#CathEdCampMKE Archive
This is where all ideas and resources tweeted and shared at #CathEdCampMKE will be collected and curated. This edcamp is an opportunity for any teacher in grades 3K-12th, specialists, administrators, and special educators to collaborate.
Friday July 22, 2016
9:00 AM EDT
Excited to be at , hoping to talk !
I'm in for writer's workshop
Talking about student engagement and motivation
Cultural Relevance, Student Voice and Choice, PBL, etc.
Every educator at should read the book.
Great discussion about how to engage and empower students
Great conversations about writing @
What do timed tests do for us in elementary grades? Fact fluency? Perseverance? What do parents say?
thank you for the great math ideas mathemagicians!
All things Google- creating sites and spaces @
If any one has questions about , feel free to ask!!
Keep the mission alive to keep the culture positive.
Keep your mission alive. Key to a positive school culture.
Amazing morning of learning at . Thank you to all who helped make it possible
Talking about school culture:
Every single kid-whatever it takes.
Teacher leaders need to be committed to solutions.
Empathy. Need to teach, model, practice.
Never answer students' questions... forces them to LOOK for the answers.
How did you react to failure. Authentic assessment.
Rubrics. Feedback. If "Meets standards" is a 3, how does a kid earn a 4? Can we articulate that to them?
Is 3 actually an A? 3.5? Does 4 mean A+? Does it not transfer to letters? How do we articulate this to parents??
I went to Writing, Early Childhood, and Innovative Educators sessions!