#NVedchat is dedicated to increasing communication and collaboration of education related topics in the State of Nevada. Originally, created by Mr. Snehal Bhakta.
Hi. Kevin from Indianapolis, IN. Science teacher and eCoach. First job was mowing power substations for a distribution cooperative in west central Illinois when I was about 12. #nvedchat
I feel it is important to start at the elementary level to get them thinking about the future. There are so many great CCR opportunities out there. Also great opportunity for community partnerships for elementary guest speakers #NVedchat
R1: I think we should talk with our elementary aged students about post secondary education. We need to start looking at interests of our youngsters and not defeat them, but motivate them. #NVedchat
My daughter is in kindergarten and I am already trying to get her into science, tech, etc. Just yesterday, set up iMessage on my iPad so she could text her Mimi, Papa, and Auntie #nvedchat
R1: we should never discourage our kiddos from any possible career. I also am a believer that not every child is destined for a 4 year college, but preparing them for post secondary education is a must and should be started early. #NVedchat
I remember a series of books in my elementary school library that were called "I want to be a..." I must have read 30 of those things when I was in like 1st grade, never too early #nvedchat
A1 - I think we should expose kids to lots of opportunities to find what interests them. Not only does that help people find their passions, but it makes school much more fun! #NVedchat
I have known plenty of people that weren't "book smart" but they were the ones that I want installing my brakes or putting in a new water heater, no college required #nvedchat
A2: Working at a behavior school, Ss there just need to know that you care about them and need some guidance on how to correct their past mistakes so they can still be what they want to be #nvedchat
Exactly. I had a student many moons ago that had zero interest in my curriculum, but he could fix anything. Why not give her or him the skills and mindset to pursue those interests? #NVedchat
A2: I am lucky to be able to facilitate a @NVLearningAcad coding class and teach computer design 1 & robotics. We are always finding where what we are learning translates to the real world #NVedchat
Seriously! I hate the stigma that someone is a failure if they don't go to college and "settle" on trade school, military, or other career options #nvedchat
R2: today my Ss created videos using @WeVideo. They were genetic disease PSAs. I also do 3D printing and a lot of makerspace type projects using things from home/classroom/recycling. #NVedchat
A2 - encouraging inquiry and curiosity daily! Teaching kids to present professionally in the classroom. We have a makers/breakerspace to get kids excited about hands on projects! So great to see their minds working! #NVedchat
as an amazing @CTEinCCSD teacher I keep reminding S that what they do today will impact their careers tomorrow and use it everyday in the classroom! Plus my 3rd year students just rocked the socks off of the @CTE_ESCR exam last week! #NVedchat
I know a lot of people that make more $$$ than I do with far less educational success. Nothing wrong with this. Find your passion and run with it. Be the best at what you do. Work ethic is something we lack when we are focused on standardized tests. #NVedchat
also try to do end of year resume building and having community partners come into the classroom and perform interviews with the students so they can experience real job interviews and feedback to build upon. social media awareness is important to teach too #NVedchat
A2: We offer @ClarkCountySch schools & the community several free University of Family Learning workshops pertaining to college & career readiness. Ask us! https://t.co/xvJWQdJz9V#NVedchat
A3: We get new "buzz words" all the time, I distinctly remember "BAM" and "Bloom's" from my earlier years, but the difference is that pedagogical, this is LIFE #nvedchat
A3: College readiness has been a staple for a long time. I am glad to see that we are getting back to acknowledging that career readiness is just as valid. I <3 @mikeroweworks & his push for trades #NVedchat
Flip the script on this. Reframe trade school and military as 'post secondary education' and make it equal to college. It is. Everyone continues to learn after high school, only difference is where we choose to do it. #NVedchat
because careers and jobs need people now. College is important but skills and can you start today seems to be the way things are going in the workplace. too often education cant keep up with career facts/trends to make college worth it over CTE #NVedchat
A4: I think we need to show how EVERY discipline & T is necessary. CTE seems so specific. Ts need to see how critical thinking, problem-solving, & collaboration are the basis of CTE #NVedchat
A4 :CTE needs to be the new requirement for students in school. Teaches everything from job readiness, resume, interview, workplace skills, how to obtain jobs ect. As educators we need to share these ideas at PDs and with staff when we can and often #NVedchat
A4: Frame it through an educator's eyes: good teacher is going to continue to learn and grow in their career, regardless of age, demonstrate how that is no different than telling my 6 year old girl that she can be a Olympic gold winning hockey play that is a programmer #nvedchat
thanks. I think we need to present these options honestly to HS learners. Focus on learning, and best options for them. It is arrogant to assume I know what is best for every learner, even worse to assume what is best is what I did. #nvedchat
R3: In Indiana, there is a push for multiple diplomas in education. Not a fan of this (again, stigmas); our accountability measure is based on percentage of Ss taking AP/IB courses, SAT/ACT, etc. We need to make sure that the number of jobs available can be filed. #NVedchat
I come from a strong military family, it burns me when people think that a military career is just sending a kid off to die, so many great career options! #nvedchat
I just laugh at learners when they say they are going into the military bcs they hate school. So much of boot camp is spent in the classroom (as reported by my military former students, I didn't serve). #nvedchat So much classroom in the military!
Too many of my former Ss were more concerned with taking a class for the advanced diploma, not because they enjoyed it or applying it toward a goal, I hear you here! #nvedchat
R4: I try to show my Ss different opportunities they can have by giving different activities in biology and Earth/Space Science. Not every kid is gonna be a STEAM expert, but hey, here are options. #NVedchat
Final A: We have to involve everyone = community, parents, business, government, etc... with education and students to make sure Ss are College and Career Readiness. It's a team effort & we are on the same team! #NVedchat
FQ: Whenever I am at a PD I am sure to inform them of what I teach and do. let my community partners know how important they are and they share the word with others. The more you promote yourself/program the more you promote college and career readiness #NVedchat
A3: job market is evolving, hard to predict what skills will be needed in the future, so important that Ss are well-rounded & have both hard& soft skills. #NVedchat
Thank you for letting us moderate tonight...even with the "hiccup". I guess that is real life College & Career Readiness! Yeah we made it! #NVedchat#CTEMonth#CareerTechEd
My school has periodic motivational speaker days where people come in to talk about careers in addition to correcting past mistakes and learning from them, inspiring days every time #nvedchat
WU: when I was a freshman academ coordinator and an admin, we did career day with our stakeholders in the community. It was good for Ss to hear from real people with real careers and interests. Started with 6th graders when I was a principal. #NVedchat
FQ: I admit I have not ventured outside of my classroom walls just yet. I'd like to start having HS kids mentor my MS robotics kiddos though. #NVedchat
If you would like to attend this Saturday to come learn with us at the Apple Store and learn about iMovie, send us an email and we will get you registered https://t.co/uxSweXnSOF#nvedchat#teachnvchat