#ksedchat Archive

Thank you for visiting #ksedchat. We welcome all educators to our chat that runs Mondays at 8 p.m. Central. Though many of our educators have their homes in Kansas, all teachers are welcome to pop in and join in on the learning.

Monday May 7, 2018
9:00 PM EDT

  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We are so glad that you are joining us in our #ksedchat! Let's start with intros: Name, Position, School, District and attach a gif that best describes your school year! #ksedchat
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    I'm Kris and I teach PreK in Hutch. #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Sam from KS jumping in tonight #ksedchat! 9-12 ELA teacher from Buhler. My year has looked a little like this:
  • MsLRice May 7 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Lor Rice, fourth grade Wamego. #ksedchat
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Angie Boone, Cheney Middle sped teacher #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Melissa Carlson, media specialist (soon to be a 5th grade teacher!)newton, ks. #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Carmen from McPherson! I teach 4th grade for only 11 more days! #bittersweet #ksedchat
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Katherine, just finished my student teaching at Minneha in Wichita and will be the third grade teacher at Christ the King next year! #ksedchat
  • heather_newkirk May 7 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Heather-6th grade Neodesha! My year has been... #ksedchat
  • janinelea316 May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Janine Clayton 5thgrade Language Arts and Social Studies Newton #ksedchat
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Tim Vesco 4th grade teacher (in a few weeks) @FLERaiders Frontenac, Kansas #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Jose Martinez, High School Special Education, Dodge City High School, @USD443 #ksedchat
  • thewarsnak May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi TJ Warsnak from Halstead HS. I teach Social Studies. This time of year it gets pretty busy. #ksedchat
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Kyla, 2nd @ Neodesha. Lots of note-taking this year! #ksedchat
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Brad from USD 409 - Atchison. I teach K-5 elementary music. Yeah, there's been some traveling involved this year. #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hey @ksedchat ! I’m Jenny from Augusta. I teach K-5 Title Reading. I’m preparing to teach 3rd grade in Basehor-Linwood next year. My year has gone super fast! Lots and lots of change since August! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan, @ksedchat
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Q1: We all have that one teacher who made a huge impact on the course of our life. Who is it? What did he/she do to make it memorable? Make sure it tag it both #ksedchat and #dedicateanapple
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Tracey from Olathe. I teach K-5 at a Therapeutic Learning Program. #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    HAPPENING NOW: @nagel_megan leading an education celebration. Follow along at #ksedchat! @ksedchat
  • travistrue May 7 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Travis from Topeka. I do Google and techie stuff. #ksedchat
  • AnnaCalven May 7 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Anna, 6-12 Gifted Facilitator in Andover. This year was magic!! #ksedchat
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Some big models of teaching I had my first year (as well as elementary) @jdb7071 @deb_dmyers are phenomenal people who truly love kids. I can’t thank them for all they poured into me my first year! #dedicateanapple #ksedchat
  • Willmdunn May 7 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Will Dunn, Tonganoxie High School (Math). #ksedchat
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1.2: Some big models of teaching I had my first year (as well as elementary) @jdb7071 @deb_dmyers are phenomenal people who truly love kids. I can’t thank them for all they poured into me my first year! #dedicateanapple #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: Mr Lynn Loucks was amazing as a 4th grade teacher. I remember awesome read alouds, plays, and we ran the Wichita river run as a class. #DedicateAnApple #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: My one T was Marv Smith from Iola! He was my HS chem teacher and he never let me settle for less than my best - even if I had to spend every Sat. morning working on chemistry. However, once I learned it, he honored that grade. Learning vs. grade. #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple
  • heather_newkirk May 7 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: My 5th grade teacher. She read There’s A Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar out loud to the class and it changed my perspective of everything. 😍 #ksedchat
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Beth Koehn, 6th grade Math and Social Studies, Newton #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: My Mom, Debbie Firebaugh! I never got to have her as a teacher, but she is the reason I teach today. I hope I can leave the same positive impact on my students as she did on hers. #ksedchat #dedicateanapple
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    @nagel_megans My 2nd gr. teacher. When my dad was killed in Vietnam, her understanding&compassion made me want to teach #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: Mr. Johnson from @USD418-he taught Social Studies and when I was in college I did part of my Student teaching w him! I even taught w him in Brazil! He was magical and made history come alive! #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    I was very blessed with teachers in my life. My third grade teacher, Mrs. Chrisman and my Psych and Sociology teacher in high school, Renee LaFever (R.I.P.) were my main drives for becoming an educator! #ksedchat
  • travistrue May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: either my Mom & Dad were one of my teachers from 3rd-12th grade. I saw what great teachers did day in, day out my entire life. #ksedchat
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      Q1: We all have that one teacher who made a huge impact on the course of our life. Who is it? What did he/she do to make it memorable? Make sure it tag it both #ksedchat and #dedicateanapple
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    I think it would have to be my HS Art instructor, Mr. Baskins. He was the one who gave me the opportunity to develop my love for music and art in the same classroom. A true innovator in allowing Ss to have authentic expression. #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: https://t.co/EQr2NEta0M #ksedchat #dedicateanapple
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: Mrs. Pauline Meyer, my 6th grade teacher, made me want to become a teacher! This video clip explains why. #ksedchat https://t.co/S8yzIH37ER
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      Q1: We all have that one teacher who made a huge impact on the course of our life. Who is it? What did he/she do to make it memorable? Make sure it tag it both #ksedchat and #dedicateanapple
  • thewarsnak May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: Mr. Conine was a great language arts teacher. Never apologized for expecting us to strive to our potential. Tough, relentless but also provided support. Dude also knew how to wear a suit. #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: It's hard to pick just one, but the teacher that has had the biggest impact on my teaching career is @JessebAdam. He was there when I first started my teaching career and now more then ever I appreciate the growth mindset he had when teaching and trying new things #ksedchat
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Evening #ksedchat Jason from Buhler, HS ELA T. My gif game is not yet warmed up this evening. I'll have to get on that.
