Hello @msmoneyteaches--so nice to Twitter meet you! That 'disrupting teaching' had me doing the double take...and when I read 'doing great things for students' it was whiplash. :) I know a thing...one simply takes heed of what the @rgordon04 says. #truth#strongwomen#moedchat
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@rgordon04, @msmoneyteaches, @MNebel, @catlett1, @kylepace, @debbiefuco, @vb4mb, @gcouros, @karaknollmeyer, @TraceyKracht, @ToddWhitaker, @msmoneyteaches, @rgordon04
Hi MO! (and beyond!) I am Amanda Sommer, Behavior Intervention and Positive Behavior Supports Coach at Warrensburg Middle School. Joining in on my second moedchat from my couch in Warrensburg, MO #moedchat
A1: Our elementary started the process to go with Leader in Me this year; after it gets established, we will spread it upwards. The benefit: the Ss get used to a single system. Drawback: if it begins to not work the whole system breaks down. #moedchat
Hi MO! (and beyond!) I am Amanda Sommer, Behavior Intervention and Positive Behavior Supports Coach at Warrensburg Middle School. Joining in on my second moedchat from my couch in Warrensburg, MO #moedchat
We have several school wide systems. Positives are common language and consistency among the different grade language. Challenges is getting everyone on board, just takes time for some things. #MOedchat
A1: Yes, drawbacks: one size doesn't fit all. Sometimes, multiple models are used and management becomes overkill. There are those "five" Ss that can't be affected. Parents are rarely included. Benefit: new teachers are usually weak in CR management #moedchat
A1: We're in year two of implementation of School Wide Positive Behavior Supports. Positives - common philosophy, consistency in school wide expectations, systems for teaching and reinforcing behaviors. Drawbacks - getting everyone to buy in and actively participate #moedchat
A1) several hybrids we’ve started and adapted to our own. Good to have common theme/language when addressing things across school and district. #moedchat
A1: my school uses @ClassDojo. positives: it’s interactive and allows Ss have the visual and sounds and also Ps can connect. Dislikes: kids can lose points for misbehavior. After while kids don’t respond to it. They seem to not care! #MoEdChat
My kindergarten students can describe the states of the brain, explain anxiety, and strategies they use to handle emotions. It also gives kids tools for conflict resolution. #MOedchat
#MOedchat We have several school wide systems. Positives are common language and consistency among the different grade levels. Challenge is getting everyone on board, just takes time for some things. #MOedchat
My kindergarten students can describe the states of the brain, explain anxiety, and strategies they use to handle emotions. It also gives kids tools for conflict resolution. #MOedchat
A1: No official school wide program. Benefits of having a plan would provide consistency and build culture. A drawback would be that with a specific system in place, does that limit or jeopardize individuality of the teachers/staff? I say maybe. #MOedchat
A1: my school uses @ClassDojo. positives: it’s interactive and allows Ss have the visual and sounds and also Ps can connect. Dislikes: kids can lose points for misbehavior. After while kids don’t respond to it. They seem to not care! #MoEdChat
I know that the Lighthouse members do go to see other school in our area, that brings a lot of fresh ideas to our school, then we adapt them to our needs. It is a great collaborative effort. Let me know if you want to travel up here! #moedchat
A1- Schoolwide, we are a PBIS school. It’s a benefit that this is schoolwide so everyone is aware of what’s expected everywhere in the building. Ts still have their personal classroom management plans that align with PBIS. #MOedchat
A2: At the HS level we aren't necessarily required to use anything since we don't have a particular system in place for classroom management. If systems are put in place, I feel it is good for Ts to be required to use it bec if not, it will just lead to inconsistency #moedchat
A2 - I like to give the teachers plenty of autonomy with classroom strategies rather than assigning... as long as they align with our building & district philosophy #MoEdChat
I do think you need to have different options for different situations. A lot of our kids don't work in the same system. It doesn't mean you continue to hold students to a standard they can't meet. You figure out a another way. #moedchat
A2. We do not require our teachers to use any specific program ( except for Infinite Campus - District grading and attendance monitoring system). #MOedchat
A2: Our elementary and MS uses Class Dojo, but it's sporadic. Our principal at PBJHS encourages positive phone calls and we now have a positive referral board. Ps who pick Ss up early often read the board, just outside the office. #moedchat
I love the idea of this, but I can't get over that negative points aspect. It just feels so counter to everything I believe about classroom management. #moedchat
A1- My building has a few teachers trying the CHAMPS framework. It started small last year, and we have a few more teachers trying it this year. #MOedchat
A2 We use @Kickboard#MOedchat I like being able to recognize Ss for positive behavior. Whole staff can help me by giving out "Caught Reading" points. However, we're also supposed to take away pts. Students hate that & end up angry for losing pts
A2: We are not "required" to do anything like DoJo but we are really really really strongly encouraging staff to give students at least a 4:1 ratio of positive to corrective feedback and one way to do that is through our Tiger Paws (tangible currency type reinforcer) #moedchat
