#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday March 2, 2016 9:55 PM EST
So, is this in place of TweetDeck or something else?
Good evening Tonight’s topic: teacher isolation Looking forward to learning&inspiration
Looks like it. It is in beta. Can archive tweets, too, but I haven't figured it out. :) https://t.co/P4J2kKs3R5
So, is this in place of TweetDeck or something else?
I will mess with it tonight and see what I can come up with. I will let you know if I figure it out.
Good evening Let’s start by introducing ourselves and sharing a success story from the week!
Hello! Adrienne Eickman, Instructional Coach from MN! Co-facilitated an EdCamp last week that went really well!
Greetings . I'm Kathy. One of the co-moderators coming to you from my treadmill tonight. Need to get steps in!
Hi All. Nicole, tech coach in Chicago. My success story- today I posted how I am currently learning https://t.co/pbXdpqhBar
My this week - incredible learning on Project-Based Learning w/ at our winter conference
Hello community! Literacy Consultant, former K-6 instructional coach from Denver, CO
Hello, . HS English teacher & inst. coach. is teachers continuing learning walks and making connections w/ one another.
Lauren, K-5 Instructional Coach, Indiana. My is helping Ts/Ss prepare for a student centered district learning showcase.
OOH, our topic for the week is teacher isolation; please do share more on your learning walks&teacher collaboration
Great idea to keep track of your books in google docs! I might steal that!
Hello community! My name's Alex. I'm a Literacy Consultant, former K-6 instructional coach from Denver, CO
My was talking to on the phone. :)
Wow! Can you share more about the showcase? That sounds fantastic!
that's great! are you getting positive feedback from Ts with your learning walks?
Region13 coaches here from Austin, Texas and ready to chat!
Please do! Reading so many I forget some great stuff. This helps! https://t.co/8jKYjy3gHc
Great idea to keep track of your books in google docs! I might steal that!
Welcome. Is there a group of you chatting with us?
it showcases learning that encompasses our district vision and mission-there are booths K-12. Very inspiring!
Hi people. Coordinator and coach in CT. Celebration: Beginning a coaching cycle with special ed teachers. Looking forward to this!
Experimenting tonight. How many steps in an . Starting point 9200 on fitbit. Where will we end?
Jay, principal from Merton, WI, checking in to . My is conferring with 6th grade readers and 7th grade writers.
My this week would be hearing over half a K-6 staff be reflective of their pract. and eager to learn more
Would you share photos? LOVE the idea!!!!
Great use of a wiki! Thanks for sharing
Lindsay, instructional coach in Ohio. My is learning and gathering ideas from Twitter since last week's chat!
Hello ! Todd, elem principal in CA! Hope everyone is doing well tonight!!
Twitter is a great source of professional learning!
Reminder: Our next Better Conversations book study chat w/ will be on March 30. We will discuss chapters 4-5.
Let’s get started. Tonight’s topic is Teacher Isolation
I can't wait! I need to get to reading! https://t.co/JDuOuusIlk
Reminder: Our next Better Conversations book study chat w/ will be on March 30. We will discuss chapters 4-5.
Natalie from Louisiana! Coach for 2 years, but moving back to classroom! My position is cut for next yr. 1st grade next year :)
John Heeg Social Studies teacher checking in for a few from Long Island, NY.
Q1: What are ways, if any, that teachers in your school experience a sense of isolation from one another?
A1 Lack of common planning time can cause of sense of isolation.
A1 We have a tiny school, so most of our teachers are singletons. It's easy to feel isolated.
Oh, so sorry the position is cut; 1st grade sounds incredible though
A1: Oh, let me count the ways. Location. Experience (lots of vets vs. lots of new). Various levels of training, even amongst vets.
A1 I think way can all be isolated if we don't take the initiative to connect with others. https://t.co/Y3wsloRXiy
Q1: What are ways, if any, that teachers in your school experience a sense of isolation from one another?
Have your singletons tried connecting with area schools with similar positions (like via skype?)
my of week creating an app for final exam review.
I taught 1st grade for many years-fun age group! Saddened by your position being cut-coaches are so needed!!
Greg- 2nd grade, Maryland. Hope all are well.
Yes ma'am! I am keeping an open mind. I taught K and 2nd before. I love my job as a coach, but I can still help.
Yay! Would love to collaborate! I need some help! :) I have a great team though.
Wonderful positive attitude!
Q1 isolation can result from responding to behaviors in classroom on own and not having someone immediately to problem solve w/
A1- Isolation occur w/ lack of communication, collaboration, support.
