A1 Improvement measures are often different than accountability or theory of action measures. For more on practical measures check out this article: https://t.co/r7fQzdIpTT#NovaEdChat
A1: through surveys, observations, reflective conversations, feedback, review of student data if that is supposed to be impacted by the “improvement or initiative” #novaedchat
A1 I wish we asked students and staff for their feedback more regularly. Surveys to staff can be helpful. Why don’t we ask the same kind of feedback from our learners #NoVAedchat
A1 Typically lagging measures (outcomes after an improvement effort) like SOL results are used to measure academic success, however I wonder what leading measures (interative measures that inform progress toward goal attainment) are used in schools? #NovaEdChat.
A2: I guess my answer to Q1 might be the to Q2 - there needs to be more than looking at test scores or Ss data. Who has been trained on the initiative, are they implementing it at all... and if they are correctly? Need to have more measures. Surveys, discussions, #NoVAedChat
Student perception data of their experiences within classrooms where district initiatives are being implementing is very powerful data for informing improvement efforts. #NovaEdChat
I agree @abctec. We also need to look at and discuss the true impact on students. Include them in the surveys and discussions when appropriate. #NoVAedChat
I think that one of our challenges in education is that we are trying to improve lots of things at once. And we may not fully understand the problem or the measures that are needed or have time to implement these. And this impacts The improvement that we are seeking #novaedchat
Typically lagging measures (outcomes after an improvement effort) like SOL results are used to measure academic success, however I wonder what leading measures (interative measures that inform progress toward goal attainment) are used in schools? #NovaEdChat.
If you are a school based administrator in FCPS and interested in improvement science, there is a Compass Workshop series being offered for you in the Spring. Registration is in MyPLT. #NoVAedchat Please join us!
I totally agree. And the ones who were at the beginning of the implementation (say pilot schools) have a very deep clearer understanding of this... than “the rest” who have to implement without knowing the underlying reasons, theories, or understanding. #novaedchat
It’s almost like how some lessons get cobbled together. We forget that we need to start with the objective and strategy, then have a measuring tool in mind to evaluate the success of the strategy.
That is so true! We need to remember that change in our school cultures doesn’t happen over night. Just because it was successful one year does mean we are ready for something new the very next.
A3: Using the PDSA cycle has taught me to think smaller about education initiatives- try it, take what works and abandon the rest. It’s empowering to choose what should stay and what should go. #NoVAedChat
I don’t believe that any of this is malicious or intended, but I do think it’s a product of good intent. The intent of improving student learning and student success and student well-being is all very noble and needed #novaedchat
I think that one of our challenges in education is that we are trying to improve lots of things at once. And we may not fully understand the problem or the measures that are needed or have time to implement these. And this impacts The improvement that we are seeking #novaedchat
A3 Discplined inquiry for me means learning how to improve existing standard work processes, like the CLT meetings, lesson planning, professional learning by field testing a small but meaningful change. Key: start small #NoVAedchat
A3: I’ll also add that the PDSA cycle did not gel naturally with my learning style and that’s a good thing. It’s challenged me as a teacher and learner - reminding what it’s like to have to struggle to really get something. #NoVAedChat
A3: PDSA seems to stalk in the Act stage. In my experiences in a math classroom, the plan, do, and study all went fine. Act was usually pushed to the following school year, effectively making the stage obsolete. Different kids, different cycle. #NoVAedChat
I agree 100%! Narrow the focus to a few key initiatives, use research-backed, actionable next steps, study the trends in your data to adjust course as need be. Too many initiatives/implementations are abandoned long before they have the chance to become sticky!
A4 Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles marry with FCPS’s learning model of Plan-Teach-Assess-Reflect.Teachers do this as they refine their lessons. My 7th period students received a better lesson delivery than my 1st period students because I would refine my lesson. #NoVAedchat
A4: I think just having a practice of Plan Do Study Act can really help teachers and CTs stay focused on common goals. It can be easy to get lost with all there is to do. Committing to PDSA = Follow Through. #novaedchat
Good point. Built into PDSA is what we already know: that teachers are not perfect, that we are learners who are trying to improve and stretch like our students. #NoVAedchat
In reply to
@FCPS_Signorelli, @ClaireSilvaData, @TechyMargaret
A4: Using disciplined inquiry will help us get to the real needs of our students. The data will provide opportunities to discover commonalities in their learning. #NoVAedChat
That is so true! We need to remember that change in our school cultures doesn’t happen over night. Just because it was successful one year does mean we are ready for something new the very next.
A5 I believe that the best leaders are learners, and that improvement mindsets require leaders to be inquisitive, listeners, adaptive and systems thinkers. What other qualities do you see in improvement leaders? #NoVAedchat
A5: “How might this initiative support and improve what we are already doing?” That is one of the huge pieces @TechyMargaret has hit with our trainings towards FCPSOn. #NoVAedChat
A5: I think we need to know the “why” behind the initiative. To truely get there We need to be comfortable questioning things that we might not agree with and then open our minds to grow our thinking. #NoVAedchat
I TOTALLY agree. I think it depends on the learner too. I've had teachers say to me, "I can figure out the why . . . what should we try?" We need some magical way of having the why and the how all packaged together! #NoVAedchat
A6 FCPS has many excellent educators. When teachers share new pedagogical practices that they have tried, other teachers may consider how they may adopt, or adapt the practice for their own content.This accelerate learning. #NovaEdChat
A6: I’ve always found the most important piece is allowing oneself to be vulnerable. If you can’t get your ego in check to give others a chance to provide feedback, you can’t grow. #NoVAedChat