Intro time! Share your name, where your from, your role in ed, your definition of hope, and bc we have lots of new friends share your Bitmoji as the CHAMP! #champforkids
Phil from Northern Virginia. I teach 7th grade US History II and am the founder of #waledchat (Thurs at 9pm) and #Edusations. Hope means a desire or confident passion for something to come. #champforkids
Hey guys, Kelly from Virginia Beach, I am a Gifted Resource T, founder/moderator of #champforkids, and I’m going to pull from my blog about HOPE for my definition!
Hello #champforkids family!
Cristina Dajero, Reading Specialist from Virginia Beach, VA.
Hope to me means having positive expectations for what is possible.
Hey #champforkids, Annie from Bethlehem, PA! I teach HS Math during the year and Elementary/MS musical theatre over the summer. Hope is knowing there is a way, no matter how improbable
Howdy #champforkids team, it's Barbara, counselor, character coach and author of What's Under Your Cape?; hope is an amazing gift, one caregivers get to give every day, with every interaction.
Hey y’all! I’m Wendy Hankins, 2nd grade, HouTX. Love to spread positivity & thoughts via #HeardItFromHankins quotes & my recent blog: ♥️
And tonight I “HOPE” to do just that!
My definition for HOPE ➡️ Belief in something or someone.♥️#ChampForKids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1:I tell/show kids I believe in them by supporting them both in & outside of class—ALL kids & at ALL times—not just the “good” kids who always have a good day. This yr, I had this convo w/a past kiddo to show him I had HOPE for him ALWAYS. #ChampForKids
Today I told a student:
I will watch you graduate.
You will go to college.
I will be at your wedding.
I will see you have kids.
I will be in your life the rest of mine...♥️
Sometimes they just need to hear it, to believe it themselves.
A1 - I follow up the statement “I believe in you” with the word BECAUSE! It forces us to give specific evidence, reasons, or examples which tell kids you mean it! #champforkids
Hello everyone! Connor Christensen, Kinder in Goddard, Kansas. First timer to #champforkids
Hope is having a vision for what you would like to happen. Being optimistic of what is to come!
A1 - Every single day I greet kids with a high five, hand shake, smile and a “great to see you!” It’s amazing how such little things make a big difference. #champforkids
Good evening everyone! I am Janice from Va. Beach. I teach 3rd grade. Me definition of hope...confidently expecting what seems impossible!#champforkids
A1: Ss need to know that someone believes in them & won't give up, no matter what. When Ss have lost hope, it's our responsibility to help them find it again. We show them with our words & actions, we're there for them & help them see possibilities ahead of them. #champforkids
A1: I trust them and have serious conversations with them. I listen to their ideas. I share my concerns and they share their's about how the class is running. I celebrate students. I continue to let students know that I believe they can be great. #champforkids
A1 I show & tell my students I have hope in them and for them everyday by building a relationship with them & always advocating & cheering them on. When they fall I'm right there to encourage them to get back up, give a hug & we keep going! #champforkids
A1: I look them in the eyes and tell them "who they are" from my perspective. We also need to hear their hopes and dreams, then partner with them to make them a reality. #champforkids
A1: I think it’s most meaningful in little things - if they ask if I’m going to a concert/game/art show/etc. I almost always say yes and go. When they say “did I do this right?” I say “probably...” as I start to check their work. Small things done consistently #champforkids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1 building a strong rapport with ALL students and really getting to know them. Ask them questions and listen to what they have to say. Tell them why you believe in them and show them that you are there for them no matter what #champforkids
A1- You can show Ss you believe in them by being there even when they make there biggest mistakes, that is usually when they need us most. #champforkids
A1: Celebrating all students for their creative thinking, risk-taking, asking questions, and kindness! Believing that all students have gifts to share is also key! #champforkids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1: I sing with them, I delight in their presence, I treat them ALL like they're my favorites, because for that moment in time that they're with me, they ARE! Every child. Every moment of every day. They deserve to FEEL and experience that we believe in them. #champforkids
A1: I have intentional conversation with students and Give early feedback. At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words - this builds trust and hope within students. #champforkids
A1: I always compliment students where I see them and do the #goodnewscalloftheday as often as I can but I also spend a lot of time joining my students in the cafeteria. They love it when the principal joins them. #champforkids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1 - Every single day I greet kids with a high five, hand shake, smile and a “great to see you!” It’s amazing how such little things make a big difference. #champforkids
A1: I develop individual relationships with Ss, offer free tutoring, and encourage kids to always "go the extra mile." I also try to implement as many of their learning ideas as I possibly can into my curriculum and teaching, giving them Ss voice and ownership. #champforkids
Q1 I give my Ss direct, positive feedback related to their effort. Always tell them I believe in them and know they can accomplish the task. I show them by cheering them on and celebrating their successes! #champforkids
#ChampForKids Trust them the moment you meet them- create a student-centered classroom- a community where they are heard, where they problem-solve together. A flexible, positive, mindful safe haven- this lets them know their learning and comfort is your #1 priority
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1b - Not complicated, tell and show kids you care. Words and actions are easily seen and heard. Be authentic and students will know your thecresl deal. #champforkids
I also wrote each of them an end of year note about what I will miss about them and/or why I enjoyed having them... something they would have to help them remember their value after they left me #champforkids
A1:I tell/show kids I believe in them by supporting them both in & outside of class—ALL kids & at ALL times—not just the “good” kids who always have a good day. This yr, I had this convo w/a past kiddo to show him I had HOPE for him ALWAYS. #ChampForKids
Today I told a student:
I will watch you graduate.
