A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
Good evening all! Ryan in Saginaw Twp, MI - 6th Social Studies. Will join more intently after the 1st grader gets done with reading before bed. #mschat
Katie, 6th grade, IN. My mom once used an onion on my foot to try to cure an ear infection. Spoiler alert: I wound up crying all night and begging for antibiotics. #mschat
Melissa from Atchison, KS. 6-8 Soc Studies. I'm fairly sure that drinking Jamba Juice's Coldbuster and sleep kept me from getting the flu in college. #mschat
Ellen from NE Ohio. Cold natural grape juice and hot honey and lemon soothes the throat. And a cool mist humidifier. Ginger ale for the stomach flu and liquid Tylenol #mschat
A1) absences create a cycle of catch-up though tech makes accessibility easier for Ss and Ts. No reason Ts can’t share notes/videos/recordings with Ss who are out. #mschat
A1: Absence has definitely impacted classes this year. Students have fallen behind and worry about being caught up. #GoogleClassroom and other tools have helped greatly to help them connect at home when possible.
A1 Haven't had slew of Ss being gone (mostly younger Ss but not my middle school Ss) but have had to miss work to take care of my own kids or sub for fellow Ts taking care of their ill little ones #mschat
A1) We have had this conversation a few times. The biggest thing is trying to give a student a fair shake in a classroom where lesson growth takes place organically. Student discourse is something that can not be replaced. #mschat#edchat
A1: So many districts have had to close because of the 😷. Definitely pushes #EduGladiators to plan w/even more intention streamlining instruction & being creative in its delivery. #mschat
A1: I think the greatest challenge is you can't replicate the pivotal, authentic conversation that erupts in a class session. No notes, presentation, or make up assignment can replace the in the moment dialogue. #mschat
YES! I love using Google Classroom for this unit, but so many of my Ss don't have access. Even if they do, I want them to focus on feeling better, not worrying about what they're missing out on. #mschat
I agree about access. I used to use all kinds of various classroom blogs and eventually moved to Twitter. That way students can access the work from anywhere, don't have to create an account and the website rarely goes down #mschat
A1: I think the greatest challenge is you can't replicate the pivotal, authentic conversation that erupts in a class session. No notes, presentation, or make up assignment can replace the in the moment dialogue. #mschat
A1-We have had so many Ss out for concussions this year. This is such a tricky area to handle because when they do come back they can't necessarily get right to work or do work at home. #mschat
A1: Quite a bit - between Ss & Ts coming in sick, the struggle to stay healthy in school has been a tough one. Catching these sick Ss up during our major research unit has also been difficult. Especially Ss with week+ absences. #mschat
Yes, I agree, but I'm also finding that I wind up losing kids/content/mastery in the midst of catching up AND keeping going. I wish I had it more ironed out! Thus tonight's topic... #mschat
A1-We have had so many Ss out for concussions this year. This is such a tricky area to handle because when they do come back they can't necessarily get right to work or do work at home. #mschat
I agree about access. I used to use all kinds of various classroom blogs and eventually moved to Twitter. That way students can access the work from anywhere, don't have to create an account and the website rarely goes down #mschat
a1: I've considered delaying major lessons if so many ss are out that I'd essentially be reteaching the next day, but I'm also trying grouping kids so the present kids get one version of the lesson the next day & absentee and strugglign kids get another. Not perfect! #mschat
We aren't 1:1 either and many students don't have access or are too sick to complete work... Many of my class actives are discussion driven so they miss that too #mschat
Challenges any authentic meaningful learning! reading and worksheets can be done at home: Discussions, questioning, hands-on deep thinking needs to be done in class #mschat
Yes. & then communication with the family requires more action from us--the kids who are independent already DID the makeup work. Those who are already absent a lot of struggling may need support at home to try to get it done (and our support at lunch, whatever too) #mschat
The flexibility is essential. We often have a team meeting with the parents and students to create a plan of essential work to make up and offer options for time with teachers #mschat
A3: This is a constant struggle, but I keep track of absent Ss on a calendar behind my desk. Then I can better align who missed what instruction on which day. Doesn't always work, but it's something. #mschat
I have wondered whether I should start recording more of our discussions to save for our class web site; I feel those conversations are very powerful when students miss #mschat
A3; Organization is my achilles heel so I struggle here. I am looking at what other do. I keep a class log for students to check I talk with students when they return #mschat
I struggle here but feel that we all miss things and have to figure out how to catch up #mschat Life is not all available on demand so we need to develop skills to help us capture what we miss #mschat
A3: Levering digital tools is an excellent way for absent Ss to stay connected. If Ts video or flip their lessons, Ss can keep up or watch LIVE from the bed if they feel up to it. Plus lesson is always there in flip mode to review/reteach. #mschat
A3: I stay on top of things with digital tools to track as well as digital resources for students to either stay on track or catch up after returning.
