#Kinderchat, glue, glitter, gogurt, bringing daily joy to twitter. Find us Mondays, 9 pm EST and 8:30PM London time when we talk all things Early Years!
Good Evening, friends! Did you know February 6 is@GSPlayDay Global School Play Day?
Introduce yourself and tell us what playful thing you did today! And please use our hashtag #kinderchat
Carrie from Prince Edward Island Canada- my playful thing was taking the day off from work because I ran a half marathon yesterday on slushy roads in the bitter cold. #kinderchat
Happy Monday #kinderchat Traci from KS here, I always go shooting at the range on Mondays with my hubby, I love it! At school we had to play indoors so we built fun marble mazes.
Thanks. I have mixed feelings about it to be honest. I wish my pace was better, but I know I'm starting to sound like a whiney baby about it, lol! #kinderchat
Hi everyone! My name is Rochelle and I am a preservice teacher at Siena Heights studying Elementary Education and Child Development with a concentration in Religious Studies. I'm so happy to be back for #kinderchat! A playful thing I did today was jam out to some music!
@KeeneeLou I've been sick with a cold so I've slept for most of the afternoon!! But yesterday I played two-hand touch football and some basketball with the youth ministry kids! #KinderChat
Katie from Indiana!! We have a smart start each day where students get to play for 29 mins before our day begins. We all love this part of the day! #kinderchat
I'm studying Digital Communication in Education with @ghartman. This is my first time participating in a Twitter chat. I teach Preschool in St. Louis #kinderchat
Good!! I shouldn't had played basketball yesterday. I was playing and felt a little soreness once when going for the ball But I feel that I can start slowly getting back into it. Also I've been sick with a cold and haven't been active for almost a week so going crazy! #KinderChat
I love this idea! I’m sure this helps students look forward to coming to school each morning! Do the students play inside or outside, or both? #kinderchat
What have I done playful today? Hmm...I don't know. But I plan to spend some time writing stories before bed. Writing is playful for my imagination #kinderchat
Good evening everyone. This is my first twitter chat. I'm here in michigan and the playful thing that I did today was dance around to some music. #kinderchat
Okay! Here we go! 1/2 The article https://t.co/Z6FD1NmdVT…
lists 14 things that are obsolete in schools around the world– or maybe should be!
2/2 Tonight we will discuss a few of them and ask you to share your thoughts. I will not go in the order listed in the article #moderatorperogative#kinderchat
Something playful I have done today? I guess as playful as I got today was racing one of my coworkers while putting letters in envelopes to have mailed out from our college. #kinderchat
I keep it open all of the time, lol! But seriously I try to keep my doors open virtually through a class blog and a class Twitter account. We invite parents in at various times throughout the year as well #kinderchat
I would love to implement that at my school! You could integrate multiple content areas while doing the nature walk too! What a creative idea 🙂 #kinderchat
#kinderchat However, the past few months, I've been working as a floating teacher and I feel like this enables me to share with teachers what some of their peers are doing in other classrooms
A1: We literally keep the classroom doors open, most of the time. Teachers are allowed to close them for noise, or a test, etc, but our general culture is that doors are open into the hallway most of the time. #kinderchat
My school was like this 😂😂I liked the idea how you could open the doors but doing like Skype chats between experts in whatever you're doing. I.E.: Weather. Maybe have someone by a nearby weather station talk to the class via video (if they can't go to the classroom) #Kinderchat
A1-just that—unless directed to close my door, my door is always open! Anyone big or small is always welcome to learn along with us. I utilize parent volunteers, post videos to Seesaw and invite other Ts and Admin to join us#m #kinderchat
A1:my physical door is always open.I also love to keep our bulletin board up to date to share what we do.Twitter & my blog has helped me share my story with my school, community & parents.I invite families in on the 1st Friday each month to observe/engage in a lesson #kinderchat
A1: I try to keep open doors by showing Ss work on @seesaw, on twitter and our class facebook page. Also inviting other teachers to join in on projects with us, skype collaborations, I know I could do better though #kinderchat
A1: my school’s classrooms don’t have any doors! We have grade level pods therefore each classroom opens up to either a hallway or adjoining classroom. My students love being able to see students from other classes and love finding more friends 🙂 #kinderchat