You will go to college.
I will be at your wedding.
I will see you have kids.
I will be in your life the rest of mine...♥️
Sometimes they just need to hear it, to believe it themselves.
A1: I thank students for coming to school. I listen to their stories. I accept and hang everything given to me. I send positive emails home to parents through my @ClassDojo.
A1~ purposefully state& model on a continuous, authentic manner your belief in them... show them with high fives, great mutual teaching & learning with all kinds of consistent praise, support & encouragement #ChampForKids
A1: I am transparent with my Ss about their strengths and weaknesses and help them to understand that I am here to help; that they are not in this by themselves. #champforkids
#champforkids A1 Our teachers stand in the hallway and greet each student as they walk into class (or at least they are supposed to). You can tell the vibe in the classroom for the teachers that do that, versus those who don't
Hi everyone! Amanda from NY joining a little late, I'll be starting my first year teaching as a first grade teacher in the fall. My definition of hope is believing there is more and better to come #champforkids
Intro time! Share your name, where your from, your role in ed, your definition of hope, and bc we have lots of new friends share your Bitmoji as the CHAMP! #champforkids
I’d put this up there with the “we missed you!” That I know so many teachers give when a student returns from a day (or two or ten) out of school... they need to know we’re glad they’re here AND that we notice when they’re not #ChampForKids
A1: I show them by being there not just while they’re at school but by being present for their hobbies/sports. I love the look when they realize I made it to their game! It melts my heart. #champforkids
A1 #champforkids Learn their names week one, have 1-minute check ins weekly to build strong, supportive relationships. Above all respond not react, pause and listen, be present and maintain a positive classroom culture where every student feels safe & comfortable to learn & grow
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A1. Every chance I get, I try to acknowledge and encourage my SS and Ts. Sometimes I find that my Ts need the most high fives and "I believe in you" #champforkids
#ChampForKids Trust them the moment you meet them- create a student-centered classroom- a community where they are heard, where they problem-solve together. A flexible, positive, mindful safe haven- this lets them know their learning and comfort is your #1 priority
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1: I think it’s really impactful and important from Day 1 to get on the Ss level when speaking with them. Give them respect and eye contact with a comforting voice. Let them know good or bad you’ve got their back. 1-1 conferences & positive locker notes too!. #champforkids
The best learning comes when Ss have the opportunity to teach themselves! As #TeacherOfTheDay (chosen via @Flipgrid), Miss Torres decided she wanted to create her own game to teach her peers about contractions during small group. She calls it “Contraction Action”! @KirkElementary
A1: Clean slate from day 1, eye contact, cheering them on, encouraging them, giving responsibilities to every student, telling them!, making sure your body language and facial expression believes too #ChampForKids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A2 Having high expectations and then making sure that you support them along the journey increases the hope factor for both students and staff. #champforkids
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A1. First by being visible in the their classroom and in the school. Second, treating them like the stakeholder they are. Give them a voice! #champforkids#Believe
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1: I think it's important to let kids know you are there for them from day 1-whether they get the question wrong or right you'll still be cheering them on-they need to see it, hear it, and feel it #champforkids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1 #champforkids It is also comforting for students when you take the time to build a relationship with their parent or guardian because it shows them that you are invested in their lives inside and outside of the classroom
A2: When you create high expectations with students you show them what you hope they can do. Students can be inspired by your hope in them. #champforkids
A2- Educators need to be brave, let go of control, and believe in their Ss, when we do this more times then not Ss will rise to the occasion. If they don't we need to pick them up and insist they try again. #champforkids
When students feel like they are someone's #1 priority, they will do ANYTHING for that person, they just want someone to believe in and support them. #champforkids
A2 - Ss w/little hope/belief in their ability shine when challenged. Girls this yr kept saying they couldn't understand science. I challenged them to create a song to make meaning of vocab. Beats, lyrics, explanation of vocab. It was phenomenal! #champforkids
A1c - Very Passionate about this topic. Start the day off with a smile and meaningful greeting. Always have time for even a hello. Dorsmtbmatter what else is going on. I have teens walk in my room while I’m teaching another class. I encourage that behavior. Connect! #ChampForKids
A1 Taking the time to give them specific feedback not on what they’ve done well, but on how they could improve, etc. Kids usually know what they’re already doing well: giving them the ‘difficult’ feedback is a real sign that you care #champforkids
