This is the official Twitter account for #OklaEd, thehashtag that brings OK educators together. #OklaEd is not political & promotes constructive dialogue.
M. Knabe, Secondary Director of Curriculum & Instruction for #cpsreds checking in from Oceanside, CA. Building my capacity with some “light” summer reading #oklaed
Shari Gateley, 11th Grade ELA, Putnam City West HS. This summer I’ve attended the @k12lab at Stanford design school, grad school, collaborated w/other Ts in my district to plan for the upcoming school year, and have been reading and reading and reading. #OklaEd
Kim, 4th grade T at Jefferson Elem in Norman. I am building my capacity by taking on new challenges that will better me as a person, so that I can be a better teacher for my students. #oklaed
Todd Gragg History Educator, Midwest City High School, I am exploring more ways to get students engaged in the material not just memorizing data. #oklaed
A1: It looks like the person in front of the room no longer being the T. Instead, the T is seated with the Ss or out of the way, yet ready to step in if things go wonky - but not just because the pauses get a bit long. #oklaed
A1: Out District just finished its first year as a #PBL district. All district staff, including central admin, have been going through on going PD and it has been amazing for our students and staff! As educators we should always model new learning! #oklaed
The shift from teaching to learning represents a shift in focus, attention, and goals from the teacher doing the work to creating an environment that exposes and supports S success during and after the work #oklaed
A1 Next year's focus is on fostering deeper thinking through student choice. Getting myself "offstage" and working side-by-side with Ss as they engage content and learn. #oklaed
Michelle Baldwin, 9-12 ELA at Cherokee High School in Cherokee, OK. This summer I attended Model Schools Conference and have a stack of ed books to read #oklaed
#A1 - For me it means being willing to give up some control, to let things be messy and chaotic at times, to let students have real choice and to be a mentor or guide rather than a lecturer. #oklaed
A1: Consistent true reflection on "Are they learning?" regardless of how we may like to teach or how we have been teaching or how we are comfortable in teaching it. SHOW me the DATA!!! #oklaed
A1: I think teachers should facilitate learning, not present a canned presentation 6 times a day. It should be different each hour based on how the students learn. #oklaed
A1 - It means making sure everything is student centered. I want to facilitate learning. I think design thinking and PBL helps this happen. This year at PCW we will be doing some schoolwide design thinking projects thanks to our awesome librarian @msjillslay11#oklaed
A1: While we may have good intentions as teachers we need to shift our focus from my lessons, my instructions, my assessments, and pay less attention to teaching and more attention to learning. How are our students learning? Are we reaching them? Less ME and more THEM #oklaed
A1- Teaching is an adult centric action. Learning involves everyone in the classroom being engaged and playing a part in discussion and problem solving. #OklaEd.
A professional learning community, or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. #oklaed
A1- the shift from teaching to learning looks like a building full of people who understand their profession is about their students’ performance and not just theirs. #oklaed
Sorry I am late to the party. Really into watching American Jail on CNN!!! Social justice is my jam. Math T at NWC in @OKCPS. Happy 4th everyone #oklaed
A2: A professional learning community must have a shared vision and communal understanding of the basic road map to get there. But each member takes different side tracks at times and is willing to share their experiences. #oklaed
Love your focus here on the how, Kimberly. Our Ss should have various opportunities to demonstrate how they are meeting learning goals @KimberBlodgett#oklaed
#oklaed A1 One way is student partner share. Students restating in their own words, modeling for one another. Ss using @Seesaw to show their own learning.
A1) We have been working on the PLC model for over 8 years now. I love it so much. We are razor sharp on collecting evidence of student learning and adapting our teaching to reach all students #OklaEd
A2: PLCs focus on learning, collaboration, & results through defining what Ss should know, how to assess the learning, & what to do when students do & do not master those standards. #oklaed
A1 our Strategic Plan will lead us into PBL this year, PLC model in our schools...we will learn together. In my class, continuing to push my Ss with makerspace, Google Classroom, creating in GSuite. #oklaed
A2) a “PLC” is a group of people who focus on outcomes of student learning through their professional practice...... and not just about the lesson, but what takes place beyond the lesson for S benefit #oklaed
#oklaed A1: When designing unit lessons, I first decide on what I want my Ss to do at the end of the unit and then decide how I will get them there: feedback, practice, repetition, and application.
