#OHEdChat was started by an ad hoc group of Ohio educators and other interested people. For information and updates about the chat, visit https://ohedchat.wordpress.com/
Good evening and and welcome to #ohedchat Please introduce yourself. And, I'd like to give a special welcome to our co-moderator for the evening @JAWsclcounselor
Hello, #ohedchat friends! Tricia Ebner, gifted consultant & coordinator in NE Ohio, looking forward to this critically important topic! Thanks, @JAWsclcounselor & @Jacki_prati for hosting this tonight!
Welcome #ohedchat fam! Excited to be joining @Jacki_prati for our topic of #MentalHealth! I’m Jeff - school counselor in Hilliard! Let’s grow together.
Q1: Supporting mental health and wellness (MH&W) is an important part of our job as educators. In what ways does your school support student mental health and wellness? #ohedchat
I tried to do a little shopping downtown . . . but the 11-year-old was much more interested in the Lego store. Go figure! Was still a great break. #ohedchat
A1: We make sure we work as a team. We have a Child Development Advisor @RachaelLehmann who supports our Ss. We also run programs for our Ss too - like Building Mental Wellness. #ohedchat
Q1: Supporting mental health and wellness (MH&W) is an important part of our job as educators. In what ways does your school support student mental health and wellness? #ohedchat
A2: Comprehensive, data-driven interventions to meet the immediate needs of our Ss. We are finding the #MentalHealth needs of our school and proactively treating! #ohedchat
Q1: Supporting mental health and wellness (MH&W) is an important part of our job as educators. In what ways does your school support student mental health and wellness? #ohedchat
A1: Comprehensive, data-driven interventions to meet the immediate needs of our Ss. We are finding the #MentalHealth needs of our school and proactively treating! #ohedchat#ohedchat
A1: Working with multiple districts, allows me to see various models of support for MH & W. The models that seem to be the most effective include student voice in all parts of the process (from planning, to implementation, to evaluation). #ohedchat
A1. My district is building strong partnerships across sectors. The goal is to improve students coping skills.I recently heard of a program in Quebec Passport: Skills for Life, aimed at students ages 9 to 11,
Q1: Supporting mental health and wellness (MH&W) is an important part of our job as educators. In what ways does your school support student mental health and wellness? #ohedchat
A1: Like @katricequitter, I'm working with multiple districts, too. One quality I've noticed a focus on the whole child, looking at the BIG picture and not just the smaller details. #ohedchat
A1 We have linked w/an outside agency giving us a counselor 4x a week, we have lunch buddy groups, working on mindfulness activities in classrooms and begin the day bldg wide with breathing #ohedchat
I'll have to check that out. Coping skills are so important-as educators we need to learn how to coach Ss as they learn to cope with life events #ohedchat
I'll have to check that out. Coping skills are so important-as educators we need to learn how to coach Ss as they learn to cope with life events #ohedchat
We have been working on teaching the techniques to deal with difficult situations and many teachers have been working on having Ss reframe their words. #ohedchat
A1. Meeting the soicial and emotional needs of the Ss as well as the basic needs our school tries to help families out with programs from Go Pantry, School counselors working with Ss 1:1 on issues. Ss resource center through the schools. We provide school supplies too #ohedchat
Good evening all. Just wanted to check in and say hi. Might jump in later just home from the first track meet of the yr.
Tyler, hs admin from columbus.
A1-We have a school counselor, School psych& PBIS committee. All of our Ts have been trained in PAX to help promote + behavior in the classroom. Seeing more Social emotional needs in Ss so this helps #ohedchat
A1. Our school supports MH & W 1st & foremost by being active, accessible, visible & relationship oriented. All staff. All day. All in. We also look at SEL data our school collects #ohedchat
Good evening all. Just wanted to check in and say hi. Might jump in later just home from the first track meet of the yr.
Tyler, hs admin from columbus.
