#XPLAP Archive
Book study chat focusing on Explore Like a Pirate, written by Michael Matera.
Wednesday July 27, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Bobby, first time here. International school educator living in South Korea.
Nick Baskwill Grade 5 NS Canada, bought Risk and Battleship for my classroom! and played some Pokemon Go of course!
Hello my name is Angie. I'm a elementary media specialist from NC. A fun game I have played this summer is Scattergories.
Ray - Wichita, KS Band Director. Still stuck on Monkey City (Level 24 now).
Danielle here. I played a really fun new game Kill Shakespeare earlier this week. It was recently a kickstarter
Tisha Richmond, Culinary teacher & Lead. I admit...I've caught fever too
Jocelyn, Music tchr from Toronto ON! Have played and a card game called Set this summer!
Laura Starrett, Ohio. My s's love Settler's of Catan!
I teach High school English in northern VA
Sad, TX principal and our family has played a lot of Monopoly Jr. this summer!
Kevin from SoCal. So many this summer, Tomb Raider stands out.
Thank you. It is my first time with this chat. I am looking forward to it.
Ryan in Michigan. Played some intense games of Sorry, Checkers, and Trouble w/ my 5y/o today.
Ivan Helmus...middle school math teacher. I've played billiards.
Hello awesome 'ers, Nick Davis an instructional coach from Iowa. A fun game I played besides is exploding kittens
Sara, Monoploy is such a great family game
Sara, TX Principal and we have played a lot of Monopoly Jr. this summer!
This is my very first Twitter chat.
Scott, MS principal from IL. Plays stretego and headbands
Awesome Jocelyn, I have not heard of Set this summer
Hey Heather Marrs 3rd gr T and EdTech Teacher Leader in S. Or. Just poking in and out tonight before I'm off to my b-day dinner!
Laura Starrett, Ohio. My s's love Settlers of Catan!
Hi donna from Indiana. World language teacher. My game has been pokemon go. I also gamified dad's bday party this past weekend.
dean from Michigan, Playing Pokemon go and got 2 Kickstarter games in mail 2day, Adapt and New Bedford - can't wait to play them
Hi! Teresa, MS Literacy Teacher, from, NY. Continuing my learning of
Q1 coming up in just a minute!
Hi, I'm Mike Ginicola, and I played an Axis and Allies boardgame
Keep trying to get into Go but wandering my neighborhood finding nothing is rather frustrating.
Oh and I teach K-6 PE in CT
Learning about breakout education tomorrow at an edcamp
A1: All quests and challenges are based in Curr. Some games are used to review content and show mastery of skills
S's also enjoyed ClassCraft, but I'm hoping to gamify more personally this year.
A1: my intervention class is more independent of the curriculum (skills/strategy based) so I had some flexibility
A1: Game is layered over my content/standards. Don't work content into your game. Layer your game over your content.
A1: I have lots of flexibility since my courses are electives which is great!
Brandon Goswick, MS Principal in east Texas
A1 - No standards to cover at lunch!
A1 I use boss/mini-boss/henchmen battles with content questions being the damage for and against teams for xp/gold gain
A1: Music skills are progressive, so they fit nicely into challenges that you must complete to keep moving forward, or to Level Up!
A1 Having Ss create products that are demonstrations of the standards. Also enrichment for what we don't spend as much time on
In billiards, I use geometry standards dealing with transformations and triangle congruency and similarity to perfect shots.
A1. Fairly easy in music class - all XP is based upon performance. The better the performance the more XP.
A1 I tailor the games to objectives of the course, Unit, or even chapter. What do I want Ss to be able to do from playing the game?
A1.) I try to work in ELA CCCS standards that I don't normally address as a Social Studies teacher
Q2 coming at ya in 2! Wow...chat is moving fast tonight!
A1 - Content should drive my gamefication - standards are a component that tags along for the ride. Creative juices get to flow.
A1: Everything in a gamified classroom is layered on top of what u already do. Content can give u ideas about ur theme for each unit
A1 - content with game elements works too. Just built a primary source analysis lab as an old style point and click adventure.