A2: High expectations almost bring kids to life. When I started PBL's, at first kids looked at me like...What???!!!??? But then they got busy - and most actually had fun doing it. I gave them the reigns, and they delivered more than I could have ever imagined! #champforkids
A2: I believe kids come to you not wanting to disappoint. They want to show you their best. Give them that arena to shine. A little success leads to hope of bigger successes. #champforkids
A2: If we show Ss that we believe they can achieve high expectations- they will work towards that. By showing them that belief-we're telling them that we believe in them, their potential, & ability to be successful. Something may be challenging but it is POSSIBLE! #champforkids
Kristen here from PA. Late because I wanted to jump on the (yawn) bike before I started chatting. Killing 2 birds, only one is far more entertaining than the other, lol. #reallywanttorun#champforkids
A2 When you set high expectations and follow that with high level, meaningful, respectful tasks, you are showing your students I have hope & an expecation that you can and will succeed, there maybe hiccups along the way but I'm here to support you that's my job! #champforkids
A1: I tell them! I talk to my students and share my own stories with them. They know that I care about them, and will do whatever I can to help them succeed. #champforkids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A1: By supporting them unconditionally. By making the time and taking the time to actively listen and get to know kids. Investing in them consistently is how to be a #ChampForKids
I really think we need to show and not worry about telling. Too many use words without actions. We need to create the culture where it is authentically felt. #champforkids
Q1- Ss need to hear, “You are worth my time and effort; I have hope and I won’t give up on you.” Tell Ss that you believe in them and mean it!
How do you tell and SHOW Ss that you believe in them? #champforkids
A2 when you set high expectations and show that you believe in your students they will achieve them. I tell my ss from day 1 that I have high expectations for them and I will be there to keep them on the track. When Ss know that they will rise to the challenge #champforkids
A2: We see this all the time in Drama. We push people out of their comfort zones, into positions that they did not believe they could master. When we are their biggest fan, amazing things can happen! They begin to see things through "our eyes" and believe. #champforkids
A2: When I set high expectations for my Ss, I find MYSELF “hoping” they will do well. The more chances we give them to rise to the occasion- they will! #champforkids
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
#champforkids When I allow students to design lessons and choose their mode of demonstration of knowledge they have ownership-they feel a deeper connection to their learning & will commit to it. Behavior is more focused and attitude is positive when they feel purpose & relevance
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A2: My choice boards gave Ss ownership of their learning and allowed them to always have something they knew they could handle! I would also suggest the challenge activity to certain Ss certain days and they loved seeing that I thought they could do it! #ChampForKids
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A2. I see this as a problem with our T evaluation system. I could just do my observation and provide feedback, but I choose to engage my Ts with high order questions to help them reflect on their instuctional strengths and areas for growth. #modelthethinking#champforkids
A2 - EVERYTHING! Kids of all ages will follow your belief in them. Every student, no matter where they are from and their background wants to know you believe in them. No different than for adults. Human needs. Think Maslow. #champforkids
A1 I greet them when they come in every morning, have conversations with them about their families, hobbies, sports etc. I'm always positive and genuinely happy to see them 😀 #champforkids
A2: I challenged my 7th graders to design their own questions and research a Renaissance person, create art inspired by that person, plan and create a “most interesting renaissance person” commercial, and design rubrics. They rose to the challenge! #champforkids
A2: Every year, I’ve had kids who rise to the occasion and when they finally start to believe in themselves, they CAN do hard things! I don’t waver from those high expectations and we work together to achieve! When they are encouraged,they will encourage others too.#ChampForKids
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A2 Kids see right through lies and deceit from adults. We need to set believable standards for our kids while constantly showing them that we believe in them! #champforkids
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A2: Setting high expectations show’s them (even before they do) that you believe in them. That they are more than capable, when you push they they rise to the occasion. Hope is that drive! #champforkids
A1. First by being visible in the their classroom and throughout the school. Second, treating them like the stakeholder they are. Give them a voice! #champforkids#Believe
A1: I sit one on one with them until they get it. I don’t beli ve in 0s and I tell them that. Nobody will ever fail me. I will find you and wenrill do the work together because it matters to me, even if I have to believe in them for both of us! #champforkids
