Weekly chat for excited 1st grade teachers who love to learn and share ideas. Participants are interested in a variety of topics including literacy, math, technology, play, inquiry, and being the best educators they can be!
Happy Sunday! It's time for #1stchat. I'm Val from Michigan and I'll be moderating tonight. Our topic is Student-Centered Learning in the Primary Classroom. Please introduce yourself. We're using the Q1 and A1 format tonight. @lekadegroot
Hello! I am Alison and am currently attending Indiana University studying early childhood education. I am super excited to learn new things to keep in mind for my future classroom! #1stchat
A1: This quote is very helpful for people just starting out teaching. I haven't had much experience but it means that teaching is better for the students than telling because teaching helps them understand things better than just having something told to them #1stchat
A1 Currently I work at the preschool on my campus as a student teacher. This quote really hits home. Involving the students gives them a sense of pride and is teaching them to think for themselves and assert their independence. #1stchat
A1 Love this quote! This applies to even our first graders. As a teacher, I have to really give lots of thoughts in "involve me" part. How do our students learn the best? #1stchat
A1: This quote is so true. We should be away from the days of sit and get....kids need to be a part of the learning. Exploring, making mistakes, problem solving and analyzing. #1stchat
A1: This quote shows the importance of engaging lessons. When students discover their own learning they are most likely to remember the information. We used this when students discovered that a clock is just like a number line! #1stchat
A1: this quote means that in order to be a good teacher you need to get the students involved. Just going over the material isn't going to benefit them as much as getting them involved with what they're learning #1stchat
A1 sorry I'm late, it's molly from seattle. This quote is a favorite. Student learn more when we let them explore their passions and involve them in the process. #1stchat
A1: In my opinion this quote shows the importance of engaging students and helping them feel welcome to share their thoughts and participate. We shouldn't simply tell them information but encourage them to get hands on and involved with the material. #1stchat
A1 my experience of learning English. Teach me a sentence, I’ll remember it, but if don’t use it, eventually I’ll forget it. English expressions I learned in US through Talking to people, I involve in the English environment, I learn it. Or, I should say, I acquire it.
A1: When students are involved it makes learning all that much more entertaining. Once you get them involved children become a sponge. No one wants receptiveness. #1stchat
It goes for me too. I go to these conferences, hear and get ideas, but if I don't go use it, I forget it. There are topics I keep going to, but haven't put into practice. #1stchat
A1b when I involve Ss in the lessons, I also learn. I hear their problem solving skills and I’m able to do informal assessments. I can then reflect on my teaching and make adjustments as needed. #1stChat
This is something that I try to drive home with my students. They get really down on themselves when they fail at something but sometimes when we fail is when we learn the most important things! #1stchat
so true.. sometimes people think I am surfing but honestly normally I am trying to make something during the sessions when I am learning something new. #1stchat
It goes for me too. I go to these conferences, hear and get ideas, but if I don't go use it, I forget it. There are topics I keep going to, but haven't put into practice. #1stchat
A1: hands on activities allow students to understand things rather than just regurgitate memorized material. The difference between telling them and teaching them is making sure they understand why. #1stchat
A1b when I involve Ss in the lessons, I also learn. I hear their problem solving skills and I’m able to do informal assessments. I can then reflect on my teaching and make adjustments as needed. #1stChat
A2: I am hoping there is a change coming, and that a student centered room is "traditional" soon. The teacher has been the center for so long. Giving information. A Ss centered class they are seeking, searching and being guided and supported by T. #1stchat
A2: A student centered learning environment includes differentiation and choice! Students get choices in what and how they learn. It’s important to have students in mind when planning options. We have six different options for our science sorts, so students can chose! #1stchat
A2 In a student-centered classroom, teachers are focused on what students know, what they need to learn and how they will learn the best. It's not just content delivery. #1stchat
Hi There from NH! A1 Letting students plan part of the day...like Morning Meeting really puts involvement and ownership in their hands and that is powerful!#1stchat
a2, Tradition: teacher talks in front of classroom and students take notes...like my high school experience. Student-centered: engaging students, e.g. learning through group work. When i was in college, a teacher asked us to create a dram and act it out in English. #1stchat
The concept of learning is circular VS vertical. In the student-centered environment everyone is a learner included the teacher who works as a mediator of ideas too. #1stchat
