#tnedchat Archive
TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
Thursday January 7, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Welcome to , where tonight we're solving all the money issues in education (or something like that).
If you would, introduce yourself and let us know if you're a spender or a saver.
Solving money problems? I'm listening closely!
ps...Happy New Year All!
There are so many intersections of $ and ed: student loans, public school funding, private schools, vouchers, meals, etc.
Ouch! Must have resolutions to be in the gym instead of online....
Q1: In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue regarding education money?
Twitter chats work better if the topic is the same one as a chat that just ended.
A1 families that have none, & how this impacts kids & their ability to learn.
I think I'm done.
I think my grandmother's poverty during her childhood is why I'm so interested in ed.
A1) while sufficiency is always a biggie, my thought is S's $ tied to zip codes rather than need...
Her mom died when she was little & her family had little money, so she married at 15 and dropped out of school.
Formal education is such a luxury, when there's no food, not even electricity. Forget wifi, forget TV.
A1b) real challenge in TN some counties w/out as much as a Wal-Mart, and others with massive retail $'s
Forget 21st century classroom and first-world problems?
When you take that pendulum & swing it hard to that one side - no $ - it crashes hard into any ability to let kids learn
A1: money is always an issue. Especially this year when the state says we need to test our Ss on computers.
So, how do we get school funding to be more equitable?
Using computers some systems don't have on the infrastructure from 15 yrs ago.
Sam, I'm just worried about outright poverty.
What does that say about funding in TN when the push is for technology but TNReady still has a paper-pencil waiver?
Policy makers HAVE to ASK. WHAT is sufficient for MY CHILD....then provide for "least of these"
I believe they should have rolled it out yearly. Most of my High Schoolers prefer paper and pencil.
Current ed funding is based on the bare minimum needed to provide a basic education (which is why it's called Basic Ed Prog.)
Q2: How would you define a "basic" education? What should be required funding, and what is "extra"?
a2 reading writing math physed music art language science. Basic education
I taught at a school that lost the Internet after every hard rain.
So what of that gets funded?
Hey wait, where's history?!?
A2) BEP...minimum essential programs offered to meet the curriculum prescribed by state BOE...
A2) Basic education shifts when the students come into Kindergarten Below Basic. I think Maslow said something about that
I can't imagine what a bare minimum school looks like, but I know they have to exist.
A2b) and in TN remember that the BEP is a ratio based plan designed to generate fund...NOT a spending plan
To be generic math, reading, science. & now basic coding.
I wish I had a dollar for every time the state said that.
A2: Ed funding should at least be equivalent to yearly budget 4 state prisons. Perhaps they'd be less full if that was the case
I'm intrigued that coding is an essential element despite the fact that it's missing entirely from most schools.
Q3: Government-generated funding is just one source of income for schools. What are your thoughts on donations and fundraising?
(And grants and endowments and fund-matching, etc.)
If we are going to ask out our students to be problem solvers why not use 21st century problems
A3: When community sees the value that a quality education has for it, donations follow. It is our job to spread the word/truth
A3) I think folks donate when they see the need and know it will go to the right things. Understanding the true need is a problem.
A3) folks dramatically overestimate those donations and added funds. I HATE school fundraising to operate https://t.co/nwRdpKW2UD
Q3: Government-generated funding is just one source of income for schools. What are your thoughts on donations and fundraising?
A3: Schools must be an open book. If the community questions the moral fiber of an institution their money will travel elsewhere
A3b) I enjoy an engaged, generous community but donations don't =1% of budget annually
Confession: I fully expected a lot more hatred towards fundraisers.
not to mention once corporations are involved, the school bends to their interests...
A3c) Student activity program in MOST schools is almost FULLY supported by parent/booster...little capacity to fund elsewhere
Why? Yankee Candles and cookie dough? I can deal with that.
I've been to one district where companies are asked *not* to get involved.
that is what we use the concept
Something about a lot of companies in the area and not showing favoritism.
probably for the best. To quote the great philosopher Bob Dylan, "You're gonna have to serve somebody."
Q4: So, how 'bout vouchers?
A4) Use the vouchers for ages 0-5 then send the student to my public school.
. will win an award if he can explain vouchers in FL in 140 characters.
A4) insure same criteria regarding accountability and admissions and don't reduce the size of state pie... then I'm listening
- A2; in the UK the message was always about Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.
we set up a project and have each family donate 10 to the project. Gets it done fast
that is because it is a nathan invention
- A2 there's a big part of me that would love to say a foreign language is part of a basic education. Struggle to justify that.
A4b) vouchers a naive ? in TN since state $ follow S's...15% of my S's attend and tax selves w/tuition
that is how we are buying 3D printers for schools at little cost to the school
A3 - the notion that schools rely on donations to operate is absurd to me.
They don't: less than 1% of operating budget per
We wouldn’t have half our gear if it was’t for outsiders. :-)
Or, I guess some could theoretically. But that sounds terrible.
A4) schls accepting vouchers must have same exact accountability measures& no right to refuse students for any reason, then maybe?
But the donations don't fund anything recurring, do they?
As comes to a close tonight, I want to thank everyone for participating. You are the smartest educators I know.
A3 education needs to tap more into the donations.companies and org are very willing to donate when its a student centered program
A3 with high demands on tech w state testing and everything online, donations are good!!
Ooh and if you're in West TN, is on Feb. 6!
(You can still go to even if you aren't in West TN; it's just closer. )
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