A3: Every paper I give is put on a numbered shelf I have on the side of the room. When students come back I let them know which numbers they need and they go over and grab them and I'll walk them through them when our class has a break in the action. #mschat
A4: YES, I was out today. Had to make a video of me delivering instructions for classroom task. Also have had to move tasks to days which I would be present #mschat
A4: In my role I mostly help teachers comes up with ways to reach students when they're out and ways to help them catch up via digital tools when they return.
Q3: Our Ss and Ps have access to our online planner though Google Docs. We create a hyper-doc with links to assignments and notes so they can be accessed from anywhere. #mschat
A4: Still new to teaching (year 3) so I have not had to do too many major adjustments. I've had to come up with some alternative assignments but I have not had to completely alter a lesson for the class as a whole. #mschat
A3: Levering digital tools is an excellent way for absent Ss to stay connected. If Ts video or flip their lessons, Ss can keep up or watch LIVE from the bed if they feel up to it. Plus lesson is always there in flip mode to review/reteach. #mschat
We do the best we can #mschat We have to remember to repeat ideas and concepts that are important so if they miss it once ... they catch it the next time
Yeah I feel like I have helped my students become good advocates for themselves, because they will come up and remind me if I forgot to come over to them. #mschat
A3 Love hearing about others' ideas. I am VERY bad at this. I encourage Ss to write agenda & hmwk so they can help fellow absent classmates. I put handouts in a file & encourage Ss to look there for papers they may have missed. I am hands-off to a fault in this situation #mschat
A4: Yes, my son is sick forcing me to push back my plans. I attempted to make a @Screencastify for them to follow along via our LMS system. I would rather be there, but it's the best I can do in my absence. #mschat
A4: I have had my classes broken up into small groups based on where they are at in the curriculum. Ss move on when they are ready, and those who are behind work to hit our targets for the quarter. #mschat
A4: I've had to adjust to teach via Blackboard or through Voicethread when I've been too sick to make it to class. Never the same quality as face to face... 😔 #mschat
A3 I use online tools such as google classroom,Flipgrid,Study Island etc 2 keep the info flowing & the activities going but it doesn’t replace social learning.I send a letter around the room 4 Ss 2 add something they learned that day & a kind word 2 the absent Ss #mschat
A3 I use online tools such as google classroom,Flipgrid,Study Island etc 2 keep the info flowing & the activities going but it doesn’t replace social learning.I send a letter around the room 4 Ss 2 add something they learned that day & a kind word 2 the absent Ss #mschat
A5: If you are the one that is going to be absent, don't just do textbook readings and vocabulary. Find something worth doing. One of my last absences I had students watch a @screencastify video I made and write a blog post. #mschat
A5) I would advice a new teacher to not stress. They can assess for learning through product, observation or conversation. There is more than one way or time to assess student learning #edchat#mschat
A5: For new teachers, I would recommend creating a system with a mentor's guidance from the beginning. Teach it to your students before the illness seasons hit. Where possible utilize student help and tech to help.