A2: Allowing students to choose how they learn can make a big impact. Everyone learns differently. Some learn through hands-on activities, others learn by talking with others. Allowing students to find their learning style can aid in their success. #1stchat
A2 This means more student decisions about their own education. I think it is important for students to truly have a say how they learn and what they learn so that they can really grow as people and not just answer questions on a test. #1stchat
A2: Student-centered learning environments give students opportunity to make choices and express their thoughts as well as feelings. As a future teacher I hope to create an environment for my students to be themselves where I can adapt my lessons to better fit. #1stchat
A2 Student centered focuses on the child’s needs and interests. All children are not doing the same thing. It is a lot more work for the T, but if you can get there, the S will be much more invested and engaged #1stchat
Come join me tomorrow night as I guest host the #ElemCode twitter chat! We'll be discussing ways we can support growth mindset and our struggling students. Hope to see you there- 9pm PT / 7pm CT #kidscancode#girlscancode#RaiderStrong#1stchat
This is something my professors are really focusing on in my education classes- I am trying to learn ways to ensure a safe and positive learning environment for my future students. #1stchat
A1- I LOVE this quote. Students need to be active participants in their learning. Ts need to be the guide on the side and allow students to have experiences that enhance their learning #1stChat
A3: word problem Wednesday they work in productive groups to solve a word problem then one member of the group draws it and shares with the whole class. #1stchat
Building a relationship with each student is a must. Listen to them, get to know them, let them know you are there to help them learn. Let them know they teach you and help you become a better teacher:) #1stchat
A3: On Thursdays (I call it thinking Thursday) my students are placed in groups, which changes weekly. They have a set of math problems. They work together, share strategies and come to a conclusion. I love listening in. #1stchat
A3: word problem Wednesday they work in productive groups to solve a word problem then one member of the group draws it and shares with the whole class. #1stchat
A3 Provide a variety of hands on learning opportunities, give time for students to explore what interests them, let them share their work in class and digitally. #1stChat
A3: 1st is builiding relationships so I know what the ss interests are and how they prefer to learn. 2nd. with firsties we have to build their knowledge of the ways we can show our learning in the beginning #1stchat
A3: word problem Wednesday they work in productive groups to solve a word problem then one member of the group draws it and shares with the whole class. #1stchat
A3 as a student teacher at the preschool on campus I am learning what to do in my own future classrooms. tomorrow morning we are going to be making play dough for my morning activity w my kids- they will be doing measurements to see what works and what doesn't #1stchat
A3: During reading, students work through text together. Share ideas, thoughts and strategies. I love collaborative work all through the day and into other classrooms. #1stchat
A3 I have had students create number word problems and also riddles for other students to solve based on what are learning about. Right now we have a basket of question cards about light and sound for others to answer! #1stchat
A3 By promoting independence our classrooms become more student-centered. My students should be working harder than I am. If I'm doing all the work they don't have to. #1stchat
A3: Scaffolding learning experiences early in the year so by midyear Ss can choose the way they want to show their learning by picking the best tool for them. #1stchat
A3 I use differentiated ELA centers. In Math, students choose which math game to use from 3 choices based on their skill level. I am adding @Seesaw activities. Still a work in progress. #1stchat
A3: Group activities are a great way to promote student-centered learning. Bouncing ideas of each other is a great way to learn how to work well with others. This is a skill that they will need to carry with them for the rest of their life. #1stchat
Grouping is so important - there is a lot of research that shows taking average students and pairing them with struggling students helps everyone do better and makes the average students feel great!! #1stchat
A3: In my future classroom I plan to really focus on the thoughts, feelings, and interests of my students. I am here for them and will be completely devoted to making their learning experience successful. I think group work is beneficial but hope to learn of more tools #1stchat
Q3. For my Italian class, students had to create an ad in Italian pretending it was for a native audience. They had to do research about commercials on Italian tv. They learned a lot about culture and stereotypes too just by researching and applying knowledge. #1stchat
A3: I haven't gotten the chance to be in the classroom yet, but if I were to promote student-centered teaching i would work with students in small groups as a student teacher and build relationships with them. #1stchat
We are starting our first one with our 5th grade buddies. They have developed their questions and how they want to present their findings, this week we begin research. #1stchat
A3 By promoting independence our classrooms become more student-centered. My students should be working harder than I am. If I'm doing all the work they don't have to. #1stchat
