#iaedchat Archive
Run by Iowa educators, #IAedchat is on Twitter the first, second, and third Sundays each month at 8:00pm CST. We have added #IAedchat LIVE to the fourth Sunday of the month at 8:00pm CST. This will take place in Google Hangout on Air. We will share the invitation and link to #IAedchat LIVE each month.
Sunday April 3, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Good evening & welcome everyone! My tweets for the next hour are dedicated to
Good evening & welcome everyone! I’m excited about the next hour of learning on !
“Student Discipline PK-12"
Our topic tonight is “Student Discipline in the PK-12 Setting”
in one hour! 7pm! We're talking "Creating a Culture of Learning"
Colin Wikan...Dean of Students and Bett HS. Jacked for tonights discussion on student discipline!
Your co-moderators for tonight’s are and
Your co-moderators for tonight’s are and
Take a moment to introduce yourself, your role in schools, and where you are tweeting from tonight.
Happy Sunday and day! Ally Bruhn - Pocahontas, IA. Excited to hear about what works for teachers in regards to student discipline
Brendan IRT (Instructional Resource/Curriculum) at in Metro Raleigh, NC.
Good evening, Ally. Thank you for being here. See you on Wed!
Anna - Teacher - Excited to learn about student discipline with tonight!
Hello everyone, Steve a Middle School Assistant Principal from Missouri
Thank you for being here, Anna!
Excited to learn more about student discipline!
Dave - HS SS in Ankeny. Taking a break from essay reading to learn from
Good evening, Brendan. Welcome to
Eric, K-2 principal in Marion. Glad to be joining-in for
Erik Buchholz WHS Principal in Washington, IA made it back in time for IA edchat!
I’m Andrea - Teacher Leader and Instructional Coach at Benton CSD. It’s a pleasure to learn with you tonight on .
Good to see you again, Eric!
Good evening! Bridget, 4th grade teacher, Cedar Rapids. Glad to join everyone tonight!
Thank you for being with us, Jake!
Hello all! Molly from Emmetsburg, IA. I teach 2nd grade.
Hello! Jen Van Wyk, second grade teacher in Orange City, IA
Middle School Principal at BMS in Missouri
Chris, 7-12 Principal. Tweeting from Cresco, IA.
Blake, in Orange City, IA. Middle school social studies. happy to be here tonight.
Good evening, Chris. Welcome back!
Kate Stanton Mt Vernon pk-4 principal
Hey ! Dave, teacher educator in NW IA. It’s been a while!
Tim Hadley; 6-12 Principal; Pekin Community Schools
Thank you for joining us, Blake! Welcome!
Jessica Bieber, Emmetsburg, Kindergarten. Excited to join in tonight!
Lori Grimoskas, Facilitator at Lakeview Elementary in Solon
Megan Jack - Instructional Coach at West Delaware Community Schools.
Great to be here, my friend!
We are going to get rolling with Q1 in just a minute. Great group on
Nick Duffy, PK-8 Chief Administrator in Cedar Rapids. Looking forward to tonight’s chat!
Good evening, . I'm Dan Butler, elementary principal of and in Western Dubuque.
Thank you for being with us, Nick.
Q1: What systems are set up in your district for discipline or behavior supports?
Hello everyone! Kara Paulson - Johnston Schools (Johnston, IA) 2nd grade
Hi everyone! William, DMPS 2nd grade teacher
Welcome back, Kara. We always enjoy your company!
Lots of 2nd grade teachers representing tonight! Welcome!
Glad to be here! Great folks to learn with!
A1: We are in prep phase for PBIS in our ms, but the elementary schools are in Tier 2
A1: PBIS - all about positive reinforcement! I also use which I love for the parent involvement!
Welcome to , William. We are glad to have you.
Jared Carder, PreK-5 Physical Education Teacher at Clear Creek Amana Schools
A1: We are just starting with PBIS in our elementary.
Daniel Fountenberry, frmr middle school teacher, founder of , passionate about student engagement
A1: behavior matrix to teach appropriate behavior. preventive measures ... like PBIS
Welcome, Jared. Thank you for being with us.
is the district-wide initiative.
A1: Try to be proactive by teaching, modeling, supporting Jag Culture, our version of PBIS.
PBIS in CR schools for several years. Many teachers use Class Dojo and other classroom initiatives.
A1: Student handbooks are a good start, but should only be a guide...every situation is different.
A1: Common area expectations within our PBIS framework have kept all on the same page within our schools and district.
A1: our school/district uses PBIS as the framework for behavior/discipline/expectations/etc.
Super excited to the start process of PBIS in our elementary!
Hello from Wyoming. MS principal. Also watching opening day baseball.
I hope the biggest answer is love and respect in regard to q1
Sounds like a lot of folks using . Can you give us a definition, for those who are not familiar?
A1: PBIS K-8. Success team in the 7-12. Intentional relationship building at all levels.
A1 Dist. has Alter. School for Sec. repeat offenders. Nothing like it for Elem. Code of Conduct K-12, progressive disc./conseqs.
A1: PBIS in yr 4 of implementation. Student Citizenship Rubric gives feedback on behavior in order to separate behavior from grade
Joel Pedersen - Supt from SE Iowa . Lets Rock tonight!
A1: We’re a PBIS district focusing on respectful, responsible, safe, and caring schools tracking majors and minors for S patterns.
I feel the same way, Kara! :) https://t.co/K2bcAEu9A7
I wouldn't miss it! I love the positivity in this community 😊
We are in year 3 of PBIS and strengthening our tier 2&3 supports. Also have behavior support team bi weekly meetings.
A1 Starts with a kids first attitude followed by common expectations for students and staff. https://t.co/BONZaUZrbP
Q1: What systems are set up in your district for discipline or behavior supports?
Like a lot of districts, Pekin is a K-12 PBIS district. I love the language/conversation w/Ss it provides.
A1.2: Outside of the framework provided, we must connect with our students, respect them, love them, and model the way. Teach.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports - lots of modeling and practicing reinforcement of positive behaviors.
BOOM!! https://t.co/A8BR3IkE6s
A1.2: Outside of the framework provided, we must connect with our students, respect them, love them, and model the way. Teach.
Would love 2 have a step by step for HS. We have basic ref. 2 office & a Ss asst. team. for ongoing issues and AEA help w/sped Ss.
Jumping in late tonight! Elem Principal form Emmetsburg
A1: A combination of PBIS, restorative justice, and traditional consequences when the first two aren't effective.