So true! One of the things I love about PLC model is the discussion among Ts. I love finding out another way to help reach students. Sometimes I have blind spots. #OklaEd
A2: PLCs focus on learning, collaboration, & results through defining what Ss should know, how to assess the learning, & what to do when students do & do not master those standards. #oklaed
A2 Everyone has to be on the same page and engaged in the process. Having norms and stacks of data won't benefit Ss if the Ts would rather be anywhere else. #oklaed
A2 A PLC is a group of colleagues, in varying number, who are reflecting on current practices and providing reciprocal support to each other, with the goal of making the instructional shifts necessary to support Ss growth #oklaed
PLCs are sharing visions and goals. To be effective they should show shared-analyzing impacts, implementing ideas, and a belief in colleagues and their ideas. #oklaed
A2 - PLC is a collaborative community. To be effective, they need to be an environment of mutual respect, open mindedness, and one that believes all kids are capable of learning at a high level. There needs to be a clear vision & kids should priority number one! #oklaed
A2: I have discovered a big tight that is often overlooked is norms. You have to have them and incorporate them all the time. Storming will come and the norms become the anchor that keeps you grounded. #oklaed
A2) Professional Learning Community... they can look a lot of different ways but ultimately they must be student focused, data-driven, solutions-oriented, positive #oklaed
A3: Collective teacher efficacy is your staff coming together to achieve collective goals as a whole. How to achieve such a thing is to make sure your goals are student centered. keep students at the center of everything, working collectively as a staff should be simple. #oklaed
A3: I have no idea, but I want tome! Does it mean that Ts work together the make sure learning flows from one class to the next? Is it a typical extension of a good PLC? #oklaed
A3) Collective teacher efficacy is built when student growth is witnessed, when the teachers feel empowered and appreciated, and when everyone is moving in the same direction. #oklaed#allforkids
A2: A PLC is a group of people who increase student learning and achievement by working TOGETHER at a high capacity and hold each other collectively accountable for student learning at high levels! #oklaed
A2: I can give you the "Learning by Doing Answer" but what I believe is the #1 "tight" is to keep it REAL!! We must reflect on data and research evidence proven instruction techniques that do focus on learning. We have to set egos aside to... Look at the DATA! #Oklaed
#oklaed A2: Professional Learning Communities work best when we work together to achieve the goals for our Ss, make a plan, and implement it. Then go back and reflect on worked and what didn't work.
A3 It is much like giving students a voice, teachers must feel like they are heard and have an impact on improving the learning for all students in the building. I must always work to build relationships, when I am listening well, I am more likely to he heard. #oklaed
A3: Belief in self and team that we can accomplish our goals. (It might be difficult but that is where the joy is...sense of accomplishment is greatest feeling in the world; actually helping others gain sense of accomplishment is the best feeling in the world!) #oklaed
A3 Is it oversimplifying to reduce "collective teacher efficacy" to "we are more valuable together than we are as the sum of our individual contributions?" #oklaed
" ... A look at an incumbent's past voting record provides powerful information as to their real view on education," writes the president of FoundationOKCPS
A4) Response to Intervention works best when teachers know the specific areas students are struggling and help them make gains in those areas. Differentiation in class, working with other Ts. #oklaed
Agree, Twylla. When we observe that our collective efforts are supporting tangible S growth, momentum builds. We can use this to tackle larger barriers to S success and achieve our vision #oklaed
Not an oversimplification -- I was just reading something about how a good staff is more like a basketball team than a track team. Collaboration builds efficacy! #oklaed
A3: Teachers need to believe in themselves and have high expectations of themselves. Research states if teachers have those things it will show in student achievement #oklaed
Agree, Twylla. When we observe that our collective efforts are supporting tangible S growth, momentum builds. We can use this to tackle larger barriers to S success and achieve our vision @TwyllaHester#oklaed
A3: Wow!! I may refer to DATA for every answer. LOL!! We must together reflect on data, evidence, and research to identify what may work better! We can always do better. #Oklaed
A3: I may be a goof, collective teacher efficacy?? My tribe? My own collective effectiveness?
