okay! We celebrate everyone’s success no matter the level!! We talk about this EVERY day #thepowerofyet#growthmindset#oklaed
A5: Again, through conversation AND understanding that not every kid defines success the same way I do, and that’s ok. As educators, it’s important to celebrate all success stories, not just the traditional ones. Our military wall of honor is one way that we do that. #oklaed
A5) First you have to know your student. What may be success to them may look like minimal effort or failure to the mainstream. Sometimes success isn't always the academic knowledge in that day. Sometimes success is just showing up in the building. #oklaed
Yes! College, Career Tech, Military, Internships, straight into a job. Talking with the Ss about their goals and helping them find the best path in that direction while not limiting their future options is key! #oklaed
A5) Working with students to set goals along the learning continuum is one way. Then celebrate progress along the continuum. ICAP is proving to be a great tool for helping students set goals, work toward purpose - this looks different for each S. Which is beautiful! #oklaed
#oklaed A5) It is true that success looks different for all of us. However, the whole "not all kids go to college" narrative causes educators to lower expectations for kids. Be careful that this phrase doesn't influence our actions. We have an obligation to prepare all kids.
A5 we talk about goal setting—why set goals, how to use them, etc. Once they get comfortable with the class, I ask them to construct a goal after I model it for them with a goal I set. Then we talk about the steps to get to the goal and how you know you’ve gotten there. #oklaed
A5: Success is being better today than you were yesterday. This will more than likely look differently for every student. Know them & love them! #oklaed
A5: For me its all about communication. Find out what they want to do or are doing, encourage them, congratulate them, empathize when there are set backs, but never let them quit trying...moving forward always #OklaEd
A5: Let them define it & commit to them I will support them on their journey. Model hard work & how to overcome obstacles/use resources. Create environment where they desire to pursue an excellence they define. Have checkpoints where we communicate & celebrate outcomes. #oklaed
As a Teacher-Librarian I try to help them pursue success by integrating inquiry into their learning process in a way that they are learning about concepts that are chosen by and important to them. It's hard, but worth it. #oklaed
A5: We do Super Improvers- we set individual goals (academic and or behavioral) and celebrate when they achieve improvement. They are only competing against themselves and continually increasing our goals 💪 #oklaed
A5: celebrate every success the same. It’s not the same success, it’s the same celebration. Meet students where they are and find and nourish their talents. Every child has something worth celebrating. #oklaed
A5b) Helping Ss understand that being the best version of you each day, is a worthy goal that leads to success. This promotes 360 growth - not just about hoop jumping and scores. Growth & success should be deeper than surface level. #oklaed
A5) Signing days for military and career tech like we do for college signings is huge. Also, doing college signing days for other activities than just sports. Easy ways to recognize their end of HS achievements. Recognition along the way is just as important though. #oklaed
A5: Good question!!!! I’ve seen Advisory Blocks maximize this purpose. When structured correctly, students can engage in short and long term goal setting, ultimately achieving self-efficacy and agency. The best celebrations are peer to peer. #OklaEd
A2)conversation & learning! I think realizing we are all human is critical, we may have an off day or more & so will our colleagues & students. Capitalizing & re-creating the great days while always caring ❤️❤️ first! #OklaEd
I disagree. We need to honor all student choices, even if it doesn't mean college. All kids need to be able to communicate, create, think critically, and collaborate. Knowing a student isn't going to college ishouldnt change my expects. #oklaed
A5) Meet them where they are. Set small goals which are steps to bigger ones. Acknowledge their effort. And then get excited when they succeed...which for me usually involves fist bumps, high fives, dancing, and hugs. 😁 #oklaed
A6: just recently realized a goal of sending a monthly newsletter probably wasn’t best. A more doable goal is quarterly. I’ll be vulnerable with my counselors to explain that. #OklaEd
A6: One of the best teachers I've ever worked with always told her students, "If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything." I use this quote all the time. #oklaed
A6- My classroom is full of reminders that struggle/failure is part of the process of growing. “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward” #OklaEd
5b: Something we should really celebrate is when they let you know they have stayed sober or drug free or sought help for depression. To them, this is so much more than a passing grade. #oklaed
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House."
The 3 branches of government: executive, legislative, judicial.
