A weekly half hour chat focused on improving access to education for PK-12 students through the use of Accessible Educational Materials (AEM), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Assistive Technology (AT).
Hey all! Bev Sharritt, PATINS specialist, former teacher for the Blind/Low Vision and digital rights manager (DRM). Looking forward to the discussion #PatinsIcam
Hi. Kelil from Indiana, a @PATINSPROJECT Specialist in ASD, Aspergers, SLD, Chrome Accessibility, AEM, AT Integration and ur moderator 4 tonite #PatinsIcam
I no longer teach, but will start by saying that for preschoolers, they struggle with recognizing rhyme, following multi-step directions, tying shoes #patinsicam
A1: Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability, and can look like a lot of other language disorders (difficulty word finding, phonemic awareness deficits, listening comprehension issues) which is why careful intervention and identification is so important! #PatinsIcam
A1: Dyslexia can happen with Braille readers too. The part of the brain that processes the symbols into meaning doesn’t differentiate b/t a seen image or touched one #PatinsIcam
Research shows that 1 in 5 individuals have some degree of dyslexia. Think of at least 3 Ss you are fairly certain present 3-5 characteristics of dyslexia. #PatinsIcam
A2: Auditory reading...and not just providing the audio or TTS, but TEACHING Ss to read with their ears is very different than just listening. #PatinsIcam
A1: classic signs in preschool could include talking later than most children, difficulty pronouncing words, may be slow to add new vocab words, may be unable to recall the right word, may have difficulty with rhyming #PatinsIcam
A2: With my Elementary students we would walk and read. We would also use all kinds of other tactile methods of learning sounds and letters. #PatinsIcam
A3: It means that schools will need a trained reading specialist in dyslexia, screening Ss who show signs of dyslexia, and give Ss explicit direct instruction, developed reading plans must include indicators of dyslexia, yearly data reporting to IDOE, #PatinsIcam
Early identification is key! It takes 4 times as long to intervene in 4th grade as it does in late kindergarten because of brain development and increased content (NICHD) #patinsicam
A4: Has expertise in indentifiy dyslexia and direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, & cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of theS without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the S #PatinsIcam
A4: ...emphasis on comprehension and
composition, use of two
(2) or more sensory pathways during teacher presentations
and student practice #PatinsIcam
A5: Systematic, sequential, and cumulative and follows alogical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of a student without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the student, research based #PatinsIcam
A4: Has expertise in indentifiy dyslexia and direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, & cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of theS without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the S #PatinsIcam
A4: Has expertise in indentifiy dyslexia and direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, & cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of theS without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the S #PatinsIcam
A6: Information collected from assessments such as DIBELS may be used to see if ur Ss has signs of dyslexia and must be reported in K-2 reading plans #PatinsIcam
SB217 references Level 1 & a Level 2 screening. Also, schools will be provided with #dyslexia resources from the state for approved guidance #PatinsIcam
A7: A universal screener will b determined by IDOE When signs of dyslexia r present, tools to measure phon awareness, decoding, alphabet, encoding, rapid naming, sound syllable #PatinsIcam
A6 Early intervention saves $$. Fifth grade student at 90th percentiles reading ability may read in 2 days what a 5th grade child in the 10th percentile can read in an entire year. #PatinsIcam
A8...probably not entirely, although any teacher of Ss with reading learning disabilities should already have the needed skills to some extent. #PatinsIcam
Early intervention saves money... saves futures... saves lives... good research based teaching from the first time they walk into our schools is crucial! #PatinsIcam
A6 Early intervention saves $$. Fifth grade student at 90th percentiles reading ability may read in 2 days what a 5th grade child in the 10th percentile can read in an entire year. #PatinsIcam
A9: We can offer no cost trainings on dyslexia, work hands on with Ss and Ts in providing the appropriate accommodations with AT supports for Ss who show signs or identified with dyslexia #PatinsIcam