Still a work of heart with these new standards...great scores last year, piss poor this year. Same kids. #rethinkingmycollectiveeficacy#oklaed
A4 I am a successful Response to Intervention program. I teach a small group of students and we work together to support each other while learning to read. It is further supported in our after school prpgram. #oklaed
A4: RTI - Response to Intervention - Catching learning/behavior needs early on for student success. A successful RTI program is one that is continuously training Ts & staff, one that sets Ss up for success, Shows up daily for the session. #oklaed
Q5) Are you familiar with John Hattie and his collective research? What do agree/like and what do you question/dislike when reading his meta analysis? #oklaed
A3 - I think this is about everyone working together to achieve a common goal. If we are truly student centered it should be less about me and more about us. That means I need to build relationships and work w/every T in my building to ensure student success. #oklaed
“Collective Teacher Efficacy” must be built upon trust. Collaborative teams have to support each other and also hold each other accountable...and we can’t take someone calling us out on accountability personally! Transparent communication & team building are a must! #oklaed
A4: Response to Intervention, I learned from Sir Google. It looks like that means that the earlier you intervene, the more likely you are to succeed. So for education, it should mean we respond ASAP to any S issues we see... maybe? #oklaed
A4: Response to intervention. The plan to ensure success for all students even after the first couple attempts did not work. Example- time built in the day specifically for students to learn what was not previously learned and not just moving on without them. #oklaed
The problem with RTI is often the interventionists wear so many different hats that sessions gets missed or rescheduled. This needs to be corrected. If we want student success, we need to take some burden off them. #oklaed
A4) RtI works to identify gaps that students might have or areas that they are struggling in... to make targeted planning/differentiated for Ss #oklaed
A4 - Response to Invervention - we have remediation and enrichment time built into our school day for every student. It was new this year and has some kinks to work out, but I appreciate our admin being willing to try new things for the benefit of kids! #oklaed
A4: responding to holes in education. Team I it up with SPED makes too many think SPED. RTI is simply intervening with more aggressive tactics in the process. #oklaed
A5) I love the fact that relationships are shown to be truly the most effective aspect of student success. Could there be any better argument for how important teacher efficacy is? #oklaed
Q5) Are you familiar with John Hattie and his collective research? What do agree/like and what do you question/dislike when reading his meta analysis? #oklaed
A5 John Hattie did a lot of research on Project Based Learning. I think I agreed with what I have read about his conclusions. I really never thought of Direct Instruction as being part of PBL #oklaed
A4: Response to intervention. The plan to ensure success for all students even after the first couple attempts did not work. Example- time built in the day specifically for students to learn what was not previously learned and not just moving on without them. #oklaed
Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
A4: We also refer to RTI as WIN or “What I Need”. It’s all about what each student needs...and not just the struggling students. Students who are proficient and beyond also NEED extended instruction and challenging activities! EVERY student should receive RTI. #oklaed
#oklaed A4: Knowing what Ss need help with and going over it again, and again, and again, using different strategies. What my Ss learn in one unit is also used in other units. It's all about repetition and application.