A3 One practice to consider is to do less talking. The person doing all the talking is doing all the learning. We shouldn't rob students of that learning because we forget how much we're talking. #1stchat
a3)i don't have students yet...when i was an exchange student at UCO, my reading class instructor allows internationals students use another level text book(less amount of reading, less complex vocabularies) #1stchat
This is exactly what I am hoping to encourage tomorrow morning with my students- letting them measure their own ingredients for play dough- something they will find fun, but I will know where they are at with measuring and following directions! #1stchat
A1 I put an answer each morning on the board that they get to write the possible question to. For ex. _____ is the answer. What is the question. LOVE listening to them work together. #1stchat
I set expectations first and practice building stamina so that they don't move around. We practice how to pick a good spot to work. They know they loose privilege of choice when they don't show responsibility. Did I answer your q? #1stchat
A3: Allowing my students to have more time to write authentically. Some of them have chosen to work together to write a story. I observe and listen to what they are learning together. It is great. #1stchat
With lots of modeling and guidance the flow of the room really becomes a non-issue. Time must be spent modeling and guiding these choices at the beginning of the yr. It's not a free for all from Day 1 #1stchat
A1 I put an answer each morning on the board that they get to write the possible question to. For ex. _____ is the answer. What is the question. LOVE listening to them work together. #1stchat
To do this well you almost have to have more structures in place. And students have to be explicitly taught what it means to be a self directed learner. #1stchat
Yes.. I know that classroom management is always a concern for new teachers.. so I wanted you to clarify .. it helps them to see how it works. #1stchat
A3 One practice to consider is to do less talking. The person doing all the talking is doing all the learning. We shouldn't rob students of that learning because we forget how much we're talking. #1stchat
It takes a lot of practice. We spend first 2-3 weeks building stamina in read to self independent task itself. We start slow to go faster later. #1stchat
Yes.. I know that classroom management is always a concern for new teachers.. so I wanted you to clarify .. it helps them to see how it works. #1stchat
I often think we should make students visit for the first month, then one day for each of the next months.. The routines seem easy when your first visit is October or November but it takes a lot of work. #1stchat
With lots of modeling and guidance the flow of the room really becomes a non-issue. Time must be spent modeling and guiding these choices at the beginning of the yr. It's not a free for all from Day 1 #1stchat
To do this well you almost have to have more structures in place. And students have to be explicitly taught what it means to be a self directed learner. #1stchat
a4) one of the best ongoing models I observe regularly is DEAR - drop everything and Read. When teachers take it seriously, it sends a huge message. #1stchat
ABSOLUTELY!!!! For those that student teach 2nd term, it absolutely mind blowing to see what the beginning of the year REALLY looks like when you're on your own to figure it out! #1stChat
A4: I think sharing with them first that I am a life long learner and show them my stage of learning for things I am not great at but enjoy doing. #1stchat
A4; I love our class meeting times to teach growth mindset and talk through any issues the Ss want. I also share any issues I"m having. We also start each day with sharing Good Things and I always talk about what I"m reading and working on #1stchat
a3, also, OU CESL has placement test for each students. based on scores of placement test, students will be assigned to English class at different levels, so they will receive more proper instructions based on their English proficiency. #1stchat
A4: We have to point out in our classroom the many different ways each of them are learning. We must also share our learning. I would say 99% of the time we do a virtual field trip I learn something new and I am always ready to tell the Ss. #1stchat
A4: show them different ways to learn. If they realize that theres not just one way to learn they will be more open to others. Also working in groups will help because they can see how others think and work through learning #1stchat
ABSOLUTELY!!!! For those that student teach 2nd term, it absolutely mind blowing to see what the beginning of the year REALLY looks like when you're on your own to figure it out! #1stChat
I agree that working in groups is a great way to show that everyone is a learner. This shows them how different people learn and how students learn at different paces. #1stchat
A4: Show your students that there is something new to learn every day no matter who you are. Share with your students something that you have learned recently. #1stchat
A4 I let S's know that I'm learning along with them I also stop everything when a S shows or tells me something they've learned especially during our wonder https://t.co/WJkSoqkD1P our read alouds we ask lots of questions and everyone works hard to find answers. #1stchat
#1stchat I always make it a point that if I do not know what they are asking to ask them to explain what they mean and really engage in their thoughts and conversations. Always making it known when I am looking something up or am unsure. #1stchat
