#BadgeChatK12 Archive
#BadgeChatK12 was founded in December, 2014 by a group of educators who are passionate about credentialing learning and achieving. While there are thousands of us around the globe issuing badges to learners, there was not yet a regular twitter chat for those of us in the K-12 space to gather for learning and sharing about badging. After reaching out to leaders in the field (like the good folks at Mozilla and The Badge Alliance) for their thoughts, #BadgeChatK12 was born.
Monday February 29, 2016 6:30 PM EST
Welcome to ! and I are excited to co-mod tonight’s chat!
Feel free to introduce yourself: Who are you, where from, & how are you using badges so far?
Hi all! I'm co-moderating tonight with . We teach in ATL and currently are using badges for teacher PD
Noah in Denver. Believer in credentials PreK thru Life. Proud of Badge System work in APS (Colorado) https://t.co/8mCXPPP76O
Intro: I work with PD Learning Network where we use digitally badge teacher pd
Hi Katie,
I am Ann Plumer. I have experienced using badges in class and the students love them.
Jodi Innovation & Tech Coach in Atlanta. I created a badging site for my teachers to use to and earn PLUs.
Katie in Atlanta. Our middle school is using badges with teachers right now. Hoping to expand to students soon
Hi ! Mary, Bus Ed T from CT, very excited to see this chat! Part of school team looking into badging!
Nice! Where are you doing that/at what level?
Don in Canada advocating, helping helping issuers for K-Life
Badges give the students a sense of responsibility/accountability. Criteria must be met, no shortcuts,must be earned.
Here we go ! Q1: How do you get buy-in from teachers re: using badges for PD?
A1: Starts w asking, not telling. "How might this be valuable to your practice?"
I would love to see your badging site for Ts! We started a system this year and we are always looking to improve
providing choice on how to meet the objective
Yes, and... "students' can be a broad term that encpomasses adult learners, too https://t.co/2dM1padIzQ
Badges give the students a sense of responsibility/accountability. Criteria must be met, no shortcuts,must be earned.
A1 show respect, make the badges meaningful to earn and display, look for ways that teachers can add value to the system
Love it: Start with questions. I wonder how any given roomful of teachers might answer that question.. https://t.co/tuZWjqag1Y
A1: Starts w asking, not telling. "How might this be valuable to your practice?"
Criteria is known from the beginning so the students know what is expected to earn the badge. Great way for an assessment.
Would you say more about "choice on how to meet the objective"
Love it! Can you expand on this? How do you maintain credible criteria while providing choice?
Yes. Hers is great. I used her model.
Teacher PD Badges on the menu for tonight's , in progress for the next 20 minutes. & moderate.
Teacher PD Badges on the menu for tonight's , in progress for the next 20 minutes. & moderate.
I agree Don!!
*Meaningful* + *Value*
are so key things to address for any user's buy-in
A1 Incentives include: Learning. Growing. PLUs.
Once a teacher develops own badge, there is more of a buy-in. Until you make one for students to earn, one may not like them.
Love the empathy component of teacher developing badge for student https://t.co/qVWTJ0k38u
Once a teacher develops own badge, there is more of a buy-in. Until you make one for students to earn, one may not like them.
This *immediacy* issue is so important. Learn by doing, experiencing...not by slide deck:)
Our Ts can learn something through screencast on the badging site, coaching, PL session, etc.
Ok, here comes Q2: What professional development might lend itself to a teacher badging system?
Q2 clarifying question: What skills are badgeworthy?)
Allowing the learner choice in how (method & tools) they acquire skills, knowledge &/or experience
Developing badges is similar to making an assessment for a project. Students can share the badge where the assessment cannot.
A2 Nearly anything instructionally worthy. Determine school goals for year. PBL. Technology. STEAM. You name it…get there thru
A1: Make sure the badges offer value above standard methods. More differentiation and opportunity for focus on interests
A2: I go with on this. PD that allows teachers to learn by doing is a good use of time
Skills depend on the class. I have seen several badges in all contents
A2 digital literacy, information literacy, but also teacher-defined: aligned to a PD framework - learning contracts
I do like the idea of focusing on school's goals for the year. Otherwise, suite of badges may seem overwhelming?