A1. Elementary lens - vast majority K-5 schools utilize PBIS or similar structure district wide w/ each school 'branding' own way
A1: We teach lots of expectations and practice , practice, practice what the right thing looks like! Also use a rubric
Gabby Bauer, Music Education Student at Saint Ambrose University. Very excited to learn and participate in this week's chat.
Q1: cooperative learning team w/ grade level reps, specials, associates, counselor, principal; focus on building-wide expectations
Heather Lightfoot, 7-12 Principal, English Valleys CSD, North English, Iowa- joining late
We are a district and see such a great return from all the and redirection/ for Ss
EHawks are reppin' tonight!
Good to see you, Heather.
A1. We haft three initiatives that schools are using: Character Education, PBIS, & Leader in Me
Heather . Partner with IA schools. Hello.
YES! Model maintaining a caring and respectful relationship w/ ALL Ss
Should probably be the answer regardless of what the question is. Well done, Pernille
I love the emphasis on positivity in . Do you ever feel that it’s misguided though to only focus on positive?
A1: Freshman at SAU, in high school the disciplinary action was to teach appropriate behavior with preventative measures
A1b: Must of our effort are tier 1, universal/preventative in nature.
Jumping in late on . Beautiful Iowa evening!
I do think we need to continue to hold students accountable to high expectations still. Consistency imp. https://t.co/LbRgUg4qJN
I love the emphasis on positivity in . Do you ever feel that it’s misguided though to only focus on positive?
Hello . Michael, AP at Ed White Elementary in the North Scott District.
A1 We use PBIS and my favorite the Orange Frog and Happiness Advantage from @ help with culture. Culture key for behav
It has to be paired with interventions when PBIS doesn't work. Losing privileges might have to happen.
3 schools use PBIS and 2 use Tribes. I'm at one that uses Tribes
I know how you roll, my brother!
All too often. https://t.co/snv74Hlj6Z
I love the emphasis on positivity in . Do you ever feel that it’s misguided though to only focus on positive?
Sounds a lot like our system of support team. Very effective approach. https://t.co/zISW75r7cq
Q1: cooperative learning team w/ grade level reps, specials, associates, counselor, principal; focus on building-wide expectations
A1: In my high school we used PBIS for behavior and discipline supports
I agree. I was just curious. So many folks only mentioning …just want to be sure we are keeping it real. ;-)
A1: Focus on relationships and the incorporation of student focus groups. Student feedback = increased ownership of expectations
A2: No doubt about it! The more positive relationship that we have, the more positive behaviors we see! https://t.co/TBORuUogpv
A1. Right now, only our Elementary Schools are implement
Always curious to hear how this functions in a secondary setting? https://t.co/7iIdBzLNWa
A1: In my high school we used PBIS for behavior and discipline supports
A2: The absence of relationships cripples any efforts to establish PBIS.
A2: Everything we do rises/falls on our ability to build relationships. Ss need to know we care before we can change behavior.
A1: capturing Kids Hearts I believe from flipping group out of Texas
A2 Rules with relationship = success -- Rules without relationship = rebellion
Joining late, AP Kensler Elementary, Wichita, Ks
A2: Discipline without relationship is only punishment. True discipline is about changing hearts.
A2: Couldn't agree more-discpline has 2 b about relationship building not entirely about consequences-reflection has 2 take place.
could you tell us more about this l?
A2: Without a relationship, nothing matters. When kids trust and respect us and we do the same, good things generally happen.
A2: Students will respond to your discipline much better if there is a relationships there. Relationship MUST come first
In the high school I observe at, they use PBIS
A2: Students respond better to discipline when they know you care.
Very important. Time well spent! https://t.co/bJOsrHXRv1
A1: Focus on relationships and the incorporation of student focus groups. Student feedback = increased ownership of expectations
How did the HS students respond to the incentives or tickets?
Very much my thoughts as well!
A2:Relationships are key for Ss and Ts, Ss want to know that you care, if they know you care they will go beyond expectations
A2: Relationships build trust and ensure Ss that Ts care for them. MUST have this to have a positive behavior management system.
Well said, Blake. No doubt about it. https://t.co/DbH3XyiBWY
A2: Students respond better to discipline when they know you care.
A2: If you aren't having that personal relationship with your students than the discipline won't stick.
Beautiful statement A2: Building r/ships is a key component to let Ss know we care. Ss need to know we care!
Very much my thoughts as well! https://t.co/0relZxAVmX
I believe the love & genuine care/support T's provide are totally driving Ss rather than the positive trinkets/tangibles
Has to be trust for discipline to work, w/o trust - wont work.
A2: No, I think you ALWAYS focus on the positives, but clearly there still needs to be consequences for bad behavioral choices.
A2 Must build relationships first in order for successful behavior management. It's a 2 way street. https://t.co/LtH0zFmZU5
What about student engagement? In my 7th grade class, behavior problems started when students were unengaged
having a positive relationship helps to prevent major disciplinary actions
A2: Students thrive on positivity & relationships which are the key.
Yes!!! That is the premise for the Character Education initiative https://t.co/eskidI5FFi
A2 Rules with relationship = success -- Rules without relationship = rebellion
A2- I heard great talk by Joel Pedersen on value of 1. Data shows if each one (Tt) reaches one (Ss) diff in success is astounding.
A2 Relationships lead to RESPECT! If you have one you likely have the other. Ss will do what you ask of respected and take conseqs
Relationship building needs to precede discipline.
A2: Meaningful relationships connect learners. Discipline should produce learning and future behavior to change.
This is an excellent point. It is difficult to have behavioral issues when students are actively engaged. https://t.co/Ft2slTGWmV
What about student engagement? In my 7th grade class, behavior problems started when students were unengaged
A2. We must foster strong, meaningful relationships first effective behaviors/discipline will follow. Ss must know we truly care!
I would absolutely agree with you on the student engagement piece!
A1.2 first relationships and trust must be in place before any initiative works. Empathy, forgiveness and fresh starts is key!
Engagement is hugeand also connected!
A2: relationships are the key to solving the problems that arise with ss
A2. When you build relationships everything falls into place. The students and staff work together to build a posit of community
A2: Most discipline problems are really relationship problems. We might only see the tip of the iceberg. What’s underneath?
A2. without relationships discipline is more difficult to enforce and with a good relationship discipline won't be needed as often
A2: Establishing positive relationships is foundational; makes ALL things easier
Realistic goal/non-negotiable is to have 90% of students engaged at all times! https://t.co/EWvrFNL7Px
Engagement is hugeand also connected!
Easy to talk about relationships. Harder to practice with difficult kids. Need to find common ground.
A2: I don't believe PBIS could work w/o the trust & teamwork provided by the relationships built between Ts, Ss, & their families
A2: Ts need to be able to spend more of their time focused on building relationships with Ss.
