#Edchat is a hashtag, a movement—it is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
Tonight's #Edchat topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
WELCOME to #edchat -- Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
When this mom’s son was falling behind in Kindergarten. She wasn’t just concerned. She was scared. Then her research uncovered the answers she needed to validate her concerns and get her son on track for personal and academic success. https://t.co/7nQSz1ebGH#dyslexia#edchat
I feel a sense of civic responsibility every time I tweet or retweet a post. I believe that Twitter is a platform that connects people and raises awareness. Now ... Do not stop here! Thanks @JCasaTodd for your wonderful path towards Digital Leadership #edchat#studentvoice
A3: Dive in and learn how to use Twitter to learn & share learning, empower others, & be a more positive influence on others so we can mentor students as to how to use social media strategically, postively, & powerfully! #ET630
"In all of these situations, the end result is that we help districts and other school operators grow their capacity to keep innovating, while also giving a lift to current R&D efforts." —@jeffreywetzlerhttps://t.co/zaiTpc1OeZ#edreimagined#edchat
Hi! Welcome to #Edchat! What are your thoughts on tonight's topic? If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
Join us for this amazing learning experience. I’m sharing a session Wednesday (#101) - Practical Strategies for the New(er) Leader. Whether it’s your 1st year, 5th year, or 1st year in a new position, come collaborate/build your #PLN w/ me. #MSC2018#Principal#leadered#edchat
#edchat I think parents need professional development in learning different phonics sounds! Teaching when we were younger is so different than it is today!
WELCOME to #edchat -- Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
I think the parents need a PD on relaxing and allowing their children to make mistakes. I have so many S who are scared to fail at anything because they don't want to disappoint their parents. #edchat
1-How to recognize frustration & or boredom in their children.
2-How to effectively communicate concerns with Ts.
3-How to advocate for their children so they receive the support needed to be successful.
4-How to better understand the standards & how Ss are taught today.
Parents like to be involved, even if they are taught different types of questions to ask their child or even a student in the classroom that they are reading with would be great! #edchat
Let parents know what you're covering in class. Parents can converse with student about issues/concept. If it can become a part of more than just the school conversation, knowledge is deepened. #edchat
IF the goal were to give VOICE to every person with a stake in a child's education, THEN what Professional Development would be most meaningful for parents? #edchat
Focused practice involves repeating a specific strategy with attention to improving detailed aspects of the strategy. Learn more about becoming a reflective teacher: https://t.co/VcsNKkfgut#teaching#edchat
Now underway #edchat -- Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
Yes! I cringe at the amount of pressure placed on Ss to "achieve". Particularly b/c it tends to be academic and/or athletic. Very little creativity/kindness/innovation. #Edchat
I think the parents need a PD on relaxing and allowing their children to make mistakes. I have so many S who are scared to fail at anything because they don't want to disappoint their parents. #edchat
Great Q! So much depends on grade level of students. K-8: I would cover two main areas: 1) personal relations needs (SEL w students, LISTENING & building relations w parents & students) 2) pedagogical areas. Interacting w parents about curr., instruction, assessment. 1/2 #edchat
WELCOME to #edchat -- Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
#edchat Parents need to see that what prepared them for life may no longer prepare their children. New generations will face new problems and it is our job to prepare them for those.
More specifically, we talk about static determinancy in engineering. Several of our parents are engineers. Students saw another side. I realize I'm lucky, but haven't always been. Sometimes parents just need to know what we're doing so they can add their experiences. #edchat
Here is our #Edchat Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
How to advocate for their kids, no question. So many Ps don't know the power they have to impact what happens at school. Again, this is the ESOL T speaking. #Edchat
IF the goal were to give VOICE to every person with a stake in a child's education, THEN what Professional Development would be most meaningful for parents? #edchat
Do parents have issues understanding what success looks like? We spend so much time with different types of assessment; parents get a report card with a grade. Can we help parents learn what those grades represent? Is it even important for them to know? #edchat
W parents of HS students, besides personal & pedagogy. I would hold PD on what to expect of S in each grade level, & w each level ramp up info on college & career options. I used to call these events "the 9th grade parent coffee", then 10 etc. Again, LISTEN 2 parents 2/2 #edchat
WELCOME to #edchat -- Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
Currently ADVOCACY is one area of focus of the limited PD provided most parents. Tends to create an us/them circumstance with Ts and Admins...what else? #edchat
We've done this at our school and most of them don't seem to care. Our S admitted that their parents don't read comments. They go straight for the grades, that's what matters...sadly. #edchat
Providing parents with the necessary tools to help their children is essential in strengthening the school/home relationship. Many parents want to help and aren’t sure where or how to begin. If we can help them do that, why don’t we? #edchat
In reply to
@ShiftParadigm, @3DChampion, @Catlin_Tucker
Show/give parents resources they can use to help their student when stuck. Establish positive communication. We're all here to help the student. #edchat
A great PD activity w parents is a Parent Book Club, include books on issues related to students/children, also books on, for example, emotional intelligence, or on teen life. Include media librarians, counselors. Often PTA will help with the $$$ and refreshments. #edchat
We have S-led conferences, where Ss explain that they have learned (most Ss have sheet listing the standards and how they performed on assessment). #Edchat
In reply to
@ShiftParadigm, @beekeasy, @aps_menon, @Catlin_Tucker, @3DChampion
...if the quality of professional development that would be provided to parents is comparable to the quality of professional development currently provided to teachers then DON'T BOTHER. #edchat
Encourage the reading of non-fiction books and practice with their children how to pull information (answer questions) from a non-fiction text. I find this is a skill many middle school students lack. Too much fiction! #sppdchat#edchat
...if the quality of professional development that would be provided to parents is comparable to the quality of professional development currently provided to teachers then DON'T BOTHER. #edchat
Please, please ...