A2: for worthy skills to Badge, I go first to what Badges may be valued by an intended audience for that Badge
In using badges w teachers, do you think any teacher skills are particularly badgeworthy?
Earning a badge for certain criteria/skills is more meaningful than receiving a grade.
A2: How about skills/knowledge/experience that is of value for the earner & those they come into contact with?
A2 Also badges to allow them to curate and expand own learning themselves: using etc.
Cool! What do you mean by learning contracts?
Yes! What might be an example? https://t.co/axa4M5OBOg
A2: for worthy skills to Badge, I go first to what Badges may be valued by an intended audience for that Badge
A2 Value rises as you go up the Kirkpatrick ladder: application of skills, impact of skills (teaching of skills...)
Q3: How might we create a sustainable system/process for awarding teacher badges?
So who would be the audience? If admin, we start by asking what micro-credentials they'd value, look 4 w new hires
A2. Skills valued within and between communities are worth badging
A2: Viable components of innovation. We must celebrate those that are, by definition, non-standard, weird, wild, and wacky
. Teacher negotiates a SMART learning goal aligned to framework, then demos achievement for evaluation
A3: Part 1 - I think that is one of the biggest challenges. Finding & meaningful and reliable evaluation system
Teachers receive badges for developing own badges in their content. Yes, there could be many badges for teachers.
A3. I've always thought school leadership should be on board for sustainability within a community ecosystem
This is where I get stuck. Who creates badges? Who awards them? How and when?
A3: Folks like are solving for sustainability by allowing experts who've received Badges to become trusted issuers
I love this idea! I wonder if a badging system would lend itself more to non-standards than traditional PD
A3:Multiple "roads" w/in the badge system allows a badge recipient 2 have choice on where to excel and rewards them throughout
I agree! that way, badges earned internally & externally will be valued https://t.co/MC9lFcRqGp
I do like the idea of focusing on school's goals for the year. Otherwise, suite of badges may seem overwhelming?
Maybe badges could be given to teachers as a type of reward. Badges do not have to be for skills only.
Yes. And who evaluates? Peer teachers? Admin?
A2 I'm w/ 's web of trust, seems to support badges scaling, importance= number&cred of graph "pointers"
I agree...credentials may help w connecting users to roads/pathways that are good fits
A3 Part 2: Building a group of other teachers who consistently apply a standard/rubric can help increase badge value
A3 Delegate issuing authority and/or content authorship. Build regional ecosystems that advance practice collaboratively Easy!
I have been badging with my students for years, but just started to dip my toe into teacher PD.
The more badging is used, the more teachers/students will want to use.
Badge everything, companies & influencers who endorse accomplishment plus attached rubric/difficulty/criteria sorts itself out
Wow, I love this framework. Would the standard/rubric be similar to the criteria? Do you have exemplar evidence?
We are the opposite! How did you start with Ss? How did you make the jump to Ts?
Bam! I feel like you just summarized the last 14 months of this chat:)
Wrapping up… What have been some of your major takeaways from tonight’s ?
FYI, BadgeChatters, the 2016 Badge Summit on June 24 is going to be AMAZING! Early reg is only $99 https://t.co/hHizCOzgsx
Many people are interested in badging and would like to see it happen with both students and teachers.
A4 Big focus on peer/autonomous learning as a goal, even if not all PD works like that now
Badging will be a part of the future.
A4: Getting people to buy-in to something they didn't think of for themselves is tough work, even if they believe it will help
The rubric would reflect the standards as applied. I have exemplars where Ts created video or written summary or plan
Thank you so much for joining us tonight!
love 's positive feedback badges. For learning graph/web of trust, smaller magnitude context attached
Thank you all! Special thanks to for co-modding and to for the opportunity
Please let me know about the badge summit in June.
Thanks so much to for being awesome mods! Want to guest host? Just ask!
Thank you all! Thank you and for this opportunity! I had a blast!
I have T's write research proposals. I'd love to see your badges!
I started an badging program atmy hs for teacher PD. Brand new, but loving it!
raising funds for charity taking part in extra-curricula activities
writing articles, blogging, recognition for dual professionalism, speaking at conferences