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: Mrs. Kohls, my 5th grade teacher. She really saw me and made me believe I could do anything #ksedchat #dedicateanapple
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: Dr. Spurgin was one of my professors for my undergrad. He taught me to look at things differently and sparked my passion for special ed. He was always available to help after I graduated, too. He was even on my dissertation team. #DedicateAnApple #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Jennifer Duncan, I teach 6th grade ELA & Social Studies in Newton USD 373 #ksedchat
  • travistrue May 7 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: A1: either my Mom or Dad were one of my teachers from 3rd-12th grade. I saw what great teachers did day in, day out my entire life. #ksedchat https://t.co/MM0zbMlqgD#ksedchat
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      Q1: We all have that one teacher who made a huge impact on the course of our life. Who is it? What did he/she do to make it memorable? Make sure it tag it both #ksedchat and #dedicateanapple
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1.2 - I can still never thank my professor, Traci Lutz, for bringing back my excitement in college and reminding me why I’m doing this! #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    I remember taking a test 4 times before I earned a grade I knew demonstrated my learning. I have never worked so hard in my life -- and that means that he put in the same amount of time I did. #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: Mrs. Pauline Meyer, my 6th grade teacher, made me want to become a teacher! This video clip explains why. #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple https://t.co/S8yzIH37ER
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1: Jane here from Dodge City, first grade! My first grade teacher was my favorite T and Now I love first grade as a teacher myself! #ksedchat
  • MrsSchramp May 7 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Hi all! I'm Melissa from Atchison, KS. I teach 6-8 Soc Studies. Feel like I didn't have time--so busy, but a good busy! #ksedchat
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Jennifer Donovan, K-5 Music Teacher in De Soto! #ksedchat
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1 That is tough to narrow down. Mrs Manes in 1st, Coach Shanelac, Coach Richard, Ms. Jewell in MS ELA, so many others. #ksedchat
  • AnnaCalven May 7 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1) I think all of my teachers played a role. Some were great and pushed me. Others gave me reasons to make things better. There were also many outside of school too and those teachers I have learned from since becoming a teacher. #blessed #ksedchat
  • MsLRice May 7 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1) 1st grade Mrs Stultz and 3rd grade Mrs Owens had so much love for us. And 35 years ago (shhh!) we gardened and did lots of art to learn skills. #ksedchat
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Q2: As part of the @KTOYTEAM2018 we have had the opportunity to visit districts across Kansas. Each place we have gone has had something unique and inspiring to share. If you could host a group of educators what would you want them to see? What are you most proud of? #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Q1: I didn't realize it at the time, but Glenn Wiebe 8th gr SS. Just the right amount of stories to go with content and really passionate about what he taught. I model my teaching after him :) #ksedchat #dedicateanapple
  • janinelea316 May 7 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: My fifth grade teacher Delores Brown was amazing at building relationships with each and every student. We always knew we were valued and cared for. #ksedchat
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Helen Henson 3rd grade #ksedchat
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2: I am actually hosting a visitor from Denmark at my school tomorrow! I hope he get the sense that we are not just a school, we are a family at @FLERaiders. #ksedchat
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2: In my student teaching school I was really proud of the community within the school. Everyone is really loving and welcoming! #ksedchat
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Jennifer Donovan, K-5 Music in De Soto. #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Relationships! Our students know that everyone cares about each other. I love it when students greet me in the hall before I can say anything. Means they feel comfortable. #ksedchat
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A1: My outstanding grandma, Nancy Scriven. She always treated me with such respect as a child. We both learned something every time we were together. #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: My SEL&mindfulness pieces and practices. #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan, @KTOYTEAM2018
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: my students. Many struggle, but they get up each day and try it again #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: I am really proud of the work Ts have put into @thedailycafe over the past two years! It has been exciting to have a common language when talking about books! Our Ss are reading more and oh so much more engaged in their reading! #ksedchat
  • MsLRice May 7 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2) programs beyond the classroom: STEM club, talent show, Camp Invention...the things that get kids applying and synthesizing skills #ksedchat
  • heather_newkirk May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: At my building I’m most proud of how our faculty acts more like a family than a business. We put relationships first. #kidsdeserveit #ksedchat
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A1: several but one who stands out was my 3rd grade teacher who made reading a total adventure for me. She brought all books to life!! #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: I would want them to see read aloud time and discussions that follow. Even 5th and 6th graders love to be read to everyday! #ksedchat #dedicateanapple
  • thewarsnak May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: At #HalsteadHS I am most proud of how much our staff genuinely discusses & wants to support each student. Before school, lunch, games, during bus duty, weekends, emails it seems like we always are talking about individual students & how to help them. #ksedchat
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: I would want people to see the relationships we form with our students. That we have fun and really get to know our students likes and dislikes. #ksedchat
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: I’m most proud that we are taking the leap to #redesign and be a part of Gemini II. I’m very excited as we move forward to keep doing what’s best for kids! #ksedchat
  • MrsSchramp May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A1 There are several, but the one who set me on track to teach was my freshman yr Bio teacher, Ms. Cai. She was always there to listen, made me feel special, & set me straight if I ever acted rude or entitled! #ksedchat #dedicateanapple
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: I am most proud of how my colleagues at school are dedicated to our community’s families. It’s home! #ksedchat
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2 I am proud of our kids. They often shock me with how amazing they can be, and how they are preparing themselves to change the world. #ksedchat
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: Hoping this dream comes true! Very proud of our unique students in our building! Mostly ESL and high poverty combined with fantastic resilience! I ❤️ #511Sunnyside #ksedchat
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    #ksedchat Ashley Nottingham Newton KS 5th grade ELA/Science. It's been a crazy busy year.
