Hi, I'm an EdTech Coach in SE Sask, where it is WAYYY colder than Kentucky! #saskedchat Favourite hot movie character??? Oh, drink! Elwood P. Dowd drinking rum-cream and coffee?
A1. To checkpoint and see where the students are. Are they where they need to be? Which direction do we go tomorrow? How can we personalize this experience for the individual? #saskedchat
A1: Determine the direction of the next (or current) lesson, let Ss know how they are doing, let Ts know how they are doing. In general they are a check in! #saskedchat
A1: Formative assessment is a measure of how well things are going for the students and for the teacher. It's a gauge of whether to keep on the same path, to change directions, or to change tempo.
A1: Formative Assessment is a scoreboard. The team may need a timeout, a fast break, a full court press, a three point shot, or a rebound in order to change the score/outcome. #saskedchat
A1 (x2) : Formative assessment also gives me lots of opportunity to play and experiment with what kind of assessments click with particular learners I am concerned about.(matching to learning styles) #saskedchat
A1: Formative assessment is “assessment for learning”. Students have the opportunity to practice the skills that they learn and to receive timely feedback on their learning progress. This feedback can then be used by students to plan next steps. #saskedchat
A2: FA can allow students the opportunity to uncover their background knowledge and boost their confidence before moving into a new concept when used as a pre-assessment. #saskedchat
A2: Bell work and entrance/exit slips work well to see where we are, what needs to be reviewed, and to connect yesterday's lesson to today. #saskedchat
A2. How can we best get to Saskatoon if we don't know if we're in Moose Jaw or PA? The path we take is dependent on where our students are located. #saskedchat
A2: if done right, it’s an endless conversation between Ts and Ss. Formative really is the ONLY true ‘assessment’ as the semantic word suggests. Summative is a snapshot. #saskedchat
A1: My favourite formative assessment approaches include exit cards, student/teacher conferencing, student journaling and in-class activities such as presentations, experiments and debates. #saskedchat
A2: I think the key is that the assessment of what just happened needs to inform what comes next. Did students completely understand, were there gaps, or were there places the students were out ahead? If done properly, teachers can use to plan next day's instruction. #saskedchat
https://t.co/Cr1U7MUCUr favourite example is the use of pre-tests to inform the readiness for the next skill in lessons.. math esp...as we scaffold learning in math.Pre-testing lets us know where to start then learning target check-ins can inform when to move on. #saskedchat
First day of the new semester today...first pre-assessment with my Gr. 10s in math. It helps address the missing pieces (or just the rusty ones) before new content. #saskedchat
A2: My favourite formative assessment approaches include exit cards, student/teacher conferencing, student journaling and in-class activities such as presentations, experiments and debates. #saskedchat
A2: Formative Assessment should allow teachers and students to pause, rewind, or fast forward. Personalized Learning is a result of formative assessment. #saskedchat
A2: FA can help remind Ss they already know how to do something and give them that confidence boost to jump into something beyond their current knowledge base #saskedchat
A2: Formative assessment provides students with the opportunity to receive feedback on their learning and plan next steps. Formative assessment drives the instruction and future learning. #saskedchat
So here's my formative assessment question, #saskedchat : Should the scores from formative assessments be used to determine student marks (i.e. should they count)?
A2: Having discussion with small groups or the whole group. As a primary teacher I acknowledge this is also a good opportunity to work on oral language. #saskedchat
Conor here from Regina, in my last semester of my degree. I'm joining the party a little late tonight and I'm not 100% sure I know what I'm doing. Currently drinking hot chocolate so I'll go with that. #saskedchat
A3. Without Ss receiving feedback they can't know how to improve. Their goals can simply be to reach the learning target with confidence. My fav prof in 1st univ career reminded me that you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you've been! #saskedchat
A3: Formative assessment should allow students to see areas of strength, and areas that need more work. Because it's different for every student, they can use the information to plan where to put their effort. #saskedchat
A3: Formative assessment is more immediate. It offers us, and students, the opportunity to be more responsive and make adjustments as we go (as opposed to finding out there was a kink in the learning two weeks later) #saskedchat
I don’t mark formative assessments - they only get descriptive feedback. But if a student demonstrates understanding, that’s when you can move them forward by challenging them into deeper thinking. #saskedchat
A2: In the absence of formative assessment you may be driving down the wrong road. Formative Assessment should be like a GPS for the teacher & the learner. #saskedchat
Have you joined the #saskedchat@RemindHQ group? Most of the time I'll send a reminder about upcoming chats and updates on upcoming topics. Most of the time.....