A1: I want to keep my classroom door open when it’s practical. If it’s loud or distracting out in the hallway, the door is shut, but if it’s not, all are welcome to see Learning happen! #kinderchat
...Also you could open them up by inviting parents to come visit, administrators, etc. I can see why it might be a distraction but .... important to have that open #KinderChat 2/2
A1-Teaching early childhood special ed, it's pretty important we keep our literal doors closed, but I am working all the time to be more open to allowing anyone in! #kinderchat
I feel claustrophobic with my door closed. My room is right off of the photocopier, and we love to get teacher visitors (who go to make copies and stop to say hello) from time to time! #kinderchat
Q2 The article mentions technology, access to wifi, and school or class social media accounts. How do you use tech to reach out? What works well? What hindrances have you found? #kinderchat
Kinder rooms have windows and door with window so not really closed. LOL Parents have opportunities to share cu,rural events with class. Teachers and admin often visit planned and unexpected. #kinderchat
A1: Parent and community volunteers, teaming with neighboring classes, video conferencing: I had a total open door policy...so much that my state senator felt comfortable popping in! It was awesome seeing him engage in dramatic play! #kinderchat
My school was like that, until they closed in all of the rooms. Now we have classrooms in the weirdest places, lol! Like...right off the photocopier room (mine)! #kinderchat
We also happily host visitors from other schools, programs, cities, etc etc etc as often as we can. Several #kinderchat peeps have come to hang out for a day!
A2: I love using twitter for my own learning and collaboration, facebook for sharing with families and PD, @seesaw to share our work with families and others, skype for experts and collaboration with other classrooms, only hiccups are internet sometimes #kinderchat
#kinderchat A2: In preschool I haven't used much sm, but I remember in one of my internships, we used instagram all the time. The kids also got to post to the class instagram page. It gave the children a sense of pride in their work
A2: Being a preservice teacher I haven't had the opportunity to use technology in my own classroom yet, but where I go to school, they teach us how to blog, use twitter, google classroom, and a bunch of other sites in order to reach out to families and other teachers. #kinderchat
A2-Time is always a factor with media accounts as well as confidentiality for our littles. I haven't found the just right app for all our parents yet. Any good ones you love? #kinderchat
A2-Time is always a factor with media accounts as well as confidentiality for our littles. I haven't found the just right app for all our parents yet. Any good ones you love? #kinderchat
A2: I am in a class called Technology for Educators right now! I want to use technology to reach out to the parents and find a balance for my future kindergarteners. I hope to use it for brain breaks, like GoNoodle, but I value the human interactions learned early on #kinderchat
At our school we are in K-2 “pods”. I have a 1st grade to my left and 2nd grade to my right. Throughout the day I may have students from other classes that come join my kinders in learning #kinderchat
A2: I use @Seesaw and @Flipgrid to help my students reach out with tech. They have digital portfolios that are easily shared with family members/friends, I am able to stay in close contact with families, and my students are learning to interact meaningful with tech! #kinderchat
Q2 The article mentions technology, access to wifi, and school or class social media accounts. How do you use tech to reach out? What works well? What hindrances have you found? #kinderchat
A2: I use Twitter and a class blog to communicate with parents. I'd love to collaborate with other K classes too (hint, hint people). I wish we could Skype. I'd like to see an overhaul of how our dept handles technology, & I'd like to be on that committee (hint hint) #kinderchat
A2:I use Canvas, twitter, and Instagram.Canvas takes lots of practice 4 kinders.Parents follow Instagram more & colleagues are more on twitter(great Pd).We used @EmpaticoOrg to globally connect with another class.Tmw we go on a virtual ft to learn more about elephants #kinderchat
Q2 The article mentions technology, access to wifi, and school or class social media accounts. How do you use tech to reach out? What works well? What hindrances have you found? #kinderchat
A2: This one I'm not really sure about yet. One of the things I like is having a closed Facebook group (I use this quite a bit for numerous projects I'm involved with) #KinderChat So many great things out there, tbh!