You make key points, Kendy. Teams must be able to trust each other to share questions, apprehensions, and innovative ideas. When trusting relationships are solidified, teams can build greater capacity for success @KendyJohnston#oklaed
A5: yes. Like all of it but as with anything...question everything. What works for you might not work for me...people and situations all different...we know it works when it gets the results we desired! #oklaed
Q5) Are you familiar with John Hattie and his collective research? What do agree/like and what do you question/dislike when reading his meta analysis? #oklaed
A5: The new #1 is "Teacher estimates of student achievement" Which is NOT having high expectations for our students!!! The Ts who were able to predict their Ss scores closest, those Ss performed better!! So, it is how well you know your students!! #Oklaed
A6) When teachers have quality learning goals with a progression of learning built into them, then Ss can see where they are and where they need to be going. Similar to teacher efficacy - if Ss see improvements and gains then they'll get excited and push themselves more. #oklaed
A6 - Every decision I make begins with “if this isn’t good enough for my own children, it isn’t good enough for any child.” I only want what is best for my kids, so that is what my Ss get. High expectations are easy when you make it personal. #oklaed
Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
A4: Response to intervention. The plan to ensure success for all students even after the first couple attempts did not work. Example- time built in the day specifically for students to learn what was not previously learned and not just moving on without them. #oklaed
#oklaed A6: I like how Hattie shows that Ts make a difference and that discussions are important. Ss shouldn't just sit and complete worksheets. They need to do something with what they have learned.
A6) Ss will rise to your expectations, when you keep the bar high and believe that your Ss are capable of achieving above and beyond that level, they will. #oklaed
A5: The new #1 is "Teacher estimates of student achievement" Which is NOT having high expectations for our students!!! The Ts who were able to predict their Ss scores closest, those Ss performed better!! So, it is how well you know your students!! #Oklaed
A6: rubrics drive me crazy. It was a method for minimal effort growing up. I give a checklist as the way to the A. Does your project include this? Check. Does your project include that? Double check. Your project is missing X, go fix it. That has been effective here. #oklaed
A5: I missed 5 so I will just say that I loved how he focused on a growth mindset. I focus every year on the power of YET. I love how he says teachers would have more success if they focused more on S low efficacy, rather than high achievement. #oklaed
A6) Here’s my area! I do difficult things and have high expectations. I challenge my students, but in the past few years, I’ve challenged myself. I always try to learn. I try to keep up with the younger teachers. I believe in my students and my capabilities. Hattie? #oklaed
Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
A5- I love that his research shows that Teachers have a large effect size. Thus, they can/do make a difference. It puts numbers behind what we already know. #oklaed
Q5) Are you familiar with John Hattie and his collective research? What do agree/like and what do you question/dislike when reading his meta analysis? #oklaed
A4 RTI is a systematic structure of supports that our Ss receive that help them achieve academic, social, emotional, and positive leadership goals. In essence, it is sound pedagogical practice. RTI is only effective, if the core is effective #oklaed
According to Hattie and others the teacher's strong belief that a student can learn and can impart encouragement to the studen is the greatest factor in a students success., #oklaed
#oklaed A6: Ss are individuals with different needs and paths to take, so devise a plan for each one. This is what they can do, this is what they need to work on, and this is the direction they need to take.