A2: I find that students who have better relationships with their teachers are more likely to listen and follow classroom rules.
Let’s also remember that discipline ≠ punishment.
A2. Building relationships first and everything else falls into place (behavior and achievement)!
A2: Relationships, relationships, relationships, they are paramount.
Great minds, Ted! I essentially tweeted the same thing. So true. Trust & relationships are paramount. https://t.co/H7JBJahyy9
A2. When you build relationships everything falls into place. The students and staff work together to build a posit of community
Having engaged Ss is the BEST classroom mgmt tool
true lots issues with our students. helps to make a connection
A2: If we expect to make a meaningful change, behavior or other, it begins w/relationships. Our profession is rooted in nurturing
A2: The best classroom management is a great lesson plan.
Great minds, Ted! I essentially tweeted the same thing. So true. Trust & relationships are paramount. https://t.co/th2oCZSiO2
A2. Building relationships first and everything else falls into place (behavior and achievement)!
We are a minute away from Q3, keep this chat firing!
Yes - the two must coexist. Have to build r’ships and work together for positivity. https://t.co/TFIUN8bQ5Z
A2. When you build relationships everything falls into place. The students and staff work together to build a posit of community
A great deal of talk about relationships tonight. How do you best establish relationships with kids?
A2B: Relationship is needed to find out why the S is misbehaving and try to come up with a plan to help the S and/or T succeed
Hey ! Are your awesome Teacher Librarians attending the conference right now?
Truth here. https://t.co/B2vk8C5lxd
Easy to talk about relationships. Harder to practice with difficult kids. Need to find common ground.
Q3: Please explain the benefits and challenges of “black and white” discipline policies. Are these realistic?
A2: discipline at its core revolves around discipleship, which is dependent upon relationship.
Quote from student last week: Random Act of Kindness was when someone gave me a 2nd chance. The 2nd chance was from a T.
Relationships have alot to do with mutual respect. Some S's need respect to be modeled since none exist in their lives.
This is awesome. https://t.co/3EuqFo7flD
Quote from student last week: Random Act of Kindness was when someone gave me a 2nd chance. The 2nd chance was from a T.
A2: genuine and caring relationships enhance learning environment
Find common ground. NOTICE things without judgement.
Yes — exactly. There is a gigantic difference — use teachable moments. https://t.co/wupAmlcA1f
Let’s also remember that discipline ≠ punishment.
A2: many times discipline problems occur because of something going on at home. W/o a relationship w/ Ss you don't know about it
Find out who they are, what interests them, what is going on in their life other than school. https://t.co/fIKHxtyvpM
A great deal of talk about relationships tonight. How do you best establish relationships with kids?
A3: Benefit: Consistency.
Challenge: One-size-fits all rarely fits all. Must think outside the traditional box.
Let's also remember that punishment and consequences are also two very different terms
A3: Every kid and situation is different - we need to include gray in the equation.
A3. Tell the kids you can meet with them and discuss problems outside of class and take a mentor-like relationship with them
A3: Challenge - what works for one student doesn't work for all student.
Yes, definitely I have found it challenging to remove assumptions in difficult situations. Find the truth. https://t.co/jx1d4qYKym
Find common ground. NOTICE things without judgement.
So true ! Ss can carry a big load that we are not away of!
Use choice words with kids. and remember UCLA Study . Your Message 7% what u say 38% tone 55% Body Language. R we watching our BL
find common ground outside the classroom! love talking NASCAR even though I know nothing about it!
A3: In my experience, black and white policies cause difficulties. We must have guidelines and a menu of consequences is better.
A3: Other than a guidline, there are few benifits to B&W policies...discipline issues need to be handled on a case-by-case basis.
A3: We live in a world colored in shades of gray. Black and white discipline policies may not have enough nuance.
A2. We use a rubric with our Four Core Ethical Values
A3: most of life is gray - policies/procedures starting points not necessarily end points except in rare/serious circumstances.
A3:Benefit, everyone knows the punishment, negative- Each discipline situation is different and might not fit in that punishment
A3: Getting to know ss and being engaged with them in school and showing them your commitment to help
Fascinating statistics here!
A3: However, as I say this, we have to be consistent, for the sake of the students! https://t.co/8ISl8YTMfx
A3: We live in a world colored in shades of gray. Black and white discipline policies may not have enough nuance.
A3: it's difficult if you're avoiding referrals or suspensions bc of your "numbers." If behavior=suspension, should it matter?
The students responded well the problem was that the teachers were not participating enough for it to be effective
Q3: Relationships w/Ss are earned through respect and a willingness to understand their perspective, their world.
A3 Learned a long time ago, FAIR does not mean EQUAL! So no, black and white does not work 100%. Pro judgement deals in greys!
A3: Good to have a foundation BUT every situation is unique. We must not forget that!
A3: The danger is you can sometimes policy yourself into a corner. You need the flexibility to adjust to the situation.
A3: The only positive I can think of is the Ss know the result of their choices. Other than that, equality is not equity.
A3: Every child and every situation is different. Need to do what is best for that child in that situation.
Fully agree! Not the same thing at all!
A3 Lots of gray out there, but plenty of black and white, too.
We do this through our Character Connection Class https://t.co/l0N3HFj2l9
A great deal of talk about relationships tonight. How do you best establish relationships with kids?
Joining in late, MS Principal from Davis County
A3: If we want personalized instruction shouldn't we consider some personalized decisions with behaviors.
TONE! This is so widely misunderstood a majority of the time. Be aware of your tone and body language! https://t.co/Nz2rsbOgE5
Use choice words with kids. and remember UCLA Study . Your Message 7% what u say 38% tone 55% Body Language. R we watching our BL
A3. No benefit w/ one sized fits all. All discipline issues need to be handled fairly & w/ an open lens, taken case by case.
A3: Not every situation can be handled the same way as others. Punishments can vary based on the problem.
A2 Discipline is not as effective if relationships are not made first.
A3: you have to have policies to follow but being able to deal with individuals is key
A3: Ben =consistency, Chall = consistency. MOST discipline needs to be dealt w/ on case-by-case basis. https://t.co/bvWWUmcqe6
Q3: Please explain the benefits and challenges of “black and white” discipline policies. Are these realistic?
A3: It makes it easy to decide consequences that could be explained via a policy...however, EVERY situation is different
Disappointing — especially if the Ss were responding!
So true! It sometimes is not what you say but HOW you say it! My motto for years!
Q3 again https://t.co/IVbDsqs44k
Q3: Please explain the benefits and challenges of “black and white” discipline policies. Are these realistic?
