#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday July 13, 2016 10:30 PM EDT
Your school has an inviting feel!
A3B: Walk your talk. Leaders must be reflect whatever they suggest.
Never heard of that! Fun! I like the idea of identifying the obstacle. It's not negative, it's trouble-shooting.
A3 cont: I kept my "teaching space" inviting. Supplies, candy, hosted the water cooler, etc. inviting space lead to more inter.s
A4: Google Cal with lots of reminders, white board, organizing my emails to: archive, follow up and future reference.
A4: I couldn't survive without Evernote! I also use the app Simple Goals.
A4: I like to use Google Calendar to schedule and keep up with my daily plans, work, and schedule.
A3: Also told Ts this summer I would meet by request - no predetermined topics. They picked topic & place.
A4: Google Keep is a wonderful collaborative goal setting tool.
A3 Share past success stories, goals others have tackled, set out your stall - be clear about your role.
I hope so! I was lucky I had a full-sized classroom that I could use as a T resource room. Have to share next year!
Yes, I would have to agree. Clearly understanding purpose probably bats leadoff but accountability hits cleanup.
A4 I still use paper & pencil. It's important to be able to change things and it's also much more visible. https://t.co/78cxeXDOVP
Q4: What tools do you for keeping track of your to-do list, personal goals, daily work, planning, etc.?
Q5: What advice would you give a new coach as they start their first year?
online reminders I seem to just sweep without reading the reminder ๐ Which ones work best for you?
A4: Google Docs, Google Calendar, a sticky note list on desk/computer
+1 paper I tried to go paperless, didn't work for my style, lost focus and missed priorities
A5: Put in the time to build relationships or you'll make your job much harder
tell me more about simple goals! (Jumping in late but I'm here!)
I use Todoist and Alarmed for iOS; also Google Calendar reminders
I use google calendar and spreadsheets, but I still love the pen and paper of my weekly planner!
That'll be great on a desk! It'll refocus me on the to-do list and motivate forward thinking in those tough moments
A1&A2is to get good at this Twitter and learn from all of you during these chats and share if I have something good!
A5: Build relationships w/ teachers. Without trust and respect, coaches may have lots of knowledge, but Ts wonโt buy in.
A5: I could actually use seeing these answers as this IS my first year!
my largest body of work resides there. Hoping to move elsewhere but my Twitter chat addiction has slowed process.
A4 Planner, Google Calendar, binder, reminders on a whiteboard. The ? is how to keep up with it all!
A3 New coaches need to build rapport & trust - in them as coach AND in the coaching process
A4: Erin Condren planner... I HAVE to see it in front of me and color coded:)
A5 Be humble. Listen before you speak. Understand why Ts make their decisions before critiquing
A4: desktop post-it's, to do lists as a scheduled event in my calendar & cute printable ones butterfly clipped to things
A5 Before you can make an impact, you need to have made a relationship. https://t.co/IOmQLrAfsG
Q5: What advice would you give a new coach as they start their first year?
LOVE this question - looking forward to any/all advice!
That's what strong leaders do. I don't even need to ask if you are ready. Watching you grow is AWESOME!
Exactly, it is planning ahead & being prepared for the challenges that may occur. App Link: https://t.co/kDsWvsCcmA
A4: I keep a doc on desktop & take 10 mins @ end of day to record what I did. I color code 2 delineate 1:1, school, district work
Some of us are only coaching students, not teachers - anyone else here like that?
This is essential! Remember why we do what we do...that should make us smile without thinking! https://t.co/tmHhLQ5tKP
A3: Be available/authentic/positive. Have game face on moment you enter building every day. We have the best job ever, show it.
Calendar is where everything goes, Whiteboard is where most important reminders go. I lose binders & planners.
A5: Make relationship building a main priority. Without trusting relationships, you won't be able to make meaningful impact.
A3 Before anything else - be curious, ask questions AND LISTEN - then look for 'coachable moments' & invite partnership
A5: build relationships and make connections. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
The first weeks are slow for coaches. I had a sign-up for Ts to have me come in and read to their class. Great feedback.
