#6thchat Archive

#6thchat is used to chat, collaborate, and grow with other sixth grade educators from around the globe. Each session we discuss a topic voted on by #6thchat participants. It's a great way to help grow your PLN and share ideas with others.

Tuesday January 30, 2018
9:00 PM EST

  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:00 PM EST
    Welcome to #6thchat! Please introduce yourself, where you teach, and what! I am Kristin and will be moderating tonight's chat! This is my favorite night of the work week!
  • participatechat Jan 30 @ 9:00 PM EST
    Participate in the upcoming #6thchat by sharing resources and collaborating at https://t.co/p3iLKYlq5e
  • MrsMurat Jan 30 @ 9:00 PM EST
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:01 PM EST
    #6thchat good evening y’all! My name is Selina & I teach ELAR in Rockdale TX
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:01 PM EST
    Renee, SE Iowa, teach RELA, tech, and for SS the Congressional Medal of Honor character development curriculum #6thchat
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:01 PM EST
    Stacey, 6th ELA in Cincinnati. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:02 PM EST
    Hello, I'm Sam and I teach 6th ELA in Waukegan, IL #6thchat
  • thedevineone Jan 30 @ 9:03 PM EST
    Bryan, 6th ELA from Cincinnati Oh. #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:04 PM EST
    Travis, 6th grade math teacher, from IN. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:04 PM EST
    Welcome Selina! Happy to have you with us tonight! #6thchat
    In reply to @missinnesela
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:04 PM EST
    Amy Soupiset 6th grade reading in San Antonio TX #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:04 PM EST
    Welcome Renee! Happy to have you here tonight! #6thchat
    In reply to @MsREThomas
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:05 PM EST
    Hi Stacey! Happy to have you here tonight! #6thchat
    In reply to @staceyreeder
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:05 PM EST
    Hi Sam! Welcome to #6thchat tonight!
    In reply to @SamReisman93
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:05 PM EST
    Huh, small world #6thchat
    In reply to @amysoupy
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:06 PM EST
    Question 1 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:06 PM EST
    Hi Bryan! Welcome to #6thchat!
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:06 PM EST
    Forgot to "reply"...Hi Bryan...welcome to #6thchat
    In reply to @thedevineone
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:07 PM EST
    A1) Honestly, this is a hard task for me. I define the essential learning targets for students using formative assessments and exit slips, but I tend to over-commit in the rest of my life, and that's where my process is less transparent. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:07 PM EST
    Hi Amy! Welcome to #6thchat!
    In reply to @amysoupy
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:07 PM EST
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:07 PM EST
    Hey #6thchat Michelle, 6th grade ELA and K-8 principal from Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • JR_evans Jan 30 @ 9:08 PM EST
    Jeremy from Ohio, 6th Grade ELA. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:08 PM EST
    A1: This is tough, I think the best way is to look at what Ss know or can do as shown on various assignments and assessments and taking that knowledge to determine what is essential still and what isn't #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:09 PM EST
    A1 Most essential for me is figuring out how I can help my students become real world critical thinkers, while giving them a chance to master standards set forth by the state. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:09 PM EST
    Welcome Michelle to #6thchat
    In reply to @PrincipalSmart
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:09 PM EST
    #6thchat, Jess Sauer, 6th grade Language (Reading and Writing), Iowa. So excited that there's a 6th chat!
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:09 PM EST
    A1: As far as the classroom, I try to keep reading as the most essential thing. I don’t like wasting time on things that don’t afford my Ss with more time to read. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:09 PM EST
    Welcome Jeremy to #6thchat!
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:10 PM EST
    Welcome Jess to #6thchat!
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:11 PM EST
    A1 Anything that will help them be good people and grow toward their goals. #6thchat
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:11 PM EST
    A1 Stop, look, & listen to what's going on around you. What do the people you're with show you they need. In the classroom it may be gathering information about learning progress, in other areas of life people show us what they need through what they say/don't say & do. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:11 PM EST
    And yes...join us every Tuesday at 9pm for #6thchat! Love having new folks join and some veterans returning! Full house tonight! How nice!