BOOM! Totally agree! https://t.co/ItE82IPEHM
A1: Everything in a gamified classroom is layered on top of what u already do. Content can give u ideas about ur theme for each unit
A1 doing version of Pokemon. I asked how to tie it in. Came up with completing academic task to capture character.
Nathan Q1 what type of tacos is going to order for supper?
A1 Have the Ss build the game around the content.
Love that isn't one more thing on top of everything.
A2: I have given XP for completion of task. If work is not up to standards then it gets redone or not rewarded
Eating rolled tacos on road trip while moderating. This is a game in itself! I wasn't lying... https://t.co/dMHfj9NEAA
A2.) All or nothing. You either complete a quest or you don't no middle ground (maybe middle earth) for me as quest giver
Yes - def. Just ran out of characters. Music theory, literacy, instrument pedagogy, etc. https://t.co/I9Xhv3NmRr
Ray is there content that the musician needs to know to better their performance can it be a balance of skill and content?
A2: Sometimes I give 3 options with 3 diff XP values...other times a specific amount. SQ are only for XP, they aren't graded.
Q2 I am interested in this one. I will admit I am new to the idea of Slide Quests and XPs.
A2 Each quest will be different, some will be all or nothing, some on a ranked scale of achievement.
A2: The degree of difficulty should decide the related XP. If a Ss quest takes them to a new way of thinking, XP should be upped.
A2 it depends on the activity. Bonuses for random questions, for example.
A2 - won't even look if it isn't done. Then I award 1, 2 or 3 stars like any good puzzle game. Those equate to points.
my tacos look like this. Oh wait they are all gone so they make actually look different now https://t.co/lZMyFHdoW9
A1 Review of content Ss should know easily becomes a Fast paced fun
Rubrics or no rubrics with side quests?
A2.2 - Could side quests be ranked easy to hard? Would this encourage reluctant Ss to initially participate on all levels?
A2 for my Pokémon game, it will be looking for them outside of school, such as at games or even the mall.
This is where I start lurking & learning.....
Great idea, Tisha. Hadn't thought to give options for diff XP. I don't tie SQ to any grades. Amazed what Ss will do for XP.
anyone tried 3D game lab!
I use a rubric otherwise I'd go nuts with kids doing 70 different activities.
Is there any research that connects the building of intrinsic motivation in Ss and gamification of a class?
such a simple strategy to get our Ss motivated and interested in the content, who doesn't want a S to come to school pumped
A2; I give various amounts of XP for side quests. There isn't a surprise because the feedback loop is tight with several check ins
my xp awards are based on time expected to complete the quest. lots of lil quests is perfectly valid.
A3 Yikes! Maybe a superhero theme?
A3: Spiderman..."with great power comes great responsibility" or maybe a "Divergent" theme.
A3. not sure about seniors, but 5th grade Pokemon - digital literacy/privacy lessons, griefing / ninjaing, etc,..so many lessons 2 do
Interested in these responses!
A1: I teach mini ELA skill lessons & Ss complete or for XP. Also,tiered upgrades for persuasive speeches to XP.
A3 that theme would be good for a civilization game. Ss choices affect how their civilization advances
A3: Could you do something around the game Life? Rubrics or no rubrics with side quests?
A3 Anything to deal with digital citizenship or their digital footprint. They must be aware of how what they do online affects them.
A3: Dystopia with an autocratic government seems like a good theme.
Digital Literacy so important.
A3 Starship Troopers - Citizens, aliens, military type rankings, etc.
A3: It could be Star Trek - discover new words and how to interact with the inhabitants (the pic make me think ST all the way!)
A3 - Tough Q...How about something tied to a up and coming dystopian book - or the genre in general - ehtings, social outcomes, etc.
A3.1 Maybe zombie apocalypse and a survivor community
Didn't mean to steal your thunder...GREAT IDEA! We are on the same page here.