A2: I maintain high expectations, communicate them to my Ss, and assist/coach them to meet the expectations. I share with them my goal is they will become respectful and productive members of the community. My hope for them becomes their hope...if I do it correctly #champforkids
Q2. Make expectations for my Ss very clear. tell them they can accomplish anything that they want to. practice #GrowthMindset often. I had expectations that one of my students could learn to read by end of year.. they had HOPE that they could do it and THEY DID!!! #champforkids
A2: All students WILL gain a years growth of learning. That is my expectation from teachers and students. If you believe in them, challenge them, provide individualized instruction, and set high standards, students will rise to the level of expectation. #champforkids
A2: When high expectations are set for students you are giving them hope that someone believes they are capable of those expectations-if you believe they can, they usually will! #champforkids
Q2 - When you put meaningless work in front of Ss you set a tone that says "I don't believe or have hope that you are able to do more complex tasks." Set high expectations for Ss.
What correlation have you seen between high expectations and hope? #champforkids
A2: We practice high expectations in our ukulele lab; when I put that magical instrument into their hands, they don't think they can play at first. When they get their first taste of success, HOPE that they can SOARS and their smiles tell the story. #growthmindset#champforkids
A2b - High expectations isn’t just some feel good term. We must demonstrate persistent actions that show we mean it. Expect excellence and get it. Expect average and you’ll get that. Every kid, all the time. #champforkids
A2: I challenged my 7th graders to design their own questions and research a Renaissance person, create art inspired by that person, plan and create a “most interesting renaissance person” commercial, and design rubrics. They rose to the challenge! #champforkids
A2) If you hold high expectations for your students they will aim higher and have higher hopes for themselves because someone believes in them #champforkids
A2. Make expectations for my Ss very clear. tell them they can accomplish anything that they want to. practice #GrowthMindset often. I had expectations that one of my students could learn to read by end of year.. they had HOPE that they could do it and THEY DID!!! #champforkids
The student designed rubrics led to awesome commercials - green screens came out, awesome props created, commercials were created and edited with phones! #champforkids
A2. I see this as a problem with our T evaluation system. I could just do my observation and provide feedback, but I choose to engage my Ts with high order questions to help them reflect on their instuctional strengths and areas for growth. #modelthethinking#champforkids
A2 #champforkids Eye contact - lean in and listen - fully listen- this brings trust and let’s them feel like they are important. We all want to feel like we belong to a community and when we do- we invest & submerge ourselves in the joy of feeling a part of something
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A2 We work on a lot interesting projects independently or with a partner/small group work. Kids live up to your expectations most of the time #champforkids
A2: I think high expectations have to come with strong support and preparation! Ensure they have the proper tools to be successful and enable them set high but attainable goals for themselves. Above all empower them to get there! Create a culture of hope & growth💕 #champforkids
A2: A standard of excellence is set when S's believe that you care deeply about them and their lives beyond just an arbitrary measurement of proficiency. With consistent support and love S's rise above expectations because they believe they can achieve. #ChampForKids
A2: Someone once told me that Ss will rise to the expectations of the person standing in front of them. This is a powerful statement. When Ts set high expectations, we are telling Ss they are capable even when/if they don’t believe it.#champforkids
A2: High expectations sends the message to students that you believe in them and creates a space where they feel safe to take on challenges! #champforkids
A2: When one has HIGH expectations, the learning is ELEVATED to a whole new level. Students have HOPE and truly BELIEVE they WILL SUCCEED!! #champforkids
A3: I worked with a student this year that seemed to have lost her spirit & didn't believe in hoping for the best. We worked together until she learned to see her true potential, how hard she did in fact work, and to celebrate the small successes along the way. #champforkids
A2 Tell students they can do it and create scaffolded steps that show them they can. All abilities deserve to be successful, which means that the Success Criteria might have to be revised due to what students are able to do #champforkids
A2: ss rise to the expect. you set. Once you show them that they can w help, they seek you out rather than you seeking them out. She’s going to make me do it and do it right, so I will or she won’t leave me alone! I don’t let them quit. Assess diff way instead. #champforkids
A2: I observed that setting high standards for my Ss encourages them to actually try. They know that I expect them to think about their answers and explain their reasoning. It’s not just about getting the right answer. #champforkids
I refocus to the positive of any situation. Always say "if this is the worst that happens then we will be just fine." Kids laugh but realize it is true. #champforkids