    In reply to @JessSauer13
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:12 PM EST
    Question 2 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:12 PM EST
    I agree with you...critical thinking is at the top of the list! #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake
  • JR_evans Jan 30 @ 9:12 PM EST
    A1 Reading is always essential in my class. We are reading everyday. Ss need to read everyday instead of "assigning" reading that might not get done. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:13 PM EST
    A2) To be truthful, I probably say "I have to..." more frequently, even if I "choose" to do most activities. I think these are interesting sentences to consider as we approach our commitments and determine our dedication to them. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:13 PM EST
    I agree that it is tough. So many threads, and being true to the essential ones is challenging! #6thchat
    In reply to @SamReisman93
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A2: I sadly use "I have to..." a lot more than I use the other. It comes down to a mindset though, saying I choose to not only gets ownership but sounds more interested in the action #6thchat
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A2: More than either of those, I find myself saying, "I want to..." and then I put it on my list and hopefully it eventually gets done! #6thchat
  • thedevineone Jan 30 @ 9:14 PM EST
    A2 I would love to live in the "I choose to" but it doesn't always work out that way. I try to create more of the "I choose" moments in my class instead of "I have to." #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:14 PM EST
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:14 PM EST
    #6thchat, opps!
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:15 PM EST
    A1 I feel I must get my students ready for our secondary building (7-12): more responsibility, organization, time-conscious, and so much more. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:15 PM EST
    I feel like I get in a similar sense, but it is hard sometimes when you are given curriculum that you can't stray from #6thchat
    In reply to @JessSauer13
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:15 PM EST
    Ah, that's such a good point about what people "don't" say or "don't do. Sometimes that is more important! #6thchat
    In reply to @staceyreeder
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:16 PM EST
    Please remember to follow one another, and offer ideas to each other, too. #6thchat
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:16 PM EST
    A2 Just like we try to teach our students, it's all about mindset! We can have unintended consequences if we aren't intentional about the words we choose -- words often frame our actions. #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:17 PM EST
    Running late...Ryan in MI, 6th Soc. Studies. A2: I say "Choose to..." more often. The ideas were ingrained in me through the Leader in Me, and the realization that I only do what I can control has made life less stressful. #6thchat
  • JR_evans Jan 30 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A2 I feel like I have to teach certain things, but I choose to make them more fun or more accessible. If I get into trouble, so be it. #6thchat
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A2: I admit, I say the, "I have to" more often, especially with things outside my control. #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:17 PM EST
    A2 I don't see either as fitting. The plan for a day is laid out through schedules, and I adapt to everything else as it happens. #6thchat
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:18 PM EST
    Question 3 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:18 PM EST
    Great last sentence: "I choose to not only gets ownership but sounds more interested in the action." #6thchat
    • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:14 PM EST
      A2: I sadly use "I have to..." a lot more than I use the other. It comes down to a mindset though, saying I choose to not only gets ownership but sounds more interested in the action #6thchat
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:18 PM EST
    A2 The is going to sound silly but I’m new to my building and just teaching 6th gr reading so I’m still in an “I get to” phase. A bit of a honeymoon phase right now. But there are always “have tos” that drive our teaching and schedule. #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:18 PM EST
    A2 I have both "I want / I have to's..." I find my wants are more geared towards the classroom & Have to's are assigned by other people #6thchat
  • AudrieGraham Jan 30 @ 9:18 PM EST
    sadly i use the saying "I have to..." more often than "I choose to...". Even for things that I choose to be involved in, at the time I seem to complain about these events being a waste of my time, and most of these things I enjoy being involved in! #6thchat #CI2300
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:18 PM EST
    Yes...same with me. Exactly #6thchat
    In reply to @thedevineone
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:19 PM EST
    A3) So,up until a couple of years ago, I was the queen of multi-tasking and struggled saying "no". In the past 2 years, I have refocused and begun to practice saying "no". I find that I am getting better at it, and not feeling as guilty for having priorities in my life. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:19 PM EST
  • JR_evans Jan 30 @ 9:19 PM EST
    I feel like when I close my door, that's when my I choose to starts. #6thchat
    In reply to @missinnesela
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:20 PM EST
    Love it! That's me, too! #6thchat
    In reply to @JR_evans
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:20 PM EST
