#KchatAP (Kindergarten Chat Asia Pacific) is a monthly chat originally started for Early Childhood Educators in the Asia Pacific Region. Topics of discussion focus around best practices and support systems in early learning environments. Whether a classroom teacher, specialist, coach, or administrator, we hope you'll come discuss how we can enhance early education for your youngest learners!
So there are only a few of us here right now, but we could also begin doing a little bit of responding to each other's gifs while we wait! #KchatAP. The first questions will be in about 2 minutes.
A1. Empower our youngest learners with the tools and skills they need to be smart from the start! Helping us be proactive instead of reactive. #kchatap
A1: Ss are going to be online participating and engaging with others by 13 (sometimes younger) we have very little time to teach as much as we can! Guided practice is key #KchatAP
Because young kids in early childhood are part of the internet community and they need to know how it works as well as the consequences their actions bring #KchatAP
A2: My Ss are great at telling me if they accidentally tagged someone else by accident on @Seesaw. They also work daily on kind, specific, and respectful commenting. This includes appropriate emoji usage hehe #KchatAP
A2: Being a safe digital citizen might look and sound like what sharing of personal information is appropriate and what is not - passwords, address, full name. #KchatAP
A2: when they are working on a post on their @Seesaw blogs, they think about their audience and how they would want to present themselves to parents, peers, teachers, and a global community. #KchatAP
A2: My #Kindergarten Ss have been taking ownership of the work they create & post on @SeeSaw. They focus on the actions & impact of the posts they create, their feedback to other students, & their role in the creation of their digital footprint #kchatap
Yes! Understanding the diff between private and public information! Ss also know that their job is to come to a teacher if they see something they don't understand like a pop-up. #KchatAP
A2: Being a safe digital citizen might look and sound like what sharing of personal information is appropriate and what is not - passwords, address, full name. #KchatAP
A2: Everything sinks in better when taught in context. Ex: we used @Flipgrid to collate video reflections for our visiting author. Used that oppo to teach about using non-identifiers. #KchatAP
That's great! We do as well. I've been fortunate to have a lot of parents take part in providing constructive feedback to my Ss @Seesaw posts. It's really helped strengthen that home/school connection. #KchatAP
A2: Not just the kids learning! Lightbulbs went off in teacher when I taught G1 Ss about finding and citing images online. Teachers' eyes widening and a few blushes as they pondered their personal practice! #KchatAP
Seesaw provide some fabulous feedback sentence starters that we use both in class and with parents in workshops that @samgriffin_edu and I ran. #KchatAP
In reply to
@NicholasKGarvin, @PanaAsavavatana, @Seesaw, @samgriffin_edu
Absolutely! Especially when it comes to images and videos, Ss need to begin to think about analyzing what is real, altered, fake, or at least learn to question it based on background knowledge #KchataP
We also use @Flipgrid as part of Writer's Workshop to publish book reviews. Great discussion points about use of stickers, filters, emojis etc. It's all about authentic context. #KchatAP
In reply to
@NicholasKGarvin, @Flipgrid, @Flipgrid
That's a huge issue with so much of what's going on in the world today. It's important that we educate our Ss to begin looking early with a critical eye. #KchatAP
That's a huge issue with so much of what's going on in the world today. It's important that we educate our Ss early on so that they can begin looking with a critical eye. #KchatAP
A4: Parents are my peeps. Give me all the parent workshops :P
@klbeasley just released a phenomenal Media Mentor Month calendar of #digcit experiences for families. We are modifying it (translation, QR codes instead o links). #KchatAP
A4: Beginning with building that home-school connection, encouraging parents to model positive participation and engagement w/ their kids. Also, I sometimes get Ss to create posts that directly ask parents questions to engage them. #KchatAP
This year we also experimented with splitting up Parent Coffees into smaller divisions K-2 and 3-5 because what we need to cover is quite different developmentally! #KchatAP Next year will be even smaller chunks for deeper learning. #KchatAP
A4: It’s tough. A lot of parents use tech as a pacifier for their kids. We’ve started with guidelines on what’s ok to share on social media this year #KchatAP
I feel ya! I got that Q too during my coffee because I was encouraging co-viewing instead of letting kids watch any content without engagement from an adult. "Can I just ask questions after because I need to distract my kid to get something done?" *sigh* #KchatAP
Very true! I think the divisions because some parents need very practical examples that they can just copy when they get home, and how you talk to a 5 year old isn't always how you talk to a 10 year old :P #KchatAP