A3: A "survivor" theme perhaps? Students have to rebuild Earth... what will it look like and what rules/gov will be in place?
I love the Spiderman theme. It is a great theme for the senior year.
So many great ideas being shared! Q4 coming in 2 minutes!
side quests are what I used to call extra projects or mini gifted extension...helped me to see parallel
A3: How to respond to tweets, posts, etc. when you disagree with what was said.
Great idea! I am wondering about also using a show like Big Brother or Bachelor(ette)...anything like that?
LOL I said the same thing!
A3: I was thinking going to Mars and developing a new colony on Mars
Thank you. That makes sense. I am planning to try this next year also.
A3 Am thinking for my Business Eng class-Corp. America (Resumes, Cvr Ltrs, Interviews, getting job, Internships, Bus. Letters, etc.)
If you haven't watched "The 100" on Netflix, you should check it out! Some great examples of good and bad citizens!
You really should jump in....gaming and media literacy....
A4: Choose a theme 1st & all will start falling into place. Keep it simple and build in mechanics as you go.
A3 I want to go to a classroom where all lesson are taught through food
A4 start small and no tech.
A4 My wife and I are both exploring this idea now...I think advice to myself is Go Slow to Go Fast...start small...work towards HUGE!
My 8th graders would have loved that! We talked about the future of living on diff planets.
A4. I'd say start small - I did with sticker badges using https://t.co/qtlWp9ZjJY 1" circular labels - build interest & enthusiasm
A4 Haha, start small! Gamify a single lesson or activity within a lesson at first. Ad from there.
A4. I'd say start small - I did with sticker badges using https://t.co/qDpo0zeCIu 1" circular labels - build interest & enthusiasm
Sorry for late intro - I'm Chris, a 4th gr tchr. I've played good ole Scrabble, and a classic - The Incredible Machine.
A4: Take a breath! Plan Sept and see where the game takes you. Dont need to know it all to start and dont be afraid of changing it
A4: Ooh, I need to read ALL the answers on this one!! :) Advice, please!!
Q4 just gamify a unit or another set amount of time
I anxiously await advice here! I am ready!
A4 - Get over it. It IS overwhelming at first - but so are most things worth doing. Kids are worth it.
A4. 2/2 but kids will demand more and "buy into" helping / cooperating to allow you to create & foster
A4:I'd suggest tiering your by quarters/tris/etc. Add as you go.Be upfront w/Ss so they know/expect the game to evolve.
A4 also read explore like a pirate for some great ideas and the rationale for gamification.
A4: start with anchoring activities or a specific unit.
A4: Start .......small, a unit or a lesson, and ask questions on
A4 - OMG! This is totally me!!! So many ideas, just not sure how to pull it together! Haha!
I started with 2 intervention groups. Small.
A4 Depends. Some Ts I would tell - It is okay to start small. Others I would say "Come on jump in with both feet you will love it. "
A4 - And just know that no amount of pre-planning is going to let you avoid all missteps - just gotta dive in.
A4: I also can't stress the importance of connecting with your theme. Own it. Tie it to your passion or Ss will see through it.
Ask the community for help! We are all ! https://t.co/tbredUZhaU
A4: Start .......small, a unit or a lesson, and ask questions on
A4: I'm just starting into gamification....looking for advice.
I think I did 4 weeks w/ challenges. By the time I got it all set up it was probably like 7-8 total. LOL
I am so looking forward to reading this book especially after this chat.
Get on Voxer and talk to us daily. :)
maybe that tweet was a tweet to the host of the chat
We have a voxer group to discuss and ! DM me if you want me to add you! https://t.co/C2gwM3NAQU
Get on Voxer and talk to us daily. :)
A4:Don't stress yourself out, trying to do everything in 's book at 1st. You can always add currency,badges,side quests,etc.
you will get a lot of takeaways from it. Edcamps usually have sessions also.
Love this chat and group!
A4: you can also have the students crest games with specific content.
Thank you. I will have to check and see if has any this weekend.
Yep! I've been rereading this one, and this summer. You get something new every time.