    Hi Ryan! Glad to have you join #6thchat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A3: I go with the 1st one; I don't feel like I am being productive unless I am doing multiple things or I'll finish one and then sit there with nothing to do #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A3: I used to choose the "Get everything done, make everyone happy" course of action. I found it wore on me and made me less effective. I now choose the big rocks over the small pebbles so I could make a greater impact on what I'm doing. #6thchat
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:20 PM EST
    A3: I am definitelya multitasker but I have been more selective of what I say yes to. Multitasking isn’t stressful for me. It makes me happy to invest in several people and places. #6thchat
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:21 PM EST
    A3 I think our jobs are a constant balancing act. I am much better at knowing my limits than I used to be. #setting priorities #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:21 PM EST
    Well said #6thchat #intentionality
    • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:16 PM EST
      A2 Just like we try to teach our students, it's all about mindset! We can have unintended consequences if we aren't intentional about the words we choose -- words often frame our actions. #6thchat
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:22 PM EST
    A3 I want to be better at determining the essentials. Feel like I go in spurts. Sometimes I have it nailed, then others....well the multitasking is something to behold - teachers juggle, don't we! #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:22 PM EST
    A3 I put the most time/effort into anything that I believe in and that I am passionate about. If something is directed at me that I'm not feeling is best for kids, my effort will be lukewarm at best, and then I will quickly move on to something that is best for the kids. #6thchat
  • thedevineone Jan 30 @ 9:22 PM EST
    I feel the same way. As a result I too feel like I make a larger impact and feel more effective overall. #6thchat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • AssignmentHelpN Jan 30 @ 9:22 PM EST
    7 Effective Habits of Writing the Best College Application Essay https://t.co/EDtWOHuw0P #mwlibchat #123princhat #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:22 PM EST
    It's good to recognize it and give yourself an opportunity to reframe your thinking so that you can find the joy in it all! #6thchat
    In reply to @AudrieGraham
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:23 PM EST
    A3 While completing my Masters, I became good at saying no. Now I continue that practice, I've also drawn the line on working at home and spending too much time after contract. #6thchat
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:23 PM EST
    A3: I have often tried to do many things and usually when I feel like I am doing a great job with one thing, something else is slipping! This year I have been incredibly excited about my new teaching assignment, but slacking on leading Student Council... #6thchat
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:23 PM EST
    A3 cont. I feel I do what I must to be ready to instruct students, but other duties and work must wait, there are not enough paid hours in a day to get it all done. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:23 PM EST
    I'm very similar, I like getting involved but only in the things I honestly care about or feel are best for the kids #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:24 PM EST
    Question 4 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:24 PM EST
    Yes...this is my journey as well...a work in progress for me to reclaim my time, and refocus on those big rocks. #6thchat
    • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:20 PM EST
      A3: I used to choose the "Get everything done, make everyone happy" course of action. I found it wore on me and made me less effective. I now choose the big rocks over the small pebbles so I could make a greater impact on what I'm doing. #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:24 PM EST
    Best advice I ever got (during year 3): It's always okay to say NO when appropriate. Did wonders for my stress level. If you can't give the task your best, don't force yourself to do it. #6thchat
    In reply to @missinnesela
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:25 PM EST
    A4) It's a necessity that I often do not prioritize as such. I think I feel as if it is a luxury. Turning off the noise, tuning out the distractions, getting quiet with my thoughts...a goal but not always a reality with me. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:25 PM EST
    I think it is a progression and journey too. I feel like I am so different than my first couple of years. #6thchat
    In reply to @PrincipalSmart
  • thedevineone Jan 30 @ 9:25 PM EST
    A4 For me it is a necessity. I need the thinking time everyday. It helps me focus and be more effective with my class. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:25 PM EST
    A4: It is a required necessity. I don't know what I would do without my time to sit and plan and think through my day with my grade level partner #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:26 PM EST
    It's tough to break the cycle, but once you do, you feel that much more free to focus what you have the most influence on. #6thchat
    In reply to @mrskochheiser
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:26 PM EST
    I think some of it is unavoidable, and learning to hold and control the reins of the tasks we can control is better with practice. #6thchat
    In reply to @staceyreeder
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:26 PM EST
    A4; most of these things are a luxury. #6thchat
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:26 PM EST
    A4: Time to think is a necessity. If not then I won’t be putting my best self forward. I will get burnt out or simply dial it in I am fortunate that we get a planning period and a conference each day. I have time to think if I make good use of it. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:27 PM EST
    #6thchat Wow...such thoughtful and insightful responses tonight. I am reading, reading and inspired.