A2 Seesaw is my main vehicle for sharing. Most all of my parents have joined but I still send a traditional weekly newsletter via email & paper copy if needed. Both Ss & myself share on seesaw. It’s also a place they do some formatives for parents to see #kinderchat
Yes, I agree confidentiality is always a concern, and I feel like it's even more of a concern in the preschool age. It's really why I haven't used it much since being in the preschool setting. #kinderchat
A2) I use @SeeSaw as my main piece of tech to connect with parents this year. It has been a game changer. I email/call those who do not connect. #kinderchat
If you like Skype and virtual field trips, check out @go2Science. We've got that and more aimed just at young learners. I was a founding Skype Master teacher and know first hand it can be tricky to find content that is a perfect fit for our age group! #kinderchat
In reply to
@MissChezick, @CarrieMarshall1, @go2Science
Q3: The author is concerned about “teachers that don’t share what they do”. Why is it important to work together? What is something you’ve learned from a colleague you can share with us? #kinderchat
A2 pt 2: Sometimes I feel like as soon as I find an app or a site that would work with privacy, they switch policies and you have to pay for use. I find that frustrating #kinderchat
A2: Tech was a game changer for my students. We were too remote for most field trips so we brought the world to us. I developed @go2Science to help other K teachers do the same! #kinderchat
A3: Teaching can be isolating at times, which means we can get stuck in ways. That's why it's important to have a PLN. I am lucky to work with 8 other K teachers at my school, we share ideas all of the time. #kinderchat
#kinderchat A3: I honestly can't fathom not sharing. I love sharing what I do and what I discover in my classroom. I actually love action research because I can learn from others and share my own experiences
A3: Some of the teachers in my practicum placement would swap classes for different subjects. My cooperating teacher was strong in reading and Language Arts, her colleague was stronger in math. So they would swap students for different subjects. #kinderchat
A3: I think it is critical to work together because it allows us all to become better educators and teach and connect with our students more effectively. I have learned so much from #kinderchat and I learn new teaching strategies each and every day! #futureeducator
I’ve been blessed with the best colleagues I could ask me. I’m a second year kinder teacher and the best thing I’ve kearned from my colleagues is never be afraid to ask questions! It’s okay to fail, that’s how we learn and our students should know that too #kinderchat
A3:There are so many amazing things going on in schools. Once we share, we connect, and have someone to go to and inspire us! Recently I found my @tribe and am thankful for their insights, tips, challenges, and push to be better! #kinderchat
Q3: The author is concerned about “teachers that don’t share what they do”. Why is it important to work together? What is something you’ve learned from a colleague you can share with us? #kinderchat
A3: Sharing is the BEST! I can share some of my old projects. Blub (there are cheaper alternatives now) and YouTube are awesome was to share! #Kinderchat
A3: great ideas come from brainstorming together. I gain so many ideas and renewed passion from my twitter friends and collaborating with other Ts at school. We need to work together in order for all Ts and Ss to grow and benefit #kinderchat
Q3: I had a mentor tell me "why reinvent the wheel". If there is something that works really well for my classroom I love sharing it. I also love problem solving with other staff to see what works for them. #kinderchat
A3: I’ve been blessed with the best colleagues I could ask me. I’m a second year kinder teacher and the best thing I’ve kearned from my colleagues is never be afraid to ask questions! It’s okay to fail, that’s how we learn and our students should know that too #kinderchat
A3: Sharing is the BEST! I can share some of my old projects. Blub (there are cheaper alternatives now) and YouTube are awesome was to share! https://t.co/rK6qbtbiIs#Kinderchat
A3 It can depend on the culture of your school. Our admin and Literacy coach are working hard to create a culture of collab. They even created a Seesaw class of all us Ts where we can share ideas with e/o since we aren’t always able to see e/o teach #kinderchat
A3-We've gotten heavily into video modeling and a coworker has worked so hard on building a database that she has shared with our program and it's been invaluable! #kinderchat
A3: Collaborating is key. Because when you run three-five ideas together....you can pick and choose between those ideas to do what's best. However, what works one way for someone else might not work for you. That said, it's okay if it fails! Trial and error. #KinderChat
A3 As a sub now, I share what I learn from my PLN with my school colleagues. They know my passion for learning and sharing runs deep. If I can add to the “teaching/learning” conversation in any way, I’m in! #kinderchat
Joining #kinderchat was one of the best things I could have done for my own teaching growth- that includes getting my masters. Connecting with like-minded educators from around the world can only enhance your teaching and your learning!