A2 Not required, but in reality we have tried these things (Class Dogo, Classcraft, etc.) ....no one every sticks to them. That kind of reinforcement eventually wears off. #moedchat
Yes I agree. I am starting to really focus on the positive points. Some tell me to take points and others tell me to hit hard on the positive. I want to hit well on the positive. Kids respond better. Then I have some who don’t care either way. #MoEdChat
I've always been a skeptic of school-wide behavior systems, but I really do love @TheLeaderinMe. I feel like I have full buy-in on decisions and the kids do too. #moedchat
In reply to
@JasonCMcDowell, @TheLeaderinMe, @TheLeaderinMe
A2 we aren’t required to use much but we encourage it teachers do have to use google classroom and a program created by web school tools called Gradewatch. And we are using a predictive program in CA and MA #moedchat
A3 We do not require any apps or programs like that in our building. We use sisk12 for grading and attendance but teachers can utilize remind, Dojo, etc...as desired. #moedchat
A2) Heck no...to each their own. On one hand it’s great on the flip side it’s another app parents feel obligated to keep up on. I’d say one important school/district priority should be the “main” method of communicating. Follow everything“here” other stuff optional. #moedchat
A2- PBIS is schoolwide, and we require classroom management plans to align. We don’t have a mandated app or program like Dojo in every class. I feel it’s important that the adult is comfortable and really buys into their classroom management plan so it’s effective. #MOedchat
That is the key! Finding a balance that works for you and your students. The other thing is that what that looks like can change depending on your students. #MOedchat
Q2: I wouldn’t say that staff are “required” to use any particular apps. Providing input and guidance but yet allowing teachers to be autonomous shows support and goes a long way. I will say I’ve caught wind of the See Saw app and it sounds awesome! #MoEdChat
We do the positive referral board as well -- such a motivator and a great way to celebrate positive behavior. We also make calls home to parents when students make the board. #moedchat
A2. We just moved to 1 to 1, so most of our teachers are using google classroom. We also require all core teachers to use the Galileo testing system for benchmarks. The middle school math has transitioned all of our unit summative tests to being half online half paper. #moedchat
It just all makes sense. Some of it is pretty obvious but packaged together it’s golden. Went through the Lighthouse School process where I was at before. Truly takes but in from everyone. #MOedchat
A2- With PBIS, we really push everyone to use the same language. When staff here the same language from every adult, it becomes more effective. #MOedchat
Ppl don't realize this. Also, a kid is is being honest when their behavior is not perfect.. maybe the lesson is: too hard for them, too fast for them, not interesting to them.. great teachers see disengagement as a force to adapt their lesson. #iTeachMO#moedchat@DrPowersKHS
Q3 For many teachers classroom management can be a struggle, what advice or strategies would you give to a teaching friend that is struggling? #moedchat
I feel the same way on a personal level with @TheLeaderinMe, I practice the whole Empathetic Listening with my family and it makes us stronger, thus I believe in it being a positive for my professional life too #moedchat
In reply to
@PrincipalRLA, @DrWinkelmann, @MOedchat, @TheLeaderinMe
I think teachers lose interest in managing an app to manage behavior. Seems like you get more impact from thinking about the language you use and the consistency you have with students in your face to face interactions. #moedchat
Ppl don't realize this. Also, a kid is is being honest when their behavior is not perfect.. maybe the lesson is: too hard for them, too fast for them, not interesting to them.. great teachers see disengagement as a force to adapt their lesson. #iTeachMO#moedchat@DrPowersKHS
Yeah, the FMS has that stuff on lock. I love walking by that board and seeing kids post stuff on there every day. Definitely a model other school should steal. #moedchat
A3: Be unique. Build your relationships with Ss, make sure they all know you care, but also be firm. One of my favorite strategies that works for a while is my Honor Wall; this is from last year. #moedchat
A3: My #1 classroom management advice: You cannot control student behavior. You can only control yours. We cannot make students behave. We can only create an environment that makes appropriate behavior more likely. #moedchat
A2: We push positive phone calls. As admin we make them as well. Teachers are encouraged to give “high fives” as positive office referrals at the lower levels. Students of the month and effort awards at the upper grades get calls home. #MoEdChat
I used that in my classroom with a couple different groups and loved many aspects. I like the “super improver” idea that is part of it. I tweaked it to fit my class. #MOedchat
A3 You have GOT TO BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. It will be the best and most lasting thing you can do to improve the behavior of your Ss. Learn something about them. Talk to them about their interests. Invest in them and they will do anything for you. #moedchat
A3 - *focus on the small victories. It won’t be until the end of the year when you can say “look how far they’ve come!”