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:27 PM EST
    Reflection is a necessity! Thinking and reflecting is where my growth lies. #earlymornngs #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:28 PM EST
    #kidfocused #6thchat #passionmatters
    • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:22 PM EST
      A3 I put the most time/effort into anything that I believe in and that I am passionate about. If something is directed at me that I'm not feeling is best for kids, my effort will be lukewarm at best, and then I will quickly move on to something that is best for the kids. #6thchat
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A4: This is absolutely an essential for me. I often spend time mulling over what is going well, what I need to change, which specific students need something different. Then I'll sit down and do a burst of planning and it will seem easy. #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A4 Every morning I have this luxury time to think and reflect. It's called arrive at school 100 minutes prior to what is required. I feel it's mandatory for me to be at my best. However, I'm giving up time with my family to make it happen. #6thchat
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A4 This think time is essential! A quiet mind is the best for reflection. Then, I can focus on what I'm noticing kids need and how I can best help them along their learning path. Time let's me focus on the essentials! #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:28 PM EST
    A4 it is a necessity! my conf. is at the end of the day -- some days it has to be used to take a breathe and really re-focus myself! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:29 PM EST
    Good for you! Fantastic that you are staying true to you! #6thchat
    In reply to @MsREThomas
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:29 PM EST
    A4: It should be a necessity, but is often viewed as a luxury. I took my records day on Monday to think and make change to my classroom and how I wanted to structure my facilitating of lessons. Felt recharged when I got back to it today. #6thchat
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:30 PM EST
    Question 5 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:30 PM EST
    I am trying to break this habit. Last semester I would show up to school 2 hours before kids, and stay 2 hours after kids. I feel the exact same way! If I had more scheduled time during the day maybe it would be better. #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:30 PM EST
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:30 PM EST
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:31 PM EST
    A5) "No" is not something that comes naturally. I am a pleaser, and often put myself last. As I mentioned earlier, I have made this a goal, and it seems to be working. #growthmindset #Icansayno #makingchoices #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:31 PM EST
    My mind is shot at the end of the day, so I'm ready to go home and be a dad. #6thchat
    In reply to @amysoupy
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:31 PM EST
    A5: It is important because if you keep saying yes you will burn out and not want to help your Ss. I need to work on saying yes less and it is something I am trying to do more of #6thchat
  • AssignmentHelpN Jan 30 @ 9:31 PM EST
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:32 PM EST
    A5: Sometimes we feel we can give our all to many tasks and the all blow up before our eyes. If we can say "NO" to some, and focus on just the few, the work will be that much better. #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:32 PM EST
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:32 PM EST
    I agree with the beauty of mornings! Time to sip my coffee and consider my day. #6thchat
    In reply to @PrincipalSmart
  • missfgrade6 Jan 30 @ 9:32 PM EST
    #6thchat I think it is important to model balance in work and home life.
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    A5 I don't always have the option of saying no because things fall my way as a principal. I usually don't volunteer for things that I do not value unless I have to. #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    Family first! Sometimes this gets lost during the grind. #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake, @amysoupy
  • thedevineone Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    A5 I've learned to be more comfortable with saying no. It's an unhealthy feeling being stretched too thin. If I'm living in too many camps I'm not as effective. #6thchat
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    A5 as one of two 6th grade teachers in the district, I feel I have to take my share of the duties. So I try to get involved in ones that are important to me or that can contribute to. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    Yes, the morning is best for me as my family is not up. I miss less in the morning than if I were to stay late, and I am better at focusing first thing in the a.m. #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    A5: I am getting better and better at saying "no". Every year, I feel more sure about what is most important and more willing to say "no" to everything else. #6thchat
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:33 PM EST
    A4 This think time is essential! A quiet mind is the best for reflection. Then, I can focus on what I'm noticing kids need and how I can best help them along their learning path. Time lets me focus on the essentials! #6thchat
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:34 PM EST
    Teachers need to learn to say NO! We often say yes because we want to do what’s best for children but if we are spread to thin then we will no longer be healthy teachers which is not good for our Ss. #6thchat
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:34 PM EST
    I feel like it is when I do my best planning and preparing. #6thchat
    In reply to @JessSauer13
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:34 PM EST
    A5 Let me think about this and get back to you...is usually my first response to anything that I'm hesitant about. If it's a no, I will say I will probably pass for now. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:34 PM EST
    That's awesome! I bet! I love when I clean out and clear out. #6thchat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:35 PM EST
    #ThePurge2018 #6thchat
    In reply to @mrskochheiser
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:36 PM EST
    Question 6 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:36 PM EST
    Yes! I think that is absolutely on target. #6thchat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:36 PM EST
