#OHEdChat was started by an ad hoc group of Ohio educators and other interested people. For information and updates about the chat, visit https://ohedchat.wordpress.com/
Our moderators for tonight's #ohedchat will be Char Shryock, Dir. of Curr. and Jessica Hakkio, gr 4 teacher from Bay Village City Schools . Please follow at @edtechgirl and @hakkioj
Hello #ohedchat!
2015/2016 was my first year. Can’t believe I’m already in my 4th year! I’m excited to hear ideas on encouraging and helping new teachers. I have a field placement in my class this year for the first time which makes me extra excited!
Welcome Jeff - #ScienceTeachers representing tonight! Managing labs was something I really needed some veteran teacher input on when I started out. #OHedchat
Aw, Melissa, I missed your intro to Lake--I was home on maternity leave when you started at Lake! What a resource and support you are to your colleagues, including new teachers! #ohedchat
A1: I love using the Question Focus Technique as a way to get Ss to ask better Qs...and drive their own learning. Easy to use...works with all grades and subjects. https://t.co/V3oiD6KIPD#OHedchat
A1: borrow the text of the grade above and below you so you can understand what Ss have learned and what Ss will learn. Also adds to Ts remediation/enrichment repertoire. #OHedchat
A1: As a new teacher, I was always looking for ways to check student understanding. I really like things like, "Tell me three ideas that are going to stick with you from our class today." Lots of insight. Not always academic. #ohedchat
A1: Go in reverse! Ss learned to fill in a wordsplash this week. Struggling Ss add when examples already given. Next week, T gives the examples and Ss use the text to find the missing vocab word. #OHedchat
A1: T is watching!! Provide real time feedback while Ss write in google docs by having them share work with you at the start. Open a tab for each S’s work and add comments as they write. Cuts T’s face to face editing time drastically and helps Ss along the way. #OHedchat
A1: Asking the students what they understand and what they don't. Taking two minutes out of a class period to simply let the students tell you where they are in relation to the learning goals can be critical & give you a ton of information #ohedchat
So true...spending time on clear expectations, clear directions, pre-planning feedback or questions to asks makes for a successful learning oportunity for Ss. #OHedchat
A1) Tech: Collaborative Blank Google Slides. One slide show per class, everyone get edit priv. Non-tech: sort and re-sort. Sort key terms by obvious category then re-sort using different criteria
This is such a great observation. I spent so much of my first year trying to keep pace with the curriculum guide that I missed many--MANY key opportunities. I learned! #ohedchat
A1: Errorless learning! Sloooowwwww down. It helps increase student independence and build more effective rhythms. Plus, it’ll give students more opportunities and freedom to own their learning and success! #ohedchat
Great practical advice Alyse -Blank Google Slides are great for all kinds of collaboration - or creating graphic organizers or notecatchers...think of them like virtual whiteboards that can be shared! #Ohedchat
A2: Don't be afraid to ask specific Qs to colleagues - you can start building a network of informal mentors by figuring out who is a go-to resource for you on management, content, social emotional learning etc. #OHedchat
My other fave is teaching kindergarten kids that when someone shares their learning/project/work then we end with questions and compliments. My favorite part of the day was hearing a 5 year old say something you ‘I love how hard you worked on that!’ #ohedchat 😍
A2: Diff districts = diff expectations for gr appropriate work. Spread the wealth & ask diff Ts to share anchor papers for diff assignments across the curriculum to ensure your expectations are consistent. Ask for anchor papers in grades above and below, too. #OHedchat
A2: Oh, I love this question! I looked for people who had lots of knowledge and readily talked with me, both professionally and personally. One of them is my best friend and my son's "aunt" today, over 20 years later. #ohedchat
A2: The secret is getting out of your classroom and having conversations with your colleagues. The impromptu teacher meetings in the hallways between classes or the quick conversations at the copies can lead to great professional partnerships #ohedchat
A2) Find the person the kids love for the right reasons. A good teacher with great relationships. And ask questions. If they have great relationships with the kids, they are probably willing to take on the new teacher too.