A4 - I have been thinking of just gamifying classroom procedures and jobs as a way to get a feel for this since I've never done it.
A4.2 you can also have the students create their own games connected to units.
That's a good start. Grade level?
Heidi K-5 PE just joining the chat. This is totally me.
A4: Also, important to get parents on board. Explain rationale= buy-in. Otherwise, risk them thinking you're "just" playing games.
A5 - I don't even hand them out. I have a skill sheet that they can spend XP on when they want. Less to keep track of for me.
A5: Realm Days are few and far between - they are something to look forward to - challenges - bring back old Ss - SUPER CHARGED!
Yep! I have the entire and fleet of resources. :)
excellent. My Ss love creating their own kahoots and having others play them.
A5 Ss will buy their own equipment/outfits and train pets online on their own time...they choose the reward after I give gold.
Just ordered xlap. Beyond excited !
A5: I give out my badges and items out as Quests are turned in, I want a better system though. Help community!
Aren't they fantastic? They have own bookshelf. LOL
A5.2: Also, may be off track here, but I LOVE the idea of giving out baseball card holders for S binders to put "items" in.
I am curious how would view a gamified classroom?
Administrators & other teachers also. I did a last year & had teachers walk in to check on me. https://t.co/TvbEwYqXQz
A4: Also, important to get parents on board. Explain rationale= buy-in. Otherwise, risk them thinking you're "just" playing games.
I hand them out, but don't collect back until end of unit and then I record on leaderboard. Has worked well for me
A4: Include a side quest sometime in your year where Ss create "infomercials" to hook Ss, Ps and Ts on idea. You'll be glad you did.
and admins... I had a principal who would comment on walk throughs "another game?"
A5: do gamified classrooms and the Ss need badges, stars, etc? Is the experience not enough?
Wow! You all are on fire! Hard to keep up! Q6 coming in 2 !
A5: I am having Ts earn badges for PD this year... Just struggling with the end reward! Any suggestions?
Is every Wed. at 8pm EST? This is great and I want to join again!
This chat has made me think about trying to come up with a quest for my digital citizenship unit. Getting excited.
Ts & As have to sit in on classes where Ts are going above and beyond to understand. Hand them the book.
They need rewards or at least progression - all games have them. Doesn't have to be badges/stars/etc.
Offered side quest 3rd tri: Ss created infomercials to sell the idea. Audience choice: Ps, Ss or Ts/As.
great ? Can't think of what would really be intrinsic in a gamifed class.
That sounds negative..... ?
A5: I'm using badges for teacher PD, I have prizes for each quarter and two grand prizes for the end of the year
A5. I didn't do market days last year, but I did get bunches of baseball card holders, so I'm going to try them this year.
That's fun! Hmmmmm.......... offer to teach a lesson and give them extra planning period?
extra prep time and other tangible rewards. :)
spa days... pizza party. Sports or concert tickets. School swag.
I display my book on my desk, and include the "I Cans" associated with on my board.
A6 Hook Ss by getting them excited. Promo video, team building challenges, get to know kids. Lots of laughter & collaboration.
Curious about this as well!!!!!
Loving the feedback! I want this to be a fun year for Ts and Ss! I will be using your ideas 😊
A6: Intro the setting, characters...consider a brief "flyover" of the year/quest ahead of them - build anticipation and want!
A6: Going to give 3 challenges Day 1 so Ss can work with lots of different people to choose their Teams - get management sorted out
So glad it is helpful! is an amazing community and resource!
A6 I am going to step back and listen to answers on this one.
I think the whole experience, items,quests and leaderboards, skill development is all part of the immersion of exper.
A6 - I don't launch until day 3 - gotta get to know each other first. Then just an intro the storyline. https://t.co/N0i0U73haK
I like the team building idea.
A6: Activities with quick wins that tie into the game
Sounds like they don't understand I feel it's on me to inform & invite Admin to the convo.