*relationships are KEY. The toughest kids require the relationships that are tested most.
*surround yourself with prob solvers, not complainers! #MOedchat
A3 part b: Just heard this one today: Teacher handbooks don't come with a mirror, but maybe they should. Translation: You HAVE to be able to reflect and look inward. What do I need to do differently to make this class run more smoothly? #moedchat
A3: ENGAGEMENT! Dangle that carrot in front of them and you will have them all year. My biggest class was working quietly yesterday because I have a first you have to method before you get to the CARROT! #moedchat
I love the idea of this, but I can't get over that negative points aspect. It just feels so counter to everything I believe about classroom management. #moedchat
A3 Classroom Management has never been a strength of mine. Observing Ts who are good at it & the #pd my school has have helped. Staying calm is 🔑 #moedchat#mindfulness#traumainformed
We are putting a special focus on that this year in the HS; we went to the idea that our advisory class is our "family" and we be the same "family" from 9th grade to graduation. Proud leader of the A.F.N.A.F.T.O.T family.
A3. Be flexible. Keep kids active and engaged. Much less opportunities for issues when all kids are invested in what they are doing. Find a system that works for you. If you are having lots of issues it may be something you need to change. #moedchat
A3 Follow your arrow wherever it points, it'll make you genuine to your kids, strengthen that relationship and make you better and more confident. If it doesn't work, then try something else. #moedchat
A3: The sun will rise tomorrow! Stay positive and know there are tons of excellent people to lean on in any building when it comes to classroom management techniques. Remain coachable, have an open mind, and don’t lose your passion for why you entered this career path. #MoEdChat
A3- Classroom management plans should be student-centered but adult-controlled. The plan should help the teacher build relationships, provides some voice from the Ss, but also allows the T to be comfortable and not stressed. Clear expectations can go a long way. #MOedchat
Either @TweetDeck is really struggling tonight, or this chat is on fire. Either way, I can't keep up. Probably this chat is on fire though... #moedchat
A3 Follow your arrow wherever it points, it'll make you genuine to your kids, strengthen that relationship and make you better and more confident. If it doesn't work, then try something else. #moedchat
A3 Classroom Management has never been a strength of mine. Observing Ts who are good at it & the #pd my school has have helped. Staying calm is 🔑 #moedchat#mindfulness#traumainformed
A2: No. I don't like Class Dojo because the external motivation wears off pretty quick and it's not as effective anymore. Just my personal experience. I would much rather switch up the external rewards. #moedchat
A3 Relationships! Oh and if you hear them say, “It doesn’t matter if they like me.” You need to help them change their thinking. It 100% matters, it matters more than about anything else! #moedchat
It's that "common sense" Thing that few understand. I sat by a student today and we worked together on his work for 20 straight mins. He said, "you know most teachers give attention to ther loud kids." I said, "you are loud when your silent." He smiled n nodded. #MoEdchat
A4: I prefer to let the kiddo know they are doing well via side conversation. Many Ss do not get that 1:1 attention and they crave it. My Ss LOVE it when I pull up a chair and converse with them about what the are doing RIGHT. #moedchat
Today, I sat before my toughest class and we talked about grit. It got very human. I told them I could be better and that I’d been discouraged, but that I wanted to grow with them. It made worlds of difference to be entirely honest with them. #MOedchat
A4 - I’d say this one is about relationships. I’ve read a bunch lately about why these are terrible but I’ve seen them work great with my own children. I’m sure some feel strongly both ways. Find a system that works for you. Build relationships. #moedchat
A4: Bring on the disagreement, but at my level if Ss are acting the way they should then I believe incentives aren't needed. Maybe I'm just too old school. I focus more on rewarding positive participation instead. #moedchat
Class goals, individual goals, etc, without displaying student data are positively viewed! Clipping down, negative dojo's, number relation in negative situations shouldn't be publicly displayed. #moedchat#KidsDeserveIt
Q4: Seeing is believing. The kids who act out have already displayed their actions. Most need the visual reminder to keep their behavior in check this promotes self regulation, but actions of others is more effective. Follow the positive leader. #moedchat