A2: I did this with my formal mentor in an era before teachers had easy access to technology: I kept a spiral notebook and wrote letters/notes/questions to my mentor, and she wrote back. This could be done informally, and through email, Google doc, etc. today. #ohedchat
A2: Ask questions! Collaborating with staff beyond just your grade-level team, specific field, etc. is great for finding mentors. There are people in your building who want to help you thrive! #ohedchat
A2 (part 2): One of my biggest "a-ha" moments as a new teacher was just how much I could learn by listening. Sometimes it was what to do, and sometimes it was what NOT to do. But listening was huge. #ohedchat
I use them when a team attends a conference... I give everyone a slide and ask them to make it a "Pintrest" type board of highlights, key ideas, pics from sessions. #OHedchat
#ohedchat Hi all! Late tonight, but this is great, we have a new to us T and excited to find ways to help pay it forward ( this is my 6th year as a T) btw, Simon a Sci T from NE OH.
A3: Sign up for/drop in on committee mtgs & attend your local association meetings. Lots of great ideas being shared by professionals in grade levels surrounding yours to sharpen your saw. #OHedchat
A2: Ask questions! Collaborating with staff beyond just your grade-level team, specific field, etc. is great for finding mentors. There are people in your building who want to help you thrive! #ohedchat
A3: Okay, I should've saved my A2 part 2 for this one. I think listening, not just to those who think like me but especially those who DIDN'T think like me, was so powerful. Helped me learn who to turn to with which questions. #ohedchat
#ohedchat A1: student choice in projects is something I am really big on right now. Not so much with topic but with form of media with which they disseminate the info. - I have had some serious art/sci mixing from freshman.
A3: Collaboration often starts with a specific problem or challenge that a team can form around. Student work examples are a good starting point, so is planning an integrated unit or common assessment. #OHedchat
A3: Observe other teachers and find those with a style you really like. Then try to learn everything you can from them. Avoid the negative people - the ones who always have something bad to say. #ohedchat
A3) My 3D printing teacher asked the math teacher to collaborate on the student projects this year that involve math and he was thrilled. Cross-curricular projects are easy ways to show students how real projects aren't by subject!
A3: Another idea: Ask those questions, especially in team/department/PLC meetings. If we don't ask questions, we can stifle our own learning and growth. #ohedchat
#ohedchat A2: conversations with other Ts. I have had several informal mentors and continue to find/cultivate mentors. My official mentor was my Dn of Acad, but the whole Sci dept took me under their wing and politely asked me to be dept chair after only together for 1.5 yrs
Hey Char -- long time, my friend. There are always Ts open to collaborating, they may just not be next door to you -- which is ok. Sometimes we need to model for others first #ohedchat
A3: Listen to try and understand the ‘why’ of why teachers do what they do! It’s great to come in with new ideas but be sure to listen to why things are done the way they are. Then you can make a better decision on deciding what you do. #ohedchat
#ohedchat A3: Keep asking Qs of other Ts. Find that fit and keep asking. We're all busy, don't give up. Put students first and seek those opps with folks are willing.
As a new T, if you have an idea...put it out there and let other Ts see ways they can integrate content with you - don't feel you have to do that all on your own #OHedchat
A3) My 3D printing teacher asked the math teacher to collaborate on the student projects this year that involve math and he was thrilled. Cross-curricular projects are easy ways to show students how real projects aren't by subject!
A3: start by doing your best to form strong bonds with your colleagues. Ask them to share their knowledge and be willing to help them where you can. Even veterans can learn new tricks.
A3: Find teaching teams in your school doing great work and ask to sit in on one of their planning meetings. Then bring them into your planning/grade-level team. And again, ask lots of questions! #ohedchat
This might be a time where a veteran teacher could ask a new teacher to come in, observe, and share ideas for ways to integrate new technology, new strategies. Builds bridges. #ohedchat
So true. Sometimes we do things "because we've always done them that way," and maybe it's time to change. Other times, there's a a specific reason not readily evident behind it. #ohedchat
I have never understood educators that complain about learning something new. Isn't that like... Our wheelhouse? 2 or 25 years, there is something out there new or different. #ohedchat
Wow...that chat went fast tonight ! Thank you all for joining in the conversation. Follow @hakkioj and other #PLN members tonight. Join us next Weds at 9:00 #OHedchat
A3: I would also hope its the other way around...where veteran Tts are welcoming, & build a sense of “community” by helping new Tts. “Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know...until you find out you didn’t know it!” #ohedchat
A3: Observe other teachers and find those with a style you really like. Then try to learn everything you can from them. Avoid the negative people - the ones who always have something bad to say. #ohedchat