A5: Success is being better today than you were yesterday. This will more than likely look differently for every student. Know them & love them! #oklaed
A6: In the younger grades I think every reaction Ts have about failure reinforces are beliefs about it. Having a "try again" or an attitude of let's figure this out together makes a difference long-term for how the S views failure #oklaed
A6: A huge step for me as an educator was realizing that it's ok to be vulnerable with my kids. I've failed so many times as an educator, as a person, as a father, you name it. But today, with every ounce that I am, I'm gonna win. And I share that mentality with my kids. #oklaed
A6: I teach AP Bio, the struggle is real, they work so hard and can get no results. I emphasize that no results is data too. We learn from the failures as much if not more than from the successes. We fight the fight together and we see improvement, that's how we roll. #OklaEd
A6 I’m honest with them about when I screw up and i don’t beat myself up over it...and I don’t let my kids beat themselves up over little stuff. We talk about why the mistake occurred and how to avoid it—if it’s my mistake, we all discuss...if a student, it’s one on one #oklaed
A6) I tell my staff and Ss all the time that I'll fail and admit it when I do. I want to set the example of taking risks to grow in my profession. If I can do it, they can also! #growingtogether#oklaed @#tuttleEDU
A6) As an admin, I’m honest with T’s that we may fall on our face when trying something new, but we’ll fall together and pick each other up. I focus on growth mindset and positive psychology with S’s and T’s. Failure is part of eventual success. #oklaed
A3) Ask them how they are most comfortable participating and move forward. I’m not a fan of cold-calling. I was the kid that didn’t want to talk, write, discuss what happened last night, this summer, or next week. Sometimes you just have to give them room to breathe. #OklaEd
A6: Begin by tossing words like “failure”, “at-risk”, the wind. Many of our students go through situations we’d struggle navigating answer= monitor language, admit your shortcomings, building accordingly...#OklaEd
A6) Just own it. Ss appreciate authenticity. They need 2 understand that often the success we see in front us, was a result of many attempts, some failures, a lot of learning, resilience, grit and tenacity. It is okay for them to know it wasn't easy & there were hurdles. #oklaed
A6. I have kids talk/think/write through what the consequence of failing whatever it is might be. If I fail this test, I’ll get grounded, and I won’t get to play Fortnite for a week. Maybe it’s not as bad as it seems. #oklaed
A6: by owning my mistakes. I mess up. I tell them yep even your teacher isn’t perfect. By not pretending to know it all. If they ask something I have to look up, that’s okay. Let’s research that together. Great learning opportunity for both of us. #oklaed
A3)Never force the student into changing that,take time to build an understanding of why, their reason may be unimaginable. Also try to find the “thing” to engage the Ss, move throughout the room, learning can happen anywhere so the front does not have to be the focus.#oklaed
A5) know their goal(s). My Papa always said there are lots of roads to a town, some just get you there faster. You have to be okay with Ss or Ts taking a longer route. #OklaEd
A6: When I do not know I let others know I do not know. We discuss options & how we plan to find out. I share the ways that I am thinking and get their input. Share how I am thinking about what I am thinking. Spell out the learning process that is taking place in my head. #oklaed
Wow...way to put things into perspective! Celebrate the life changing stuff and be supportive no matter the challenge...some things are bigger than grades. #Oklaed
A6: We give a chorus of “You’re still cool” with a thumbs up if someone makes a mistake, they are always allowed to ask the class for help (literally yelling out hellllp me!) and we talk about how many great things have happened on the 5th or 6th try! #oklaed
A6: I teach AP Bio, the struggle is real, they work so hard and can get no results. I emphasize that no results is data too. We learn from the failures as much if not more than from the successes. We fight the fight together and we see improvement, that's how we roll. #OklaEd
We’re NOT obligated to prepare all for college. Not all will, need to, or want to. We can do harm by imposing, for example, one who isn’t ready or doesn’t need it, but goes into debt. Career tech is not a lower expectation by any means and there are other options besides. #oklaed
A7: Sometimes its hard to avoid the burnout, but my A-Hallers always have my back, the fire me up, they let me vent, they share their ideas. I couldn't do it without them. #OklaEd
A7. I take me time (even though people don’t think I do). I also is heavily involved at the school. I go to sporting event, fine arts, and etc. it makes the job so much more fun. #oklaed