  • ccouchman May 7 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: our staff - they are amazing. #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: I would want educators to see how teachers at Buhler High School are leading (from the bottom up) to create interest based classes instead of traditional ELA, history, FCS, and science classes. Valuing student voice and choice. #ksedchat
  • travistrue May 7 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    #ksedchat 2A: we have great things happening with tech integration, STEAM & fine arts. Great things happening in @TPS_501 https://t.co/AgWoPRsDZ7
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:15 PM EDT
      Q2: As part of the @KTOYTEAM2018 we have had the opportunity to visit districts across Kansas. Each place we have gone has had something unique and inspiring to share. If you could host a group of educators what would you want them to see? What are you most proud of? #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: I'm most proud and excited about how as a high school we are transitioning to becoming a pathway school next year and everyone is working together! So much excitement! #ksedchat #DCHS #usd443
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: I'm most proud of our school family. I would want them to see that side of our school & how we encourage each other. And I love sharing our redesign info with people! #ksedchat
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Hi Megan! Thank you for moderating! Sure glad I got to spend some time with you fantastic #ktoy2018 teachers! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Q2: Well thanks to @nagel_megan, I think they’ve all been in my classroom this year. I just wanted them to student driven learning, students failing and questioning their actions. Also an appreciation for the subject #ksedchat
  • kylemcclure May 7 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2 I would want them to see the deep commitment @BuhlerUSD313 has to being #BetterTogether and teacher leadership. Great ideas are valued from the “bottom” to the top! #ksedchat
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Q3: Teaching can be the most tiring and the most rewarding job in the world! What keeps you going? What is your favorite part of teaching? #ksedchat
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    #ksedchat #DedicateAnApple A1: My 2nd grade teacher Miss Stevenson. Her energy, love for her students, and passion for education. She is why I became a teacher! I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and she made me believe I could.
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    And that's why we love what we're doing! #ksedchat!
    In reply to @aboone_angie
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Imagine a history class about how assassinations changed the world or a science class about wildlife conservation. Or a literature/science class called "The Science Behind Science Fiction". These courses would be so much fun to facilitate! #ksedchat
    • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:19 PM EDT
      A2: I would want educators to see how teachers at Buhler High School are leading (from the bottom up) to create interest based classes instead of traditional ELA, history, FCS, and science classes. Valuing student voice and choice. #ksedchat
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Giving my kids a clean slate everyday, and knowing that everything they do I cannot take personally. HUGS are also my biggest blessing! #ksedchat
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Seeing those sweet, precious faces every morning! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Yeah, @KoehnsClassroom we loved seeing your future engineers. Aquaeducts rule!!! Encourages an appreciation for the past and possibility for the future. #ksedchat Thank you for sharing with @KTOYTEAM2018
    In reply to @KoehnsClassroom, @nagel_megan, @KoehnsClassroom, @KTOYTEAM2018
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: The connectedness I feel towards other people: students, teachers, parents, administration. Teaching allows me to continue to be a team player, and I love watching my teammates succeed! #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: my favorite part of teaching is the hallway, after/before school, lunch, and one-on-one conversations that make our relationships stronger. #ksedchat
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Also, knowing that I am making a difference (big or small) in a child's life. #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Right on, Katherine! Never take things personally. #ksedchat
    In reply to @KatherineTernes
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: The students! I’ve been in my current position for 4 years and have gotten to work with some of the same students all 4 years. I have loved watching them grow and change. Such an amazing experience. #ksedchat
  • MsLRice May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3) the lightbulb, seeing the growth, getting to be a small part of a path each child is on and helping them discover the potential they have, that point in the year they can function without me because they know they are learners #ksedchat
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: I love it when we are reading and my kiddos make an emotional connection to the book. Love it when they are disappointed that we have to stop reading #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: https://t.co/bxdN8ovQ7A #ksedchat
    • Dale_Chu Feb 15 @ 10:02 PM EST
      A5: The look on a student’s face when the light bulb turns on and he/she finally understands a concept. #EduAr #LoveTeaching 💡
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: My favorite part of teaching is daily miracles you get to be a part of everyday! A child grasping that concept. A child making a new friend. So many amazing things happen everyday. you just need to step back & appreciate it. #ksedchat
  • JenniferMFarr May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Tardy to the party...#ksedchat...flying solo as a mom tonight! #firefighterwife
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    #ksedchat A2: I'm most proud this year of how we've all come together to prepare for the redesign. We are truly changing lives at our school and I'm excited to be a part of it.
