#leadupchat focuses on school leadership broadly, culture, changing paradigms, and the growth mindset. It's an Ed movement focused on Leadership, Culture, Growth and Shifts on Saturdays at 8:30am CST, founded by Jeff Veal (@heffrey) and Nathan Lang (@nalang1).
How often do you analyze & watch yourself in action for what worked, what you need to do to change. Your "mirror" has to be an inherent part of your leadership.
Who are you when you walk into the building? Walk in your purpose. @PrincipalKafele#ASCDCEL#LeadUpChat#edchat
How often do you analyze & watch yourself in action for what worked, what you need to do to change. Your "mirror" has to be an inherent part of your leadership.
Who are you when you walk into the building? Walk in your purpose. @PrincipalKafele#ASCDCEL#LeadUpChat#edchat
There is no place for equality in leadership language. We have to see all kids through the equity lens.
The youngster on the left is able to live, to eat, to survive. What about the others?
One of the most important parts to leadership is “removing barriers so teachers can work with kids, kids get resources they need so they are ready to learn and schools get support to strive for excellence “ All about serving others! #leadupchat
Leaders, we gotta be right there, in the faces of our kids, telling them EFFORT matters, you WILL LEARN this and LEARN it well, you will WIN, you are LOVED, and we will be GREAT together. @PrincipalKafele#leadershipmatters#ASCDCEL#leadupchat
Do you have a leadership philosophy that matches your leadership style?
You can't have a philosophy if you are only reacting...you have to walk in purpose.
Leadership identity - when you walk in the building what do kids see? @PrincipalKafele#ASCDCEL#LeadUpChat#equity
I was at a workshop session yesterday and was asked to fill the blank I address inequities in my classroom by________. I responded with my science hat on and said “by beginning with an anchoring phenomenon/intriguing puzzling problem that levels the playing field #leadupchat