Good stuff, Joel. I know you have spoken about this often. Very intriguing to me. https://t.co/S7X7BKcvw8
EQ is so important when building relationships! I would argue raise your building collective EQ and watch what happens
Must treat student (& staff) missteps as teaching and learning opportunities.
A3: So many "tough" kids come to my office for discipline and leave crying because they just needed someone to talk to.
A3: Your "pound of flesh" people love this type of policy.
A3- It's the 1 thing many want to see but rarely works. Kids coming from the same household given the same love & caring act diff.
Hi! Late to the party. I'm a student at SAU learning to be a teacher!
A3: B&W is a starting pt. but Ss have diverse in behaviors & cultures - Ts need to be flexible to accommodate to each Ss needs
praise to you for being that guy!
Yes...Yes...Yes!!! https://t.co/yOA2YBmAsg
Must treat student (& staff) missteps as teaching and learning opportunities.
Each child is different and may need different consequences. What's fair to one might not be to another
but at some point u have to give similar consequences for similar behavior. gray areas only go so far
How much do the contextual factors matter when dealing with a discipline scenario?
We accommodate student learning so we should be flexible to accommodate the best discipline for that child
A3. More challenges than benefits w/ black and white consequences. Must have grey!
A3: discipline is not black and white...all shades of grey! Restorative practices are the future!
A2: I think that if teachers form good relationships the outcome will be positive behavior from the students
A2: Building relationships builds respect. Respect is the bridge that gets us to improved discipline.
This is an essential question! What do you all think? https://t.co/Pu4nWIY0vc
How much do the contextual factors matter when dealing with a discipline scenario?
Agree! Consistency but not one-size-fits-all! https://t.co/lLF04tdsLG
A3: Ben =consistency, Chall = consistency. MOST discipline needs to be dealt w/ on case-by-case basis. https://t.co/bvWWUmcqe6
Q3: Please explain the benefits and challenges of “black and white” discipline policies. Are these realistic?
Amen https://t.co/iBzvdazAFP
A2: Building relationships builds respect. Respect is the bridge that gets us to improved discipline.
Interesting article on the negative effects of zero tolerance.
"Stop tolerating zero tolerance."
Yes! All discipline situations need to be turned into teachable moments. That's our job! https://t.co/q5SoE8wmtP
We accommodate student learning so we should be flexible to accommodate the best discipline for that child
Exactly. Your system of support for behavior should mach your SOS for academics. https://t.co/PxrowRMHj3
A3: If we want personalized instruction shouldn't we consider some personalized decisions with behaviors.
Can't use the crutch for every misstep.
A3 There is little that is black and white. Consistency is one thing, but it is better to do what is right for that Ss.
We have to remember that there is usually something else going on behind the behavior! (Easy to say…) https://t.co/94mchxT2Ol
A3: So many "tough" kids come to my office for discipline and leave crying because they just needed someone to talk to.
So many of our S's are living consequences caused by their situation. Hard to learn when basic needs arent met.
Yes sir! https://t.co/j0LaZn0utn
A3 There is little that is black and white. Consistency is one thing, but it is better to do what is right for that Ss.
A3: Discipline should be tied to helping the behavior not occur again. Learning isn’t linear- applies to learning behavior, too.
context is key, like you said. consistency and follow through matter, too
Discipline is only effective if it leads to a change of behavior.
A4. I believe every discipline scenario is different because of contextual factors, different problems with different students
Q4: At what point are parents brought into the school discipline equation?
You can't say oh this Ss is poorer than others so I'll let this offense slide or this kid has a bad home so he can hit his teacher
A3. You need the flexibility to design "behavior redirection"' for each student
It appears to be the easy way out, but for your tier 2/3 students, out can make things worse. https://t.co/r0816bIM12
A3: It makes it easy to decide consequences that could be explained via a policy...however, EVERY situation is different
Great educators want prevention when they send kids 2 office. Mediocre educations want revenge! Ps must share this
A3: not all black and white discipline ideas are effective. it solves an immediate problem, but long term it doesnt help anyone
So true! There is a way to be consistently fair and still do what's best for the child https://t.co/fVxC3IcGSg
A3 There is little that is black and white. Consistency is one thing, but it is better to do what is right for that Ss.
No, but the solution will be different. Must take into consideration. https://t.co/NJ06Cbi3nF
You can't say oh this Ss is poorer than others so I'll let this offense slide or this kid has a bad home so he can hit his teacher
A4: I think parents should always know what is going on with their child. The success of the student and the hiccups!
Can’t wait to see responses to this question! https://t.co/YwcDvgy82V
Q4: At what point are parents brought into the school discipline equation?
A4: Ps need to be involved from the beginning, most Ss won't go home and say "I got in trouble today" more like "nothing happened"
A4: When there's a "need to know" and/or we need support. Too much communication is never a thing.
A3: Each child & situation unique, important to remember teachable moments to discuss what occurred & pos choices for another time
Living in the gray areas leaves staff wondering what the heck u r doing in the office. One kid gets punished n others slide?
A4. Parents should be brought in when a student is failing or causing a distraction so bad other students grades are dropping
Ss model home adult behavior that isn't respectful and responsible. Ts are models of positive problem solving!
A4: In my experience, the earlier the better. The involvement depends on how serious we are getting. Open communication.
A3: As I am just a student of education I'm not sure what black and white discipline polices are
Some students LOVE being sent out of class! We do both parties a disservice by taking the short route.
A4: An open line of communication should start at the very beginning! It's all about building relationships and trust.
A4 The sooner the better! Discipline is much harder w\o school-wide connection. An attempt to involve parents early is a baseline
A3. When did immediately handing out detentions help improve behavior? Reflection ant conversation needs to take place 1st
A4: When the student no longer cares to adhere to the school rules and is not responding to previous discipline.
A4: When all levels of haven't been effective (classrm, guidance, & admin) in changing the behavior..P-meetings r the next level.
I agree—as parent, I want to know…but do I need to know about every small detail? Not so sure about this…
A:4 I would hope parents are brought in as partnership in the learning process, not 2 be talked to. That will not adv relationship
A4: open communication is key! Minors when they occur constantly. With majors always after investigation is over
A3: EQ is so important. Be aware of our own triggers and biases too when dealing with discipline issues.
A4: Any repeat offense. As soon as possible is ideal. Parents don't want to be surprised.
A4.2: One of the best tools in my belt is to make positive calls weekly BEFORE there is the tough call home. Relationship w/ Ps.
A4: parents are often brought in too soon by the Ss, in hope that the parents will come to the rescue. this is not effective
A4- At HS level want to give Ss opportunity 2 correct behavior w/out Ps involvement. Only when severe or ongoing we bring parents.