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: My tribe!!! nagel_megan @rachel_mcclaran @gailduarice8 They help to push me out of my classroom and my comfort zone! #ksedchat
  • thewarsnak May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: Love how teaching allows you to actually make positive change in the world. I get to mentor a group of minds through their formative years. Awesome responsibility but I always feel like I am doing something with purpose. Plus summer break. #ksedchat
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: my favorite part is to see a struggling student finally get it and the smile and excitement that goes along with it. Also, when several years later your former students are still talking about something they did in your class. #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: My favorite part of teaching is when you teach a student their freshmen year than their junior year and see the change in attitude and learning style! Seeing the change in students is amazing! #ksedchat
  • kylemcclure May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3 the energy from a new idea, especially if it has been found through collaboration with colleagues #ksedchat
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: My students keep me going. It is hard to pick one thing...I love watching the students learn and show excitement to be at school. I love interacting with the Ss and showing them I will always be there for them and watching their reaction as they fully know that. #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Like a great entertainer, always leave them wanting more! #ksedchat
    In reply to @aboone_angie
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I love having fun with the kids. Simple as that! #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: The students! Even when we get on each others nerves, I love seeing them every day. We get to start fresh every morning :) #ksedchat
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    For me, it's the joy of inspiration that I observe while my students create and express themselves through the fine arts as they collaborate with students who are very much like themselves and totally different as well. The joy and journey of expression. #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3 Relationships with my Ss! Getting to know that they don’t like Lima beans or that weekends are hard or that they need supplies to get projects done at home or that they miss their dad. I can listen, help, reach out and even fuss because I know my Ss. #ksedchat
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    #ksedchat A3: The students. They are my daily dose of caffeine! My relationship with them makes each day more enjoyable. Taking a personal interest in their lives outside of academics yet supporting them as they grow and learn is super rewarding!
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I can't wait to hear about the redesign happening in KS schools! This is an exciting time to be a KS teacher and student! #ksedchat
    • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:25 PM EDT
      #ksedchat A2: I'm most proud this year of how we've all come together to prepare for the redesign. We are truly changing lives at our school and I'm excited to be a part of it.
  • JenniferMFarr May 7 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: #ksedchat the relationships you build with kids and the teaching family keep me going! And seeing that spark in a kid’s eye knowing you have just changed their world
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3 The people. My room is a mess, my grading is piled up, the AC is too hot or too cold, blah blah blah, but the people make me laugh, swell up with pride, cry (happy and sad), and get up again every day. #ksedchat
  • MsNic_ May 7 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Hi all! Super late here (I’m out getting din din). Nicole at Gardner-Edgerton. I teach 7/8 ELA! #ksedchat
  • MrsSchramp May 7 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3 I love sharing my enthusiasm for history & geography, helping Ss understand these subjects & see how they can use them in their lives. I also love making a difference in my own community by teaching Ss in my neighborhood & parish. #ksedchat
  • heather_newkirk May 7 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3: All the birthday treats! 🎂🙌🏼 But for real, my favorite part is helping a child gain self-confidence. 6th Grade is a rough chapter full of self discovery and doubt, I love reminding kids how truly amazing they are. #ksedchat
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Q4: Let's take a few minutes to collaborate and share! What is the best lesson or unit you teach? What makes it great? Please feel free to add pictures if you have them! We can all learn from each other! #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Glad you could join us! #ksedchat
    In reply to @MsNic_
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    That's awesome, Melissa! #ksedchat
    In reply to @MrsSchramp
  • JenniferMFarr May 7 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4: #ksedchat I have tons of favs...but one I am proud of is our Veterans Day interviews. We bring in veterans, interview them, then make a TIME person of the year cover and feature article every Nov
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:29 PM EDT
      Q4: Let's take a few minutes to collaborate and share! What is the best lesson or unit you teach? What makes it great? Please feel free to add pictures if you have them! We can all learn from each other! #ksedchat
  • MsLRice May 7 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4) we read “All the Good Things” each year and write compliments to each other. If all I teach them is to believe in themselves and be good humans it is enough https://t.co/mfUfBpyjwI #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: I love being able to teach students to identify their purpose/ reason behind writing - why did you choose that word, why did you organize the sentence that way? I want to see their thinking. That is where we see the most growth. Cognitive awareness? #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Q4: My fave is reading The Lightning Thief & watching the movie. The kids really start picking out the similarities & differences, then we write a compare/contrast paper. I love seeing what they find! #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: Regardless of the class or topic I always find a way to make a lesson around the movie Spare Parts! It connects in so many ways to the lives of the students we teach in Dodge City and motivates students to keep trying regardless of their circumstances! #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: Our Nutcracker study in December is magical! Music and Art join us to learn about the dancing, the composer, & we even try making nutcrackers! We read 15 versions of the story and we go and see the ballet in Wichita and in Hutch when the Praire Nutcracker is on! #ksedchat
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: This was fun! Coding @SpheroEdu to follow Paul Revere’s ride. #ksedchat
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: Ss opened a donut shop. The money they made went to a local homeless shelter. They also did graphs, interviews, created their own donuts, & learned how donuts are made. We invited some SROs for the interviews and even made them a gift to thank them. It was great! #ksedchat
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A3: Spending the day with 22 eager little 6 year olds makes me smile! #ksedchat
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: I used to teach a Titanic unit. Every kid was mesmerized and the unit stuck. Loved incorporating all subject areas into the unit and the kids didn’t even realize it. #ksedchat
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    #ksedchat A4: My students love our unit on red wigglers. Unfortunately I dont have pictures because we won't be "playing" with them until tomorrow. The kids take a huge interest in the anatomy of and job of these little guys. Super fun to watch them interact with nature gently.