A5: I totally agree with Hattie’s effect size in terms of building relationships, feedback, and goal setting. I wonder how he defines direct teaching as it has a larger effect size than I anticipated. #oklaed
I have to challenge you on this my friend. After doing an intense study of rubrics and checklists, I have found that a rubric when done well drives better quality work than a checklist. We gotta talk :) #OklaEd
A6B) I think this is a really important practice that we often forget about. It's the same with our Ts, is important to have high expectations, believe in their capabilities and be prepared to provide assistance if needed/requested #oklaed
A5: More on #5, Yes, class size is low on the list. Becuase everything on a meta-analysis study is compared to everything else on the list, so class size by itself doesn't help. Yep, you have to have other good teaching going on as well!! #Oklaed
A6b: I believe ALL teachers want to learn and grow, they are hungry for more, it’s our job to facilitate their learning and guide them to new heights #oklaed
Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
A6 I push my students to do the absolute best that they can -- for each to maximize his or her learning potential. Not all Ss learn/express learning the same way. Have to honor and capitalize on that to get their very best. #oklaed
A6b) It's easy to become stagnant if you don't stretch yourself. As admin, I've got to model lifelong learning and continual growth so that the Ts will do likewise. That'll move down to the Ss. #oklaed
A6 high expectations for ALL, every S’s journey may look different but it’s important for them to accomplish. Accountability is important...for my Ss and myself. I must have a real relationship in order to know how to help my Ss be successful. #oklaed
A6: communicate them, not just 2 them but 2 the class, school, community, parents, etc. Follow up with support. Specific individual goals/expectations shared with that individual & their support team; ideally parents. Biggest difference in success of Ss is 1 caring adult. #oklaed
Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
Hey #oklaed! Checking in a little late and watching the discussion. This is out my wheelhouse as a parent! Our 🍎 app has been updated to include runoff election and results from the June 26th primary! Check it out and let me know if you have any issues!
A6B) raise the bar on an individual bases for teachers but can raise the bar for the whole school goal - just make sure it is t something that is too far fetched or defeats the purpose #oklaed
A6: Raise Ss expectations by assigning challenging, thought provoking assignments. Challenge your students to develop skills while completing a task. Ss love to be challenged. Think outside the box. Help them discover the WHY in their work. #oklaed Keep it authentic!
A7 Some Ss see my discipline as a brick wall. My job is to find some way for even the most challenged to find some sort of foothold in which to believe, and then capitalize on that. #oklaed
I think high expectations are definitely needed, it just isn't what he actually studied with this factor. However, I'm guessing the same teachers who knew how their students would do, had high expectations as well!! #Oklaed
A7) It's so important. Give Ss opportunities to work with one another, don't save Ss when issues/challenges arise, empower them to work through the situation together #oklaed
A6B The expectations center on Ts relentlessly encouraging, supporting, and providing the best possible learning experiences for our Ss. This also connects to reciprocal expectations that I provide encouragement and support to Ts, also. #oklaed
A6: I expect teachers to be professional, challenge themselves the way they challenge students, model high quality collaboration, find the positive, continually learn, build positive relationships with students, parents, and each other. Celebrations are a must! #oklaed
A6 I constantly tell my students that if you always make a 100, you're not learning anything new. That motivates those who are struggling. I brag on improvement and get them excited with something new. I always tell them "I believe in YOU!" #oklaed
A7- I think this begins w/building relationships & connecting w/Ss on a personal level. My Ss need to know I see them & value them. I work hard for that. My goal is to create a space where they can “fail forward”-I want my classroom to be safe & one that promotes growth. #oklaed
Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
#oklaed A7: My seniors complete a senior project; they can work in groups. They receive feedback from me and their group members. They work together to complete artifacts using technology and give speeches. It focuses on their interests, career choices, or talents. They decide.