click on this link and check out the ideas from Epstein's work. This is just the tip of the iceberg with all of the information she has to share.
In a Title 1 school (where I teach), the school MUST provide P workshops throughout the year. Our Ps have many opportunities to learn these tools and strategies. #Edchat
In reply to
@CristinaDajero, @ShiftParadigm, @3DChampion, @Catlin_Tucker
Ah, that's unfortunate. As a P and T, my focus has been effort and comments and then grades. I wish more Ps were the same. I'd rather my son be a good kid and not go to college than get A+ and be a jerk.....that's just me. #Edchat
These can be helpful. When I was Title I, we used to teach computer classes for our 1 to 1 initiative, among other things. Showing how to create organizational skills for student was something our parents liked as well. #edchat
In reply to
@sgthomas1973, @CristinaDajero, @ShiftParadigm, @Catlin_Tucker
Professional development for parents? Well.... until teachers, parents and students share a common language of teaching, parenting and learning it ill be very difficult for teachers, parents and students to collaborate in meaningful ways. #edchat#justsaying
PD about the FUTURE is critical. Linda Darling Hammond stresses in The Flat World of Ed that many future workers will change jobs more than 10+ & many jobs do not yet exist. By doing PD w parents on this issue, they will better understand why 21st Cent. skills r stressed #edchat
Professional development for parents? Well.... until teachers, parents and students share a common language of teaching, parenting and learning it ill be very difficult for teachers, parents and students to collaborate in meaningful ways. #edchat#justsaying
I would also think that information on local services would be great, specifically social and medical services the parents could access for their kids. #edchat
Hahahaha! Tell us what you REALLY think, Mark! Our PD for Ps is really pretty good. Each grade level "hosts" a strategy workshop for Ps. We have Literacy, Math, and STEM nights. #Edchat
But, most importantly I think we should be having voting drives for our parents. How great would it be for our students to watch their parents do that? #edchat
Great thoughts by @DavidGeurin in Future Driven. Adaptable learners will own the future. If Ss are just being prepared for a test then they are receiving a disservice #edchat#wcpsmd
Also using Dr. James Comer's ideas from his work at Yale to engage parents in PD on working with students in class. Especially critical with underserved students so their parents feel welcome in school. "The Comer Process" #edchat
Teachers and parents need to engage in professional development on the importance of failure in the learning process. Students learn most when they fail forward and revise their work. However teachers and parents are often the people most concerned about students failing. #edchat
#Edchat I think they need to teach children about the diversity such as race, gender and sexual orientation. And how to balance the principles and free personal development.
Well, our principal is smart: he usually provides dinner, so we have a HUGE turnout for those nights, and a pretty good turnout on the others as well. I see many of my ELs attend. :) #Edchat
Again, consider a Parent Book Club to build admin, teacher and parents relationships on topics critical to student relationships, outside forces affecting schools, and on pedagogical issues. #edchat
I can say that regardless of any school I've ever been a part of, parental involvement is a blessing. I try not to come across as a threat, but as a person who wants to help. Parents reciprocate. #edchat
Just got home. A favorite topic...