A7 keep your own instructional vision at the center. That will drag you out of bed even on the toughest mornings. And create a group of positive people who will have your back, make you laugh, and remind you that you are good at what you do. #oklaed
A6) Well writing on the board is usually the first way Ss/Ts catch me failing. I think owning mistakes and asking for advice to correct them lets Ss/Ts know you are always trying. #OklaEd
A7) #oklaed chats, teaching college courses to upcoming leaders, speaking at events, playing golf :), getting to the water when I can, playing with the gdaughter & I LOVE giving back to others ,Serving fuels me- a day or so of solitude/meditation. Visit PK classrooms :). #oklaed
A7: it is important maintain passion but it’s not ok to be fake and pretend like you’re honorable. Some people think an apology covers it. True amends mean being different. True change should take place. Especially someone who claims to be a public figure/model. #OklaEd
A7: Always, always, always have something that you’re looking forward to on your calendar. For my fam, it’s Disney World. The school year is a grind & what we do is often a thankless job. You have to make time to love yourself & the people that you go home to every night. #oklaed
A7 - Honestly, this has been my most difficult yr of teaching. By far. The thing that keeps me going is my amazing support staff (husband, family, friends) and I keep a file of notes from former Ss reminding me #whyiteach. Oh, and my runs...need all those miles! #oklaed
A4) Ask them!! Be nosey, I am always trying to learn from all youth! My son, his teammates, a kid at the grocery store, former Ss. They truly open up when they know they’re being heard & validated. Even if I’m “too old” for some of the trends I try to test any apps/tools #OklaEd
A7: Work is work & home is home. I work as late as I need to and when I leave it stays there. Some days it's easier to do than others. Fish & golf as much as possible with my boys. Go shopping with my wife (yes I do!) Try to be the best Dad & Husband that I can be. #oklaed
A7: I try to find new activities that I know they will be excited about, building anticipation goes a long way (for me and for them) I plan ahead so I don’t ever feel totally overwhelmed. #oklaed
A7) Celebrate good things. Laugh often with staff and Ss. Admit and own my mistakes so they don't overwhelm me. Make a task list and check things off. Add smaller goals on them to start a snowball effect of accomplishment as I complete them. #oklaed
A7: Work is work & home is home. I work as late as I need to and when I leave it stays there. Some days it's easier to do than others. Fish & golf as much as possible with my boys. Go shopping with my wife (yes I do!) Try to be the best Dad & Husband that I can be. #oklaed
A7: I stay fired up bc my students deserve it. I am constantly thinking of ways I can help them. I can help education in Oklahoma. We don’t have time to stall out. Each election brings hope. The primaries, now general election, we have momentum. #oklaed
A7) As admin I sent calendars to staff on dates due and reason behind dates. I also encouraged Ts to recharge with families, just as I was going to do. When we retire, we have to have a family to come home to. #OklaEd
A7. Year 12 and I still don’t know. Every February I think about other jobs I could do. And then it’s March and Spring Break and the sun is out past 5:30. I cheer up and am ready to sign back up by April. #oklaed
#oklaed A7 Step back and remember why I chose to be admin. Reorganize my thoughts. Focus on my strengths and talk to those who remind me of my passion. Talk to kids.
A7) When the times get tough, I reexamine my "Why" and then look for ways to turn the course if it isn't working. Lately, I have been trying to find the good people to help bring my vision to view for all. Sometimes we can't do it alone to be successful. #oklaed
A7) Ending each day with highlighting successes/positives, taking time for self care, focusing on empowering others, reading notes from my “positivity file” on the hard days, and Rita Pierson. #oklaed
#oklaed A7) One way is to gather input from kids! They will speak truth right into you and fuel you to be stronger. We use a survey called care/behave.
It’s taken everything I have to delete tweets I write. Keeping my mouth shut! You guys know @BreneBrown would tell me to speak truth to bull crap. But I’ll just sit here and smile. #OklaEd
This is so important. People can feel invisible even with a smile on their face in the bldg. We've got to notice and connect to the best of our abilities each day. #allhandsondeck#oklaed
A8: challenge accepted. And if you’re that ghost challenge yourself to reach out to someone and let them help you. It’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to ask for help. Don’t isolate yourself. #oklaed
A8 No school this week...but a teacher recently shared that she’s never successful w/Tech, just when she thinks she’s got it she runs into a problem. I’m on a mission to change that! #Oklaed
A8: I've been working hard targeting the less gregarious of my department co wonders, hoping I make a difference and make them want to stay at DCHS #OklaEd