A6 ice breakers and team building, review game of class procedures, group discussions
A6 Well decorated space for mood, great presentation/trailer video for excitement! Maybe a costume!
is feedback enough of a "reward" for Ss to indicate progress?
Getting to know them has to come first. Games are way more fun when you like the other players!
different types of gamers like different reward systems, so you'll lose many on engagement
It wasn't for me as a student and wouldn't be enough for me in a video game now.
I had local businesses donate gift cards. I wrote a grant for our grand prizes, I got two GoPros with kits
LOVE decorating my room! I did a tropical theme once. Just because. LOL
I'm surrounding my gym in 10' of castle wallpaper this year, complete with windows and other details!
This is Luke, Sci teacher from NC checking in. Oh boy what a day...
harder if your admin left the classroom because they weren't having fun.
You all are awesome! Q7 coming in 2 minutes!
this sounds rad! What S would not want to climb around and play in a castle?
A6: Like a game, you have to have some tutorials... students have to know the rules of the class and how they can earn points/badges
If that were true free-2-play games wouldn't make money. Progression works. People like to grow.
A6 The book fair theme this fall is centered around pirates. Will have to play with this idea to make it fit for all my K-5 students.
A6 - Ss make avatars to use in GAFE, earn XPs, sign up for required web sites - earn XPs & level-up ... https://t.co/ZHnAJc1ldt
A6: Activities with quick wins that tie into the game
A6: Ice-breakers that include Ss finding out things they have in common, strengths, interests. Team-building, etc.
A6: "I will dictate what you learn, but you will have some freedom in choosing how you learn it." We then set our scene...
Set clear expectations and then smooth sailing! Let the fun begin!
I want my students to keep track of them and hyperlink evidence. Dig portfolio of types
A6. I always start the year with as a whole team 2 build community, cooperation, critical thinking & creativity
A6: When you walk in and Ss are asking you, as the Principal, to come and see what they are doing instead of me asking!
A7: I do more set up when we do some items on the door and walls - for my game we have a table top map
A7: I think setting the scene is very important. I would try to cover my walls in themed posters and have particular music playing
yes, party stores online and ebay have entire themes of wallpaper and other options, cheap too!
A7 not a whole lot. With 3 different classes, time and space is sometimes limited. I leave it to Ss to decorate when needed
A7: We have posters designed by prev Ss to fit biomes, & Ss make Guild Flags to hang above their lab tables
A:7 I'll be transforming my classroom into a pool hall!
A7: I plan to do more of this in the coming year. Last yr, started in 3rd trimester. I want Ss to create decor for their factions.
A7: I’d like to find cheep aprons for students to earn & decorate!
A7: Just switched from classroom to 3 offices - but...I used to theme classroom each year...probably not to a gamified extent...
A7: creating the setting makes Ss or Ts ask questions and make predictions on what is about to happen! Good times!
when do you play the music? I'd like to work that in this year, but I'm worried it might be distracting when I teach
I use music A LOT, esp if I can't work with the physical environment.
RT I'll be transforming my classroom into a pool hall!
- I was forbidden the pool hall growing up.
Last question of the night coming in 2! This hour always flies by!
A7 - Changed to all futuristic fonts on anything I put up, added a wall of champions but not much else. Walls are valuable space!
A7: Maybe chef’s hats too!
Definitely! The game isn't fun if you don't know how to play!
A7 I already gave this one away, lol. 90 feet of wallpaper and lots of extra details like staircases, windows, sconces,etc..
A6: Creating excitement by posting things around the school. Bulletin board teaser. Super charged about getting started.
I believe growth in learning doesn't need to be determined by rewards. https://t.co/MHYDrqLYtB
If that were true free-2-play games wouldn't make money. Progression works. People like to grow.
Nice! That,plus the Bartle Test,will help determine factions.I also get to know my ELA Ss as readers/writers/speakers
then you are arguing against the basic mechanices of gamification.
