I loved experiencing my first #edcamp-s this year-the ultimate sharing of knowledge and collaboration. @MelrosePS: What a COOL idea to bring this into the classroom with your Ss to help them share their learning from this year!
De la mà de diversos membres de la xarxa de mentoria del moviment #EdCamp, descobreix els aspectes i consells claus per organitzar un edcamp vibrant.
3r vídeo: “Com posar en pràctica el kit de comunicació edcamp?” amb @odepaula80, mentor de #edcampCAThttps://t.co/FtmOm8edsJ
“In one #Edcamp Literacy session on professional development, participants connected around the idea of online learning and planned to meet later in the conference to continue their conversation.” @DrJacieMaslykhttps://t.co/88a7czGov3