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: Started the year with Matilda by Ronald Dahl, working to build those relationships like Ms. Honey #ksedchat
  • MrsSchramp May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    TY, Dale! I'm blessed to teach what I teach and where I teach! #ksedchat @AtchisonSbcs
    In reply to @Dale_Chu, @AtchisonSbcs
  • Willmdunn May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4) Next year I want to do a PBL based on one is saw at High Texh High called “Numbers are People, Too.” Covers stats, and understanding the people they represent. Could tap into social justice nicely, I think. #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    I learned a math magic squares activity as a student teacher and have used it every year since. We talk about how to approach people and perform for them. We talk about the history of magic squares. Super fun to have each student feel the magic! #ksedchat
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    a4 Not a unit or lesson but a class: Pop Culture Lit. We have dealt with social and personal issues, it is a class that I feel the Ss truly get that research is about learning & not just writing a paper, the learning sticks and is ongoing because it is relevant. #ksedchat
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:29 PM EDT
      Q4: Let's take a few minutes to collaborate and share! What is the best lesson or unit you teach? What makes it great? Please feel free to add pictures if you have them! We can all learn from each other! #ksedchat
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A3: My students! They are amazing and keep me learning more about education and myself every single day! #ksedchat #growthmindset
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    Greek Beauty Pageant! Students pair up to compete as a different god. 1 person dresses up and gives a 1 minute introduction speech. Then the assistant gives a 1 minute speech about the costume for evening wear. Wrap it up with a short talent portion. #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: I love teaching rdg lessons with Patricia Polacco books. One of my favorites this year was “Junkyard Wonders”... Everyone is special, talented, and needed! Lots of connections, schema, and metacognition with this text. #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    I can attest to that - as a parent of a kiddo in your class. He is always thinking and working on this class - wait for it...because he wants to. #ksedchat
    In reply to @JasonKohls
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    A4.2 our popcorn unit! The kids opened a popcorn business and sold to the school for their end of year movie. Money went to a charity that the third grade chose. #ksedchat
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    A4: Love creating digital books about animals! Kids are so creative! #ksedchat https://t.co/koGDXuwtFb
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    Q5: Laughter is the best medicine. What is your most embarrassing teaching moment? Sometimes we have to be able to laugh at the crazy things that happen in the classroom! #ksedchat
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A4: I really loved the popcorn company my first year with @deb_dmyers @luv2teach2006, this year I’ve loved our new Storybook STEM, my fav was The Recess Queen and engineering a paper playground and talking about levers. #ksedchat
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    #ksedchat A4) Probably one of my favorite experiences is when we bring our AHS and AES chorus together at our end of the year celebration. This is one of my favorite songs, "Tomorrow Needs Us," by Teresa Jennings. Here is the link to a performance: https://t.co/LvMxrAohlU
  • ccouchman May 7 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4: rotational volumes that used calculus in motion, candy, and 3D models #ksedchat
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4: My guitar unit with my 4th and 5th graders! It is amazing to see them so empowered and excited for continuous improvement l! #ksedchat
  • AngSuperPowers May 7 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4. I am coming in late tonight #ksedchat. But I want to share a student's blog post about the mirror and windows book club my students are finishing up this week.