I agree. I try to keep the feedback to words or just a general check mark if the question is fully correct and pointing out an error if not. Math is a little different with that though. #saskedchat
A1. I've used formative assessment in the classroom as a way to check where students are at. It's a great way to figure out what is working and what isn't. #saskedchat
A2: Formative assessment isn’t a specific tool or strategy, it’s what you do with those tools or strategies that determine if the assessment is formative or not. #saskedchat
Only if the the student shows that they have already mastered it. No point in making them do it again "just 'cause" but not knowing everything already should not be penalized. #saskedchat (That second sentence should be writable with only one "not.")
Welcome to #saskedchat@MrCWoolley - great to have you here with us! Nice to see you joining in! Don’t worry about knowing what to do, most of us are still trying to figure it out!
Thanks! I'm literally going to watch this for the rest of Feb. #saskedchat (And nothing compares to a live Cat Came Back from the man himself in the U of S bar)
In reply to
@nikulak, @kellywchris, @pauldallison, @DiGoesToSchool
From my perspective, using formative assessment to inform how we assess students' progress towards curriculum outcomes is good practice.
It all depends on how you frame it. I usually set it up as "this is to help me fix holes or determine where we need to go" and they are usually very accepting and eager. #saskedchat
My favorite philosophy is it's all summative until it's formative. Then combining that with it's all formative until it's summative makes for a nice hypocritical combo! #saskedchat
It’s all about the feedback and the learning. It’s shifting the ‘value’ to the learning not the mark. It takes time for students use to getting marks but they can make the shift. #saskedchat
Even better if you make the rubric as a class or with them. They construct the meaning of the assessment that way. Gives them a head start. #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @kellywchris
When you put a "mark" on a formative assessment, students often don't reflect beyond that abstract notation. It's the conversation that drives growth. #saskedchat
Awkward the first few times, but they quickly get the hang of it. Push through the awkward stage and you'll never regret it. (Just like high school @tgrantt ) #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @kellywchris, @tgrantt
A4: Conferencing. Nothing beats a conversation with students. It’s also a great way to guide students as they plan next steps for their learning. #saskedchat
A2. Formative assessment is a great bridge between past learning and future learning. It can be used to assess prior learnings and allow you to find a good starting point for the future. #saskedchat
I have seen where some teachers are using @Screencastify to read through students work and leave voice comments! Talk about personalized feedback! #saskedchat
A4: Blogging, @Flipgrid, Post-It Note or @padlet, Conference, Student-Led Reflection, Google Form, Google Doc, or Accountable Talk (Peer Feedback) #saskedchat
For it to be productive it needs to be done multiple times. Not for the faint of heart, if everyone did this in grade 5, by grade 6 they would be experts at it. #saskedchat
In reply to
@kellywchris, @ianhecht, @karataylorKT
I have units where I require Ss to continue to resubmit assignments until they reach a certain grade. All the initial submissions are formative until they reach my number and they can keep going until they are also happy with the grade. #saskedchat
A4: Descriptive feedback that is based on well-developed criteria. Rubrics can help to define the criteria and descriptions of where they are and what achievement at higher levels can look like. It all can work together to feed learning forward. #saskedchat
I’m not sure - each grade has new requirements that need to be explored by students and sometimes they need us to provide the signposts instead of always having to build them themselves. #saskedchat
A3. Formative Assessment is great for goal setting because the students are much more open to setting higher goals if they know they aren't being "marked" the same way they are with a summative assessment.