A5: If you are the one that is going to be absent, don't just do textbook readings and vocabulary. Find something worth doing. One of my last absences I had students watch a @screencastify video I made and write a blog post. #mschat
A5: Greet Ss when they return, tackle what they missed when you can allowing class to help. And remember the Ss will not come to you for missing work. #mschat
Side story - One of my fondest mid lvl T memories is of a S who was chronically absent. He had stuff going on at home & our class community felt his absence. One day, as I was talking, he walked in late. The other Ss stood up & hugged him. It was amazing. ❤ #mschat
A5: Any new Ts need to understand they cannot control who is in their class on which day. Make sure you are meeting the needs of those who are in the room when they are in the room. When those who are absent return, meet them where they're at and help them catch up. #mschat
Not at all! Students need choice and flexibility when demonstrating their learning. No need to force a product unless it is a writing standard being explicitly assessed or speaking/listening #mschat
Side story - One of my fondest mid lvl T memories is of a S who was chronically absent. He had stuff going on at home & our class community felt his absence. One day, as I was talking, he walked in late. The other Ss stood up & hugged him. It was amazing. ❤ #mschat
A5: I think realizing how little control we have over so many factors that affect our classroom world is really hard, especially that 1st year of teaching. You can't make every kid well at the same time. But you can make every moment count when they're here. #mschat
A5: I think realizing how little control we have over so many factors that affect our classroom world is really hard, especially that 1st year of teaching. You can't make every kid well at the same time. But you can make every moment count when they're here. #mschat
A6: It is important to make sure we are sharpening our own saw. We cannot be at our best for our Ss w/o recovering. We need to ensure that when we are out, we are creating content that is continuing to move our Ss along. #mschat
Note: If they feel up to it. That is 🔑! Ts have to get through certain amt of material etc & I get that, but Ldrs/districts must understand when Ss are sick we must show grace & keep their health #1. Also same is needed for sick Ts or when they are out w/their kids. #mschat
A6: Ts often ignore themselves until it is too late. Have to say NO on occasion and take a day to recharge and recoup. Not ideal but one day is better than many if sick #mschat
A6: Have to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. If you don't take care of yourself you can't take care of your students to the best of your abilities. #mschat
A6: I trudge through tough sickness to be in class; I feel its my duty to be there daily; it may not always be the best product for students though #mschat
A6: And if we've been unwell and had to miss school, even with a GREAT sub/guest teacher and GREAT sub plans, we know it's not the same as if we were there. #mschat
A6: Teacher health can have a huge impact on the classroom. If you're not feeling it, your students will definitely know it. You'll know how strong your relationship are by how they react.
A5 be flexible in how Ss demonstrate mastery. Many years ago my son had pneumonia & missed the simple machines unit.After reading the info. He built a contraption to pat himself on the back when he coughed. His idea. Remembers it 18 years later. #mschat
A5 be flexible in how Ss demonstrate mastery. Many years ago my son had pneumonia & missed the simple machines unit.After reading the info. He built a contraption to pat himself on the back when he coughed. His idea. Remembers it 18 years later. #mschat
A6 Earlier this yr I had a horrible cold--congested & lost my voice. I was reading from a powerpoint that I had made while feeling horrible nite before. Info was wrong but I said it anyway. Had to tell tell Ss day after that they had to cross off notes from that day #mschat
It’s hard though, right? You know you have to think long term, but there’s that desperation not to fall behind or lose precious time... but we know they’ll be just fine without us...even if we don’t want to admit it! #mschat
A6: I live with some pretty significant health challenges (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and gastroparesis--google them later--thanks faulty genes!), so I know first hand how important it is I take care of myself. Those students deserve my best! #mschat
Side story - One of my fondest mid lvl T memories is of a S who was chronically absent. He had stuff going on at home & our class community felt his absence. One day, as I was talking, he walked in late. The other Ss stood up & hugged him. It was amazing. ❤ #mschat
Exactly Bridget! My grandmother always said if something happened to you today, the world would keep spinning tomorrow. We are not irreplaceable & must keep our health, personal family, & passions a priority too! #mschat