  • shannon_vieyra May 7 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    Late to the game... A4: I enjoy teaching my students digital citizenship. It's an important lesson as they are gaining the independence to navigate the internet and apps alone! We have to show respect in real life and the digital world; it's not too early to start. #ksedchat
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4: MLK! The Ss are always amazed about segregation and how powerful words can be! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    A5: So this past semester my room was really warm and I was wearing a shirt that clung to me pretty well. So, as I was teaching one day and one of my students pointed out my sweat stains. It was the most mortifying moment, but we all laughed about it later. #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Reminds me of the guitar lab I used to run. That's fantastic, Jennifer! #ksedchat
    In reply to @CCE232music
  • JenniferMFarr May 7 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    A5: #ksedchat I was having Ss write Xmas letters about what they wanted. I was trying to discourage video games (play stations and gameboys) our came....lets try not to ask for playboys....🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:36 PM EDT
      Q5: Laughter is the best medicine. What is your most embarrassing teaching moment? Sometimes we have to be able to laugh at the crazy things that happen in the classroom! #ksedchat
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    You should. Ooh ooh ooh. Student+Teacher exchange between district (a day, 2 or week?!!!) A T and S from each school trades places to take part and observe something exemplary in the other school. #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    A5: I am VERY afraid of spiders. When I was in Arizona we had some very big and gross spiders and one crawled across the floor when I was teaching. I had to stop and go get the principal to come kill it before I could continue teaching. #ksedchat
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    Especially, Thank You, Mr. Faulkner! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan, @JennyStoops
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    A5: the day I face planted the floor tripping over my big feet! #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    A5: Back when I used to wear heels to teach, I stood up and got my heel stuck in the back cuff of my pants. I tried to step forward and couldn't extend my leg. I fell forward and landed on the ground - on my face. Carpet burns for days. So embarrassing. #ksedchat
  • kylabbaker May 7 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    Logging off early. Dog ran through sewer. Then ran in house. On our carpet I just cleaned 2 weeks ago. #ksedchat
  • heather_newkirk May 7 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    Checking out early! They are clean, but not asleep! Happy Teacher Appreciation Everyone! #momlife #waypastbedtime #ksedchat
  • ccouchman May 7 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    A5: so many...I am the Queen of Embarrassing moments. Teaching with zipper down, wearing diff colored shoes, falling alseep (recovering from knee surgery) in class. #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    A5: When I did not preview that darn Lewis and Clark video and there was a scene that talked about the sexual relationships they had with the native Americans. Could not find the pause button fast enough! Rookie mistake! Preview everything! #ksedchat
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    A5: as I was being observed by administration, couldn’t spell correctly on the board and the kiddos ratted me out! #ksedchat
  • Legend_Rhorn1 May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Thank you to all the impactful professors at @WichitaStateCOE . You have made me who I am. #DrGranada #CathyDurano #Dr.Lohfink #Dr.JohnnieThompson #Dr.Stone #Dr.Ewing #Dr.Sayman #Dr.Sherwood #Dr.Freeman #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ksedchat
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    A5: When I was interviewing for my job at Frontenac, the zipper on my pants was down the entire time! I didn’t realize it until I was home. 🤦‍♂️ #ksedchat
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    A5: Soo may to pick from. How about the time I scolded all the 6th grade boys for not treating the balls with respect. You know because balls belong in a ball sack #ksedchat #thisisnthard
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Ha! That's hilarious, Jennifer. #ksedchat
    In reply to @JenniferMFarr
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    #ksedchat Whoops. #stillkindanewattwitter Probably one of my favorite projects we do is when we bring our AHS and AES vocal music departments together for our end of the year celebration. The song is "Tomorrow Needs Us," by Teresa Jennings. https://t.co/IWOGRpaTIn
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    I may or may not have been sitting down in a circle with a group of my littlest musicians and passed gas. #ksedchat
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    Q6: We are better together! Who in your building makes coming to work each day great? Make sure to give a shout out to the person(s) who are your support network! #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    A5: SOmetimes when I'm rushing in the morning I wear my shirt inside-out. It happens more and more as the year goes on. It used to be embarrassing when students said something. Now I'm used to it! It's normal in my world lol #ksedchat
  • Willmdunn May 7 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    A5) Tripping on a desk, and falling into a student. We both went to floor in a tangle. I still blame stuffing 30 students and desks into an old middle school classroom! #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    Words of wisdom: "Preview everything." #ksedchat
    In reply to @56library
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    A5: I don't think it's embarrassing to me, but my kids say some of the most hilarious things! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    A5: I may or may not have been sitting down in a circle with my littlest musicians and passed gas. #ksedchat
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    #ksedchat A5: Last year my puppy ate holes in almost ALL of my dresspants. One day he ripped an entire back pocket off on my way out the door. I pinned it, and Ss could still tell. To this day they look at my pants searching for holes. LOL!
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A5: A kindergartener once tried to use my dress as a blanket... yes, I was wearing the dress. 🤣 Also, had to tell a kiddo that goodbye kisses weren’t allowed. Save that for Mom and Dad. #ksedchat
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A6: @dwayneetaylor @cmccartney93 @pynn1320 @arobertson249 @annkbrown @karen_kosborn and all of the @FLERaiders family! #ksedchat
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:43 PM EDT
      Q6: We are better together! Who in your building makes coming to work each day great? Make sure to give a shout out to the person(s) who are your support network! #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A5: Anytime I have to draw something on the board. Seriously, it's bad! The kids always start laughing & then I can't help but laugh. They like to talk about what it looks like I was drawing vs. what I was trying to draw #ksedchat
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A6: My CT this semester is phenomenal! The best CT I have had, she is not on Twitter, but Allison Drake made this semester amazing for me! #ksedchat
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    Inside out socks, shirts, etc. But, promise me, you will tell no one. What happens on #ksedchat stays on #ksedchat . Right???