Here’s an excellent teaching and learning module from #queensu on various types of assessment including formative assessment techniques and tools: https://t.co/LI9o8jaaeq#saskedchat
A5: Voice comments! Leaving feedback with voice is so much more personal! Students are able to relate to the content more and they know you aren’t disappointed in them, they can hear your compassion. #saskedchat
A4: Blogging, @Flipgrid, Post-It Note or @padlet, Conference, Student-Led Reflection, Google Form, Google Doc, or Accountable Talk (Peer Feedback) #saskedchat
I don't think the number of attempts at learning should be counted. Often, the best effort was my assessment. I did not always rely on exams. It might better be described as continuous assessment. #saskedchat
A5: I really like @plickers and the Ss enjoy it too. I recommend checking it out. Otherwise, entrance/exit slips are great in math to see their process and ensure they are on the right track. #saskedchat
A4: I always strive to involve students in the feedback process. After completing a formative task, students can often come up with feedback for themselves through self-reflection. It’s important for students and teachers to work collaboratively on the review of FA. #saskedchat
A4. What I found during my internship is that a simple conversation is the best way to provide feedback. That way it's a 2-way conversation rather than just words or numbers on a piece of paper for the student to read and MAYBE ask you questions.
I'm not entirely certain - I'm deep enough into my teaching career that I can spot issues without having to formally assess, but there's value in stopping to check regardless. Students are seeing material for the first time every time I present it, though. #saskedchat
I sometimes just record them "for me" to help me see growth, I will have a grades record with only FA on it. Other times, they are for Ss to see where they stand. #saskedchat
A5: I am LOVING Quizlet Live right now. I also love to do @classcraftgame quests and boss battles for a little bit of something different :) #saskedchat
It also shows that your image of them is that they are assessment-capable learners. They start believing they can determine what success looks like and develop intrinsic motivation to monitor their own learning instead of always waiting for external validation. #saskedchat
In reply to
@nikulak, @ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @kellywchris
I just keep it on paper. We have the ancient Teacherlogic with no spot for that. I will sometimes enter things with a weight of "0" if I want it to be seen online by parents though. #saskedchat
A5.For a quick and simple formative assessment I like to do thumbs up/down. Not the most scientific way but I found it worked well during math to see how things were going. Kahoot! worked well but the nicknames on the screen can become a distraction.
We had the same option in NESD - we began to have Ts use this with the Gr1-8’s where there wasn’t a % grade to help students and parents see that not all work was summative/graded but was used for growth. #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8
A6: To determine if we are really ready to move on or not! If nobody can answer question X, time to go back and rethink how we covered the material in a way that better reflects our Ss! #saskedchat
Ooooh! Anything live is fantastic. I'll have to play with it. We have been using #MysterySkype in my social studies classes to put geography and map reading into practice. #saskedchat
Yeah, this is where I find myself, too. While I'm coaching, I wouldn't count how many missed shots, because we're working on improving that skill... #saskedchat
Another cool formative assessment tool: @nearpod. Yeah, it’s great for delivering interactive instruction but it’s also nice for that formative assessment at the end of the instruction. #saskedchat
The one we use does to. It shows the assessment, but grayed out, and doesn't contribute to the final mark. (Unless the teacher overrides with professional judgement.) #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8, @kellywchris
Exactly - but I would use an app to record my players and go over their shooting to see where they could improve. Working on improvement not just throwing the ball up hoping it goes in. #saskedchat
A6: This came up in my A1, but it helps me A LOT in my role of LRT. I support classroom teachers by helping to implement formative assessments to check up on how we are doing with students of concern. #saskedchat
Sometimes it is for things like homework checks. I don't believe in giving marks for if they did HW but I do want Ps to see that their child did 10% of assigned ?s and earned a 90 in the section or a 30.... it makes a difference. #saskedchat
A1. Research shows that student gains in learning triggered by formative assessment are amongst the largest ever reported for educational interventions" (Black & Wiliam (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education ... 5(1), 7-74. #saskedchat
I also think that Ps are responsible to help their child grow. Knowing that they are rocking it or need a bit more time helps keep them in the loop too! #saskedchat
A6: FA is like creating a map through a jungle as you go. Each student is on their own path and FA helps Ts see where they are and plan how to move them forward #saskedchat
As a rule I do, because it is some evidence for those who may not get to the summative stage. Then I omit them as required or as new evidence presents itself. #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8, @kellywchris
A5. Love tech... Google classroom, EDpuzzle, Prodigy math, Nearpod, Quizizz... but find ONE and use it ... too many can be trouble. I also love simplicity.
like "my favourite no" see video attached. https://t.co/PC6mxkpodd#saskedchat
I imagine this helps you keep your parents in the loop and be constructive, as a team. It doesn't have to be a mark, necessarily, but formative assessment is a good vehicle for communication!