Parent PD is something I’d like to advance. As a parent I was lucky enough to experience PD over the years through my job. Now I’m involved with @ParentCamp and hope you can be too! #edchat
excellent point! In fact PD can take place on translating ed terms so folks can understand our jargon (e.g., ESSA, RTTT, blended learning, STEM, design thinking, flipped classroom, coop learning, SEL, etc.) #edchat
Simple Parent PD ... ask this question of your child(ren) and wait for a response ... "What did you do in school today?" ... and "nothing" can't be an acceptable answer. #edchat
I don't think it's a bad idea. I wonder more about participation. Where I am, so few people are on twitter period, much less participate in chats. #Edchat
Certainly can "fudge" it on middle school level, since the def. of middle school can go from 4-9 grade. We need to creatively use "wiggle room" to move forward with ideas we think will help students. #edchat
I think that each school probably has different issues that need to be addressed with the community. A lot of what we have shared is great in general though. #edchat
Weekly open-ended math tasks can increase students’ interest and help them to develop a growth mindset through productive struggle. https://t.co/g4en4X0Unj
You don’t want this to become a “training the parents” thing. Ideally this is shared professional learning—often engaging educators, families and students at the same time. #edchat
Professional development for parents? Well.... until teachers, parents and students share a common language of teaching, parenting and learning it ill be very difficult for teachers, parents and students to collaborate in meaningful ways. #edchat#justsaying
Discussions with parents about enrichment for students is excellent at helping students who are demonstrating mastery. It's also helpful to have discussion about ways to build a skill for those struggling. So much of this depends on positive relationships. #edchat
I will say, though, that it is vocabulary that separates professionals from non-professionals. The more big words we use, the smarter they think we must be ;) #edchat
Consider bringing the students. Also this is a great opportunity for students who speak more than one language to serve as translators for their parents, and others. And the teachers see how gifted these kids are: Assets, not deficits. (food always helps!!!) #edchat
As a parent, I say yes! Strange how the conversation, if there is much of one, is largely limited to how our kid is “doing.” Let’s talk about the learning itself. #edchat
A major issue in education is the kids are not going home and talking to their parents about school ... no amount of parent PD will replace that lack of parent-kid communication #edchat
Also, what if we had #edcamp style Saturdays for community members to come in to school and share. That would create a lot of good will I think. #edchat
Oh, yes, we always encourage the whole family to attend! We don't hold "just for the parent" nights unless it is a meeting. On THOSE nights, we have free childcare! #Edchat
Delighted to announce Classwell. This is a ten week program designed for years 4 to 6 that aims to increase classroom social capital and create a shared responsibility for learning between teachers and students https://t.co/2aT6xWjNvL#aussieED#edchat
Agreed, and when we say “I wish parents were” that’s a sign to look within the system for what needs to change. What do teachers share most with parents? Grades. I don’t see much else shared from classrooms middle school and higher. Why is that? #edchat
In reply to
@sgthomas1973, @ggrosi1, @beekeasy, @ShiftParadigm
Sorry to pop in late! I always want parents to be aware of just how many incredible educational tech tools and free online resources there are available and how to use them with their kids. #edchat
In reply to
@ShiftParadigm, @tomwhitby, @sgthomas1973, @wmchamberlain, @itsmeSpiri, @stephenkelley85
You bet! Perhaps they didn't have a parent at home when they were growing up so there wasn't a role model. We can't be sure of what has come before but we sure can do "whatever it takes" to improve future outcomes. #EdChat
Even better would be if it were not held at school. Some (many?) parents don't like going to school for reasons of their own, but they might, just might, be more inclined in a different space. #edchat
Exactly! I couldn't agree with you more. Positive parental involvement is critical in student success. Education doesn't just happen in schools. #edchat
In reply to
@sgthomas1973, @DennisDill, @mjjohnson1216
With my Ss we use Google classroom so Ps can also follow what is going on in the school and ask questions re: homework, tests, projects, etc... Is it being used by parents? Yes, one out of 100 students. #edchat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @sgthomas1973, @beekeasy, @ShiftParadigm
Hmm? Yet we know that an important higher level thinking skill is being able to take complex ideas & simplify them 4 conversations. It's hard work! E.g.: The Gettysburg Address, 272 words that described the mission & vision of our nation (we are still evolving, slowly!!) #edchat
I will say, though, that it is vocabulary that separates professionals from non-professionals. The more big words we use, the smarter they think we must be ;) #edchat
You're very welcome. I knew I had these other questions somewhere! Had to go search them out in my @diigo resources. https://t.co/kFwn1S5tSd Please share with others if you like them. #EdChat
Theoretically I don’t care much about grades. Our oldest is entering high school in the fall and I’m starting to think about scholarships. How much have they moved beyond grades and sports? #edchat
Oh, yes, we always encourage the whole family to attend! We don't hold "just for the parent" nights unless it is a meeting. On THOSE nights, we have free childcare! #Edchat
George Siemens talks about his latest thinking on learning in the digital age - a really interesting interview for anyone interested in #edtech, #elearning and education futures ... https://t.co/ajSusOF4FR#edchat
Yeah, I know. This takes systemic change. School leadership should constantly send the message to families of what the school has to offer them. #edchat
In reply to
@ggrosi1, @sgthomas1973, @beekeasy, @ShiftParadigm
Assessments do not get grades, evaluations do. The whole idea of assessment is to give Ss descriptive feedback so they can move forward. Giving Ss a tentative grade as to where they are at might help them move to where they want to be, but not it shouldn't be final. #edchat
As I watch my Students I wonder how many actually talk to their parents ... really talk ... do they fake conversations just to keep parents out? #edchat
There should be an EdCamp for Parents, there are so many topics, most importantly... to have Ps know they’re not alone, have them meet & collaboarate w/others in their community #edchat
In reply to
@ShiftParadigm, @sgthomas1973, @wmchamberlain, @tomwhitby, @stephenkelley85
Showing off student work is good for parents as well. It's a great experience when you see your student's work as an example: https://t.co/ixAf8ZVpUi#edchat
1-How to recognize frustration & or boredom in their children.