A4. Always good to have strong, open communication in the discipline process. The more serious, the more involved.
A4: Behaviors out of the ordinary pattern of behavior warrant communication to be on same page for follow-through and openness.
A4: in my experience I like to reach out to P's quickly, typically kids have their version they share & P's will believe them 1st.
Agree that the level of seriousness determines how soon. Open communication is essential! https://t.co/CXAt7S12l0
A4: In my experience, the earlier the better. The involvement depends on how serious we are getting. Open communication.
A4: Ps are a MUST in the equation. Establish a relationship with family will help success in behaviors and academics = Support
A4: School and parents should be a team. Most elementary parents want to be involved and are thankful to be brought in quickly.
my point is there should b equal treatment for certain things: drugs, weapons, etc. it's what the law will do.
A4: What happens if Ps do not respond or are not supportive of Ts?
Parents must be brought in whenever needed. Preferably be for the student has gone too far.It is great when they are on your team
I completely agree as a parent and a teacher that minors are dealt with and moved on. It is the majors!
A4: () I wonder about saying when a noticeable "pattern" of behavior develops.
Welcome Tony! It refers to no flexibility in discipline in regards to policy. As in X = Y behavior/consequence
Teachable moments for future actions, not punishments for past mistakes. https://t.co/BMQz8aVwlF
A3: Discipline should be tied to helping the behavior not occur again. Learning isn’t linear- applies to learning behavior, too.
a relationship with Ps can be as helpful as a relationship with the Ss!
Definitely needs to be partnership!
It is important to persist and really work hard with clarity of situation so all parties understand. https://t.co/hzquPlJFuu
A4: What happens if Ps do not respond or are not supportive of Ts?
That is a big part of restorative justice :) https://t.co/17Y7CGbkw6
A3: Discipline should be tied to helping the behavior not occur again. Learning isn’t linear- applies to learning behavior, too.
A4. Parent communication is vital when working w/ students and discipline.
A4: Parents want to be involved. By keeping a partnership w/ them for academics & discipline they are able to see the good & bad.
A4: I think that the parents should be brought into the equation only when the students overall well being is negatively affected
agreed as to consequence, solution will be different per S and S background. NOT a fan of zero tolerance.
A4: When behaviors get in the way of learning. Usually repetitive. I error on the side of communicating. I'd want to know.
A4: soon as possible. Can't wait n pile it on at the end. Leave parents in dark & they'll move their kid or become an issue for u
A4: One of the reasons I LOVE . I give tons of positive feedback daily, but we can chat about the negative.
LOVE this idea! Allows Ps to see how much we care about the students and that we don't always see the bad. https://t.co/TLaUflrPpx
A4.2: One of the best tools in my belt is to make positive calls weekly BEFORE there is the tough call home. Relationship w/ Ps.
A4: Involving parents (on good days and bad) is important!Creating a relationship w/ parents helps them w/ their child at home too
Had the opportunity to make a positive call to a parent in her office last week. The mother shared that it made her day! Do this.
A2- students don’t care how much you know until you show how much you care.
A4 Keep parents informed throughout, ask for additional support when you see a big Neg. change/pattern. Anyone use ?
I completely agree! As you build a relationship with Ss you also need one with the Ps!
A4(2) I read most bring in Ps early. I'm concerned HS Ss who can't correct problems on own won't be ready to leave for college???
Yes! Has anyone ever been accused of “over-commnicating” in any situation?
=) https://t.co/j0TpB0Yk0V
A4: In my experience, the earlier the better. The involvement depends on how serious we are getting. Open communication.
A4 p2: however, they are a necessary factor. they are needed in order to establish a good relationship with the Ss
A4. It's always to begin conversations and communication early w/ parents. Start the test with positive calls.
A4: I think my friend is on to something with . Set a positive tone w/ Ps from the beginning!
cant forget about the positives ... great point!
A4: For us, as soon as the student moves to Tier 2 (i.e. The universals/preventatives are no longer effective)
A4: also depends on kid. If a 7th grader makes a mistake in class, I try to let him redeem himself before calling home
I totally agree, we are doing Positive Office Referrals and calls home and Ps say that all the time https://t.co/LiK2WHR9Ta
Had the opportunity to make a positive call to a parent in her office last week. The mother shared that it made her day! Do this.
Oldie but a goodie... activity at end of blog entry 2 bring staff together on importance of relationships
This is not going to work on every situation, but we always strive for clarity with everyone.
P involvement is also case by case. Many S here are cyclical, P's and even Grand P's had trouble with school. Issues handed down.
A4: The more POSITIVE words you can share w/Ps BEFORE any issues arise, the better.
A4: Ps should be involved in all aspects of their Ss school experience - a 1x mistake doesn't need a contact home unless serious
A4: Step 2, keep them (parents) in the loop, but handle school at school...but again, not black and white. Situational awareness.
Positive communication builds relationships. I try to let Ss call. Fun after successful week of FAST PM. https://t.co/LW9svHZUDv
Had the opportunity to make a positive call to a parent in her office last week. The mother shared that it made her day! Do this.
This seems like a really wise approach, in general. Let’s not judge, lock ‘em up, and throw away the key! https://t.co/jlkZKUzWA1
A4: also depends on kid. If a 7th grader makes a mistake in class, I try to let him redeem himself before calling home
Qualified librarians + money for library programs = increase in student achievement. Obvious, and we need more done!
A3 Nothing is B&W. I often lay out the options with students then they make decisions. Helps them to take ownership of behavior.
yes, solution to solve issue is per kid basis, and fair isn't always equal.
What an awesome idea to have Ss call!
Q5: What is the most frustrating piece when it comes to discipline in your respective environment? What steps have you taken?
When there’s a noticeable pattern, should something have happened sooner? Teachable moments?? https://t.co/ljwYJS8HOi
A4: () I wonder about saying when a noticeable "pattern" of behavior develops.
This sounds like an effective approach for owning the behavior/situation. https://t.co/VMT5UJC37O
A3 Nothing is B&W. I often lay out the options with students then they make decisions. Helps them to take ownership of behavior.
I get it right now and then ;)
A4: It’s a partnership. “If this were my kid…” We’re in the field of doing what’s best for kids. Means tough talks sometimes
A4. We need to remember the parents, like our Ss had varying degrees of positive re-ships/experiences w/ school.
Do it up! Wish I could be there. I'll be there on Wed, presenting at 11:30 AM.
