#symchat Archive
#symchat conversations focus on classroom integration of SymbalooEDU, the educational version of Symbaloo developed for students, educators and schools.
Wednesday May 4, 2016 6:00 PM EDT
Desiree Alexander Shreveport, LA
Adam here from AR Circuits in Louisville, KY
Keith George, Alabama Dept of Education
Big Tech Coach...I missed you! Barbara!!! Good to see you again! YAY!
OK...it is 5:05...let's get started with our first question...
A1: Ability to show that they are right there working beside you.
Q1: Humility and listening...caring about the job
A1 one strong enough to admit when wrong, strong enough to support change & growth for ALL, strong 2 b a follower 2
Let's dig a little deeper...Q2 is on the way...
A1: A true leader, listens and guides, not demands. Leaders encourages success in others.
It speaks for itself. . .
I love the wants to be respected vs. wants to be liked. ah-ha good!
Digging a little deeper...Q3 coming...
A3: Biggest hurdle may be evaluation. Until admins recognize evaluation as opportunity to grow teachers it will be hard.
A1: A leader wants to earn respect, while a boss demands it.
A3: I think a leader does not have to officially be in administrator! Leadership is something different from admin.....
BONUS QUESTION: Can you have leaders who are not administrators?
A3. Leadership wks and seeks 4 team holistic growth. Admin, seeks to impose policies without considering team affect
Umm, yes, look around this chat! https://t.co/8xTk8yTHAh
BONUS QUESTION: Can you have leaders who are not administrators?
A3: I love that my admin asks questions, "What do u think," "What should that look like." Leaders growing leaders!
Yes, they're called TEACHERS, EDUCATORS 😊
Bonus Question: YES, I work with many leaders that are not admin. But they grow me and encourage success!
Q4...let's think outside of the box...it is coming at you...
A3 continued: Let's recognize that that great Teacher leaders are often stymied by ineffective admins (the official leaders)
I agree...and hopefully the cycle does not continue when those teacher leaders possibly become admin https://t.co/U0q8WeD4GE
A3 continued: Let's recognize that that great Teacher leaders are often stymied by ineffective admins (the official leaders)
Ah, wait for it, I have started telling my Ss, there is NO box, =)
A4: Students are the grass roots leadership in schools, they should ALWAYS have a seat at the table!
I wholeheartedly agree...it just doesn't always happen. They should have leadership roles in schools.
A4: Students are the grass roots leadership in schools, they should ALWAYS have a seat at the table!
A4: I love Ss leadership and watching Ss guide others and encourage others, this has be fostered & encouraged in class
I sooo agree...it just breaks my heart that it is not done more.
A4: I love Ss leadership and watching Ss guide others and encourage others, this has be fostered & encouraged in class
A4: I allow my Ss to ask questions, and to challenge, in a healthy and positive way! How will they learn to use their voice.
I love S-led conferences!
Q5: I can say...in my new district, they seem to encourage leadership and get trained as a leader...
A5: Not fair for me to answer (I'm State DoE, you know, the EVIL Empire!)
We fully encourage and embrace National Junior Honors Society as an outlet as well as Big brother/sister throughout
HAHAHAHA!!! Well do you see many district teachers and admin coming to the state side... https://t.co/UVSq5ovURI
A5: Not fair for me to answer (I'm State DoE, you know, the EVIL Empire!)
A5: Some Teacher Leaders do join us at State Level but I'll admit, I prefer they stay in the districts where they can have effect
A5. As quickly as they are embraced to. Innovation and wholehearted educating and learning w/ a difference, qualifies
6...6...where are you...
I'm Comin'....
"The smartest person in the room, is the room!"
Q6--After taking a district level position, I see how many decisions are made at the state and district level that affect campuses..
A6: SMH, the ones that need it have little, the ones that don't have unlimited!
A6: I guess it depends on the campus.
Truer words... https://t.co/KKu254gbZw
A6: SMH, the ones that need it have little, the ones that don't have unlimited!
A6 Not enough. Because "admins" may not relinquish total control and trust
Rolling, rolling, rolling...rolling to question seven (it matches to the beat of rolling down the river...try it...)
A6.1 that's why state assessment is still around. Sad to say.
A7: How can I best serve the students in my school/district?
Q7: Why do we test the way we do, the times we do, with the content we do...
Q7: How is my community involved with my school/district and how can I get them to be more positively involved
A7 Do you trust me to make a POSITIVE difference? Will you support my endeavors to doing so?
A7: What do u think? What do u need from me? How would u do it? What is ur opinion?
....Because seven ate/eight nine...hahaha...get it...get it...
Q8 is coming up...
I love the answers...trust...what can I do for you...what do you think...
A8: Well, ask for it, that would be good. Oh, and maybe listen? ;-)
Q8: Feedback should be used to at least consider in decision making...
A8 as stepping stones to adjustments, removing kinks, see what wks and what doesn't.
...you should have a lot to say about number 9..it's coming up soon
I think I'm being set up. . . . https://t.co/PVP2wDG2CD
...you should have a lot to say about number 9..it's coming up soon
., you throwing me in with the central office? Ok, I see how you are
YEP..Central office and others...hahhaha https://t.co/qhrM5lV6pz
., you throwing me in with the central office? Ok, I see how you are
A9: There can be, our recently retired State Supt had a policy- He would visit a different school every week. Did it for 5 years
That is awesome!!!! Do you mind me asking what state?
A9: There can be, our recently retired State Supt had a policy- He would visit a different school every week. Did it for 5 years
A9 Possibly. Some keep in touch with learners and what's happening in classroom, others are out of touch with it all.
Now it's time...to say goodbye...
Last question is coming up...
A10: a practical voice advocating for effective technology integration across the curriculum.
A10 that despite tech advances/changes, we need to be human to others, & planet. Embrace change, multilaterally
Well...that time has come friends...THANK YOU ALLLLLLLL for another awesome chat!
Thanks everyone for joining tonight! Special thanks to for hosting! See you all next week at 3 PM PST.