I also think that Ps are responsible to help their child grow. Knowing that they are rocking it or need a bit more time helps keep them in the loop too! #saskedchat
A6. I use formative assessment in the planning process as a way to see what areas we can move a little faster through and other areas where we might need to spend a little extra time. It's nearly impossible to figure out exactly how much time a unit will take prior.
A7: FA keeps the Ss at the forefront of planning and the direction of the class. If you are not considering or aware of where your Ss are in their learning, you don't truly know where to go next! #saskedchat
A7: Among other things (assessing readiness, assessing FOR learning, etc.) it can teach students that assessment need not be stressful. Just show what you can do. #saskedchat
A7: Formative assessment lets the students check their goals, it keeps the purpose fresh in their minds, and it promotes students to take control of their learning. #saskedchat
A2. A key goal of formative assessment is to improve students' learning. To effectively do this, teachers must always aim at improving their craft (how they teach). This includes adjusting their ongoing instructional activities #saskedchat
The scores that we look at and dread...I keep those on paper, my eyes only. I use them for me only to see how my teaching is working to support my Ss. #saskedchat
It's really awesome to see so many of the things that @kellywchris talked about in #ecs410 being put into practice by teachers on a daily basis. I learned so much from that class.
Went to watch, and saw a GREAT ad with Edward Snowden. "You can't have something secure against bad guys, and insecure against good guys." "All are secure, or none are secure." #saskedchat
For us there was no mark - they were either Meeting, MostlyMeeting or NotYet - which were all shown as FA and not part of the summative assessment. #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8
I could debate that a summative stage is ultimately unnecessary if formative assessment is done properly. But I can see a definitive case against it. #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8, @kellywchris
I just checked and some of you haven't signed up to moderate an upcoming #saskedchat. So, right after the chat, go to the GDoc and add your name. Please. https://t.co/BbVQRV2gg1
No but it gives a space to start a conversation when needed. I don't think any number in any column really gives us a good picture, if we could upload entire assessments (exam, assign, etc) to the gradebook for Ps to look at, then THAT would be the whole picture! #saskedchat
A3. Just as formative assessment process enables teachers to continually adjust (for the better) their teaching styles, it can also help students consider assessment evidence &, if necessary, make changes in how they're trying to learn. Assessment is about improvement #saskedchat
Interesting. I think the analogy breaks down a little here, but the idea that hanging on to the formative assessment scores allows students to see growth is not one I'd heard used specifically for FA. #saskedchat
Your point rings true to me though. I think formative assessment lends itself easily to how Elementary schools in Regina are reporting now, right up to grade 8: Beginning, Progressing, Meeting, Established
I could debate that a summative stage is ultimately unnecessary if formative assessment is done properly. But I can see a definitive case against it. #saskedchat
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@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8, @kellywchris
If you aren't part of the #saskedchat@RemindHQ group, you should consider it. You get updates and reminders of upcoming chats, usually. And I send out nifty surveys about topic ideas and other stuff.
Start small. Implementing FA in all your classes, every day, all day is not something to jump into with two feet, you will be overwhelmed. Start with one idea and grow from there! #saskedchat#formativechat
Summative, for most of my courses, was where we assembled a collection of skills that all had to work together for the final product to function. While FA would be useful for component marks, the whole still needed to be accomplished. #saskedchat
In reply to
@nikulak, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8, @kellywchris
I agree, I do have projects which are mandatory for completion, but I still consider it a formative exercise with multiple check in points. #saskedchat To "motivate" those to complete the final mark is withheld until the project is "completed"
In reply to
@ianhecht, @karataylorKT, @8blah8blah8, @kellywchris