Asking parents for guidance, suggestions, and help prior to assigning the consequences can build trust. https://t.co/Ic8sTfd8hE
A4.2: One of the best tools in my belt is to make positive calls weekly BEFORE there is the tough call home. Relationship w/ Ps.
A5: Not always agreeing with other staff members on steps to follow in a situation.
A5: student apathy - don't care how their behavior is impacting their learning nor the learning of their peers.
A5: repeated behaviors r driving me up the walls. Just the teacher, but same kids doing same thing is a problem
Qualified librarians + money for library programs = increase in student achievement. Obvious, and we need more done!
I always wear my "parent hat" when talking to my Ss families!
A4: proactive communication typically enhances partnership with parents
A4 - When I call parents I ask for suggestions or options to help. Turns call into a collaborative event instead of adversarial.
A5: When people focuse on the consequnces. When consequences do not change the behavor, other approaches are needed.
Oh, that’s the worst! (But it happens quite a lot, unfortunately!) :-/
Great stuff, Michael. I agree with you. Builds the partnership and sends the message that we are in it together.
A5 Watching T's purposefully push buttons to have S removed from room. Must be willing to change approach.
Our Code of Conduct was developed w/ "ranges" of disciplinary actions.
A5: I havent had much experience in discipline, but I would think the most difficult part would be the students reactions
A5: When we lose sight of what matters. See the kids for who they can become not who they are when they make a mistake.
Eric, Principal , going the late tonight!
A5: I’m working to help Ts see the importance of their role in beh change!
A5- Trying 2 decide what may have been able 2 be handled in classroom before office and how to train staff how to do this.
A5: I get frustrated that I have to change it up SO often. One thing works really good for 1-2 weeks, then becomes less effective
A5 repeat offenders and apathy. sometimes they go hand in hand
A5: we tried to implement a "mean behavior" rubric that T's could use to identify unwanted behaviors. Has not gained traction yet
A5: Honestly, oppositional-defiant students frustrate me a great deal. Also, dishonesty form both students and parents.
and parental apathy...I've done my best now u try... Touchy subject
A5: when you and the school are the only time ss is hearing the message. Not getting frustrated build relationship be consistent
A:5 adults rushing 2 respond verbally or w/ consequences w/out seeking to und. All are human but deteriorates relationship quickly
A5: As a T-Lack of follow-through or support from the home environment can be frustrating. Open communication goes a long way.
Yes! I try to think about my child in everything I do as an educator. This has shaped me as an educator. https://t.co/Vb6qjyzaNx
A4: It’s a partnership. “If this were my kid…” We’re in the field of doing what’s best for kids. Means tough talks sometimes
A5: When there is an expectation of a consequence that really isn't appropriate.....
This is a real issue. https://t.co/faun7oO8S8
A5: When we lose sight of what matters. See the kids for who they can become not who they are when they make a mistake.
open communication is key when trying to explain to Ps bc they often think "problem child" - define behavior & redirection needed
A5: I struggle when I cannot find the root of the issue, particularly w/ repeat offenders. Patience and persistence.
It's interesting when you ask the student, "What do you believe the consequences should be?"
That’s a great idea! What are the barriers?
A5: "Sorry" really isn't sincere when it happens multiple times each class period.
agreed, have to change the ADMIN fix it mentality!
We just moved to that this year. It has been a great change. https://t.co/q7sTDXiDjM
Our Code of Conduct was developed w/ "ranges" of disciplinary actions.
Some S know and will feed on that to gain advantage. Kinda like cry when a police pulls you over. https://t.co/xGogI4L9g8
A5: I havent had much experience in discipline, but I would think the most difficult part would be the students reactions
A5 - When I have emptied my tool box and there are still issues. We have a small group I call my tier 4 kids or hostile learners.
open communication and transparency
Yes — difficult! Each S and each situation is different — so hard to prepare for every reaction.
A5: This is exactly what I was thinking & said it exactly. https://t.co/mZAToSCAvb
A5: I struggle when I cannot find the root of the issue, particularly w/ repeat offenders. Patience and persistence.
A5: Figuring out root of an issue and/or a reward/motivator for Tier 2/3 Ss
A5. 0 experience giving discipline but I feel the frustrating part would be disicpining with the same kids over and over again
Q5: Common purpose of discipline: instead of "gotcha", offer Ss opportunity to self-correct. Followed w postive reinforcement.
A5: Are we changing student behavior or satisfying the adult referring the student?
Great minds must think alike, Jessica! :) https://t.co/qnhK7yf5KS
A5: This is exactly what I was thinking & said it exactly. https://t.co/mZAToSCAvb
A5: I struggle when I cannot find the root of the issue, particularly w/ repeat offenders. Patience and persistence.
If Ts are sticking to expectations & procedures & behaviors aren't changing, then what?
This is an essential question that we need to ask! https://t.co/aWM1gZiXuo
A5: Are we changing student behavior or satisfying the adult referring the student?
A5 When classroom teachers take away recess 4 various reasons. Working w/ principal to make a change.
A5: Well said so I am just going to say, ditto. https://t.co/T6iCj2cPMi
A5: I struggle when I cannot find the root of the issue, particularly w/ repeat offenders. Patience and persistence.
How is it possible that it is time for Q6 already?
And data collection :) https://t.co/z30H2FJrrj
A5: This is exactly what I was thinking & said it exactly. https://t.co/mZAToSCAvb
A5: I struggle when I cannot find the root of the issue, particularly w/ repeat offenders. Patience and persistence.
A5: not frustrating, yet area for growth-most effective (and realistic) tiered system of response and supports for behavior growth
The partnership establishing is huge!
T's feel they deal with too many judgment calls all day, didn't want decisions put in a box
Always got to remember that if screaming at a S fixed the issue, they would have been fixed long ago. not the solution!
Taking away recess is almost always counter-productive. Should not be an option! https://t.co/q9ptg8RS99
A5 When classroom teachers take away recess 4 various reasons. Working w/ principal to make a change.
The topic of behavior is difficult in general as everyone - different T's and Ps - have their own beliefs and philosophies
A5b: Don't argue or get in to a power struggle. Stay calm and consistent. Don't yell. Offer all students dignity and respect.
A5.2: Often I think of the message that we are sending to students when they are sent to the office.
Continue building a partnership with home and highlight positives with Ss, not always challenges.
knowing the child, and supporting their unique situation to help them be the best they can be
Q6: What effective discipline strategies have you used in your educational setting?
A5.2: Tone! How we say it matters as much as what we say. People pick up on tone fast. Be a duck- calm on surface, paddling fast
A5:I’ve have said,“I don’t have a MAGIC WAND, it’s about relationship.Power is lost when Ss are kicked out or w/ power struggle.