Absolutely you can - so much potential in peer coaching
A1: lack of team collaboration, a team mate who leaves campus often, or post bell, when there's a large yr. of induction, turnover
A1: When they feel that they don't have a voice in the vision or mission of the school!
definitely! I'd love to collaborate with you! Feel free to DM me anytime and we can coordinate!
A1: Staff is unified but often only have time to talk to members of own departments abt. pedagogy on regular basis. Working on it.
I am ready for a change! And to be with the little ones again! Been with 8th-12th grade for last 2 years!
Very true! So frustrating when I see this on master schedules. https://t.co/jXEKLcTQTe
A1 Lack of common planning time can cause of sense of isolation.
Thank you so much!!! Can't wait to pick your brain! Haha!
A1: teachers feel isolated when they do not have time to share & collaborate w/one another
A1 - Isolation can occur when you feel like group dynamics are just not working yet.
What a great change; such an interesting, varied career you are having
A1: Some isolate by choice
A1: So often due to schedules of the day, I feel like our primary and intermediate teachers never see each other.
very few schools are designed as "team" assignments or accountability
They have not. We try to meet vertically and are discussing a plan to get common planning periods with other schools
Q1 even taking risks to try new things in one's classroom can bring a feeling of isolation if there aren't people to chat about it
Important insight. Can you share more about how/why/what motivates self motivation other insights?
Haha! I am on 5,976.... I was slacking today. I see something cool in the future! meets with
Yes. Like having a whole building full of independent contractors.
Hey, friend. I'm impressed we both made it to !
Yes ma'am! New beginnings! so excited!
True. As a coach, how do you handle this, talk to teachers about it, etc.
a1 when teachers don't have time to become a community they can feel isolated
I was just thinking about rural schools too. Or Ts with a different focus than others, specialized content.
in terms of isolation I think some are comfortable in their craft and don't feel that they need assistance
Hi ! Amanda, joining in late from CA. Math/Tech TOSA
Say what? Haha! I am laying on the couch... not good for my step count!
Glad you could join in, Amanda
Q2: How often & in what ways do teachers visit in each other’s classrooms in your school?
Continue to offer suggestions of tech/curriculum that can fit in their program but still respect their space
Yes, that's us. The book Leverage Leadership has great ideas for connecting virtually with others & using PLC
A2: Coaches have been releasing teachers to go visit other classrooms, but recently we have started experimenting with video.
A2: Coaches/admin trying to help Ts visit ea other, but still not happening often for lots of reasons
A2) They can go on instructional rounds or just go observe colleagues to see other teaching styles
A2: luckily a few of us in my building invite each other often when new technology is involved.
What are some of the reasons?
A2 - built in common planning time, lesson study, group walk throughs and reflections, and team coaching.
A2: Via Twitter! We have many tchrs on that share on our school feed. This opens doors for dialogue
A2 We don't do this enough. Our coach or I cover classes to provide time. Sometimes done during prep time. https://t.co/uz33O7DE3V
Q2: How often & in what ways do teachers visit in each other’s classrooms in your school?
A1 When there is a low-trust environment Ts feel the need to isolate in order to preserve their well-being.
A2: We've tried many things, but what seems to be working most effectively is learning walks inspired by 's work.
A2: Would like to see Ts in classrooms observing instruction more often, but most collaboratively plan and have open door policies
A2: often in schools I'm regularly in, lesson labs, vertical sharing, pausing PD to see in action in Ts rm.s, instructional rounds
A2: As part of our site PD, teacher-led cohorts take turns visiting coach's classrooms.
Wow! Can we talk;would love to feature some of your experiences in the book & I are writing
a2 differentiated PD release time can be used to visit classrooms - usually in other schools
Q2 I cover a teachers class so this T can observe another's teachers practice or use of curriculum tool. Usually related to a goal
such a great point! We do the same with sharing student learning through individual and school accounts-it's awesome!
A1 Haphazard scheduling ignores needs for collaboration, camaraderie, and unity among teams.
A2 Unfortunately teachers don't see each other teach enough! Problem solve through the barriers!
Trying 2find Ts willing 2b 'watched'; Admin/Site Coaches finding time to cover; Ts feeling ok to leave their class
That is huge! Twitter changes the conversation in the teacher's lounge!