    A6 time management is a definite strength of mine and I can estimate time needed for tasks accurately most of the time. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:37 PM EST
    A6) I tend to underestimate and have too much planned so I have to pare back. Again, I never worry about having "dead" air as they say in the radio biz. But, working on the "less is more" so Ss and I have more time to go deeper into content. Choices help w/this. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:37 PM EST
    A6: I underestimate; Whenever I am planning I think everyone works at a similar speed to me and then am "surprised" when they don't even though I know that it is the case #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:38 PM EST
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:39 PM EST
    A6 I am not sure why but I usually underestimate. I don't sweat it and try to be flexible focusing on what my students and I see as important. #6thchat
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:39 PM EST
    A6: I am getting better and better at this although still sometimes off. BEST investment, cool timer clock thing. I allot myself time and use the timer. If I get done early, bonus free reading time. If not done, I balance shifting later tasks vs. returning next day. #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:39 PM EST
    A6 I'm always backwards... Things that I plan will take a few minutes will take a long time, and things that I think will take a long time will be finished in a few minutes. This is why I always have extension activities ready. #6thchat
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:39 PM EST
    A6: Being new to 6th gr and 45 min class periods, I am still honing my estimation skills for how long things will take. It’s such a hard balance bc I don’t have leveled classes so I have to take into account very high as very low Ss. I probably underestimate if anything. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:39 PM EST
    That's great! I often think Ss will get done faster than they do. I get better each year, especially w/repeat lessons. #6thchat
    In reply to @MsREThomas
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:40 PM EST
    I have the same problem. I give a short Google Form journal expecting like 5 minutes and goes about 15-20 sometimes #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:40 PM EST
    A6: Rarely do I overestimate. That's come with practice. As a class we look at my checklist on the whiteboard at the end of lesson and realize we hit very few of them, yet we worked during the entire block. Makes planning the next block that much easier. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:40 PM EST
    Hahaha...I love it. The timer is also my friend! #6thchat
    In reply to @JessSauer13
  • thedevineone Jan 30 @ 9:41 PM EST
    A6 Most of the time I underestimate the time needed. It does help to give the kids studio time so they can work at their own pace and have things to work on when finished with activity at hand. #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:41 PM EST
    I find my biggest issue is that we have 50 min periods buts once I have everyone where they need to be / announcements / and whatever else I only have 30 min left for instruction! #6thchat
    In reply to @amysoupy
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:42 PM EST
    Question 7 is on the sloide! #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:42 PM EST
    sometimes it takes my students yeeeeaaaaarrrsss just to get onto google classroom! Technology is my friend but also my enemy! #6thchat
    In reply to @SamReisman93, @MrTravisDrake
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:42 PM EST
    A6 I will add I always underestimate how long it takes students to cut out things #atimerrules #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:43 PM EST
    A7) I post a work order every day with assignments listed: green (current), Yellow for previously assigned work that should be in progress or turned in, and red for work that should be done/turned in. This helps Ss have control over their work w/o asking "now what?" #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:43 PM EST
    I got the Kagan timer/clock/random student generator/thermostat/rice cooker (okay, maybe not that last one) as a gift from a principal. I cannot live w/o it. #6thchat
    In reply to @JessSauer13
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:43 PM EST
    BTW, I borrowed your "studio time" idea and we've used it all year. Ss love it and enjoy getting to chose what to work on thru the time. Thank you! #6thchat
    In reply to @thedevineone
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:43 PM EST
  • staceyreeder Jan 30 @ 9:43 PM EST
    A6 I just roll with time. I find in the aggregate it all works out! I keep my eyes on what the kids need and teach to those needs as we work through the learning targets together. Less stress = more productive learning for all! #6thchat
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:43 PM EST
    I attempt to limit my instruction to 7 minutes or less. If the students are not doing, they are not learning (my opinion). I let them figure out a way before I give them the tools. #6thchat
    In reply to @missinnesela, @amysoupy
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:44 PM EST
    On the "slide" #typo #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:45 PM EST
    Yes! I admit I sometimes use the large cutter to get things cut just to save time in the classroom. #6thchat
    In reply to @MsREThomas
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:45 PM EST
    A7: One of the 1st things I do each day is go over the day's agenda so Ss know what is coming up and what we will be getting to. It is an essential skill for Ss to be successful since being able to manage their time is something they will need through life #6thchat
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:45 PM EST
    My classroom did a complete switch after christmas break- We now implement stations - my ss are still getting used to it but i feel that since its short and sweet w/ small group it helps. #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake, @amysoupy
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:46 PM EST
    A7: We made "prioritize" a key word throughout 6th grade this year. I often write a prioritized list on the board and then have a kid start with item 3. "Oh, I was supposed to do #1 first?" It's an uphill battle... #6thchat
  • Mr_Lisek Jan 30 @ 9:46 PM EST
    It's been fun #6thchat, but I'm still recovering from the flu bug, so it's off to bed I go. Be well crew. I look forward to next time.