A3 By allowing the student to know that we are partners in learning and growth. It all begins with trust building. It is about believing in each other...Partnership! #champforkids
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A3: I find most of the time that the Ss lose hope when they don’t fully understand the task or directions. Simply going back over expectations and finding their misconception was a biggie for us this year doing PBLs #champforkids
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A3: We are constantly finding the good in situations and people, and trying to refocus the hurting person to see the positives. We have many broken kids that have gotten little support from adults. We have discovered that many of these kids need a "first follower". #champforkids
A3 - Weekend was terrible, I'm so glad that we are together again.
No breakfast this morning, now we get to have breakfast together in my office.
Find ways to spin the situation to make the best out of it. #champforkids
So important to include parents even when Ss resist! Let them know what you as a community of learners is up to. Huge divdends await you! #CHAMPFORKIDS
A3: I’ve had simple conversations with students. I had a blogging project going, and a student didn’t want to do it. Through conversation, he didn’t understand a blog, we looked at examples and i explained it a bit further. He had a more positive outlook. #champforkids
A3 It's vital to listen to their entire story. When they're done, ask questions, starting with "What would you like me to do about this?" Sometimes just listening and having a safe place to talk is all they need. #champforkids
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A2: When one has HIGH expectations, the learning is ELEVATED to a whole new level. Students have HOPE and truly BELIEVE they WILL SUCCEED!! #champforkids
A3. Relationships are HUGE! Growth Mindset also plays a huge role. Communicate your belief for the S and teach them to climb out of their “dip” like Mojo and Katy! @ClassDojo#champforkids
A3: I had a student who couldn't participate in a lot of the end of year field day due to an injury-luckily we were able to find the positives in playing the carnival games and enjoying the hot dogs and hamburgers. #champforkids
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
#champforkids For me mindfulness is key. It is integrated into our classroom community. Our class mantra- Keep moving forward- beware of turbulence, buckle up and keep you eye on the clear skies ahead
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A3 I had a student that came to me late in the spring that only knew his letter names, he very quickly realized all the students were reading & he couldn't yet. I worked with the S daily to close the gaps & focused on what he could do & his improvements, then... #champforkids
A3) More than once, I have been presented with opportunities to push my students, which in turn has led to their parents stepping up and allowing more follow through in their homes. #champforkids
A3: celebrate him/her! Everything. Big. Small. Every single achievement or step towards it! Celebrate! Find people who will fiercely celebrate him/her too. Eventually, he/she starts seeing the positive and begins instilling that hope into others paying it forward . #ChampForKids
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A3: I had a kid ask me after he got in trouble on the bus “Am I bad kid, Ms. Hankins?” I said: “NEVER! There are no bad kids. Sometimes good kids makes bad choices. And so do adults!” He looked up at me & smiled. I HOPE I changed his negative day into a positive♥️
A3: I had 2 Ss who really lacked confidence. One day they came up by my desk for help. After we did a problem together I told them they could stay there and try another. That is where they sat for the rest of the year and they crushed it! They just wanted me close! #ChampForKids
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A3 just by showing Ss you are there for them. If you listen to them and stay positive when they aren’t eventually they will make small strides. Praise those small strides and keep grinding. Eventually the Ss will come out on top #champforkids
A3 - Doubles Ps. Persistent Positivity. Always look at the situation and remember we are the professionals. Also, think about the results of helping a student make change. They are huge. #champforkids
A3: This past year I had a student frustrated with some of the more challenging behaviors in my class. Being a small school, her comment was "I don't want to be with these people my whole life." She and I did a lot of one on one self advocacy talk. #champforkids
A3: I try to take moments where I student needs to be disciplined and use it as a restorative moment and let them know that this is a bump in the road not a roadblock. #champforkids
A3: when facing insurmountable odds the key is breaking things down to face-able steps. “what can we do this moment to be successful?” “What is our next step” You don’t have to have a plan for the entire problem, just take it in baby steps. We all need this!#champforkids
A3. In order to build kids up you must FIRST establish authentic relationships with your students. They can always tell if grownups are sincere or not. #champforkids
#champforkids For me mindfulness is key. It is integrated into our classroom community. Our class mantra- Keep moving forward- beware of turbulence, buckle up and keep you eye on the clear skies ahead
Q3 - Staying positive can be hard when faced w/ what may seem to be insurmountable situations.