A5: Offer simple help in the beginning- BBs up, cutting out stuff, things you can do and be present with them to get to know Ts
No I haven't, but I will add it to my book list.. which continues growing by the day:)
Q4. Google Calendar. I USE it for everything! I am also enjoying Google Classroom as a means to flip PD &faculty mtgs
awesome! Will have to check it out, thanks!
Love the "Big 3" Love my job. Everyday I get to work with great teachers while growing & learning with them.
great! I'll check out the app you've mentioned :) Thx ๐๐ป
A4: It is no longer a mistake when you learn from it. Take risks but be sure to take time to reflect!
they're just all zero right now bc it's summer!
A4 I have a whiteboard across the room for must remember kinda stuff. Post-its in front of keyboard.
Available and Authentic. Two deal breakers when working with Ts. https://t.co/FXOV4H1vBg
A3: Be available/authentic/positive. Have game face on moment you enter building every day. We have the best job ever, show it.
Q4: Whatever involves making kids better/safer comes first. Goal = avoid touching things twice. I keep a calendar. No to-do-list.
A5. Relationships! Letting folks know you are not the "expert" but will do everything you can to find resources, etc.
Yes. The getting to know you and what you're about phase takes time. Need to build trust & overcome suspicion
A5 Never make snap judgements. Get to know your staff, understand their philosophies, and learn together
I need to invest in chocolates and mints this year.
A5: Listen to *really* hear, not just listening in order to figure out how you will answer.
Watch the sales after holidays!
So important to use Classroom or LMS to model for Ts. Sends strong message.
Q6: How do you support new teachers in your school/district?
A5 cont: Learn your leader's hopes for your work. Define roles & reflect & redefine as the year goes on and you get into the work
A5 like Aaron Burr says in Hamilton the musical, "Talk less, smile more."
A5: The best ability for a coach is AVAIL-ability. Be ready to rock. Walk your talk. Be enthusiastic.
A5 Coach Bob Knight used to always say people all can hear, but are they really listening? Make sure you're listening.
sorry I'm not tweeting q's....can't get the doc to open on my iPad for some reason
I always gather up my kids leftovers ๐ณ
A3: Communicate and connect on a more personal level, offer strategies and advice when applicable.
A5: It is no longer a mistake when you learn from it. Take risks but be sure to take time to reflect!
We are required to keep coaching logs and I use it as a kind of pulse check as to where I am spending my time.
A6: Graduated release - I do, we do, you do. . lots of demos, lots of self reflecting, LOTS of laughs when my demo goes awry!
A6 Unfortunately, usu w extra meetings and classes. Would prefer to see more embedded classroom supports for new Ts
A5: Now, I want to be a full-time coach. Sounds like an amazing opportunity. Put me in, Coach!
That was tough for me, because I wanted to identify and empathize with Ts. Have to listen and stay positive.
No problem. Dog is coaching me to take him out. :) I'll be right back.
It's fun but can be very tiring sometimes
Yes!!! I use it to collect lesson plans. It has made my life so much easier!!
A6: The golden Q Just discussing how much more we need to give new Ts. Need to co-teach & get them out to observe more as well.
I love this! Thanks for the idea.
A6 We provide a mentor, but we need to do so much more. Must bring them into our family. https://t.co/fw6lLHLwh7
Q6: How do you support new teachers in your school/district?
I think I've written a blog post on that before!
A6: Share past successes and experiences in the classroom!
As a Dean of Behavioral Mgt for HS students, I'm familiar with the feeling.
A6: Getting them plugged into a phenomenal mentor and active in PLCs. Listening and growing them to solve problems!
A6: I serve as a mentor each year, walkthroughs, take needs from classrooms for materials, new teacher meetings, cycles.
A6: I've created "how to's" in the past for critical systems: email, RTI/MTSS portals, grade book etc. & Make time to be with them
tell more about how you do that.
What is your coaching log? Sounds like a gd way to keep track of your time...
Q7: With so much going on at the start of the year (i.e.room prep, in-service...) how do you keep a focus on St learning goals?