A7: I made a system where students use Red, Yellow, Green to monitor their own progress. They show it quietly on their desk then group themselves w/other students accordingly. My Ss loved this system. no hands raised. just show your color. #oklaed
A6 I constantly tell my students that if you always make a 100, you're not learning anything new. That motivates those who are struggling. I brag on improvement and get them excited with something new. I always tell them "I believe in YOU!" #oklaed
Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
A7 and A7b) It all starts with relationships and feeling secure to take risks in learning. Admin, Ts, and Ss must have a supportive, positive climate in which to grow without consequence. Mistakes should be encouraged and allowed. #oklaed
A4: We also refer to RTI as WIN or “What I Need”. It’s all about what each student needs...and not just the struggling students. Students who are proficient and beyond also NEED extended instruction and challenging activities! EVERY student should receive RTI. #oklaed
A7- I think this begins w/building relationships & connecting w/Ss on a personal level. My Ss need to know I see them & value them. I work hard for that. My goal is to create a space where they can “fail forward”-I want my classroom to be safe & one that promotes growth. #oklaed
Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
Student expectations are a big thing to me. This chart and work by Hammond has helped me most in this area. Check out her chart here:
Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
A7: Admin should model it....encourage teachers and give them feedback just as they are expected to do for their students. Learning never stops. #oklaed
A6: I do not subscribe to blanket high expectations for “all” students. High expectations are needed specifically where low expectations have been the norm. #oklaed
Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
A6: After spending time making connections with S’s, the deposits you’ve made by doing that will allow you to challenge S’s at their OWN level to increase their OWN expectations of of learning. #oklaed
Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
A7 - S’s have to know that you believe in them. Many students go home to unavailable parents (work 2 jobs, etc). They have to know that you care first, second that you believe in them. #oklaed
Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
A7) This seems like an easy answer and every T should do this from day one:I assist them with their answers, actions, and work habits.When they see correct answers and habits, they believe more. High expectations, but pull them a bit with a rope so achievement happens. #oklaed
Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
A8- I believe my school does a good job of trying to do both, but I think we have made it clear that the decisions made are about ensuring success for all Ss. If that makes adults uncomfortable then so be it, but if the decision is in line w/the vision, it has to happen. #oklaed
Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
A7: We do learning walks during PLCs. Then we debrief what teachers saw as related to our “look fors”. It is not evaluative. It’s an opportunity for teachers to see each other in action and learn from each other. #oklaed
A7: Sometimes it is hard to remember the importance of feedback when we have to grade, grade, and grade some more. We need to focus less on "grading papers" and more on Ss learning from feedback. #Oklaed
A8: We as adults must keep up with today's society. It's ever changing. To do this it may make some adults uncomfortable. We have to be okay with this, and adapt. We are the grownups. We must be willing to adapt with the changing times. #oklaed
A8) The push and pull that we so delicately have to balance in Leadership. Helping teachers understand what Ss need to be successful, share data, research, etc. Ts want success for themselves and Ss. Create a safe place for Ts to also take risks to try new strategies. #oklaed
Like this practice, Stephanie. When we are intentional about building connections with our team members, it shows that we value them and provides encouragement to continue in the work @MrsHime#oklaed
A8: Hopefully they become the same thing... my job isn’t always easy, or what I want, but the question should always be “ is it what is best for ALL students to learn” not “are the teachers going to be comfortable with this” #oklaed
A8) Comfortable is good if it moves us forward. Comfortable is not good if it allows Ts and Ss to be stagnant or to perpetuate negativity. The balance is found in keeping the bus moving forward with happy Ts while making stagnant Ts what to improve. #oklaed
#oklaed A8: I think it should be "All Ss have a path," and it's my responsibility to teach outside the box to help them learn and move down that path. My motto is "Choose the Road not Taken," so I am willing to try new ideas.
Q9: Question 9 just made me smile. Not going to lie. Okay so maybe we can't get rid of all grades, but I do believe everyone should be doing SBG. A B C D F is so outdated and tells a P or a S nothing. They mean nothing! #oklaed It's grading their conformity.
A8 Teachers have to be at ease at what they are doing. I think if they are nervous, they will not be able to be effective. Schools should always be student-centered. I don't think one precludes the other. #oklaed
A8: Definite balance. Keeping a pulse on the climate (day 2 day happenings) is the conceptual data u use 2 make decisions on balancing the two. T’s and S’s have needs that A’s need to attend to in order for the organization to thrive. =classroom visits & timely feedback #oklaed
Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
A9) I feel like many students would be able to step out of the " box " they have been put in for many years. Both low and high achieving students. #oklaed
A9 - Ahh no grades, my dream! The structure of my classroom would not be much different. We would still be HEAVILY centered on PBL/design thinking, it would just allow Ss to not get caught up in a letter by their name & open the door for authentic learning for ALL Ss. #oklaed
#oklaed A9: Until GPA is not important to get into college, this will continue to be a problem. I think there would be more time for reflection, looking at what was accomplished, and what should be on in the next lesson.