A5: The root of the problem, period. Why does this happen? How can we work to make it better? All questions repeatedly asked!
My biggest frustration as well! https://t.co/NRfiqhiA52
A5: I struggle when I cannot find the root of the issue, particularly w/ repeat offenders. Patience and persistence.
A5. When we lid sight of helping the student "correct" the unacceptable behavior and focus on consequences as the answer.
need a meme of this quote
We have to remember to put Ss needs first & keep the classroom/school environment a safe place 4 all to learn from all mistakes
A6 Allow processing time!! Number one thing is to allow S time to THINK it through. Zero chance of quick compliance.
A6: The most effective strategy is Consistency, if strategy not implemented consistent, Ss feel alieniated
A6. I will start but talking to the student 1 on 1 and giving a warning and if the problem increases the punishment will increase
A5. Sometimes the "frequent fliers" can be a challenge. What's the central issue? How can we breakthrough?
A5) When T's lose leverage and send kids to the office for minor things.
Got to have that relationship piece! https://t.co/qr2Y1BBZey
A5:I’ve have said,“I don’t have a MAGIC WAND, it’s about relationship.Power is lost when Ss are kicked out or w/ power struggle.
This is Iowa Educational Chat. Educators in the great state of Iowa. 8:00 CST every Sunday night.
A5:I’ve said,“I don’t have a MAGIC WAND, it’s about relationship.Power is lost when Ss are kicked out or w/ power struggle.
but it's also about support. 30 kids are missing out while 1 throws a fit. Not fair to anyone. Admin have to help
A6: Some of my best involve the student in deciding the consequence...most of the time they are more harsh than me.
A6: Build relationships with families for follow through at home and provide open communication and resources for support.
A6: relationships and more relationships. Solve problems b4 they happen, encouragement.
A:6 acknowledge what is being done well, teach all to name emotion, teach all strategies 2 respond to strong emotion, celebrate
A6 - Tell the kids they can make this a positive or negative relationship. I can do it either way. Their actions determine mine.
A6: Establishing relationships with Ss and Ps
Since we are dealing with discipline, curious your thoughts on the red, yellow, green stop lights many T's use in class.
A6: being calm looking for solution helping when possible being consistent teaching reteaching over and over
When students are out of ins control it is time to try something else. Not when they're missing a pencil. https://t.co/La7aOWv75C
but it's also about support. 30 kids are missing out while 1 throws a fit. Not fair to anyone. Admin have to help
Q6: Most effective discipline strategy is listening to Ss perspective before responding. Ss often comply when they feel heard.
This is a great approach for self-regulation and ownership.
A6 We have gotten away from time out of class, ISS & OSS, and try to use their time instead of instuctional. School-wide expectats
A6: I have students call their parents to tell them what happened/behavior. This almost always works (unless Ps don't discipline)
A6 one on one conversations and being consistent.
A6- Control by questioning. I learn what I need 2 to guide best decision. Ss answer ? & have better understand of wanted behavior.
A:6.2 design structures to celebrate unique strengths, teach relationship building language, and teach empathy
A6.2) I like to let student fix if possible and I also like to lay out 3-4 options and let them chose.
Dave, many Parents have told me "You're the first teacher to call and share Good News!" https://t.co/t03vjSuDIb
A4: I think my friend is on to something with . Set a positive tone w/ Ps from the beginning!
A6: Start the year by communicating the good & don't stop! Positive, trusting relationships will be foundation of what is ahead.
A6: I like to approach discipline from the “Help me understand...” perspective. Kids know I care & they’re honest. Relationships.
I have found this beneficial as well! https://t.co/V8PJqqV7AM
A6: Some of my best involve the student in deciding the consequence...most of the time they are more harsh than me.
A6: Set expectations that is made to everyone from the beginning!
clipchart system: Red: Ts choice, Yellow: Think About It Green: Ready to Learn Blue: Showing Pride Purple: Role Model
A6: I have students think about the consequence for their action. Oftentimes they are harder on themselves than I would have been!
A:6.3 finally model empathy & show students that mistakes are part of learning and hold conversations that adv. that relationship
exactly. It's why I work w & youth group for supplies. I don't fight poverty that way. Not their fault
A6 I will hold my students accountable for their actions and their future. Discipline them in a way that they can connect with
Sad to hear that, but glad you are making the difference, my friend!
Use a mom POV - how would I want this dealt w/if this was my child & ask myself how will this Ss best respond to learn from this?
PLEASE don’t let conferences be the first time you’ve spoken with parents! Open communication! https://t.co/sMNnk5l3Jk
A6: Start the year by communicating the good & don't stop! Positive, trusting relationships will be foundation of what is ahead.
A6: Daily behavior logs have worked for me, too. Some students need it to reflect on their day. Parents continue convo @ home.
Intimidation makes a really poor classroom behaviour management system. Cant let frustration rule us.
A6: Focus on trying to find natural consequences whenever possible & reiterate how much you care even when assigning consequences.
A6: Ever apologized to a kid? Blows their mind. Yep- adults get it wrong sometimes too. We are all learning together.
A6: Expectations, an openness to listen, the ability to create relationships, and humor all play into how my classroom is run.
A6: natural & logical consequences.
options is part of mediating problems gives Ss perceived power back to help them feel they had some say! https://t.co/JB9omxdRFi
A6.2) I like to let student fix if possible and I also like to lay out 3-4 options and let them chose.
Part of Butler's Law of P/T conferences: NO SURPRISES!
A6: Communication of situation shows relationship, care, and responsibility.
Very important - make sure the students are learning from their mistakes or it will continue to happen again
Truth! I have done this a lot! https://t.co/F1fj6HXQoZ
Use a mom POV - how would I want this dealt w/if this was my child & ask myself how will this Ss best respond to learn from this?
I've have Parents say "Is this my ? I've been waiting for your call." https://t.co/ls1EGspjym
Sad to hear that, but glad you are making the difference, my friend!
A6: proximity still works really well, but it is a temporary fix.
A6 I try to be as descriptive as poss. identifying pos behavior and then the Ss know what I expect. Negative behavior usually ends
Hey , , & friends, join in 10 min! Topic: Teacher Voice & Blogging
A6: Having Ss tell me what they think consequences should be, having students call parents and explain why they are visiting me.
Agreed! Solves the immediate problem, but doesn’t get at the heart. https://t.co/Wv12Zut7AM
A6: proximity still works really well, but it is a temporary fix.
Q7: What can you do tomorrow to increase the effectiveness of discipline in your area?