Help students find the positive in situations that seem hopeless.
How have you changed a situation that seemed hopeless for a student and helped them find the positive? #champforkids
A3: Impossible really says “I’m POSSIBLE.” We must CHANGE the mindsets of our students to let them know we are their CHAMPIONS! My students know I advocate for having @growthmindset1 and it is demonstrated in an out of the classroom!! @LevineWrites#champforkids
Q3: After listening to their concerns and drying tears, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work on a concept that they were struggling with.Bit by bit they gained confidence and “moved the mountain”!#champforkids
A3: By listening actively and asking questions instead of giving advice. By resisting the urge to speak and accepting the challenge of listening without interruption. #ChampForKids
A3 cont.. When asked at the end of the year what was the best thing she learned? She stated, " I learned to trust myself and do what's right. Other people don't make me who I am." My heart melted. #champforkids
A3 .1 #champforkids I had a student last year- a very quiet student- she refused to speak in class - even with projects- English was not her first language and she struggled with communication- she felt hopeless- very early on in our weekly 1-minute check ins
I would set up questions where he could be successful infront of class, by playing to the S strengths & focusing on his growth he gained confidence & started working hard, which made more growth, he was so happy when he read a sentence to the class & we celebrated #champforkids
A3: My student was extremely frustrated with writing (bad experiences) I started a two way journal just for us to get her motivated. In no time she was writing up a storm. It’s about showing them they can-celebrate even the smallest accomplishment!!#champforkids
A3: Impossible really says “I’m POSSIBLE.” We must CHANGE the mindsets of our students to let them know we are their CHAMPIONS! My students know I advocate for having @growthmindset1 and it is demonstrated in an out of the classroom!! @LevineWrites#champforkids
PREACH!!! Parents should be a part of the team.. should have a seat on the bus! Huge when Ss see that communication is happening between Home and school! #ChampForKids
A3) More than once, I have been presented with opportunities to push my students, which in turn has led to their parents stepping up and allowing more follow through in their homes. #champforkids
A3: I'm not even sure what problem I helped this child through, but I do know that she remembered it and it positively made a difference to her.
It's all about #empathy, listening to understand to mobilize compassion and show kindness when they need it most.
A3: I walked with a student almost a mile home one day when his after school club was over. We solved a lot of the worlds problems that day. And I made sure he made it home safe. #ChampForKids
A3: Growth mindset! Spending class meetings learning about growth mindset and then highlighting the power of yet and the idea that mistakes are an opportunity to learn something new. #champforkids
A3: love hearing, “I can do science!” After so many “I am not any good st science.” Usually takes until February, but it comes!! Then it’s time to wean the first in line at the “Mrs. Sevinsky’s buffet of help!” #champforkids
A3 - Doubles Ps. Persistent Positivity. Always look at the situation and remember we are the professionals. Also, think about the results of helping a student make change. They are huge. #champforkids
A3:This past year I had a student that came with a "reputation." \My goal for him was to give him the best year he had ever had.When things got tough with him,I'd give him a"bro" hug,find something to compliment him on, and grant him grace..lots of grace. Success! #champforkids
PREACH!!! Parents should be a part of the team.. should have a seat on the bus! Huge when Ss see that communication is happening between Home and school! #ChampForKids
A3) More than once, I have been presented with opportunities to push my students, which in turn has led to their parents stepping up and allowing more follow through in their homes. #champforkids
CTA: Remind them of the fact that each day is the beginning of a new story in which they "hold the pen". Reminding them that they are in control of the narrative and that "anything is possible". The past is just that, past. TODAY is a new day and YOUR TIME to shine. #champforkids
CTA: I want to create a culture of hope for my Ss & building by helping them never lose hope, gain courage, & gain confidence so they see all of their risk taking & goal setting as limitless possibilities. I want them to focus on what is possible NOT impossible. #champforkids
A4 - I will encourage, believe in and support all Ts and Ss. I will give evidence about why I believe in them, set high expectations for Ts and Ss, and look for the positive in all situations! #champforkids
It’s okay to apologize to kids.