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    My work wife @santafe_art, my old and future teaching partner @karen_juhnke, and my amazing para for 16 years Cyndi Fiedler. #ksedchat
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A5:cont Forgot about the time my ring came flying off and almost hit a kiddo in the head, guess I use my hands too much when I talk! #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A5: Our beloved goldfish, Brasil, JUMPED out of his tank and landed in a gutter (outdoor classrooms in 🇧🇷)! The janitors came to save the day with a fork and a knife! I SCREAMED in Portuguese, “Don’t eat Brasil!” The janitors looked at me like I was crazy! 🐟 😩 #ksedchat
  • shannon_vieyra May 7 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A5: Picture it. It's my recess duty day. The kids ask me to play soccer. I strut confidently to the field ("I got this" I say) The Ss pass the ball. I run to make a smooth kick and I STEP ON THE BALL. I timber down in slow motion as kids hide their eyes. #ksedchat
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A6: @Orton5M and @johnlaffoon17, along with some other great friends who stay positive and make me laugh...they make my day great! I can always count on them to keep me in check when needed and to put a smile on my face. #ksedchat
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A6: @HeyMrsG @handy_carrie @usd232supt I am so thankful I get to work with great people every day. These are just a few! #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    Everyone deserves a dependable work spouse. #ksedchat
    In reply to @56library, @santafe_art, @karen_juhnke
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    Kyla Baker!!! #ksedchat
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A6: Couldn’t do it without @m_ortizsmith @montford_john #ksedchat
  • Legend_Rhorn1 May 7 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    He is not on social media but Curtis Wilson 2nd grade teacher at @FrankieFalcons makes me feel great everyday I come to work. He is just so much fun, and thinks outside of the box to support kids. He is always the first to show up and the last to leave. #smilingalways #Ksedchat
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:43 PM EDT
      Q6: We are better together! Who in your building makes coming to work each day great? Make sure to give a shout out to the person(s) who are your support network! #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A6: Of course my #bhsela team is amazing, but I have to give a shout out to our LMC specialist @janealgray and counselors @AnnaKrone and @ndewitt25 because they are a true support system. Let me bounce ideas off them, and let me cry behind closed doors if I need it. #ksedchat
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A6: @JillWebs, @melodiebeth, @jamiebutler268, my supportive principal @CheneyMS, and my paras! #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A6: I have so much love and respect for every teacher I work with. Every one of them brings something special to our building. I’m going to be doing some ugly crying when I have to say goodbye next week. Ugh! #ksedchat
  • GruntledChalkie May 7 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    I blame the shoes #ksedchat (mind you you did block the attacher behind you and allowed your player to score)
    In reply to @shannon_vieyra
  • shannon_vieyra May 7 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    A5: I also once accidentally exchanged the "k" in book with a "b" when writing on the white board. 🤦‍♀️ #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    A6: Of course my #bhsela team is amazing, but I have to give a shout out to our LMC specialist @janealgray & counselors @annaleekrone and @ndewitt25 because they are a true support system. They let me bounce ideas off them, & let me cry behind closed doors if I need it. #ksedchat
  • kylemcclure May 7 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    A5 letting my kids out too late and making them miss the bus and having to call parents and ask them to pick up their children 🤓 #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    A6: @kdhuck sends good morning emails whenever she's at #DCHS. I look forward to reading the meme that is attached to the email! It makes the morning a little bit better! #ksedchat
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:50 PM EDT
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    Q7: Thank you for each and every contribution you make to the students of Kansas. Teachers are some of the wisest people I know. What piece of wisdom would you like to give to the preservice teachers or teachers who will be joining us next school year? #ksedchat
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    A6: Shoutout to my tribe, #sfcrew, and the outstanding #ktoy2018 team for their support on this crazy journey of teaching! #ksedchat
  • Willmdunn May 7 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    .@TollefScience makes work fun, and evinces the passion one can have after decades of teaching. I get boundless support from my admins for all my wacky ideas, like @farrartongie. @MrMorganBio is a 1st year teacher, and sure makes the future of our school look bright. #ksedchat
  • luv2teach2006 May 7 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    Get plenty of rest and ask questions! #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    @nagel_megan @JenSmith373 @KoehnsClassroom @56library @janine_clayton5 @MsNsKidz @BohlingJana Caitlin Naylor, Jenny Bristol, Gina Skinner, I could seriously go on for days. Our building rocks! #ksedchat
  • MrsSchramp May 7 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    A6 @dianapoliquin has been an amazing mentor, co-worker, and friend. I'm going to miss her when she moves on to another school, but hoping we keep in touch :) #ksedchat
  • misszeisler May 7 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    Signing off a bit early... CrossFit did me in tonight! Happy Teacher Week to you all! #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    A7: Never stop learning and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The best teachers are the ones who realize that there is always room to grow. #ksedchat
  • PreK33 May 7 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    A7: Find your tribe and follow your heart. If you do what's best for kids, you'll never be wrong! #ksedchat
    In reply to @nagel_megan
  • JasonKohls May 7 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    Q7 Find your tribe and build relationships. #ksedchat
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:51 PM EDT
      Q7: Thank you for each and every contribution you make to the students of Kansas. Teachers are some of the wisest people I know. What piece of wisdom would you like to give to the preservice teachers or teachers who will be joining us next school year? #ksedchat
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    #ksedchat @placetobe373 ALL of the teachers, administration, and support staff. I could never name just one. I'm blessed to work with the BEST, every day!
