Hmmm... that’s funny because I had to keep reminding you to stay focused and look at the camera. But you wanted to talk the next #METC19 breakout session! #MOedchat
Q1: Stephanie from St Louis! It was great connecting with other educators and sharing EVERFI with so many new users! There were so many other people I didn’t get to meet though- could’ve used a few more days of #METC19 ☺️#moedchat
Thanks! I wish they still had session evals bc I couldn’t read the room’s takeaway — hoping the recommendations lived up to the “buzzword” title #moedchat
A1: Most of my time was spent starting my #ISTEcert - biggest takeaway is that there are amazing educators all around us and we are our biggest fans and supporters! #moedchat
Hi! Michelle from STL, teacher, and edtech specialist turned grad student. Almost recovered from #METC19 😂 Oh, and I snagged one of these from @awall777! #moedchat
Hi! Michelle from STL, teacher, and edtech specialist turned grad student. Almost recovered from #METC19 😂 Oh, and I snagged one of these from @awall777! #moedchat
A1 My biggest #METC19 takeaway is how fortunate we are to have a strong community with so many talented and dedicated educators who are passionate about learning & sharing! Maybe we should change #iamMETC to #weareMETC 🥳👍#EdTech#MOedchat
A1 - How easy it can be connect to people, whether a stranger at the conference, our kids in the classroom, classrooms around the world, or others in our buildings, through positive interactions. #moedchat
Today, two of my STEAM Club students jumped in to research AR bc they knew absolutely nothing about it & they added AR Makr to an iPad. We’ll start creating with it next week. They want to make WWII tours since they’re studying that right now in 5th grade. #moedchat
I used to get annoyed with my Ss that had assistive touch, but thanks to @AppleEDU professionals, I know how to use it correctly and I love it!! #metc19#growthmindset#MOedchat
I love the assistive touch features after sitting through the Apple session yesterday! And the split screen! And the AR tools! (And that’s saying a lot since I’m such a Google Gal) #moedchat
A2) I don't go for the apps, I go for the people. I got to meet and get to know several people this year and that is better than anything imo. #moedchat
Hi! Michelle from STL, teacher, and edtech specialist turned grad student. Almost recovered from #METC19 😂 Oh, and I snagged one of these from @awall777! #moedchat
A2 #moedchat Too many... Fun with Google Apps Scripts, Sheets Queries, @ZapparApp , GIF fun from @Abby_Erwin, podcasting tools. Now I need time to play! #METC19
A2 #moedchat Too many... Fun with Google Apps Scripts, Sheets Queries, @ZapparApp , GIF fun from @Abby_Erwin, podcasting tools. Now I need time to play! #METC19
A3 Educator are starting to embrace the power of creating versus just consuming, I haven't seen such a focus on this in any previous conference #metc19#moedchat
A3 Educator are starting to embrace the power of creating versus just consuming, I haven't seen such a focus on this in any previous conference #metc19#moedchat
A3) It is about tech but watching and working with the #metcpac seeing how well we flow together and care about each other. Amazing educators, awesome people #metc19#MOedchat
A3. The “Moments of Awe” Video @Joe_Sanfelippo session was pretty refreshing/ah-ha for me! Has that been around awhile & I’m just late to the party?! #moedchat
I used to get annoyed with my Ss that had assistive touch, but thanks to @AppleEDU professionals, I know how to use it correctly and I love it!! #metc19#growthmindset#MOedchat
A3 That everyone can create anything WITH anything. Connected with my current grad class - Econ of Sustainability. The #EmergingEngineers from @capejefftigers were inspiring and I want to share their story w/ my class #moedchat
Yeah... I think my answer to A4 is basically... see any tweet where I mentioned @Joe_Sanfelippo because that's how I "take notes" during presentations like his. #moedchat#METC19
In reply to
@awall777, @JoeSanfelippo, @Joe_Sanfelippo
#YOUareMETC Andy! I can remember very vividly your ISTE MIH Award and coordinating with your wife & colleagues how to keep it a secret. 💚🤓
A3b Seriously, my AH HA moments were truly the students and their teachers. EVERY year I am so excited to see the collaboration, passion and excitement in both students and educators as they learn together. #MOedchat#METC19
A5 There were too many to share, however I think the best was the last... @Joe_Sanfelippo helped hit it home in the Closing Keynote to help us remember we are not JUST educators and we are not alone! #iamMETC#MOedchat#METC19
#moedchat Hi from Jeannie. "I'm studying Social Media in #EDET543 w/ @dianadell. We're learning about Twitter chat. This is my 1st time participating w/this chat.” I hope I am not too late to join.
A5. AR Makr, Moments of Awe, Boulevard AR, Belouga, Voyager on Tour Builder, Deck Toys, Merge Cube, zSpace,, iPad tips, FontAwesome, YouCanDoTheCube, Chromecast VR tours, Crazy Creek chairs for mobile outdoor classroom, & Calm app free for Ts #moedchat
#moedchat Hi from Jeannie. "I'm studying Social Media in #EDET543 w/ @dianadell. We're learning about Twitter chat. This is my 1st time participating w/this chat.” I hope I am not too late to join.
The Real A5 (mis-numbered last one for A4)
I'm kinda partial to all things abt #DigitalCitizenship. So I challenge you to "Search the Twitter" for a double hashtag curated list of #METC19#digcit
You'll get some great results, connect w/ those passionate educators too! #MOedchat
Wish I could have made it to that session, too! Don't tell @di_chamberlain it was good. Someone persuaded her to head home before that session. #moedchat#metc19
A1- I’m not sure I could narrow it down to one. So much learning from promoting our school, bringing back tech to grow and challenge our ss, and finally opening our classrooms up beside the traditional 4-wall room. Powerful presentations were lead by powerful T #moedchat