Would love to interview you for book & I are writing
A2: Found that asking other teachers (non inst. coaches) to help organize teachers who signed on for learning walks is effective.
good to see alot of people get a chance to collaborate & observe Ts
Love that it opens the door to "hey- that looks great, how did you do that?" conversations! https://t.co/s0zeT0J8pu
such a great point! We do the same with sharing student learning through individual and school accounts-it's awesome!
Our Ts want to observe other Ts and want to get in other classrooms around school. Love this mindset!
We are excited to implement learning walks during the last part of this year. We are getting started! https://t.co/4vU9HSVzrw
A2: We've tried many things, but what seems to be working most effectively is learning walks inspired by 's work.
the fact that we use the word " visit" illustrates the problem.... it suggests someone "owns" a classroom https://t.co/nb2qtKwjFQ
Q2: How often & in what ways do teachers visit in each other’s classrooms in your school?
Jennifer, district math coach from Oregon, joining late tonight
Q3: How often & in what ways do teachers plan & collaborate with one another in your school?
Isn't it amazing that we have so many tools to connect these days?! Love that they are being innovative with tech.
So true. Our language shape our practice!
We call it WOW ( Watch others work).
A1: I've seen teacher isolation based on differences in philosophy/style on teams.
Night ! I am moderating on March 22nd at 7pm Central time. Topic: Student Centered classrooms.... see you there! :)
it's pretty cool for sure
A2 We are working on increasing the times Ts observe Ts. We want to do more.
Good night! Thanks for join in tonight!
A2 We provide brief coverage for Ts so that they may see one another in action.
A3: Our grade level PLCs meet once a week. Many teams plan and collaborate more than that.
Q2 just as important or more so than the visit is the discussion between teachers afterward!
A3:Feel like our Ts plan together often; implementing PLCs so now lrning to use that planning time for effectively
Great idea to use video! Thanks for the tip! https://t.co/GUWxO3qRNG
A2: Coaches have been releasing teachers to go visit other classrooms, but recently we have started experimenting with video.
Been a long day! Had a road trip and back to a school 2 hours north of us! :( I will check out the archives tomorrow
The biggest step is welcoming people in, knowing it is learning for everyone, not meant to judge. We all grow & learn together
A3: I think teachers collaborate a lot actually. One of my goals is to make it visible and systemic. That's where improvement is.
we are looking to do the same next year- build it into our school working goals
at my school it is an email invite to whole primary for a WOW session
Anyone on know of research on impact of observers on student learning? Classroom visits sound great for Ts, but what about Ss?
A3 Half days, common planning time, before school after school, Saturdays. Proud of teachers! https://t.co/RIkGcVLMOP
Q3: How often & in what ways do teachers plan & collaborate with one another in your school?
No difference; would love to talk. Can you DM me possible times? Thanks!
Every other week PLCs, weekly grade level planning, monthly inquiry teams w/mixed grade levels, one collaboration day per T per yr
It is so great when teachers get to lead and train other teachers...they all learn and grow more!
a3: Grade levels have 90 minutes of team meetings a week and common planning time, we meet once a month in vertical teams as well
Interesting thought. Are you considering students in the T being observed class or the effect in observer's class?
Yes - teachers learning from each other is powerful!
I loved visiting another class today, but they stopped mid-lesson because of confusion
A3: Most teams---often! The bigger struggle is having it move to focused, collaborative planning v. meeting reg.
A3 We have grade level PLC meetings and vertical PLC meetings for planning/collaborating. Less formal meetings, too.
Q4: What some view as isolation, others view as autonomy.What is your sense of teacher views of isolation/autonomy in your school?
Great! Research or data to support?
love the idea of meeting in vertical teams! Would love to see this more often.
A3 - Common grade level time 2X a week and team coaching across the year. trying to get the vertical in still...
A3 I agree all teachers are collaborating within grade by my question is how to give T chance to talk across grades & buildings
A4: some love teaming, some want to be independent
I'd love to see what you are doing! Thanks for the offer!
That is a fantastic question. - anybody have teachers collaborate across grades& buildings?
That is a fantastic question. - anybody have teachers collaborate across grades& buildings?
We'd have to be careful to not disrupt the learning. I wonder also about how much is taken to the observers' class.
A4 Love coopetition (cooperation and competition together). Makes everyone better. https://t.co/5VU60Bg82Q
Q4: What some view as isolation, others view as autonomy.What is your sense of teacher views of isolation/autonomy in your school?
Our bilingual program seems to collaborate between grades.