A7: Music playing, lighting, have a big celebration, balloons of a new game released
A6. teamwork challenge "raging river crossing" - tribal council follows to "debrief"-sets tone for teamwork https://t.co/rR5qqmXhik
- I'll be utilizing BreakoutEDU to do this ... https://t.co/FnkvtoyU0P
A6. I always start the year with as a whole team 2 build community, cooperation, critical thinking & creativity
Yes!! I can't wait I am so excited.
A:7 My classroom walls are decorated with posters of Monopoly tokens, houses, and hotels. I even have a jail.
A7 - Theme ideas: Frankenstein lab, Lambeau Field, Einstein's office, Wild West, Olympics...and more Olypmics...
A8: Game is always going even if only in the background. There are always opp for earning badges & XP.
does every soccer game need a winner and a score to be enjoyed? https://t.co/rosbNVscFm
then you are arguing against the basic mechanices of gamification.
I totally agree - but I'd say growth in a game does. Doesn't have to be physical but it should be something.
a8. I would think a scoreboard / reflection time 4 s's to think / reflect on the "game" keeps interest going-maybe social media it?
A8 I will try to never miss gamification in one form or another. will always stay in character if possible!
A9: Guilds where Ss can work on their own interests and gain XP (can be done at home or when there is time at school)
A8: Ss can still be earning points on less exciting days, the gamification does happen only on fun days.
As always thank you for the learning! I love this chat! Understanding gamification so much better! https://t.co/xom5Gv3kzS
A8: Keep the content related to the game...even on "turned-off" days. Make Ss need to have your info for the upcoming game.
A.7 I'll dress up as Mr. Monopoly when we learn financial literacy.
sorry! SHould have been A8 not A9!
A8 - if the theme is strong enough the students will find ways to keep it going even on days when it isn't!
It always depended on the lesson for me. When we read The Outsiders, I'd play the Beatles and Elvis
A8: Add small "power-ups" during those days. People gather herbs for hrs in WoW for future rewards. Have Ss earn points for later.
will be discussing digital tomorrow
It is such an honor to moderate each week. You all are truly phenomenal and inspire and challenge me to keep learning and growing.
A8: We use the same terminology every day, and sometimes characters will come by to remind Ss we are still in the world of Utopia,etc
awesome! Will try to make it! Another great chat
Sports without a score? Competition drives sports while also providing participation enjoyment
A8: Have a game changer, your lights cannot come on all day..., We will have to learn a little differently!
You are awesome! So glad we connected! https://t.co/vWajQ7DPOI
It is such an honor to moderate each week. You all are truly phenomenal and inspire and challenge me to keep learning and growing.
Please share out on throughout week with your ideas! DM me if you want in on voxer chat!
Please share out on throughout week with your ideas! DM me if you want in on voxer chat!
A8. get s's to create content Publicizing activities - they will want to & it saves you time. Great PR w/ word of mouth but better!
This has been a great chat. Now I am torn between chatting in the next Twitter chats or just diving into the books.
besides, gamification is usually about video or board game mechanics = tangible rewards because they work
A8: Everyday will be a game day because there will always be something related to the game, envinronment, curiosity and questions
Thanks and for leading a great chat. Also - I am Chris from Green Bay, 5 to 12 GT T...GO PACK GO! https://t.co/ey8vr6DKwL
and we are so thankful to you for doing so. We learn so much and it is fun and encouraging to know others do this too!
Another great chat and a half page of notes. 😃
Thanks for a great chat, ! Meet back here next Wed...Same time...same place.
Great tonight, Thanks for the great ideas, all of you. I look forward to continuing the convo on Voxer throughout the week
A7: I always like to include music to pump my students up. Love the thought of a launch/release party.
That means a lot! I am so inspired by you and the crew! So much inspiration each week!
YES love connecting font to the theme of unit
- love this idea! Tweet it! Put photos on school FB page ... Instagram, etc. https://t.co/gZhQs2Mzz1
a8. I would think a scoreboard / reflection time 4 s's to think / reflect on the "game" keeps interest going-maybe social media it?
Thank goodness for - the only reason I could keep up with speedy XPlap chat.