A1: Relationships come first. An education isn't supposed to be about competition (grades, attendance records, awards, what have you) - instead it's about ALL of us learning. Focus on the student and learning will come naturally. #ohedchat
A2: We use assessment data to see how our students who we know have MH struggles are progressing. Watching for signs and when we need to step up support. #ohedchat
A1: Open lines of communication between all parties and teaching and discussing self care. Engaging with and practicing authentic listening as well. #ohedchat
A2 We track our discipline plus our Ss who earn their quarterly activity. It helps us as a PBIS committee to see what is working, what needs reworked, and who the Ss are that need more support. #ohedchat
A2-We began using Panorama this year to gain info about student Grit, Growth Mindset, Hope, Compassion and Sense of Belonging--we are learning how to use the data #ohedchat
A1 - we must meet basic student needs before we can teach them higher order thinking skills. So much work to be done. Districts need to provide more wrap-around services. Need funding and state support to do this. #ohedchathttps://t.co/PxCZWW301x
A2: I've seen Ts tracking discipline in a form or tool shared with guidance and admins, so everyone is aware. Guidance counselors also keep track of concerns, requests to see them, etc. Goal is to provide support before small issues become big ones. #ohedchat
A2-Next week my school is having our first ever Mental Health and Wellness Data team-Ts will join admin and counselor at planning so we can be on the same page about all kids MH&W needs #ohedchat
A2: #MentalHealth data drives our individual, group, classroom and school-wide counseling supports. We’re not doing interventions without serious, data driven backing! #ohedchat
A2. Absenteeism. Students with temporary or permanent disabilities. Finally, schools have seen the escalation rates in suspension for MS African American children. #ohedchat
A2. Data tells us which Ss fall into the gap and which may be struggling with various issues as well! From free and reduced lunch to whether or not your school is a Title school. #ohedchat
A1: Robin -IL, joining late! @foxchase308 is becoming a “trauma informed” school. Select staff was sent to a 3 day training to learn more about #ACEs#ohedchat
Q1: Supporting mental health and wellness (MH&W) is an important part of our job as educators. In what ways does your school support student mental health and wellness? #ohedchat
Funding & support would be great, but we need to find the ways now to do all we can until $$ and support get here. Our kids & their families need us. #ohedchat
A1: we have been to multiple trauma informed care trainings. We focus strongly on holistic development. We have both Male & female small groups. We partner w/local agencies w/more resources to help develop pathways of support that does end at school or a facility
We are also using PBIS and many staff members using PAX. Similar language and expectations have helped us across grade levels and in the building. #ohedchat
A2: As I am just finishing my student teaching I am interested to hear how you all have found success in using data to support MH&W. And in what ways I can do the same in my future classroom. #ohedchat
A3: Make sure we have strong, open relationships with those community agencies. Being informed on what they can offer allows us to suggest appropriate programs for our Ss. #ohedchat
A2: working in an environment with students that could be at risk data is a highly effective tool. Being aware of the population you work with, the needs of the community, and listening to kids also plays a vital role
A3: Trusting partnerships! There are so many amazing resources at our fingertips! Let’s invest in building these relationships, so we can build and connect them to our Ss and Fs in need! #ohedchat
A3 Bring reps from those agencies in during open house, conferences, have their forms available to share with parents. Make it as easy as possible for families to get connected w/out having to go to another place. #ohedchat
A focus of our pd the last three years has been on building staff awareness of trauma and poverty on students. Our kids have so much trauma outside of school they have little chance to learn. The best thing staff can do is work to foster relationships with kids #ohedchat
A3. In terms of wellness .. some disabilities can be seen and others not. I'm learning to use which apps to help Ss learn with disabilities! Checkout @MSFTEnable#ohedchat