I see it as our strength. Ts who think sub plans cut it are not the kind of Ts I want teaching my kids. I have high expectations and strive to meet them. #mschat
Ts also have to be well emotionally. Can’t let personal baggage interfere w/ the classroom. Can be challenging but we have our Ss expecting our best selves #mschat
A7: I actually like my emergency subplan. Students have to create a comic strip to teach a first grader about what we have learned the past week and create a teacher guide so the teacher can use the comic strip to teach the students. #mschat
A7: A plan that leaves responsibility & leadership w/ the Ss. It's a challenge that requires a solid community and preparation all year. But, when they feel a sense of autonomy & trust, mid lvl Ss can really rise to the occasion. #mschat
A7: I actually like my emergency subplan. Students have to create a comic strip to teach a first grader about what we have learned the past week and create a teacher guide so the teacher can use the comic strip to teach the students. #mschat
I had to leave school early once for a family sickness and taught my last class via Google Hangout; wow, I caught a lot of flack from colleagues. #mschat
A7: well planned hyperdocs changed the sub wrld! I’m lucky - haven’t had a last minute sub day yet, but I really need to have one created and ready, don’t I?! But for planned days, they are wonderful - allowing for Flipped Learning and accountability, all with engagement #mschat
A7: Keep it simple otherwise stress and frustration will triple when the outcome is nothing close to what you hoped would happen in your absence. #mschat
I love leaving a line activity https://t.co/GMhMliTMBC. The students can fill in a picture you provide or create their own. It is assessable for all students. The students solidify an artisitc skill and it is something we can build on in the future. #mschat#edart
That's awesome and completely doable for Ss to do w/ a sub! And way better than writing sub plans in the early morning while feeling horrible (or taking care of children who are feeling horrible). #mschat
A7: I love to mix it up when I am gone #mschat best plan is to have the student present what they are learning in some way! Write, draw produce a product
A7: Google Classroom, of course. @Classkick for letting me see students' work and interact with them LIVE (they LOVE it, and so easy!). @quizizz , @quizlet , and @edpuzzle for engaging, auto-graded, self-running online content too! #mschat
A7: Google Classroom, of course. @Classkick for letting me see students' work and interact with them LIVE (they LOVE it, and so easy!). @quizizz , @quizlet , and @edpuzzle for engaging, auto-graded, self-running online content too! #mschat
We have a wellness team that has been awesome! We have monthly challenges, activities and after hours events to keep faculty and staff aware of the importance of our own wellbeing throughout the year #mschat
I've used Skype with classes (before Google Hangouts) to intro and take questions on assignments. Teaching over Hangouts would be pretty interesting. #mschat
Built mine a little at a time over the first two months of school. This is not mine but I have one similar. Wish I knew if it worked, I haven't missed a day yet. LOL #mschat
A8: Don't spend hours stressing or you will never really recover. Have a plan in place that will help your students learn and know that when you return you can fill in the missing pieces. #mschat
Hey #masterychat and #mschat let's keep this party going! Come right on over to #waledchat starting in 4 minutes! We will be reflecting on technology and education. Hope you'll join us!
A8: Don't be afraid to miss a day! I was afraid to miss anything when I started. Work with mentors to have great sub plans and trust in your kids!
A8: Put things in your guest teacher plans that Ss are familiar with (procedures, assignment styles, etc.). Then, trust the process and take care of yourself. #mschat
A8: consider what outcome you’d want for the day should you not be there and plan accordingly. Don’t just mail it in and leave it up to a sub to prevent a revolution! #mschat
A8: We feel like we can't miss. It's stressful making sub plans, worrying about their behavior, going through all of it when we're back...but in the end, it's a day. If it's a wash, it's a wash. Our class WILL get through it. #mschat
A8: it’s ok to feel guilty and it’s ok to worry. It’s not ok to let yourself get so sick that you could miss days instead of just one or two! The kids do need you, so get better! Plus with tech you don’t lose complete contact unless you choose to 🤓 #mschat
A8: Great question. Just realizing I have fallen short in providing insights for my PSTs in navigating this reality!... Thank you for that moment of clarity! #mschat
I remember covering it in teacher ed (I had a great program!), but it's still an area I felt ill-prepared for (no pun intended) when I found myself having to miss for the first times. #mschat