A9) I would love this, but it would look radically different. This would take lots of discussion and buy-in within the entire community but would be amazing. #oklaed
A8: Def. not about “comfort,” but schools are still work places for educators. So important to continue protecting the rights of teachers post Janus. #oklaed@okea
Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
A9 I have thought for years that grades as we use them now are nothing more than educational currency. Ss care a lot more about their grade than what they know. #oklaed
A9 - Ahh no grades, my dream! The structure of my classroom would not be much different. We would still be HEAVILY centered on PBL/design thinking, it would just allow Ss to not get caught up in a letter by their name & open the door for authentic learning for ALL Ss. #oklaed
A8) I’ve had colleagues tell me to quit raising the bar on what I do. But if the bar is raised on teachers, wont the bar be raised on student learning? At CMS we may squirm, but teachers deliver effectively. Teachers should desire to be the best at what they do. #oklaed
Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
A8: It is very difficult to do this, especially in Oklahoma right now. Moral and culture have much to do with. The best thing leadership can do is treat teachers like they are the professional experts they truly are. #Oklaed
A9 I would do just what I'm doing now. I teach to make them the best they can be when they grow up. I want to give them opportunities not barriers. #oklaed
A9 - I am not going to lie, I struggle with this idea. I can see both sides of the coin. One question, is how as a parent I would understand where my child stands. #oklaed
Thankfully, there are many universities moving away from this being a factor since the standards based movement has been on the rise. It just may not be high here in Oklahoma but there are pockets. Thank GOD. #oklaed
#oklaed A10: Going back to Understanding by Design, it's what the Ss accomplish at the end of the unit.They have to put every idea they learned together and apply it. It's all about if they can do it independently.
A10) Are they talking about what's going on in that class? Are they discussing with others what they've been learning or exploring? I love hearing Ss talking academically outside of the classroom walls! #oklaed
#oklaed Q8 It has to be about the students first.. When T are supported it may look like it’s to make Ts comfortable. Supported, creative Ts with high expectations make effective learning possible.
A9) I love the idea of focusing on growth and feedback as evidence of student learning, my view has always been that grades are a form of accountability to the parents and an opportunity to share strengths/areas for growth but a S should never be surprised by the grades #oklaed
A9: OH MY GOODNESS!! I would LOVE it!!!! No grades!! We could actually focus on growth mindsets without grades hindering progress! No labeling! #Oklaed
A10 - There is not one specific piece or type of evidence, Ss show me what they know by what they produce and they have freedom to determine what that looks like in a lot of cases. There isn’t one right way, but it is clear when Ss “get it.” #oklaed
A10 An admin I had a couple years ago asked me, "What are you assessing? What they do or what they know?" Simple Q but it changed me forever. I want my Ss to be able to apply concepts learned. #oklaed
A8 Teacher comfort has nothing to do with teacher rights and sad that some went there. What was asked was in reference to the idea that we do things because they are easy not because it is best for Ss, which is why we are here #oklaed
Q9: I think part of taking the emphasis off grades is through #PBL, students setting goals and tracking their own learning, and portfolio building! #oklaed
A10: Evidence of learning is when a S teaches it to another S. I set back and observe and just take it all in. It's those aha moments. It's when a S says this is fun. It's when a S says I'm going to go home and show my Ps this. #oklaed
A10 part 2) Are they making corrections or revisions to their thinking...even if its on their own? Are they seeking out "why" they got something "wrong"? #oklaed
Q12) you chatters are awesome and moving to the future student learning guides most os what you do. How do we get all of #oklaed to understand all means all
@dale_chu I have actually worked in a district where the elementary’s did standards based grading. When S’s moved to middle school the Parents would comment “I am glad, I can finally understand how my S is doing, A,B, C, etc.” #oklaed
A10b - I’m big on portfolios that collect a large variety of student work - I don’t need or want a MC test to determine/assess learning. I want my students to create. This truly demonstrates learning. #oklaed
A10: Evidence of learning is when a S teaches it to another S. I set back and observe and just take it all in. It's those aha moments. It's when a S says this is fun. It's when a S says I'm going to go home and show my Ps this. #oklaed
A10) test scores, evaluations, students responding to me, students telling and parents telling me that their teen learns. Believe it or not, I had 11 remediation teens this summer, and ALL of them made a point to tell me they want me as a T next year because they learned. #oklaed
Sorry, I’d accept being unsuccessful or I’d leave teaching if it was mandated. Teachers would be naturally tempted to focus on the “big $$$” careers. So very wrong!!!
