A1 Voice Commands would be excellent for students who learn differently or students with physical challenges. They would enable equal access #arvrinedu
Voice Commands in #AR and #VR helpful not only for things like search or changing scenes but also to control or direct scenes and objects :) #ARVRinEDU
Hello #ARVRinEDU Katrika from Moatboat. We've found language to be an easy and natural way to express ideas. We're used to explaining our ideas out loud to each other. What if we could do that same thing with technology?
A2 I think that you can reach a bigger audience with voice commands, my 6 year old and 3 year old are able to learn about new things with Siri and Google just by talking, whereas they can't type... #ARVRinEDU
A2 Commands are colliding with them both as there is more demand and need for accessibility. Content creation and user control are also in demand. #ARVRinEDU
Q3 Check out this app called @moatboat where students can easily build #AR & #VR worlds for FREE! How could this tool be used in your classroom? #ARVRinEDU
A3: With an app like @moatboat students can not only create and use critical thinking skills but also have inherent ownership of the content and they can interact with it too :) #supercool#ARVRinEDU
I've never heard of @moatboat, but the "inherent ownership" sounds good to me, I hate when you use something and the kids can't keep their work past the membership or "seat" fulfillment #ARVRinEDU
A3 #arvrinedu Students could build historical scenes or recreate geographical features. Anything when students can create is great and there should be more of it
Join #ARVRinEDU next week and don’t forget to share your thoughts with @moatboat about your wishlist of future features! As always, you can find more resources at https://t.co/NydObkAvYJ
Yes, and they can build a story together, animate a historical scene and more. The best part is the creativity that allows the students to make the characters adjust based on their command. So stinkin awesome!! @moatboat#ARVRinEDU
You have them record the @panoform using screen recorder? Genius! I typically put them all together in a @HoloBuilder project and share the link #ARVRinEDU
In reply to
@gderry, @Panoform, @Panoform, @HoloBuilder
Intersting, I'm no developer by any means, but I like to learn and I like to make stuff. I'll have to look into this further. Thanks for sharing! #ARVRinEDU
In reply to
@gabrieljbaker, @murphree_kim, @moatboat
Thanks @JaimeDonally and all the #ARVRinEDU community for trying out Moatboat! How can we make Moatboat an even easier and more powerful tool for creative thinking in the classroom? Please send us your thoughts and ideas!