A3~ fostering and dev authentic relationships w/families, outreach providers, law enforcement, court personnel~ open and ongoing relevant, authentic conversations for the betterment of all stakeholders 🌎 big picture #ohedchat
A focus of our pd the last three years has been on building staff awareness of trauma and poverty on students. Our kids have so much trauma outside of school they have little chance to learn. The best thing staff can do is work to foster relationships with kids #ohedchat
A3. It's joining partnerships with our community to our school to meet important basic needs for our Ss and families! Working together on projects, to meet those needs by gathering food, clothing. #ohedchat
A2. We look at Panorama SEL data, counseling referrals, discipline referrals 2C trends. In terms of using that data 2 better serve MH&W? We could do more. Data rich but a little action poor. Honest. #ohedchat
The research on the effects trauma plays on our Ss brain development really drives home the point that we need to continue to foster relationships and make connections. #ohedchat
A3 - we have added family and community support coordinators in our elementary schools. Looking to expand to our junior high schools. They have helped. #ohedchat
I'd love to hear more about how you are using Panorama. We started using it this year and I really like the resources and data it is giving us. #ohedchat
A3: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships! Find authentic and meaningful ways to Ss, Ts, and community partners to connect with each other! Not just when help is needed. #ohedchat
I agree! I am fascinated by the effects of trauma on the brain and on student development. Makes me realize that we are often just putting a bandaid on deep wounds! We need to do more for kids and families #ohedchat
A3: Our District Convocation kicked off with @PaperTigersDoc. Our 2nd Semester kicked off with @DocResilience to educate staff about #ACEs & trauma. Sometimes...WE ARE the best part of a Ss day! #ohedchat
You highlight the importance of knowing your Ss and providing supports that are specific to their needs ~ poverty, trauma, homeless~ whatever, wherever that may be 👍
A2. We look at Panorama SEL data, counseling referrals, discipline referrals 2C trends. In terms of using that data 2 better serve MH&W? We could do more. Data rich but a little action poor. Honest. #ohedchat
Schools really need to become a hub for services for families. I'd love to see schools have pediatrician offices, dentists, counselors and other supports-make the school the center of the community #Ohedchat
A2- K-5 use office referral form 4 students to help understand the triggers of the behavior. In PS, we handle the behavior in our classroom by providing quiet area, sensory area for Ss who need to calm their body & lots of picture supports to help them handle emotions. #ohedchat
We have expanded this year from just providing sealants to having an actual exam. One of my Ss was gone so long--here she had 4 cavities :( Dental health is important to physical health #ohedchat
A4: For our school, I'd like to see more professional learning. I think if our post secondary schools also offered some courses, it could help our new teachers too. The more information we have the better. #ohedchat
#ohedchat This is a radical idea.....and a good one. What are the obstacles? How is it funded? Tons of questions. I'd love to consider the path to this.
Schools really need to become a hub for services for families. I'd love to see schools have pediatrician offices, dentists, counselors and other supports-make the school the center of the community #Ohedchat
A4: Empowering our Ss to look out for each other by addressing the stigma associated with MH&W. Keep driving the message, “see something, say something.” Building a culture where we have each other’s back in #MentalHealth. #ohedchat
A4. Start with the tools and services I know and have access too. My principal provided a binder with all the free community services. Add PD for accessibility tools on my computer. @MSFTEnable#ohedchat
A4 We need to continue to evaluate what we are doing, become better educated to help our Ss with MH&W, and bring agencies into our schools. If we provide, I believe they will come. #ohedchat
A3. Almost need to have this as a dedicated position in a school. If role of community liaison gets added 2 someone else's plate of other duties, it will get dropped. #ohedchat
A2- K-5 use office referral form 4 students to help understand the triggers of the behavior. In PS, we handle the behavior in our classroom by providing quiet area, sensory area for Ss who need to calm their body & lots of picture supports to help them handle emotions. #ohedchat