Saying sorry can be difficult to do, especially to your students.
Show them you are human. Show them you are real.
Show them you make mistakes too.
Show them your love...
...and they’ll show you respect. ♥️
A3: I had a kid ask me after he got in trouble on the bus “Am I bad kid, Ms. Hankins?” I said: “NEVER! There are no bad kids. Sometimes good kids makes bad choices. And so do adults!” He looked up at me & smiled. I HOPE I changed his negative day into a positive♥️
A3 .2 #champforkids We started practicing eye contact, talking aloud- she whispered even with me alone- and we set up a plan- she would look at me during projects or answering questions in class- it took weeks for her to get confident- but it works- by the end of the year-
A3: All students can be reached as long as you find their edge. I try to make positive phone calls and the behavior starts changing into a more positive one. I follow up by having regular conversations with them. #champforkids
A3) I have supported my Ss when they were in dismay and felt like they couldn’t do something. Sometimes all a Ss needs is positive talk or support to take on a fear or challenge #champforkids
A4: Two words: @responsiveclass Responsive Classroom. Each and EVERY child should feel ACCEPTED, SAFE, and WELCOME by their peers EACH and EVERY day!! Classroom culture is KEY to SUCCESS!! #champforkids@khoggardGRT
A2. Setting high expectations and holding them, while building relationships with students, allows Ss to feel a sense of accomplishment when they succeed. They want to make their #CHAMP proud.
A3a:A few years ago,I had "that kid."The principal & the behavior interventionist both said,"You can't save them all." I was SO angry. I never gave up on that kid. At the end of the school year the family moved.They came back over their Spring Break. (cont) #champforkids
A4: I teach a “keystone class”, meaning at the end they’ll take a state test. I’d like to focus on building problem solvers and remind them that one test is basically irrelevant to their lives. It’s just a chance to show what they know and they all know something! #ChampForKids
A4: I need to make sure I keep pushing students who aren't reaching their full potential. I had a football coach who said when people stopped correcting you they've given up on you. I DON'T want to give up a kid. I want to be a #champforkids!
A4 - I will encourage, believe in and support all Ts and Ss. I will give evidence about why I believe in them, set high expectations for Ts and Ss, and look for the positive in all situations! #champforkids
A3 .3 #champforkids She was creating personal podcasts, interacting in class with her peers- laughing and playing and she gave speeches alone in front of the class
Reflection often leads to better understanding of any task- great that you took the time to help your Ss clear up confusion & misconceptions. #champforkids
A4. Smiling, shaking hands, high 5s at Open House, constant communication with families, greet with smile and handshake every morning, celebrate all successes, practice growth mindset and affirmations, be authentic, give direct, positive feedback #champforkids
That is a diff situation! It can be frustrating for the “well behaved” Ss but advocacy is key! Team building and finding the good in each other helps too! ❤️🥊 #champforkids
It’s okay to apologize to kids.
Saying sorry can be difficult to do, especially to your students.
Show them you are human. Show them you are real.
Show them you make mistakes too.
Show them your love...
...and they’ll show you respect. ♥️
A4 building a strong rapport with Ss and setting high expectations while providing feedback to keep Ss on track and show them I believe in them no matter what #champforkids
A4 The key word here is Culture. It is the culture that fosters this belief system and centers around HOPE. It starts with what we do for and with our kids day ONE. We are the CORE. #champforkids
A4 I'll be relying on the 2X10 strategy with our kids needing the most support. Spend 2 minutes with them talking about what they want to talk about for 10 days in a row and encouraging our staff to do the same. #champforkids
A3: I try to take moments where I student needs to be disciplined and use it as a restorative moment and let them know that this is a bump in the road not a roadblock. #champforkids
A4) We start the year with a whole school theme and decorations or get the Ss excited. In my class I plan to spend a lot of time on growth mindset and class cheers in 1st quarter #champforkids
A3b: also asking, “what do you need to be successful or make it easier” goes a long way. In ms they did that. In HS they did not and it would have gone down a lot differently had they simply asked how to help. So I do because #champforkids
Thank you @khoggardGRT for another great #champforkids chat.
