A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
A2: by trying to create a growth mindset among faculty who will encourage the same in their Ss. We need to model the behaviors and actions we expect from our Ss #mschat
A1: in my 6 weeks as a middle school admin I believe the best Answer for this question is for Ss a sense of belonging and connectedness. For Ts a sense of family, common belief in support. #mschat
A2: There's a focus on building relationships through our House program, small groups, and a focus on a high standard that still meets kids where they're at. #mschat
A2: (and I’m late to #mschat!) We have advisory competitions that really help every kid feel like they belong somewhere & give them something to have fun with at school.
A2: We work to make sure our kids are daily choosing to be the best versions of themselves. That means making hard choices and understanding being better than the day before =growth #mschat
A2b: And admin in disciplinary roles really go out of their way to celebrate and connect with kids. It’s easier to receive consequences from someone you truly believe cares about you as a human being. #mschat
A2: Providingtime for Ts to build relationships at the beginning and throughout the school year. It isn’t just something done at the beginning of the year. #mschat
A2 I had the pleasure of visiting our MS yesterday and found an exceptionally inclusive environment due to the hard work of teachers facilitating learning that attended to EACH learner #mschat
A3: Club/team decorations on lockers, student work displayed, encouraging posters/bulletin boards/door decorations, school colors throughout, clean and modern facilities, including a new commons area. #mschat
A3 I think the Main Office is the best indication of school culture. If you walk in and are greeted warmly, it sets the tone. Our entire mo staff is AMAZING. They treat the kids and staff so kindly. #mschat
A3: You can see a school's culture by seeing how student's treat each other, speak to each other, and speak to their teachers. There's an instant positive energy you can feel the second you walk in the building. #mschat
A3: is there joy? Are teachers greeting, welcoming, smiling at students as they arrive? How many “good morning” are exchanged? Are students noticed by name? #MSCHAT
Q4: How does culture impact learn/achievement? #mschat
Should we really waste time worrying about how they feel we we have so many standards to teach/learn?
A4 As MS Ts I think it is almost more important they we teach them to be good people, smart citizens and to be kind. Content comes easier when Ss needs are met first. Maslow before Bloom! #mschat
A4 if your building doesn't have a positive culture learning is going to suffer there has to be trust and partnership in education. This clearly plays a role in the attitude and effort on assessments. #mschat
Q4: How does culture impact learn/achievement? #mschat
Should we really waste time worrying about how they feel we we have so many standards to teach/learn?
A4: Absolutely we should waste the time on worrying how Ss feel. If students don't feel welcome, happy, accepted by their peers and teachers, then they won't care to learn any of things we want to teach them. Students are more successful because of a positive culture. #mschat
A3: Everything in the school contributes to the culture! The details matter! What's on the walls, cleanliness, people in the hallway, main office feel, etc. #mschat
A4: MS is the time when students are learning/questioning who they are and their place in the world. It’s also when they need a lot of support. A child can’t learn if they aren’t in a trusting, supportive environment. #mschat
A4: Culture matters, If students don't feel welcome, they won't come, If they aren't challenged they won't work hard... If you build a culture achievement will follow! #mschat
A4: can’t touch the Bloom’s stuff until the Maslow’s stuff is attended to; plus, you have to catch the trust of middle schoolers and you do that in relationship. Adolescents don’t give a rip how much of a content expert you are. #MSCHAT
A4: if a kid does not feel comfortable in the building, achievement will suffer. A positive and accepting school culture creates an atmosphere that allows students to succeed. This is another Maslow over Bloom situation. #mschat
A4: Culture drives Ss achievement. Without a positive culture, Ss will be disengaged and are less likely to be attentive to their learning needs. #mschat
A5 when Ts have a bad attitude it affects the whole bldg very quickly. We are working right now to build morale back up in the building, because it does affect the Ss. #mschat
A5: Lack of collaboration, whether intentional or unintentional, kills a culture. When people are not on the same page or willing to help each other out, the infrastructure crumbles. This is no good for Ts or Ss. #mschat
A5: If teachers and admin are not bought into a positive culture then the students will not either. It takes some time to start to build that up again, and create those relationships. #mschat
A5: When we forget that learning is fun, focus solely on test scores, and see Ss as data on a scorecard rather than unique individuals with varying strengths and weaknesses, we’ve lost our way as educators (and maybe a bit of our humanity, too.) #mschat
Hey #mschat Thanks for the great chat. Glad to be back.
In case you haven’t hear, the first #formativesummit is happening in October. Registration is open. I am presenting with 8 other amazing educators. Join us!
Hey everyone 🌎🌍🌏! We've got a surprise for you...
This fall we're hosting our first ever #FormativeSummit - a FREE, virtual conference where you can learn great teaching ideas from thought leaders in education!
Register NOW & secure your spot: https://t.co/jAzkwWLyv4
A6: Scrambled eggs. If you don't take care while preparing them, you can ruin the end product. When you nurture and take the time to prepare well, the outcome is glorious! #mschat
Just discovered the weekly MS chat! I will be here next week! I came late to the party tonight but the timing for me could not have been better.
Catch you next week!
Thanks for the tag @LisaMeade23
Perfectly timed for me tonight!
Q4: How does culture impact learn/achievement? #mschat
Should we really waste time worrying about how they feel we we have so many standards to teach/learn?