I think that's just it. If we are more aware - we can find them the resources. We probably don't have the expertise for all the MH & W issues in our school. But knowing where to direct them is a huge step. #ohedchat
A4: Joining late as usual -- we have to meet Ss and families where they are and not try to help the way we "think" they should be helped. Old models don't work, we have to use a school as a full-service resource. #OhEdChat
A4. Providing supports in our school system from doctors, dental, counselors, any type of medical/psychological needs for our Ss if they need assistance! #ohedchat
A3- we have established partnerships w/ Children’s Resource Center in BG. They do a program w/ our 4-5 yr olds on safe touches. We also use them as resource for Ss & families struggling w/ behavior concerns. #ohedchat
A4 - as educators, we must remind ourselves that we are teaching kids. The most importantthing to do is foster positive relationships. Sometimes we forget. #ohedchat
A4~qualified staff, areas of expertise needs to be varied to address ALL needs-big&small, ongoing prof dev in MH&W ~ staff thatbusvooen, flexible and fosters a team approach #ohedchat
A4: Compared to Europe, we are far more likely to prescribe medication. Europe is more likely to address MH&W with counseling and active participation in programs. Also, we need to make HIPPA more flexible so Ts can know what needs Ss have. Secrecy = stigma. #ohedchat
It's true-there are days I spend hours searching for resources for families. It would be great to have someone who knows who to reach out to so we don't have to search #ohedchat
A4: Becoming aware of traumas & #ACEs can help staff empathize, build relationships w/Ss. How many staff are survivors of #ACEs? Does that help them relate, bond, understand the chaos? #ohedchat@DocResilience@ResilienceReset
Question: I once had the experience of being told I was being "too nosy" when I expressed concern about MH & W of a student. It took me off-guard. Where is that line? #ohedchat
Good point Adam. We help kids most when parents are forthcoming about needs and especially when they sign a release so we can talk with health care providers. We all need to work together #ohedchat
A4 - as educators, we must remind ourselves that we are teaching kids. The most importantthing to do is foster positive relationships. Sometimes we forget. #ohedchat
A4: Compared to Europe, we are far more likely to prescribe medication. Europe is more likely to address MH&W with counseling and active participation in programs. Also, we need to make HIPPA more flexible so Ts can know what needs Ss have. Secrecy = stigma. #ohedchat
Great question Tricia. I think that it's still a new concept to parens and even some educators for schools to be concerned about MH&W! I think it all goes back to relationships-we have to make sure Ss and parents trust us so we can have those uncomfortable convos #ohedchat
In my opinion, if its in the best interest of the student, getting them help and support to assist their learning, then its what we should do. #kidsfirst#ohedchat
A4 - I believe someone already said it, but listening is a powerful tool. Acknowledge the feelings the students are having 1st when speaking to them. FLIP method is a powerful tool I use in my class to help with student emotions and behaviors #ohedchat
A4. Research & implement SEL curricula school-wide, train teachers on why/how 2 use the curricula, hire MH&W professionals to support the teachers, involve families so they can support curricula efforts on the home front #ohedchat
A5: This is one where I would love to hear the ideas others have. I know some great ways to get parents involved overall in school, but this is a sensitive subject to many & others think it is just "fluff". Interested to hear what others do -- this is important. #ohedchat
A5-We all know that relationships are number 1-if we want to really be able to make an impact we must build relationships with parents and Ss so that we can have tough conversations when we need to. We must build emotional capital with our families #ohedchat
In my opinion, if its in the best interest of the student, getting them help and support to assist their learning, then its what we should do. #kidsfirst#ohedchat
A5: Parents are our partners in supporting their child. Build trust. Invest in this relationship. We will get more accomplished for our Ss when we lead with love and empathize with our parents. #ohedchat
#ohedchat The law is not on our side. While I am a HUGE advocate of privacy, I believe Ts should be considered part of the treatment team along with Dr.s....and given the information they need to nurture the mind and wellness of Ss. Secrecy = stigma.