Absolutely! What would I want done as the parent. https://t.co/7HHojnd3vO
Truth! I have done this a lot! https://t.co/F1fj6HXQoZ
Use a mom POV - how would I want this dealt w/if this was my child & ask myself how will this Ss best respond to learn from this?
A6: I took over detention at my school to have more time to address the underlying cause of bad behavior, learning gaps
This! "I’m sorry" and “I messed that up!” go a long way to model failing forward and resiliency. https://t.co/vFmoMAQpfG
A6: Ever apologized to a kid? Blows their mind. Yep- adults get it wrong sometimes too. We are all learning together.
After hearing speak I ask myself Why am I letting a 12 yr old piss me off. Changes my attitude quickly
Ss need to take responsibility for their choices. Important to use language w/ Ss that supports this. https://t.co/2KU1XPoRHt
Very important - make sure the students are learning from their mistakes or it will continue to happen again
Strawberry shortcake just delivered! Thank you for the chat! You guys ROCK!
A6: Give students a VOICE & CHOICE in changing their behavior…Ts or ADMINs voice or choice won’t change Ss behavior.
A7 be intentional to touch base with every student ... let them know I care every day
This reminds of me of ideas from Choice Words. https://t.co/FwVk0B22ii
This! "I’m sorry" and “I messed that up!” go a long way to model failing forward and resiliency. https://t.co/vFmoMAQpfG
A6: Ever apologized to a kid? Blows their mind. Yep- adults get it wrong sometimes too. We are all learning together.
A7: Catch as many students as I can making positive (PAWSitive) choices and compliment them for it.
A6: Sometimes you need to give yourself a timeout, too. Allow yourself time to get the blood pressure down. Esp w/repeat offenders
A7: Continue to build partnerships with families to provide the supports and communication parents need from our school setting.
A7: I am going to address each situation that needs to be address...never turn a blind eye to what shouldn't be happening!
A7 Reinforce what we all agree works; positive contacts, consistency, choices for Ps and Ss and building relationships!
"When you feel like taking the wind out of his sails, take you sail out of his wind" Dr. David Walsh
meet their students at the door. Yes, it’s simple. Yes, it matters.
A7: Work harder to find the ROOT of the problem rather than using a quick fix disciplinary action
A7: Continue to build the connections with students!
reminds them that we, too, are human and on the journey in getting better w/time.
A7: model response to students, support Ts in the mind shift and encourage in difficult times!
A7: new term-- review expectations and procedures til it hurts. even line up in hallway n enter again
recognize that they create the daily weather in the classroom. What is your classroom climate like?
A7: Be present where Ss are! When I chime in to convos, they respond well! Also shows I listen (more than they think).
A7 you should know something about each of your Ss that can help build relationships w/ them other than school based
Yep! Address what needs addressing. Don’t make issue of small stuff and skirt around big stuff. https://t.co/nsj0MA2Kty
A7: I am going to address each situation that needs to be address...never turn a blind eye to what shouldn't be happening!
A7: Find a student who has made positive changes and let them know I recognize and appreciate their efforts. I have one in mind.
A7: Just going to work to see more of the positives in my students! :)
A7: Each day, each hour, after each moment we all deserve a new chance if needed. Give to Ss if needed.
A7- I was recently asked if I was still trying to make everyone happy. My answer was yes and some day I will succeed. Ts, Ss, & Ps
A:8 find out something new about your Ss or staff that will advance your relationship. Acknowledge others in meaningful ways
are positive people. Our profession is challenging enough without whining about things.
A7: Continue having convos w/ Ts and Ss. Keep focus on what is going well, but try to be proactive about potential problems.
A7: What I ignore, I allow. Be present, be positive, be willing to get better for the sake of those I serve.
A7. Remember that they are students/children first. We're the adults... So we need to remember that.
Not the point I'm making, Angela. There are times when Ss need to be removed from a classroom. https://t.co/2h3RRdbJ8w
a Ss aggressive or disruptive behaviors r rarely because of missing materials..it's a var of different reasons
A:7 find out something new about your Ss or staff that will advance your relationship. Acknowledge others in meaningful ways
A7: Positivity, relationships, & starting each day as new.
A7: Continue to build relationships w/ students. Ensure they know that they matter. Make sure they feel loved and cared for.
Any of you going to on Wednesday!? See you there!
A7: Coming off spring break, tomorrow I will remind students of high behavior and effort expectations. Praise students often.
crazy how far a high five and calling students by name goes.
I always finish this chat energized & ready to get out there and make Monday matter! Thank you for sharing & learning tonight on !
I will be there! Check out my session at 11:30 on Wed if you like!
A6: The biggest and most effective shift for us this year has been Restorative Justice.
Yes, don't bring it back from yesterday - that's childish and not productive. https://t.co/Q0ylw2fv7i
A7: Positivity, relationships, & starting each day as new.
Yesterday is in the past. Today is a new day full of new opportunities. Important we give them to Ss! https://t.co/bOToB4rDzv
A7: Positivity, relationships, & starting each day as new.
<— This gal, right here, knows how it’s done! Community of respect and everyone knows they matter! https://t.co/fT0QdqmkyO
A7: Continue to build relationships w/ students. Ensure they know that they matter. Make sure they feel loved and cared for.
A7 Be totally transparent w/ expectations and continue to "catch kids being good". Most Ss LOVE being seen doing the right thing.
Bookmark our google site we’ve been working on to archive these chats and resources! Suggestions welcome! https://t.co/ebTLD4tLdd
Shameless plug - We'd love to have you all join on Thursdays at 9:00 pm CDT. Small, intimate place to talk Ed topics!
Ditto, we are in the same boat https://t.co/EiA2yxlCfh
A7: Coming off spring break, tomorrow I will remind students of high behavior and effort expectations. Praise students often.
I see this as our next step.
A6: Give students a VOICE & CHOICE in changing their behavior…Ts or ADMINs voice or choice won’t change Ss behavior.
aren’t perfect teachers…but they learn from their mistakes, and get better.
"What we accept we teach" Dr. Hal Urban. So we need to build relationships first.
Thanks to my co-moderators and . Be sure to follow some new friends to grow your PLN!
Thank you for joining us & sharing your thoughts on . It is always great learning with all of you.
Part of the reason they're great is because they realize they're not perfect!
Sounds like a stellar plan, Brent!
A7: usually the behaviors are acting out BC of a need not met - take a moment 1:1 to give extra attn & love to one who needs it
recognize that discipline is about changing hearts, not just changing behavior.
Thank you to co-moderators and . Bringing it since January 2016!
first time here. will definitely be back. thanks!
A7: We must improve in our efforts to reteach in the moment, no matter who you are...Teacher, Para, Cook, Janitor, etc.