I taught 4th grade gen ed. for 3 yrs and then switched to special ed. k-3. I have no idea what I would have done without my mentor and colleagues! #kinderchat
I've been grateful to be a part of preschool groups on facebook but I haven't really made any solid connections with individuals on sm. I'd like to build my PLC though #kinderchat
In reply to
@KeeneeLou, @cvernonedu, @CarrieMarshall1
A3)I think it is important to stay connected so Ts inspire others. See others doing the same work they are. Teaching can be isolating some times. #kinderchat
Q3: The author is concerned about “teachers that don’t share what they do”. Why is it important to work together? What is something you’ve learned from a colleague you can share with us? #kinderchat
Joining #kinderchat was one of the best things I could have done for my own teaching growth- that includes getting my masters. Connecting with like-minded educators from around the world can only enhance your teaching and your learning!
Q4: Does your school have a “traditional library” that “only contains books and chess tables”? Why not? How do you and your students use your library space? #kinderchat
Q4: Does your school have a “traditional library” that “only contains books and chess tables”? Why not? How do you and your students use your library space? #kinderchat
Let's be honest: #kinderchat changed my life. One day, @hechternacht and I made a hashtag, and next thing i know, it brought me ideas, conference invites, FRIENDS all over the world. It is one of my proudest projects.
Let's be honest: #kinderchat changed my life. One day, @hechternacht and I made a hashtag, and next thing i know, it brought me ideas, conference invites, FRIENDS all over the world. It is one of my proudest projects.
I'd be happy to give you or ANYONE on the chat a site tour. Just PM me to set up a time. We'll head to Baja to investigate a whale hypothesis soon. We are currently livestreaming about our Australian Kangaroo mission! #kinderchat
A5: This question is even funny to me because I have not experienced a school library (K-college) that has a chess table! I know all school libraries I have had as a student have books, but also computers, magazines, and many study areas. #kinderchat
A4: This question is even funny to me because I have not experienced a school library (K-college) that has a chess table! I know all school libraries I have had as a student have books, but also computers, magazines, and many study areas. #kinderchat
Really well. I set up a separate Gmail and was able to post in the connected classrooms network to find educators when I wanted to connect or just scope out others who were looking. We'd set up hangout dates from there! #kinderchat
Let's be honest: #kinderchat changed my life. One day, @hechternacht and I made a hashtag, and next thing i know, it brought me ideas, conference invites, FRIENDS all over the world. It is one of my proudest projects.
A4 I cannot sing the praises of my Librarian loudly enough! She LOVES books, but has a makerspace, tech time, Osmos, dash, spheros, Legos, tons of building materials & so much more! @MrsLaLuvsBOOKS#kinderchat
I like this. Our dep't gave us all gmail accounts. I might try connecting with another Island kindergarten to see how it would work... Thanks for the idea! #kinderchat
A4 So much happening in our school library for a wonderful collection of books, to computers that kids can access for their research to the librarian who helps kids with their projects. #kinderchat
Our school library is very traditional with just books, and the Ss only go there once a week for library time and to check out new books. I hope it changes in the future #kinderchat
#kinderchat I've found that sometimes when it comes to resources, you have to get creative. I don't always have access to the resources I need but there are usually ways to find them
Love the question #.lol. I switched grade levels and have funded 2 big book projects for leveled books on DC. One just funded for over $900! #kinderchat
Q4: Does your school have a “traditional library” that “only contains books and chess tables”? Why not? How do you and your students use your library space? #kinderchat
Coming from a student standpoint when I attended school (I graduated HS in 2012) No. #KinderChat
Then again, I live in a small Midwest town with a population of probably 6,000 then. Now it's just under 5,000.
