CJ Cain, Assistant Principal from Littleton, Colorado.
This morning I brought my guitar and sang some songs on our morning announcements for #RockYourSchool#EdCoChat
A1. A focus on kids and creating experiences that develop essential skiils - I try to get into as many classrooms as possible and be visible at school events. #EdCoChat
A1: Our culture at Bromwell is one of FUN! Kids are covered in school gear voluntarily, we have YouTube live announcements, and that leads to increased engagement! #edcochat
A2: We have regular coaching (3 touchpoints per week for some teachers - not only based on staff ability but also needs of kids), and have Ss use leadership notebooks too! #edcochat
A3 I used to think it was the amount of conversations- but now I realize it’s the quality of that conversations where that person feels heard, valued and a part of the school. #EdCoChat