CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
Photo Challenge to DOL Schools: Share a photo on Saturday that represents the #Families theme for #CSW19 and tag @diolafin . Prizes will be given to best, most creative posts as we celebrate #75yearsdolinED. #catholicedchat
Maureen in Cleveland. Once again, my daughter’s sports will keep me in and out of this chat. It’s sunny here, but I’m still thinking 6 more weeks of winter. #CatholicEdChat
Unfortunately, many of our events have been postponed due to school delays and closures due to snow. Student Appreciation Day is Tuesday and Teacher Appreciation hAs been moved to March 8th. #catholicedchat
Good morning, #catholicedchat , from sunny Chicago, a balmy 30 degrees above zero. We've completely bypassed the groundhog's predictions and celebrate Spring today after a week of #polarvortex.
Our #CSW19@spv_ri was a beautiful celebration of our community! Included Open House, school Mass, a #vocations panel, trivia match, and 8th grade vs. teachers human foosball! Faith, fun, and lots of great memories! #CatholicEdChat
School teachers and Principal, Mrs. Berg, bundled up on this chilly morning to hand Thank You notes to SMM school parents during drop-off. Today we recognize community and want to especially thank school parents for choosing St. Margaret Mary School!#grateful#CSW19
#CatholicEdChat students packing bags of food for Blessings in a Backpack on Community Service Day. They packed over 500 bags so students in our county who are on Free lunch have food on the weekend. #sjrcsfred#sjrcsproud
Q1 we had the final round of a Sphero BattleBot Competition. The Ss were so excited. Another T shared that it was so nice that the competition wasn’t necessarily athletic or academic. We combined it with the rock paper scissors contest. #FUN! #CatholicEdChat
SMM students took to the rink Tuesday night as part of our Catholic Schools Week, celebrating students day. This community building event brought smiles to students of all ages! #CSW19
We were going to hand out thank you letters to parents at arrival. They are all ready to go. But the bitter cold and snow Interrupted our plans. We will be doing that on Tuesday morning. #CatholicEdChat
We were originally going to do this on Wednesday but that was our Cold Day of minus 25 windchild! We did it on Thursday which was only a minus 10 windchill! #CatholicEdChat
A1: It was a busy, long, fun week. OH, Grandfriends Day, Family STREAM Night, student council rally, dress up days, talent show, sitting w Faith Families at Mass. we usually have a vocations speaker but couldn’t get 1 this yr. Can’t pick a favorite... #CatholicEdChat
We have a minute to win it extravaganza coming up on Tuesday with a teacher swap in the afternoon. I know the students will enjoy it even though it is delayed. #CatholicEdChat
#catholicedchat a highlight that led to good connections and seeing Christ in others was when we invited ppl with disabilities to play games with our classes on Monday of #CSW19
A1: our #CSW19 was altered a lot due to being off school for 2 of the days...we kicked off our week by having a local high school bring their Trash Talkers group to our school to energize our students! #catholicedchat
Open house, teacher swap, lots of fun dress out days, magician, volleyball and our 8th graders received high school acceptance letters. Phew it was a full week. #CatholicEdChat proud of my daughter Maria. She will be joining her sister @StJoeAngels
#catholicedchat we like to thank parents with a brown bag breakfast. Teachers hand them out in the morning drop off lines. Usually it's the coldest day of the week, but this week it was the second coldest since we were out Wednesday. LOL No more complaining, T's!
It’s been great seeing all the wonderfulthings happening across the country this week during #CSW19#CatholicEdChat I think the snow days might have sparked joy for some of the kiddos too! 😄
We had a reading challenge on Facebook for the 2 days where families sent in pictures of their students reading during the 2 days off! #catholicedchat#CSW19
We do not have a t-shirt every year, but this theme has been adopted by several public schools in the area too after some problems from last year. #CatholicEdChat
Best moment of week: my 7th were in groups of 5 to work but many 7th were pulled for Living Rosary practice. So 1 S had to work alone. When the others returned from rosary, they all said "wow, you did great!" "this is so good!" to him #CatholicEdChat
We had a reading challenge on Facebook for the 2 days where families sent in pictures of their students reading during the 2 days off! #catholicedchat#CSW19
We had a reading challenge on Facebook for the 2 days where families sent in pictures of their students reading during the 2 days off! #catholicedchat#CSW19
#catholicedchat another moment of joy, I asked a class to say, "please can we cancel school tomorrow". The response of most was "ah man we wanted to have school to go to Mass @LeBlondEagles" - our local Catholic HS. #teachingsforlife#sfxproud
A2: 😂😂 if you ask our students the nun race where they had to get dizzy get dressed as a nun and eat fish sticks. An amazing race they just couldn’t eat the fish sticks. #catholicedchat
A2: I'm glad our CSW door decorating has used a posterboard for the past few years. Wrapping an entire large classroom door smoothly with paper was quite a task! #CatholicEdChat
Congratulations NCEA Award Winner and Helias Junior, Olivia Hennon! 1 of 10 students nationally recognized with the 2019 Youth Virtues, Valor and Vision Award for her non-profit Little Box of Sunshine! #saderstrong&proud #letyourlightshine#bigdeal
St. Joan de Lestonnac, Roman Catholic Nun and founderess of the order The Company of Mary Our Lady. ASlthough she lived in the 17th century her body remains incorrupt.Feastday Feb.2