2-How to effectively communicate concerns with Ts.
3-How to advocate for their children so they receive the support needed to be successful.
4-How to better understand the standards & how Ss are taught today.
I'm sure some do. I MAKE my son talk to me on the way home from school each day, about his day. He complains, but it helps to know at least SOME of what's happening. #Edchat
Currently ADVOCACY is one area of focus of the limited PD provided most parents. Tends to create an us/them circumstance with Ts and Admins...what else? #edchat
W parents of HS students, besides personal & pedagogy. I would hold PD on what to expect of S in each grade level, & w each level ramp up info on college & career options. I used to call these events "the 9th grade parent coffee", then 10 etc. Again, LISTEN 2 parents 2/2 #edchat
WELCOME to #edchat -- Topic: If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
Parents, as well as many teachers, don't know what they don't know about education. We need more connected interactions & collaboration for all. #Edchat
Is her being honest? How do you know? ... Watched most of 13 Reasons Why Season 2 and some of the things discussed/not discussed between parents/kids got me thinking. #edchat
Dunno, but how many need to come for it to be good? I tell the #edcampmagic board all the time if we only get 40 educators it will be successful #edchat
In reply to
@sgthomas1973, @itsmeSpiri, @ShiftParadigm, @tomwhitby, @stephenkelley85
I’m a graduate of a local Parent Leadership Training Institute program, grant-funded. This is an example of what is covered. There are opportunities for parents outside of what the schools may provide. #IAmPLTI2017#edchat@NationalPLTI
We believe that every individual deserves life-long, life-wide and life-deep personalized learning. Learn more about the 9 Billion Schools movement. #L3Learning#IWillLearn#edchat
Just a reminder, 4 those who think that parent involvement is just a nice thing to do (a Kumbaya factor), keep in mind that it is much more. Students do better in school when their parents are involved. See Joyce Epstein's work at Johns Hopkins. (Thanks @mjjohnson1216) #edchat
OH YES! ::light bulb moment::
During the fall, when it is National Parent Involvement Week https://t.co/h3DwrHZ988 Nov 15th
#BookCampPD could spend two weeks with an online decamp initiative. Schools could promote it :-) #EdChat
Meet Jacy. She’s a freshman. She has a rare disease. And she’s thriving at school. At XQ Super School @PurduePolyHS, Jacy says her instructors helped create a schedule to fit her needs and have been her biggest motivators. #EDchat#EmChat#YouthPowerhttps://t.co/YTQnIawS7F
Most people in the USA have a common experience-School. Unfortunately, many think that makes them experts. We need to educate Ppl on Education. #Edchat
Thank you for highlighting this with your retweet. I wonder if there are online courses offered related to Family and Community engagement for educators? I would love to publicize this if I found one. #EdChat
Agree on homework, but also know that TRUE enrichment can be great. Some students don't express interest in learning more until presented the opportunity on their own time. If they don't do it, no big deal, but if they do . . . #edchat
In reply to
@wmchamberlain, @mfinnCBEcoach, @ShiftParadigm, @tomwhitby, @sgthomas1973, @itsmeSpiri, @stephenkelley85
If parents are kept on the sidelines it often sets up an us and them. But when parents are worried they’ll be judge we’re back to an us and them. The power of relationships that help parents feel their input is valued we can get to a partnership #Edchat
Setting Up Norms for Independent Work: One-on-one conferences with students are a valuable use of class time—provided the other students are able to work quietly on their own. Via @edutopiahttps://t.co/pdVZ2yXaDe#edchat
Often times, Parents who want to get involved, have no idea how to get involved in their child's education, voluteering, and what's offered throughtout the school system! #edchat
Do you think parents react well to actionable suggestions? "If you do XYZ, your child will have a better chance at success?" As long as XYZ are doable for busy parents. Or does that come across as commanding and 'I'm smarter than you, do what I say'? #edchat
Need I get, though it’s frustrating if that’s still the case with the rest of it. Sports are overemphasized. And if school didn’t fit well enough for kids to get good grades, you’re penalized. #edchat