A4: I do not like public displays of each child’s behavior management sheets/cards/clips/etc. I think it is humiliating to students and does nothing to help them understand how to make better decisions. #MOedchat#wecandobetterthanthis
A4 It's fine as long as it's positive. I always gave out class points and we'd earn a pizza party or an extra recess here and there. Never penalize publicly. #moedchat
A4: Public displays are only a reinforcer for students who like (or don't like) that sort of attention. I prefer to look for reinforcers that match individuals. #moedchat
I believe that some students (usually younger elementary) can get a real benefit out of some sort of behavior chart just to help them manage impulsivity. #moedchat
A4: But here's the deal, a police officer will pull you over anywhere, and all can see. There's a lot of public sharing of negative behavior. #moedchat
A4- Anything public should be positive. When a student has to clip down in front of everyone, have you developed a positive relationship with that student? #MOedchat
Q4: Not a fan. I think the displays like this are well intended, but what about the student who doesn’t care or never reaches that goal? Side conversations and taking time to praise students individually builds relationships and has a more profound effect. #MoEdChat
Thats a very Jedi-like response, I'm impressed! I don't think I would've been able to say something that impactful in the moment, it would've been like "yeah, well, not today" #moedchat
For everyone to see? Why is it important for the whole class to know what color that student is in or what kind of day that student is having? #moedchat
A4.2 Contradictory, but I think public shame still has its place. I know #oldschool, but I think too many negatives aren't addressed anymore bec people can't bear the shame. Do I remember the one time I had to pull my card in 4th grade? Yep but I learned my lesson #moedchat
A4 we have a money system. SS receive money doing well and lose money from their acct for not doing well. We then have a stock price set by Academy classroom behavior. Pic. Ss can invest and buy stock. Have real auctions to spend. Then they file taxes at the end of year #MOedchat
A5: No, all I can envision is swiping a candy bar out of someone’s hand. I am not saying that there are no exceptions, but I think there are better ways. #moedchat
Q4: Not a fan. I think the displays like this are well intended, but what about the student who doesn’t care or never reaches that goal? Side conversations and taking time to praise students individually builds relationships and has a more profound effect. #MoEdChat
A4 In my opinion there is nothing wrong with celebrating Ss and one another for progress, success, and doing the right things! We should lift people up and celebrate as public as possible- so much negative around already. #moedchat
Q5: A promise is a promise. Our Ss already have enough taken away at home in some cases. Give them their moment. The door will swing back and get a kid even if there is a thought that a S has lost the incentive. #moedchat
A5: I would say not ok to take away an incentive that has already been earned. Example - student earns a positive referral for a specific outstanding behavior. We wouldn't not read that kid's name at our next assembly if they got in trouble for something else later. #moedchat
A5 this is a tough one some of it comes down to what the incentive is. Is it a privilege or something that is material in nature and then why we are offering the incentive comes into play as well. Seriously could go either way on this issue #moedchat
A5 An award? No. But a special privilege? I think it is real life that those can be taken away... may be unpopular, but we are trying to get kids ready for the real world right? Look at famous people recently making bad decisions, they lose their job #MoEdChat
A5: No. Incentives aren't currency. Why would I ever work to earn one if I can't trust you not to just going to change the rules on me? What a relationship destroyer. #moedchat
Alright, friends and neighbors - I have PD tomorrow, so I need my rest. Tonight has been enlightening. I can’t wait to be present in these conversations in the future. #MOedchat
A4 we have a money system. SS receive money doing well and lose money from their acct for not doing well. We then have a stock price set by Academy classroom behavior. Pic. Ss can invest and buy stock. Have real auctions to spend. Then they file taxes at the end of year #MOedchat
A5 our incentives are purchased by the students from money accumulated from good behavior. We then have incentive days movies, auctions, parties or something special. #MOedchat