Love this! I will mooch off this Jay and say the same thing about the team! https://t.co/cyKaBwEojb
A3 Half days, common planning time, before school after school, Saturdays. Proud of teachers! https://t.co/RIkGcVLMOP
Q3: How often & in what ways do teachers plan & collaborate with one another in your school?
A4: Isolation infers lack of collaboration, autonomy infers ability to be creative, but not nec. w/o being collab., team minded
How can those that want to be independent still be a part of the team?
Not yet, but it's a goal of mine. Trying out diff strategies to get my Ts connected across 9 sites
A3 PLC meetings for planning and collaborating. Data Digs. Learning rounds
A4) Planning individually, then sharing after the fact versus everyone planning together, truly looking to see what the kids need
This sounds cool. I will look at it after . Thanks for sharing!
A3: We see them collaborate in F2F in PLCs, as well as virtually on Google Drive and Hangouts.
Mooch away! Our teachers do things we know nothing about to guide our learners every day.
It's all about balance and leadership clarifying expectations. I think all teams meet, but classrooms can be dif.
A4 - building values collaboration, but have conversations around where our differences lie and what are "non-negotiable."
Q5: What are opportunities in your school for teachers to take on leadership roles?
Hey Brandi! Good to see you here. Enjoyed meeting at
What are your non-negotiables?
A4 Our district talks about tight and loose expectations. What we teach is tight; how we teach is loose. Autonomy comes in the how
A4: Like freedom to determine how I meet S needs, but also aware I don't know it all &need others' perspectives
A5: Writing grants, sharing success, failure and how we are learning as professionals can help Ts with leadership roles.
When we teach is tight; what lessons we pick are loose. Isolation is ignoring the tight expectations.
A5 Iowa is ROCKIN teacher leadership roles! 25% each district's staff will be in Teacher Leadership roles by next year!
Interesting. What are the types of leadership roles available?
Our district took on this mindset this yr. I think it's super helpful in planning and PLC work
Most are coaches, consulting teachers. Some are mentors or have model classrooms. Each district's choice.
A5: Model classroom for their strengths, content leaders (able to attend spec. learning), building efficacy towards their goals
A5 All teachers have the opportunity to be leaders for kids & colleagues. Just need to ask or be asked. https://t.co/KTbiUJRYw0
Q5: What are opportunities in your school for teachers to take on leadership roles?
A4: Be your best self...but help others find their best selves...
A5 being willing to host observers is a great step in teacher leadership but it's important to extend this to many not only a few
A5. We have a rep from each team serve as a content leader-literacy, math, digital and they facilitate learning in PLT
A5 Teach PD at district and campus level; lead clubs; initiate & lead events/projects
A5 - leadership teams, standards review committees, literacy/math agreements committees... lots of T voice
A5: All Ts have the ability to be a leader in their own capacity w/in their building. We have teacher leaders both est. & non est.
A5 We have T leaders on committes, running grade level S council, PBIS, WEB, and we often ask for Ts to lead staff PD.
Is this the one you just did? Lorene sent link today. Was so glad she thought of me.
A5) Besides being on committees or leading PDs, people can be that leader in their building taking risks and trying new things
Q6: How often & in what ways do teachers in your school connect with teachers in other schools?
A5: Aside from coaching, we've been building up T leadership teams Love the idea of model classrms Going to share w/the bosses!
A6: through Twitter as well as study group grants
the classrooms should be places "our" students are learning... we should all be in those spaces learning https://t.co/sXCeP7XKaq
interesting... what word would you choose?
A5: cont....helping foster their path. Encouraging risk taking, early adopting, changing grade levels to gain perspective
A5 Also requires admin ready to share that leadership. Be willing to step out and grow staff
A5: key teachers, district committees, tech integration helpers, committee leaders, TOSAs, etc. https://t.co/YzyID9bioa
Q5: What are opportunities in your school for teachers to take on leadership roles?
A5 one question I have in regards to all the ways to be a t leader is how to help support Ts in the balance of leading & teaching
A6 This is a work in progress. We are looking to do more. We do have occassional observations/meetings.
A6 Love when Ts can see student learning in other schools. I've taken teams from time to time and set up debriefings.
A6: Our grade level PLCs meet in Cross District PLCs (3 schools together) once a month.
Most important is that every teacher feels valued for what he/she brings to the profession. Teachers are leaders!
There are leadership roles and there are leaders. :)
How are ppl encouraging leadership among Ts? Good opp, but feel Ts sometimes shy away when becomes extra work (ie, committees...)