A4 Students need to see us excited about learning something new. Let them know what you are reading. Tell them something new you learned this week or at a PD. They also need to know that learning is messy; we make mistakes and learn from them #1stchat
A4 I teach my students growth mindset explicitly. We focus on growing and making progress. We share specific events or incident that involved growth mindset. #1stchat
LOTS of planning to get a room to be a wonderful place for learning to happen. The magic is in what the teacher's puts into it on the back end so to speak- that along with the connections you create w/ your Ss and their families. #1stChat
A4 I also make sure to tell my students "I didn't know that! I learned something new today." or "I don't know... do you think you can find the answer for me?" Some kids go home and research! #1stchat
A4 Usually when I return from a conference I'll tell them what I learned and how its going to make all of us smarter - they get engaged so quickly! #1stchat
As I get ready to sub in 1st Grade tomorrow and ECs (3year olds) on Tuesday, I am so thankful for all the “little ones” who guide me to know patience, kindness and joy. #kinderchat#1stchat#teacherfriends#ece
A4 I teach my students growth mindset explicitly. We focus on growing and making progress. We share specific events or incident that involved growth mindset. #1stchat
I often tell my students that I read EVERYWHERE! Even in the bathroom, especially when I know I'm going to be there for a while. They think that's a hoot! lol #1stchat
a4, there is a Chinese saying "live and learn/never too old to learn". i'll introduce this saying in my future classroom and showing them knowing/trying new things can be fun and explore the world around you #1stchat
I agree! Learning is a life long process and it is so important to show students that even if we aren't the best at something we should follow our passions and continue working hard. #1stchat
being a junior at Stockton University- sometimes I feel the most I learn about teaching is from my preschool students rather than my classes! They're ideas and thoughts are so valuable to me! #1stchat
being a junior at Stockton University- sometimes I feel the most I learn about teaching is from my preschool students rather than my classes! They're ideas and thoughts are so valuable to me! #1stchat
a5) Start by picking one thing a week that you make open ended. Be committed to that.. and when you are comfortable.. add a second. Rome was not built in a day, and a student choice classroom takes time to develop. #1stchat
A5: I am amazed by the tools we now have for voice and choice. There is a myriad. I am loving @Flipgrid@EasyblogDotOrg@Buncee@padlet But as you plan, think how you can offer it. #1stchat
a4), and, creating a monthly routine asking students and (teacher) to share what they have learned in this month :) ( I learned how to cook a traditional noodle of my hometown this month...don't know how to say it in English...) #1stchat
A5: I hope T make is a priority to offer Ss voice. We need to help develop their thinking skills and allow them to be thinkers and express their ideas in ways they are interested in. #1stchat
a5) Start by picking one thing a week that you make open ended. Be committed to that.. and when you are comfortable.. add a second. Rome was not built in a day, and a student choice classroom takes time to develop. #1stchat
A5- We have a set "planning time" for our students that give them the opportunity to choose where they would like to start working (in stations) and they can then "change their plan" when they are ready to move on #1stchat
A5: Let the classroom be an open environment where students feel comfortable to share their ideas. NEVER let a student believe that their voice or opinion is wrong. Give them the confidence to share their thoughts. #1stchat
A5 We can begin by sharing some of the control in the classroom. It doesn't mean that students are in control of the classroom but rather that they have some influence in what they're learning. Meeting THEIR needs rather than OUR needs. #1stchat
A5: We need to make sure that we are listening to them as much as we want them to listen to us. Make them feel welcomed and that their opinions matter #1stchat
A5 when developing lesson plans, plan to give up some control. It’s important to know standards, so that we’re allowing Ss to use their own voice and power, while hitting standards. #1stchat
A5 Focusing on a bigger outcome or purpose helps. Ex. Flexible seating = teaches ss self awareness and control instead of controlling students' behavior. #1stchat
A5: We need to be patient and really listen to what our students say. It's important to encourage them that they matter and so do their thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. At the end of each week have a class discussion where students share ideas/ wants for future classes. #1stchat
I am learning more and more about my students everyday and loving every second of it! The relationships I am creating makes me so excited for what teaching will be for me in the future! #1stchat
A5: We need to be patient and really listen to what our students say. It's important to encourage them that they matter and so do their thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. At the end of each week have a class discussion where students share ideas/ wants for future classes. #1stchat
A5 We can begin by sharing some of the control in the classroom. It doesn't mean that students are in control of the classroom but rather that they have some influence in what they're learning. Meeting THEIR needs rather than OUR needs. #1stchat