  • amysoupy Jan 30 @ 9:47 PM EST
    A7: Since 6th gr is our first year of middle school, I feel like this is part of my job. To help them learn how to prioritize. I started the year teaching Ss how to make reading a priority in their life. And how to look at their weekly schedule and prioritize things. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:47 PM EST
    Yes, sometimes my feeling to "rush" to "move on" is self-imposed and unnecessary, especially if learning is occurring! #6thchat
    In reply to @staceyreeder
  • MsREThomas Jan 30 @ 9:47 PM EST
    A7 during studio time I prioritize tasks and give a time estimate for each task. Time management and task prioritization are such essential skills in life. #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:47 PM EST
    I find they tune me out if I go on much longer than that anyway! #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake, @missinnesela, @amysoupy
  • MrTravisDrake Jan 30 @ 9:47 PM EST
    Bedtime for me. It was good to be back in a #6thchat Thanks everyone and @mrskochheiser
  • 6thchat Jan 30 @ 9:48 PM EST
    Question 8 is on the slide! #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:49 PM EST
    A8)My commitment to preserving the "space" in my days and weeks is more confirmed as I think about the need to have "thinking" time. I don't need to fill every minute. #6thchat
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:49 PM EST
    A8: One thing that I am really leaving with is saying No more often and realizing I can't do everything #6thchat
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:49 PM EST
    Thanks @MrTravisDrake for being here and sharing great ideas/thoughts. Have a great week1 #6thchat
    In reply to @MrTravisDrake, @MrTravisDrake
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:50 PM EST
    Thanks for being here! Be well! #6thchat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • missinnesela Jan 30 @ 9:50 PM EST
    A8 I started reading #theonething by Gary K & Jay P. going back to A7 and the discussion over rocks and stones it really puts a different perspective on what we should let consume the majority of our time #6thchat
  • JessSauer13 Jan 30 @ 9:52 PM EST
    Darn, forgot the hashtag again! #6thchat, goodnight everyone!
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:52 PM EST
    If you can read the book I posted Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, you will find so many helpful tips on this. I am not done with the book but am amazed at how much I am taking away from it. #6thchat @GregoryMcKeown
    In reply to @SamReisman93, @GregoryMcKeown
  • SamReisman93 Jan 30 @ 9:53 PM EST
    I'll have to check it out and possibly add it to my list #6thchat
    In reply to @mrskochheiser, @GregoryMcKeown
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:53 PM EST
    Oh! That's next on my list! Great to hear a good review! #6thchat
    In reply to @missinnesela
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:53 PM EST
    Pesky hashtags! #6thchat
    In reply to @JessSauer13
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:54 PM EST
    Thanks to all of you tonight for being here, and sharing in ideas and inspiration. Really interesting chat for me tonight. #6thchat
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 30 @ 9:55 PM EST
    Good night everyone! Thanks @mrskochheiser for keeping us rolling! #6thchat
  • JuliePJones Jan 30 @ 9:56 PM EST
    Yes! #elemmathchat #6thchat #mathschat #conversechat
    • MISTER_B_Cohens Jan 30 @ 9:53 PM EST
      Q7: I love informal assessments. I gave my students different sizes of squares and asked them to prove the Pythagorean Theorem. It promoted creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. One they found the connection they were able to explain it. #TeachSC
  • mjjohnson1216 Jan 30 @ 9:58 PM EST
    #6thchat We would love to hear about the books you are reading during "Book Tasting" on Saturday, February 3rd at 9:00 AM EST during #BookCampPD chat. Please join us! @teresagross625
  • mrskochheiser - Moderator Jan 30 @ 9:58 PM EST
    Have a great week! #6thchat
    In reply to @PrincipalSmart