Welcome to tonight's chat. Please tell us who you are and where you are from. We will be sharing knowledge about service-learning using the Q1/A1 format. Please remember to add #mdeschat AND engage each other.
A1: Service learning is the integration of community service projects that benefit the school or community with academic skills, structured reflection and assessment. #MDeschat
A1: Service Learning is taking a hands-on approach to solving a need within the community! A POWERFUL way to APPLY LEARNING and LEARN at the same time! #mdeschat
A1 I’ve never heard this term before- but love the implications. Applying learning to service work that benefits one’s community is what I imagine. #mdeschat
A2: Key considerations for effective service learning: preparation and orientation, student input/ownership, community collaboration, goals for service and student learning, curriculum integration, reflection, and assessment. #MDeschat
A2: Safety comes to mind first! What supports must be put in place so that students can learn in a safe environment. T's might have to hold Parent Meetings and model how to use tools before the experience begins. #mdeschat
A2: An authentic need of the community is being addressed. Students are using their academic skills/knowledge purposefully and authentically. Lots of planning and collaboration bet stakeholders. #mdeschat
Great ideas are being shared about the role students play in the service learning process. I also read the importance of impacting or changing the community. #mdeschat
A1- Service learning is the engagement of Ss in community-oriented opportunities to serve. Skill development and application for community benefit. #mdeschat
A3: Social Studies and English – Standards cover broad topics and themes, which can be integrated with English because English encompasses all modalities of communicating. #mdeschat
A3: A lot of students are very knowledgeable about digital citizenship and online safety...good opportunities to create YouTube-style public service announcements that could be used in schools #mdeschat
Content areas help to develop the educational outcomes derived from the project. One difference between service learning and community service is the anticipated educational value. #mdeschat
Simply....ALL OF THEM! It can be a cross-curricular experience for sure. Great opportunity to stress the importance of civic engagement in the Sciences as we only have ONE Earth... #mdeschat
A3: A lot of students are very knowledgeable about digital citizenship and online safety...good opportunities to create YouTube-style public service announcements that could be used in schools #mdeschat
A3. I think it is more 21st skill development embedded in content. Collaboration, communication, use of ICT, self-regulation, knowledge construction. #mdeschat
A4: Racial and Ethnic Segregation -Brown vs. Board of Education and other seminal court cases should be studied so that we continue to fight for equality in education and improved social outcomes. #mdeschat
A4: I love connecting my students to the @socksmovement who works to give people who are Homeless SOCKS! Many of my Ss also experience homelessness so this project is authentic as it can get! #mdeschat
A4. I think that depends on the level, for elementary I like outreach to the elderly, the environment, the school; older students can explore more issues #mdeschat
True! The Students in the Nursing Department at the HS I teach in go out on their service learning projects weekly and It brings me pure JOY to see then walk back into the building with their clipboards and scrubs! #mdeschat
Question 5 is up next. These topics would make amazing service learning with the proper planning and student voice, reflection and assessment opportunities. #mdeschat
A3: I saw math in action as our students with special needs counted and groups bags by 10s in our service learning recycling project in partnership with our local grocery store. It was magical to watch them engage and connect for a cause. #mdeschat
A3: You could cover so many content areas with service learning. Writing and speaking and listening are two of the biggest content areas that I think of for my Kindergarten Ss to demonstrate in service learning. #mdeschat
When I taught 5th grade, a community of Elders came to the building and we learned a dance together in order to host a FlashMob. It was a great experince that invloved Physical Education! #mdeschat
A3: When we knit baby hats for service, we integrate poetry (they remember to stitch with a poem!), math (counting stitches) and letter writing b/c Ss write notes to the moms of the babies who'll get their handiwork. https://t.co/Me5ntUkm91#mdeschat
A5: Assessment and reflection help students determine the degree to which the service experience is achieving learning goals as well as meeting a community need. Teachers assess and reflect to inform teaching and ensure students are progressing. #mdeschat
A3: When we knit baby hats for service, we integrate poetry (they remember to stitch with a poem!), math (counting stitches) and letter writing b/c Ss write notes to the moms of the babies who'll get their handiwork. https://t.co/Me5ntUkm91#mdeschat
A5. Reflection is critical to Ss owning the learning, along w/ self- assessment. Assessments need to connect to broader goals/objectives using rubrics. #mdeschat
A5: Note assessment and reflection hold the service learning project accountable to the established goals. Both happen THROUGHOUT the experience. #mdeschat
A5: I like to see students present their service learning reflections to community stakeholders so they have the chance to articulate the importance of their work. Stakeholders can then give feedback. #mdeschat
Cool! I beleive there is a Google+ Community that connects classrooms to speakers. Might be another resource for you if you are not already connected! #mdeschat
A4: It would depend on your age range. I typically do school related, character, SPCA (pets), or environmental projects with younger Ss. I’d love to branch out. #mdeschat
A5: Our learning is always in the reflection, so we have to make sure we stop between projects to evaluate, reflect and grow. It's a must, a non-negotiable! #mdeschat
A5: Reflection and assessment are critical to the process. Self reflection/assessment and peer assessment. Issues are constantly changing with different variables. As things change, we (Ts, Ss, community stakeholders) need to reflect and assess #mdeschat
A6. One of the best ways to prepare students for college and careers is to give them opportunities to collaborate with peers around real-world issues #mdeschat
A7: Service learning helps to provide authentic experiences to help Ss demonstrate key skills with community partners, who can model careers as Ss explore different paths for learning. #mdeschat
A7: Service Learning can lead to a commitment to a Career Path! Image if every person was doing what they loved to DO! This can happen through Service Learning! #mdeschat
A7: Service learning helps students to understand that collaboration can lead to meaningful experiences and productivity. Also, students can learn first-hand about careers they may want to pursue #mdeschat
A7: Service learning helps connect the soft skills to college and career readiness. Our Ss can answer questions, complete math problems, etc but if Ss cannot add the eye contact, speaking in a conversation, handshake then they aren’t college and career ready. #mdeschat
Thank you all for sharing in the learning around service learning, as we conclude continue to find partners across communities who will collaborate with you to facilitate the learning students can use to demonstrate care for the Earth. #mdeschat
A7: Service Learning can lead to a commitment to a Career Path! Image if every person was doing what they loved to DO! This can happen through Service Learning! #mdeschat