Are you doing it in a spreadsheet? GForm? Would be great way to check through filters & graphs
A6: Giving them a voice and platform to share (school hashtag is useful). Many times they have the innovative ideas to share!
A6 cont: I always carved out chunks of time throughout the critical points of the year to support them through the "firsts"
Do you think it would be applicable for math coaches as well?
How often are we encouraged to share those failures/mistakes. Share reflection of how we overcame too.
A6. Love the "how to's" list!
It's important to provide opportunities for them to share with their teams, value and protect common planning time.
Such great suggestions! There is so much potential in strong PLCs as a means of support to new teachers! https://t.co/yldlVcxrTR
A6: Getting them plugged into a phenomenal mentor and active in PLCs. Listening and growing them to solve problems!
A6: Remove burdensome feeling for new T's. Align them with mentors that don't drink from poisoned well.
A6 System provides support program 4 BTs. School provides mentors for each BT years 1-3. Better support is needed.
table that collects weekly info in categories: wrking with Ts, coaching cyles, PD, personal PD, & other.
A6: remember what it's like to be new. Use big four to identify appropriate area(s) &order of goals(s).
A7: It's mostly a time for getting to know kids & families. I spent a lot of time in Kdg. and at the drop off areas in the am/pm
For some reason people think men have issues with this. Too often we focus on fixing b4 or w/o listening.
Those are MUST-HAVES. Can't cook the recipe for success without those ingredients.
A7: prioritizing and inservice scheduling is key. Take out PD fluff and concentrate on the needs of the campus and Ss
I think so- it's about building relationships. Check out Student Centered Coaching by Sweeney.
A7: We are asking the ? how can the 1st week of school look more like the end of school. Rigor and relevant in everything we do.
A7 Write the goals down so that they are there as pt of ref - BUT teachers might need to knock off a few 'Nike' goals first
I'm sorry. Did you say something?
very true. asking Qs is critical for learning & building relationships
Q8: What questions would you like to ask the group to assist in your planning? How can we help?
Yes! We've all been there at some point. Thinking about what would've helped us move forward as a NT. https://t.co/VoHEiLFmab
A6: remember what it's like to be new. Use big four to identify appropriate area(s) &order of goals(s).
indeed! It's so nice to have professionals on the same page!
A8: Is anyone else here an independent coach? Not connected to a school?
A7 Focus on building relationships and then focus on student learning goals. https://t.co/ucygJmZ9rh
Q7: With so much going on at the start of the year (i.e.room prep, in-service...) how do you keep a focus on St learning goals?
A8: I'd like any tips from coaches who have started the year in cycles. Helping Ts get up and running Coaching in the first 9 wks
A7 May need to coach teacher on organisation/work-flow goals so they can get to student learning goals - start where they're at
A8: I would love to find a new team building activity.
A8 How do you balance last year's student learning data with this year's teacher readiness? How do you prioritize your time?
A8: how do you help those unwilling or un-motivated?
I do work as an independent coach for coaches.
A7: Prioritize. Also about employing all hands on deck. Invite spouse or friend to decorate, lug books.. Collaborate w/colleagues.
Me too! https://t.co/GuYRKl17SJ
A8: I'd like any tips from coaches who have started the year in cycles. Helping Ts get up and running Coaching in the first 9 wks
appreciate the distinction. this takes time. ok to give oneself space to grow
A7. In-service scheduling is crucial. Giving teachers time to plan adequately is vital. And they would kill me if I didn't..LOL!
One way is my Hot Button method: have them identify some good reason to do their work that is important to them.
Love that analogy! Great recipes make for a staff that is full and continually want more! https://t.co/5yBGtiN95P
Those are MUST-HAVES. Can't cook the recipe for success without those ingredients.
If you have a link to the form, you can enter observations & have real data to filter & search.
same here. i also appreciate the physical motion of writing & crossing items off
the questions for # 8 would also make great chat topics.
Oops! I forgot about tonight. I'll see y'all next week!
the act of remembering, celebrating successes can go such a long way in trust & motivation building!
