The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
We organize by subject/grade, ie, 6th grade social studies PLC, etc. They meet 1/week. They plan, create assessments & share resources. Admin attends each one #bfc530
Official PLC program is voluntary and paid. Ts propose areas to study and suggest solutions. It's popular. Because it is T-choice, it is engaging. #bfc530
Our PLC is set up where we pre and post test students on a standard and attempt to figure out how to reteach the students (as a grade level) that did not get it. It is not engaging to most in the room. I wish it was centered around personalized PD. #bfc530
Our PLCs (yes, plural) have evolved. They started out focusing on struggling Ss. Now, we focus on good instructional practices and ways to provide effective individualized instruction. #bfc530
Although I serve K-12, I know that the elementary division has the most "active" PLC. Unfortunately, it is "dictated" by the Principal and Curriculum Coordinator. Not true team directed, ONLY data and not personalized. They even have the gift of blocks of time on Wed. #bfc530
I would say that it’s been a ‘building year’ for my school’s PLC. Lots of changes took place this school year that needed attention and energy. I look forward to a positive, fully charged PLC next year. #bfc530
We decide on a focus for our school at the beginning of the year and then structure our PD around that topic. We are constantly revisiting our initial goals and sharing how it's going in our own classrooms. #bfc530
Lately it's been lesson study style with the gr9 Math Ts. Formal - release time & principal participates. Goal is to move low achieving Ss up 1 level.
Good morning! Our PLC is a choice board each month where we get to choose our learning and then submit reflections to our platform. So it’s as engaging as we choose it to be! Also typically a district mandated somethingorother that is a’have-to’ choice-those vary #bfc530
Our PLCs are opportunities during common planning time within academic areas and we have other iterations, like a Leadership Team that meets formally.
We have team PLCs. My team is very eager to share best practices and lessons, we genuinely want each other to succeed, so all is good there! I'm lucky and happy. :) I should mention, I also have a great PLN - they're real, and they're spectacular. #bfc530
One thing I really like about ours is that @VtheLearner is one of our coaches and she's right down the hall anytime I need her:)
And the coaches are there to help us grow with what we need:)
Honestly, I have a much stronger #PLN via Twitter. We have an absolutely GREAT staff at our school, but as a PLC we need to keep working at ‘finding our legs’. 😊 #bfc530
We are set up into grade level meetings once a week - generally focusing on curriculum. Most specialists, however, are teaching and providing coverage at that time. #bfc530
Our PLCs feel top down, they address admin concerns, nothing organic. No staff buy in. attempts to change structures are being met with great skepticism. #bfc530
Lately it's been lesson study style with the gr9 Math Ts. Formal - release time & principal participates. Goal is to move low achieving Ss up 1 level.
We have early release Fridays for PLC. this year read 2 Jensen books and we'd apply the strategies. Made us revamp our schoolwide behavioral plan. We also unpacked high yield teaching strategies, tried them weekly and reflected the following week, also tech use/training #bfc530
So, I guess I answered the wrong question! I was talking about PD (choice boards). PLC would be more collaborative planning teams? We have weekly by content, quarterly vertical content. We discuss data and plan. Admin occasionally visit #acronymconfusion#bfc530
Overall, PLC is strong staff development program after school, instructional coaching is job-embedded PD. During school earns hours, not $$ but Ts and Ss benefit is huge. #bfc530
I meet with GL every other week to discuss LA, on the off weeks they meet with math coach. We discuss data results, calibrate samples, create assessments, plan PBL & various unit tasks. We identify struggling Ss & the interventions they need, our GRT helps with extension. #BFC530
I feel very lucky. Our school is made up of amazing Ts who love to collaborate & share. We have team meetings when possible, our shared weekly PD & then lots of talk over lunch & in each other's classrooms. It's definitely a culture of learning together. #bfc530
It’s part of our required state thingymabob - so we double dip. PD and TKES for GA teacher requirements. I can use my blog posts as reflections too. It’s a good way to personalize #BFC530
We have team PLCs. My team is very eager to share best practices and lessons, we genuinely want each other to succeed, so all is good there! I'm lucky and happy. :) I should mention, I also have a great PLN - they're real, and they're spectacular. #bfc530
We don't have named PLC groups, however, I consider our entire team a learning community who collaborates together to reach our shared any PD we have aligns with that purpose #bfc530
Our schedules provide Ts with double planning blocks: 90 minutes. Specialists attend for one of the blocks: 45 minutes. (ITS, librarian, GRT). Math coach & myself (RS) alternate each week for the entire time. #BFC530
We are organized by grade level and department. We meet once a month on professional study days to plan, create assessments, discuss student data, and share best practices. #bfc530
Our PLCs focus on meeting the needs of the Ss in front of us, collaboratively developing our skills to facilitate successful learning in the classroom, very student focused and collaborative 😊 #bfc530
We have a bunch of new people this year (incl me) so the PLC is engaging but not as robust as my PLC here on Twitter. We meet in teams so it is rare to be all together (Staff mtgs are only exception). #bfc530
Sometimes great PLCs are less about "topics" or "outcomes" and more about the people around the table sharing, connecting, building understanding and relationships. We have a very small staff and we can all talk and be heard. We actually cry a lot happy and sad tears. #bfc530
I have learned more when I'm allowed to reach out beyond the walls of my school for a PLC than within. Easier to find teachers interested pursuing growth on the same topic. Whocares where it comes from as long as students benefit. #bfc530
Our coaches have been studying The Art of Coaching by Elena Aguilar (@artofcoaching1 ) and it has really helped us improve our coaching skills. #bfc530
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@gilkatgil, @Katiemc827, @kathyiwanicki, @artofcoaching1
Have a wonderful day everyone. Bringing my students to the National Art Gallery today- I can't wait to see the reactions from those who've never been! #bfc530
Hmmm....this is a good question. I have seen tchr PLCs that were engaging, productive, and focused. And I seen others where it's more of a gathering. The focus of the school seems to make the difference. #bfc530
We have many opportunities for training in my school but it is rarely engaging. If I really could change something for next year, it would be to make our PLC stronger and more consistent. #bfc530
We have adjusted our ss time to allow us to start 10 min earlier daily to release an hour early every week so our PLC time is consistent & on the same day to allow ALL Ts the ability to participate and have vertical teaming as well. I am hopeful. #bfc530
For the past 2 yrs classroom Ts have had 90 mins a week, but specialists like myself have been excluded due to the time issue or having to pick a particular grade level when we work w/multiple. I am excited to see this roll out in the fall. #bfc530
Department PLCs meet once a month. They’re more informative. Our AVID site team met weekly. It was not only informative, but also engaging and culture changing! @AVID4College@AVIDMWStates@mgmcollegelink#bfc530
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@BFC_530, @MrTravisDrake, @AVID4College, @AVIDMWStates, @mgmcollegelink
I like how you “investigated” the instruct. strategies, by unpacking them, & especially by trying them. I imagine that the evidence from the Ss’ learning would play a key role in determining what works, why/why not? #collaborativeinquiry#bfc530
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@mfinnCBEcoach, @BFC_530, @MrTravisDrake