I mean, those sound like things children do. As an adult you have to ensure that your world means something to them. Gotta emphasize your relationship. #moedchat
A4) I've never been a fan of public displays. A child's progress is his or her business. Given a challenging, mutually agreed upon goal, a conversation between the student and his or her teacher in which the teacher offers guidance and support is wildly more effective. #MoEdChat
Many of these kids already know the "Real World", one where Dad never shows up after repeated promises, Mom has beer and cigs but no food in the house. Just another adult breaking a promise. #MOedchat
I think I agree with you here. So, one of my "rewards" for a student being a good leader was to record daily announcements. It was known that to continue with this, the behavior must continue. But I wouldn't view this as taking an award away, as they got to do it. #moedchat
I could take away a privilege or a reward. But that is really only going to make ME feel better. They will just resent me for what I have done. But they will not learn or change in any way. #moedchat
Q5: Every situation is different, but at the secondary level? Absolutely. There are times when removing an incentive is warranted based upon Ss behavior after the fact. Ss should understand that there are certain conditions for earning, and maintaining, said incentives. #MOedchat
I get that, but I'm trying to say that if you are given a special job, one that let's you help other people/role model, but at the same time you are not living true to that, like bullying or something outside of that role, then you shouldn't have that role #moedchat
A6 this comes down to attitude, personality and the manner in which you carry out the policy. You approach, body language and tone of voice all come into play here #moedchat
A6- Every school-wide idea should have a classroom layer to it. Not one that goes against it, but adds onto it and gets more specific for your students. I always has a Classroom Use Policy even though the building & district had one. #moedchat
A6. We implement and live by the 11 Principles of Character Education, while at the same time giving each teacher the autonomy to individualize their work. #moedchat
A6 You still have a classroom. When you are in there you can put your own spin on any system. Just be consistent and fair with the systems you are a part of. But be yourself. #moedchat
Q6: Kids remember my quotes about the electric bill. "You can have a big screen tv, but it you don't have electric, it won't work." "If your work was the electric bill, what would happen?" "Will you be able to pay the electric bill someday?" is on my wall. #moedchat
A6b We always did PBIS, but in my room I ran a class points system based on PBIS. We were earning parties and celebrations left and right. But it fit the program and was consistent. #moedchat
A6: Operating w/in our school wide framework shouldn't take away individuality. I'm silly/loud/annoyingly positive/over the top and that is the way I deliver my classroom management. You don't have to do it just like me, as long as we both get the same message across. #moedchat
A6 I use the common language & expectations but also embrace & publicly celebrate my nerdiness & remember that Ss authentic selves should be celebrated, too #MOedchat
I think you added the point that I was trying to make, we have to have high expectations of our students and hold them to that. It may not always be easy, but we owe to them and their future #moedchat
I get what you're saying, discussing the issue w/ S way more powerful than breaking a promise. Seen way too many T's take incentives away as punitive retribution vs. building the S. #MOedchat
Of course, and I agree...but when dealing with some students (like those with trauma) they just aren't able to use the rational part of their brain to understand that. It's all about knowing your kids. #moedchat
Q6: Individuality is expressed and showcased in a number of ways. Adhering to a school behavior plan doesn’t necessarily limit this. My suggestion would be to find how you can contribute and what can you bring to the table in order to row the boat in the same direction. #MOedchat
This makes me think of the importance of being driven by the philosophy of the program. So long as our intentions are the same and we are guided by the overarching philosophy, allowing for individuality is very possible. #moedchat
But I don't think it is. I think we talk about different kinds of incentives. I the incentive is do X and get a buck or a point and they earn that point, then they keep it. However, we are talking about an on-going incentive, so I think it's different. #moedchat