A5 We need to do better and we are trying to find ways to reach our parents. Our outside agency support helps, but I would like to see us get more comfortable talking to Ps about MH&W and bringing in supports at school functions. Building relationships
A5: When parents realize my #1 concern is a child's health & well-being, the partnership is solidified, and we can work much more effectively for the good of the child. #ohedchat
A2. We look at Panorama SEL data, counseling referrals, discipline referrals 2C trends. In terms of using that data 2 better serve MH&W? We could do more. Data rich but a little action poor. Honest. #ohedchat
A5 - I am stumped. Most of the involvement is reactive. How do we get more proactive while maintaining appropriate confidences and legal barriers and also not over committing ourselves? #ohedchat
In the situation I experienced, I was relaying that I was concerned because I had a seen a change in the child's demeanor. I wasn't asking for information--just relaying a concern. I think that's why the response took me off guard. #ohedchat
Schools really need to become a hub for services for families. I'd love to see schools have pediatrician offices, dentists, counselors and other supports-make the school the center of the community #Ohedchat
A5-We have had two parent workshops in which we worked with parents to learn about growth mindset and building strong families. We used The Carpentar by @JonGordon11 this year. We need to start the convo w/ parents in a safe environment #ohedchat
A5: We encourage & welcome parental involvement! Many opportunties to volunteer, to attend H&S functions. P/T Conferences, and if Pp &/or Tt has concerns, should be communicating for the best interests of the Ss. #ohedchat#ResilienceReset
A5. Working with the Ss and P in building relationships in the school. Then P are more open to discuss problems and ask for help. The same is with Ss, they begin to trust, and they know that we will help them! #ohedchat
I agree! My families who make the most progress are the ones who have wrap around support who work with parents and kids at home and with us at school! #ohedchat
Sometimes what I find difficult is when we see a really big difference in behaviours at home and school. We've had a parent bring forward depression for their child at home, but we see no signs of it at school. How to support this? #ohedchat
Fortunately, I have had great experiences when discussing MH & W of students with other staff. I must admit I never "really" pried, but I was given all of the information I needed in order to be helpful to the student. #ohedchat
Christin, a person's digital footprint is forever! What will my grandchildren see when they look at my FB and Twitter posts from today? My posts and Tweets are my legacy. #ohedchat
My situation ultimately turned out okay--and I know I did the right thing by sharing my concern, not sure how I should've handled it differently. Obviously it stuck with me--this happened a long time ago! #ohedchat
A6: Any conversation! The more people talk about it, the more people are aware. Talk with parents, students, staff, community - we all need to work together. #endthestigma#ohedchat
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At a staff PD, we listed all of the possible trauma that our Ss face. Then we also listed all of the things that might be stressing a S. It was a good exercise for understanding and remembering what’s going on for any one of our students - not just those with ACEs. #ohedchat
In my classroom we have a wide range of disabilities from ED, ASD, ADHD, Ss w/ limited comm. skills that picture supports, sensory breaks, modeling of skills helps them learn & understand how 2 comm. wants & needs. Not sure of specific data for K-5 & if tied 2 certain disability
We've offered that too. But parent is persistent that we are missing things. She wants to school to do more. Outside agencies can sometimes be expensive. #ohedchat
Our school has started a program that allows some students to choose between detention and yoga. From what other teachers and students have said it has been working pretty well. Some students need to learn the skills to cope and this seems to help. #ohedchat#yoga
A6: Keeping talking and encouraging honest conversation. Stigma can’t grow in a vulnerable environment. This takes time and is worth the investment. #ohedchat
A6: We need to have open, honest, and frank conversations with Ss and Ps. It may not always be a pleasant convo, but it has to happen. We also have to get public officials from all levels involved. That's key. #ohedchat
A6-I had a convo w/ a parent on Mon who had no idea that schools address MH&W w/ Ss.He was so https://t.co/GWW9g5Hc67 made me realize that we need to tell our story-knowing that we address MH&W put him at ease in the face of a scary situation that occurred w/ his child #ohedchat
A6~ name it, honor the it, collaborate to help ease the issue(s), take a team approach, remove the shame/stigma associated w/ MH&W challenges #ohedchat
A6. Conversations need to happen. We have groups for Suicide prevention come in and talk with Ss from the high school who are early college years and can relate to Ss. We need to be more open minded about mental health and wealthness in all of our schools! #ohedchat