A10B - I actually have a question. If grades weren’t allowed, how would the S’s measure success? How do you set the high expectations that Hattie suggests? Does a S just keep doing the assignment until it’s “correct”? #oklaed
A10b: Keeping work samples, Letting students produce works they can show their Ps and Ts online, PBL, get rid of worksheets and multiple choice tests, and let them create. #oklaed
A10: conceptual? Confidence is as major factor I use as evidence that students are learning. Confidence allows you to work through the struggle of learning (which consists of overcoming failure on the way to success). #oklaed
#oklaed A10: Assessments: essays, speeches, making movies, writing scripts, advertisements, formal outlines, Socratic discussions, make a piece of art, planning an event, note taking, and writing poetry.
A10: I know students are learning through the products they design, common formative and summarize assessments (not just multiple choice!!!), and good old fashioned conversations with kids! #oklaed
A11) has vastly changed educational opportunities. An endless supply of information readily available has pushed learning from memorization to application. #oklaed
A11: Well, I attended a Class B school, graduated with a class of 15 students. So, it's a little different. lol My Chemistry T was also a bus driver and he just wanted to retire so we rewrote the textbook that year as our work. #oklaed Literally on paper.
#oklaed A11: Back in 1987, it was sit down, listen to the teacher, and be quiet. In my class, it's get up, move around, collaborate, and be creative. It was all about the textbook when I went to school; now it has moved beyond what's in the textbook.
A11: Well, I attended a Class B school, graduated with a class of 15 students. So, it's a little different. lol My Chemistry T was also a bus driver and he just wanted to retire so we rewrote the textbook that year as our work. #oklaed Literally on paper.
Q12) you chatters are awesome and moving to the future student learning guides most os what you do. How do we get all of #oklaed to understand all means all
A12) We've got to approach all of #oklaed the way we would approach our Ss. Relationships, know where your friends are in mindset and help move them forward. Create buy-in with convos & help them experience the positive outcomes. #oklaed#donotbelittle#donotignore#bethechange
That’s bad too because they may be unsuccessful 20 times before they get it, but when they master it that should be noted not what they do the most #Oklaed
A11: I am way different counselor than I was exposed to. I was very connected to my kids, spoke with them about their mental health, and responded to their crisis. #Oklaed
@coach57 A6 Fav John Hattie: “[W]hat really matters is interaction with teachers, clinical teaching, constantly measuring each student’s knowledge and responding to their individual needs”.
Missing the chat...but I have an answer: A11 electives! Shop class! Real choices for students. Freedom to explore passions and find personal gifts. #oklaed
Sorry, I’d accept being unsuccessful or I’d leave teaching if it was mandated. Teachers would be naturally tempted to focus on the “big $$$” careers. So very wrong!!!
A11: when my best friend died in HS, my T just said “oh” and my counselor never checked on me or acknowledged he change in my behavior as related to. I’ll never allow that to happen while I’m in a building. #Oklaed
A11 Expectations are so much higher. We didn't have pre-k and Kindergarten back then. I graduated in 1966 Teachers did not have all the training that we have now. There was certainly no technology. Informatin was limnited to outdated encyclopedias. #oklaed
Q12) you chatters are awesome and moving to the future student learning guides most os what you do. How do we get all of #oklaed to understand all means all