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    A7: find your tribe, when a bad day happens, they can offer support and honest advice #ksedchat
  • shannon_vieyra May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A7: You won't regret it, the students are waiting for someone just like you! #ksedchat
  • MrsSchramp May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A7 Don't reinvent the wheel--find out Ts to collaborate w/ and don't be ashamed to beg borrow or steal from other Ts. #ksedchat
  • jenduncan526 May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A7: Have fun! Don't stress out about things you can't control, control the things you can. Do what you do best! #ksedchat
  • TraceyEnser May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A7: I read this fantastic article recently about finding your marigolds...those who stay positive and encourage growth. Be sure to find someone you can lean on, vent to, but to stay positive through it all. Negativity can be a huge game changer. #ksedchat
  • kylemcclure May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A6 a few, this question is hard to narrow down. Some educators/leaders I look up to: @KennedymMelissa @ccouchman @Hondofan @rbharder @shannon_vieyra @SJNeill13 @JasonKohls @PrincipalPaul @PrinBHS @kelseylmcclure #ksedchat
  • KatherineTernes May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A7: It is a tough job, but it’s... #ksedchat
  • themusicweaver May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    #ksedchat Be true to you & embrace the challenges and joy of participating in the highest of professions, education. You are needed in this important time of our country's journey. Open your doors to those around you and embrace & serve the community with love and understanding.
    • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:51 PM EDT
      Q7: Thank you for each and every contribution you make to the students of Kansas. Teachers are some of the wisest people I know. What piece of wisdom would you like to give to the preservice teachers or teachers who will be joining us next school year? #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Good advice, Angie. #ksedchat
    In reply to @aboone_angie
  • JillWebs May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Sosorry to keep missing #ksedchat the later the sun stays up the longer my kids are awake!
  • CCE232music May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A7: My best pieces of advice: 1-never stop learning and 2-love your students no matter what--they brought their very best selves to school today. #ksedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Well said, Jennifer. #ksedchat
    In reply to @jenduncan526
  • AngSuperPowers May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A7: Speak up for kids, even if your voice shakes #ksedchat
  • ProfeJMMartinez May 7 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A7: Build relationships, get involved with everything that you're interested in, and involve parents in the education of their student. These things will make your job easier and fun! #ksedchat
  • JaneCulver5 - Moderator May 7 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    A7: Get on Twitter especially #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Q7: Keep it simple, slow down and enjoy your students, care for yourself, have a hobby, share and receive new ideas, join twitter chats, find a way to laugh each day. #ksedchat
  • nagel_megan May 7 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Thanks for awesome hour and great Education Celebration! Have a wonderful week and end of school! #ksedchat
  • EduGladiators May 7 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️Ready to rethink your school PD?! SATURDAY #EduGladiators {NEW}series 🍎Teaching & Learning continues w/author @4OClockFaculty @RACzyz moderating! #COLchat #EllChat #TeacherEdChat #ksedchat #tlap #gfedchat #ALedChat #EdPiper #NVEdChat #ssdedu #IEedchat #ALedchat
  • Willmdunn May 7 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    A7) As long as every action reflects a commitment to being better at what you do, it’s okay to let the chips fall where they may. Find your voice and just go for it! There’s a whole online community ready to embrace your vision and support your growth! #ksedchat
  • SJNeill13 May 7 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    A7: We are #bettertogether! isolation is the enemy of improvement - beg, borrow, and steal ideas from your colleagues. We need each other to be the best teachers we can be for our students. #ksedchat
  • kylemcclure May 7 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    A7 honest reflection is the best way to improve quickly during your first year. Some(many) lessons just won’t be very good. That’s ok, decide what you want to be better and get after it. #ksedchat
  • shannon_vieyra May 7 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    A6: #PCElearn has some fierce leaders who inspire me. I want to give a shout out to @JoyceRaya1 who is relentless in being an advocate for our students. Every kid deserves someone like her. #ksedchat
  • JennyStoops May 7 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Thanks for leading, @nagel_megan ! I love learning from all of you! #ksedchat
  • 56library May 7 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    @nagel_megan thanks for the awesome chat! Great questions. #ksedchat
  • KoehnsClassroom May 7 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Celebrate your successes! Don’t get too comfortable. Push yourself to try new things. Allow yourself to fail. Only then will you know how to grow. #ksedchat
  • aboone_angie May 7 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Thanks @nagel_megan for hosting tonight, so needed it! #ksedchat
  • mrvesco - Moderator May 7 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Thank you @nagel_megan for a fantastic #ksedchat!
  • MsNsKidz May 7 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    #ksedchat A7: Be YOU, be real, and never forget why you decided to become an educator. Some days are hard but focus on the good! The good always outshibes the bad.
  • Willmdunn May 7 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Thanks as always, crew! Finish the year strong! #ksedchat