T1 #meded I think this sums it up "The adaptive learner shifts into reflective thinking when confronted with complex contextual and situational demands." https://t.co/qsToD5sSL7
Today is National Threatened Species Day.
A day to commemorate the death of the last known Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine in 1936, and raise awareness of the species currently on the brink of being wiped out today.
T1 #meded I think this sums it up "The adaptive learner shifts into reflective thinking when confronted with complex contextual and situational demands." https://t.co/qsToD5sSL7
#reflections Leason of the day: always go back to check on ur pts. Orders are put in + consults are ordered, and yet sometimes things don't get done! I learned to double and triple check things r getting done right for my pt! #medstudent#MedEd@reflectnrounds
Do you think physicians outside of academic medicine are also demonstrating these traits? Educators in general are a special population, so there may be some self-selection going on here. #MedEd
In case I’ve not said this recently:
If you find yourself on a committee discussing the needs of a particular group of people, but you look around the room & don’t see anyone from that group, you should be HIGHLY skeptical of any “conclusions” reached.
My brother needed surgery, and I asked him how he found his surgeon. He said: “I looked for a surgeon who knows when to stop; who realizes when it’s over his head.”
Yeah. Adaptive expertise.
T2 Whether it's a formal PDSA cycle or smaller iterative developments, seeking and integrating feedback for continuous improvement is what facilitates productive and effective change. #meded
T2 Whether it's a formal PDSA cycle or smaller iterative developments, seeking and integrating feedback for continuous improvement is what facilitates productive and effective change. #meded
At some point, we have to learn things for ourselves & stop being spoonfed. So PDSA associated with self-directed learning, for example, should facilitate that transition in #MedEd.
T2 #meded I agree. Action research fits into that mold quite nicely. Do you think over time experts just go there naturally...or continually be deliberate about reflecting and improving?
T2: pdsa cycle takes advantage of many tool that spark the learner; i.e. process mapping + keeps a cycle of innovation &re-evaluation going which pushes participants into adaptive mode @RadiologyACR has used this effectively in #Radiology PQ&I #meded
T2: pdsa cycle takes advantage of many tools which spark the learner to think beyond; i.e. process mapping. keeps a cycle of innovation &re-evaluation going which pushes participants into adaptive mode @RadiologyACR has used this effectively in #Radiology PQ&I #meded
Current #renal module questions be like: A 49 y/o woman presents with 7 watermelons, 2+ lower extremity edema, 2.3 chickens, and creatinine 3.1mg/dl. Calculate how many case study questions it takes to induce sleep before midnight, using the slope of the line. #MedEd
Setting expectations of critical thinking as opposed to rote memorization (classroom) or blind obedience to experts (clinical) is key. All innovators were once students. So give explicit permission & safe spaces to innovate in #MedEd.
T3 And here comes my weekly pitch for simulation! Structured debriefing promotes both learning and metacognition. Cases can also be run for cognitive coaching for remediation. #meded
T3 coaching encourages exploration as OK even if not efficient at first, it is okay to follow dead ends in search of new thoughts/creativity.. which can ultimately lead to efficiency in future prob solving by >>training in adaptive learning #MedEd
#ThisWomanRocks for #WomeninMedicine month. First, GVT @Duke_Anesthesia:
@catherinekuhn17: PD who pushed & believed in me, now a supportive colleague& #meded mentor
Kerri Wahl: I aim for her poise and determination
Nancy Knudsen: mentor & sponsor who I owe so much in my career
T3 #meded I'm a huge fan of coaching as it goes well beyond feeble attempts at feedback. @mark_colgate wrote one of the best books on this topic https://t.co/FGmcGVBPJo
@hur2buzy Hi Larry...loved the bit in your profile about modelling joy in curiosity. Was just talking about creativity and curiosity in #MedEd yesterday. What's your secret sauce? Could you list some ways you've been able to model your curiosity? Would love to know! Lisa
T3 coaching pulls in diverse thoughts 4rm groups of learners who are co-solving, i.e: Why did Dr.A try this approach with case X first? What did you learn from case A that made you realize case B was different? Open?s can get engines going in adaptive learning #MedEd
So proud to host a dinner for the amazing women of the @nyulangone orthopedic department! My 7-year-old daughter’s assessment: “mommy, those ladies are AWESOME!!!” Indeed, my love. #ILookLikeASurgeon#brilliantwomen#meded
T3 #meded Coaches can also aid in the self-assessment and reflective parts of adaptive learning, ensuring/modeling critical thinking during integration and use of feedback
That's a wrap...I will be posting the transcript tomorrow morning on https://t.co/mJivoKroXx on the Resources page. Thanks everyone for participating! #meded