A principal can't lead a school alone. Need to make sure all are on the bus with you.
A6: Depends. Those with grants-often! Scoring, learning, walk-throughs, lesson studies. Others-prof. Learning & through dig. tools
A6: As coaches of several districts we make connections for teachers across the region.
Q7: How often & in what ways do teachers connect with community resources?
A5. District chair mtgs, observe model classrooms, content meetings, grade level
Wow! This would be a great goal for our campus. https://t.co/UqGdZAOQgv
A6: Our grade level PLCs meet in Cross District PLCs (3 schools together) once a month.
wow! How long are they able to meet? How many schools are in the district?
I may have just duplicated this q :) I needed to read first
A6) Many times through Skype or other other online forums. Powerful to see what's happening beyond your classroom walls
Be sure goals and outcomes are clear. And take time to set norms and make connections in the new groups.
They meet about an hour (on 2 hour early release day). There are 6 elementary schools (so half in each CDPLC).
We are a big district, & our Ts often struggle 2 connect w/ comm resource. Start w/ getting 2 know the comm. B a part of the comm.
A6: Focusing on building more T connections across district via Google+, GHO sessions... other ideas?
A6 - Varies from T to T, but professional learning conferences are big.
that sounds amazing! Such a great way to build consistency and capacity amongst Ts!
A7 We make an effort to connect with the comm. Work with local arts society, communicate with newspapers, ask for volunteers, etc.
A7 In a big district Ts often struggle 2 connect w/ comm resource. Start w/ getting 2 know the comm. B a part of the comm.
A7: many connect through parents or parent clubs, more connections today for
Put them a role of opportunity and the leader in them will emerge. Empower. https://t.co/gCVJzvo2wM
Q5: What are opportunities in your school for teachers to take on leadership roles?
What reason,? collecting, observing, providing feedback, problem solving, gathering ideas ..define purpose https://t.co/7EiTihKxDd
I agree. I'm just trying to think of a different word than visit for what we're doing when we go to different rooms...
A7 Nat. African American Parent Involvement Day was a huge success for our school. Great turn out from comm. partners.
Focus this year and last was on writing CFAs together.
A7: Our MakerHappen program helps Ts bring in the community through MSpace projects. A great way to fight isolation!
Q8: Are there ways, and if so what, that teachers in your school feel isolated from administrators?
A7 We are not good at this. Could use some suggestions. https://t.co/uS2bkXRuCN
Q7: How often & in what ways do teachers connect with community resources?
A7 - An extremely active and supportive parent community has a lot to offer. Asking our parents is a great step one.
I’d love to hear more about how MakerHappen works?
A7: community nights with community booths, tech support- coding etc.,watch dogs, food, gardening, build projects, painting
We have site lead teams meet every few months, but I'm also trying to build online comm for all Ts in dist to collab
A8 Because I'm not in my office very much, it may be difficult for some staff to find me when needed. https://t.co/cagGa5WqvZ
Q8: Are there ways, and if so what, that teachers in your school feel isolated from administrators?
A8: Whenever Ts feel that Admin is doing things TO instead of WITH them, they can feel isolated. Most are on the SAME team!
I email the newspapers every month with events & invite them into school. Getting the word out is a start for connecting.
Interesting! I will read this after . Thanks for sharing!
Cool. Ts need too! :) All in it together!
Couldn't have said this better! https://t.co/c77RkfTTuz
A8: Whenever Ts feel that Admin is doing things TO instead of WITH them, they can feel isolated. Most are on the SAME team!
Ts feel isolated when admin isn't transparent about goals, initiatives, and why they decided certain things.
Thanks, Sonya. Our paper follows our school on Twitter and Facebook.
exactly my thoughts; not necessarily intentional isolation-just busy!
I send out a weekly parent email. We also have a very active PTO that helps drum up connections.
A8 I think that comes anytime there's a lack of communication between the two. It's easy to forget to give info.
Ps and community have lots of skills to share & mutually have needs we can support, even in highly imp. Schools
Yes! How do admin create ownership and buy-in? https://t.co/Uhc3HoM84d
A8: Whenever Ts feel that Admin is doing things TO instead of WITH them, they can feel isolated. Most are on the SAME team!
A8 I am not sure you can over communicate with Ts They love knowing what's going on and by doing so isolation is prevented
We are also piloting a plan to have PTO parents call all parents 2 invite them to events.
A8 Perhaps a monitor in common place set w/tweetdeck of community twitter feeds?