I have four already scheduled! Meeting with 1 tomorrow.
A8: We know from the previous year what needs improvement. Needs of the Ss are essential. Concentrate on those while supporting Ts
A8: Find the root cause of the "UN." If they are boulders then focus on the pebbles and the stones. They are more mobile.
help the motivated and willing, let their peers advertise for you. After a good experience they'll talk about it ๐
Would love to read it. Sport coach analogy not always helpful depending on context & experience of it.
I've gotta log off for tonight- work tomorrow! Thanks for a great chat! Will check in next time! :)
cute! Pinterest-worthy :)
Sometimes it helps to look at whether it is a "will" or "skill" situation.
I have this one ordered... looking forward to rdg it!
There's the Jay I know and love...
I ask them to focus on lessons they don't like to teach, but must teach. We make changes to that unit first.
A7: First days should be focused on building relationships, how your Ss learn best and their goals- have them blog to reflect
Might also help 2 explain that when 1st learning something new, normal to feel like you're dumb - it's ok! https://t.co/RWIaS5Fsa0
Sometimes it helps to look at whether it is a "will" or "skill" situation.
I pretty much missed it too! Look forward to joining the convo next time!
Absolutely! Goes for the coach too :)
Q9: What is something you will take away from tonightโs chat and try in your own situation?
I forgot tonight after a crazy day of moving all of my stuff into my new school!!
It's essential to know the needs of your Ts based on campus needs assessment to personalize it! https://t.co/qgOaxmSBZ8
Ts don't have patience for fluff. But what is one man's fluff may be one man's fun. How to know the difference?
Right on the money. How do we get Ss where we want them to go? What do we need to change to make it happen?
A9: "Will or Skill" is a good consideration. Also "Not what's wrong but what's next?" Good ideas and will use them
A9 Before you can coach (teach, learn with, guide) someone, you need to developa a relationship. https://t.co/O970w0sZwT
Q9: What is something you will take away from tonightโs chat and try in your own situation?
They probably don't like it due to misunderstanding...collaboration in this area is essential! https://t.co/vyD0hxTjGE
I ask them to focus on lessons they don't like to teach, but must teach. We make changes to that unit first.
A9 Put my goals in writing, where I can see them everyday
A9: some ideas for keeping my goals more present and less side barred
Start small, show results of early adopters and continue to show support!
A9: Be patient. Build relationships. I knew this, but needed the reminder
Just a reminder that our next summer book study will be on The Art of Coaching Teams by
Q9: continuing to be involved in Twitter chats as these to support and help each other!
Also: focus on the trend. Rising trends = good.
Reminder: Our Summer books study on The Art of Coaching Teams will start on July 27.
A9: I remember how important coaches are to our growth. Thankful for great leaders & models and
A9 Get my goals set. Lock in my coaching priorities before agreeing to other jobs.
A9: The soda bar, Tex Mex Tuesdays, etc from Can't wait to share this idea with my co-instructional coach!!
Hate I missed this tonight! Look forward to reading the convo. Excited about book study!
Another great chat! Thanks for the ongoing inspiration and keep up the great work. Ts and Ss are lucky to have you!
Thanks for a great chat. Usually too tired after so I'm glad I could be here while we take a short break.
Thanks to for solo moderating tonight (and many other nights!)
Thanks for always giving us food for thought
Enjoyed lurking in the instructional coaching shadows tonight. Conversation was quite beneficial to follow.
A9: Sample priority matrix (in Q2) would be good for T"s who struggle with time mgt. Big thanks to
Glad I caught the chat tonight. Thank you, !
Night y'all, thanks for another fun โ๐ป๏ธ
Thank you ! As always, super helpful! Glad it's summer, so I'm able to participate!
Thanks for the opportunity to learn with you guys. Enjoyed my first experience!
Thanks for making my first chat a great one... appreciate all the great ideas!
Had a great time following the chat - great ideas when & what time is the book study?
Thank you all so much!! My first time here and I learned tons :)
๐๐๐โ: Before anything else - be curious, ask questions & LISTEN - then look for 'coachable moments' & invite partnership โ