I HOPE that everyone enjoyed their time- don't forget to follow the amazing educators you met tonight & expand your PLN. You all are amazing-don't ever forget that!
By itself the letter or number means nothing. Its the feedback, more importantly the extended educational conversation, that provides worthwhile meaning. #ChampForKids
A4. Getting to know Ss and adults in the school community as I’ll be starting in a new school. Sending out my welcome “all about me” letter tomorrow! #champforkids
A4: Keep pushing even when they don’t believe, keep building those relationships and showing them that no matter what I’ve got their back! #champforkids
#champforkids Mindfulness- above all listen, smile, respond not react. Trust, BELIEVE and commit. Let students speak- give them a voice- a platform and a microphone- the more we let them teach themselves the more confident and positive they will be as learners.
Thank you @khoggardGRT for another great #champforkids chat.
I HOPE that everyone enjoyed their time- don't forget to follow the amazing educators you met tonight & expand your PLN. You all are amazing-don't ever forget that!
A4: As the principal I set the tone and pace. I like to build relationships with my community, staff and students. Oh and I make it fun. This year’s theme will be the #80s. Rock on! 🤘🏼😛🤘🏼#champforkids
A4: BE a beacon of hope by feeding their souls. We can't continue to feed them academics without nurturing and growing the #SEL piece, modeling for them and supporting those healthy relationships to give them success skills to soar. #champforkids
A3. Had a student who seemed off when he entered the room 1st thing in AM- I talked to him in hall & turns out his dad was running late and they had disagreement- I assured him that all adults get impatient -he emailed dad- & smiled when he read the email back❤️ #ChampForKids
A4. It starts with having a contagious positivity and outlook. Notice even the littlest things my Ts accomplish and they will do the same. #champforkids
A4 #champforkids Encourage self-expression and individuality- give them a safe space to share & yes vent if necessary- create a safe haven and they will come.
A4. It starts with having a contagious positivity and outlook. Notice even the littlest things my Ts accomplish and they will do the same. #champforkids
I HOPE that the #champforkids family will join @khoggardGRT & I when we moderate #waledchat this Thursday, July 12th at 9 p.m. EST "We're All In This Together"
A4: This year I am implementing more mindfulness activities. Lots of changes this year as a new principal is coming and new things for me to teach. My hope is to create a calm and pleasant classroom atmosphere for all of us. #champforkids
Thank you @khoggardGRT for another great chat! #champforkids is quickly becoming one of my favorites... you work so hard and you’ve found such a great group of people here!!!
A4:start off day 1 with relationships. Meet people where they are rather than where you want them to be. Ask more than you answer. Shoe more than you speak. Be clear. Be personable. Be kind. Oh, and for goodness sake, bring chocolate cake!!! #champforkids
Thank you @khoggardGRT for another great #champforkids chat.
I HOPE that everyone enjoyed their time- don't forget to follow the amazing educators you met tonight & expand your PLN. You all are amazing-don't ever forget that!
The funny thing is this child was challenging in her own way to myself and others. But I succeeded with changing one child for the better. #champforkids
Pause, breathe, be aware of why things are happening around you- do not take things personally and always remember why you became an educator- find the joy every day in what we are blessed to be able to do #champforkids
A3 cont.. When asked at the end of the year what was the best thing she learned? She stated, " I learned to trust myself and do what's right. Other people don't make me who I am." My heart melted. #champforkids
A4. BY staying upbeat, happy, showing the ❤️ for my family! Listening, failing enthusiastically with them! Laughing, dance parties, lots of hugs🤗 & fist bumps🤛🏻👊🏻 #ChampForKids
I am slowly, slowly, slowly learning to ignore the stink eyes of others who don’t support my ways of engaging & interacting w/Ss. Progress not perfection😊 we got this! We are #champforkids#Be_ThatTeacher
A4:start off day 1 with relationships. Meet people where they are rather than where you want them to be. Ask more than you answer. Shoe more than you speak. Be clear. Be personable. Be kind. Oh, and for goodness sake, bring chocolate cake!!! #champforkids
Sorry I missed it, busy day with the family. I’m just going to jump in late. A1: show them by being authentic, firm but fair, and by letting them know you believe in them and won’t give up on them. Lots of praise. #champforkids
That is sometimes a challenge, isn't it? I used to cry about it when colleagues were mean, but now I keep on doing what is right. I like to think they are jealous and just don't know how to express it. #champforkids