I assume that means you are in the halls and classes. Those are great places to build connections & see what's happening!
Helps when admin make decisions w/Ts & Ss, not for Ts & Ss
Q9: What take-aways do you bring with you from tonight’s chat?
A7 public library, Junior Achievement teach financial literacy, fraternity readers, celebrity district readers, sp bee judges
good point-strong communication is vital to T/admin success
A8 I am a part of a 4 admin team. We make it a point to have one of us available at all times! Be that place to connect!
A8 I am a part of a 4 person admin team. We make it a point to have one of us available at all times! Be that place to connect!
Oops-- just realized I misread your Q first time. Sorry abt unrelated repsonse... long wk :)
A9: no matter how different our environments are we all share common goals and are interested in improving our craft!
And in the lunchroom and at recess. I try to connect whenever and wherever I can.
It sounds like you have strong messages about your school going out. That's a start!
I have wanted to try , maybe this will be the week. Thnx for the reminder!
Communication and building the end goal/idea in stages slowly - let the vision come to them https://t.co/4dWPGg0Kyf
Yes! How do admin create ownership and buy-in? https://t.co/Uhc3HoM84d
A8: Whenever Ts feel that Admin is doing things TO instead of WITH them, they can feel isolated. Most are on the SAME team!
Have you considered creating a database of community resources and matching them to T's needs?
A9: Still thinking abt how to grow T leaders w/out growing their workload
A9 - Always need to strive to be visible and geographically close. Proximity can make all the difference in connections.
A9 how grade level Plc can connect across buildings with structured time or perhaps a chat!
A8: More mindful support to smaller, more isolated school sites; continue to try for more peer learning opp.s
A9: Remember that Ts can feel isolated, too. Connect Ts with each other and build the PLNs. Thanks !
A9 I love how this group has many solutions to teacher isolation!
A8 Beat feet in the hallways. If you are visible, you are connected. Distance is harder to come by when admin are out and about.
Your response was good for me to consider. Online has great possibilities.
Sensitive and challenging; worth a full chat Thanks for the insight
So true! Just hanging out in staff rooms can turn into coaching work!
it's a tough balance for sure!
Agreed. The informal sharing can be a nice first step.
An not the old Make & Take type of thing! :)
Q10: What future topics would you like to discuss here at
A9 Appreciated ideas around comm. involvement and admin - T isolation.
Knowing breaks isolation.... admin and teachers need to KNOW one another... continue to learn about each other
A10 I'd be happy to see a discussion about PD and how to change it up from the "direct instruction" model. Flipped PD?
A9) Isolation will reach a small amount of people. Sharing can go global. Meet more kids needs when share & work together
A9 As a rural campus, I need to make a concerted effort to get our teachers connected and to maintain the connection.
this is where Ts start to stand out. Ts who see learning as a way to impr., & lessen the work v. add to
If you have solutions to teacher isolation please DM me; would love to include you in book &I are writing
Topic noted. is our poll maker. https://t.co/Ya00BPQtFA
A10 I'd be happy to see a discussion about PD and how to change it up from the "direct instruction" model. Flipped PD?
I second this recommendation! https://t.co/gnq48NuVDc
A10 I'd be happy to see a discussion about PD and how to change it up from the "direct instruction" model. Flipped PD?
Thx for great insights & learning special thx to my comoderator will be back next week
Powerful chat tonight peeps! And just in case you are wondering an hour twitter chat is t 3000+ steps from treadmill desk!
mostly because the stronger one gets, the efficacy strengthens, and clarity & passion evolve
Thanks for a thoughtful discussion, ! See you next week!
First time joining . Thanks for a great conversation. I'm looking forward to next week.
A10: How to be transformational as a coach. Directive vs. Facilitative. HOw do you handle your role? https://t.co/tnv5hYhzWo
There were a few difficulties w/ParticipateLearn. Notably, I couldn't see what someone replied to. Loved the Q/A box!
... next step is shared goals for student success.. Teacher and Admin become tean https://t.co/xE4PiWRVmU
Agreed. Most anger & judgement is based in misunderstanding - know their story & assume best intentions. https://t.co/athoLo3McS
A10: Effect size and how it can focus our work, coaching in tough situations- on the clock support, induc. support, data struc.s
This Smore newsletter is a great tool for communication and connecting!
Topic noted cc https://t.co/C6DJsrqTpb
A10: Effect size and how it can focus our work, coaching in tough situations- on the clock support, induc. support, data struc.s
I will. I would love to talk Thank you!