We have two librarians. One that works with Toddlers to 1st grade and the other works with 2nd through 6th grade. The librarians support many of the class activities that teachers share with them . #kinderchat
#kinderchat A6: students all have different skills and different needs. What works for one child may not work for any other child in your group. This is where knowing interests and knowing strengths is helpful
A5: I know that in high school I went to an amazing school, the absolute best, (s/o to @MercyHighMI) where we had everything we needed and in college we do too. Technology allows us to have and access all sorts of resources! #Kinderchat
A6: although we have standards to teach, everyone learns differently and at their own speed, we should also add some content around Ss interests, education should not look the same for every student #kinderchat
A6: To me it means that the teacher is not adapting their instruction to individual students. They are teaching very broadly, which leads to ineffective teaching. #kinderchat
That’s a heavy duty question. #kinderchat My take: every child has many different ways to show their strengths. We can then individualize what they need to go further and support them in their needs. One size doesn’t fit all
A6: the question reminds me of a video I watched in one of my masters courses. The premise is, there is no such thing as average. If everything was made for average, it would fit no one. #kinderchat
A6: I believe that education should be equitable, not equal. There needs to be adjustments and personalizations made for each and every students so they can do their best #Kinderchat
Our library contained computers and books. They also had newspapers and some magazines and couches but that was it. And honestly, you couldn't use the couches because you were expected to get there and get back.
The most interesting way I've heard it put is that children are not chicken sandwiches. You only need one process to make a chicken sandwich, but that doesn't work with children #kinderchat
I have helped my Ss set their own goals and they work on those during independent centers, I have given them the tools and helped set up ways to meet our goals. I check in with them at least once a week to see how goals are going #kinderchat
A6) When all Ss get the same it is not education. Education is understand what the Ss needs in order to learn. That means providing individualized opportunities for Ss to access their learning in different ways. #kinderchat
Our library has a “flexible”, cozy feel with couches and cool chairs that can be moved together for group work. When I first arrived at the school, it wasn’t a favorite place to be but now it’s so warm and inviting #kinderchat
#kinderchat In one of my textbooks on curriculum for Gifted students, they encourage educators to look at differentiating as a continuum. Students may move either direction on the continuum.
Wow! We have 5 minutes left and we need to do a little brainstorming! Who are the people/blogs you follow? How have they helped you develop your own prof learning? #kinderchat
A6: I don't understand how someone couldn't adapt their lesson to fit the needs of the students in their class. Setting them up to succeed doesn't take much effort from an educator. #kinderchat
I do change some word work, but it's mostly based around their list of sight words so it's the same tools, we do labels, lists and sentences in writing so I do change out words for options but same methods, some have picked tying their shoes so found videos and shoes #kinderchat
#kinderchat I can't remember the name of the textbook at the moment, but I can share it if anyone is curious. It has really helped me be more mindful of differentiating
A6: Before I can differentiate I need to be a keen observer and ask questions—get the Ss taking owenership of their own thoughts & teaching them to have a voice. From there, I find patterns, holes & adapt to their needs. I’ve learned to become a better note taker! #kinderchat
That's such a good point! I think that tailoring lessons for the class is a necessity and it does not make sense to teach without keeping your students in mind #kinderchat
A6 always stress 1st we build relationships. Get to know them. Then give themopportunities to approach learning in a way that works for them. Today we had 1st graders laying on the floor listening to stories. Some on chairs. A small example of what each needed. #kinderchat
A6a: Goes with the situation I had in first and second grade that I noted on here two three weeks ago w/ homework lab... Not all students are the same and everyone learns at different paces. #kinderchat
I try to follow any educator who follows me on Twitter, or any educator other teachers follow. @gcouros puts out a great blog post almost daily too. Also @OoeyGooeyLady and all things related to #reggioemilia#kinderchat
I try to follow any educator who follows me on Twitter, or any educator other teachers follow. @gcouros puts out a great blog post almost daily too. Also @OoeyGooeyLady and all things related to #reggioemilia#kinderchat
Q2 The article mentions technology, access to wifi, and school or class social media accounts. How do you use tech to reach out? What works well? What hindrances have you found? #kinderchat