The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
I think its important for schools to set up clear expectations and follow through. Classroom management needs to have the backing of the front office at the end of the day. #BFC530
What I have found over the years is that investing the time to develop solid relationships with each student and then leveraging that to use their voice in developing engaging projects is the key to solid classroom management...but you are never "done." #bfc530#growthmindset
I feel it is very important to first involve your students in deciding on their expectations or classroom rules. My Classroom Management page
Morning all. Next year I’d really like to work using the Responsive Classroom model. As a specialist I get so little time, so want to front load the management. #bfc530
I feel like classroom management is always a work in progress. Things always need to processed, reflected and revisited. It is not a one time in September and done. #bfc530
We sometimes have cell phone issues. I bought charging stations last year. But kids still on them too much:(
Not sure I want to fully ban...
Working on how I want to deal next year
I have a 12 minute home room period before our specials first thing everyday. Students unpack and get ready and I chat with them individually, but I feel it could be a better use of time. I used to have this be riddle time, but I have been slacking lately. #bfc530
I think its important for schools to set up clear expectations and follow through. Classroom management needs to have the backing of the front office at the end of the day. #BFC530
#BFC530 For better class management planning to include time management assistance for Ss early and often. Increase time-on-task awareness. @wheeler_laura
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@BFC_530, @wheeler_laura, @wheeler_laura
I'd want to get better at making sure everyone participated and was involved. I left the classroom just as Google docs etc was introduced, so I'm guessing I'd take advantage of blended options. #bfc530
When I was in the classroom i made the effort to involve the cell phone as often as possible. Now that we have gone 1:1 I see less need for that. #BFC530
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@mrfieldmanchs, @BFC_530, @wheeler_laura
Classroom Mgt. is more about relationships than rules! Build & continuously maintain strong relationships, have a few big rules, use consistent rituals & routines and the classroom will support deep learning & high quality teaching! #BFC530
We sometimes have cell phone issues. I bought charging stations last year. But kids still on them too much:(
Not sure I want to fully ban...
Working on how I want to deal next year
Standing near the door as they come in is honestly sometimes my favorite part of the day and I do it faithfully. I want to add doing that as they leave as well. #bfc530
Classroom management...I can always get better at ensuring my students know that I really care about them...and exploring how we care for each other. The stronger our community, the better is our classroom management. #bfc530
I want to let kids listen to music while they work independently but they spend half the period picking songs. Need to have them be more efficient. Maybe have them create a work playlist on YouTube and move on. #BFC530
#bfc530 I think I need to stop assuming Ss know how to do certain things: work in groups, have a conversation, politely disagree. This must me directly taught
Classroom Mgt. is more about relationships than rules! Build & continuously maintain strong relationships, have a few big rules, use consistent rituals & routines and the classroom will support deep learning & high quality teaching! #BFC530
We sometimes have cell phone issues. I bought charging stations last year. But kids still on them too much:(
Not sure I want to fully ban...
Working on how I want to deal next year
Especially for elementary grades teachers, there are so many procedural considerations that impact classroom time. How much time does it take to put a handout in a three ring binder? To take something out of your seat sack? Etc. #bfc530
Have you tried @PearDeck? Won't solve all cell phone problems. But I find getting them to use their cell for peardeck keeps them off it for other reasons. #bfc530
Good morning everyone. I would like like to get all my Ss to clearly understand how much they are losing by their cell phone use. Sneaking in texts isn’t worth it. #bfc530
We are implementing PBIS with a full rollout in August. Everyone is involved with our team including students and parents. We are working together to set School wide expectations that are common and consistent. #bfc530
Yes! I have been working on this the last few years! Makes a big difference. That and revisiting and reflecting expectations as a class throughout the year! #bfc530
Yes! Shift the paradigm from "What do I have to do to get Ss to follow rules?" to "What do I have to do to create an environment where the Ss are so engaged with their learning that the rules are moot?" This is the secret sauce of effective classroom management. #bfc530
Looking to attempting a student led classroom inspired by @PaulSolarz book. Will Ss be able to run the classroom from beginning to end as if you weren’t even in the room? #bfc530
I agree! Skills of collaboration MUST be explicitly taught when we assume because they’re high school students they should know then we miss an opportunity to raise the bar for our students! #bfc530
#bfc530 I think I need to stop assuming Ss know how to do certain things: work in groups, have a conversation, politely disagree. This must me directly taught
Have you tried @PearDeck? Won't solve all cell phone problems. But I find getting them to use their cell for peardeck keeps them off it for other reasons. #bfc530
Umm no don't think it will. We are in the midst of going 1:1. Freshman all have, doesn't stop the cell phones. I teach in a computer lab too...
I agree 100%. For example, since I went over to a reading workshop model in my 12th grade classes, management issues have decreased. I don't get much pushback at all. #bfc530
A well-designed, purposeful lesson about something that matters means students have something important to do at all times. Also treating them like people instead of “managing” them is a pretty good management strategy. #bfc530
Yes! Shift the paradigm from "What do I have to do to get Ss to follow rules?" to "What do I have to do to create an environment where the Ss are so engaged with their learning that the rules are moot?" This is the secret sauce of effective classroom management. #bfc530
When I was in the classroom i made the effort to involve the cell phone as often as possible. Now that we have gone 1:1 I see less need for that. #BFC530
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@mrfieldmanchs, @BFC_530, @wheeler_laura
I have a few Ss that do nothing during independent practice time. I need to make sure I sit down with them & get them started - not just help the more vocal Ss that raise their hands for help. #bfc530
So true! This is an important piece to the classroom management puzzle. Accountability comes from awareness. Part of reason I only say, "You know better," when I know I have explicitly taught that expectation to the Ss. #bfc530
I’ve been seeing new teachers talk (yell) over students—that sabotages their management. Wait for silence, then speak! It works with adults too. Saves time. #bfc530
Another element to classroom management is the art of moving from reactive to proactive. Take measures in advance to ensure success. Relationship building, as was mentioned earlier, is critical! #bfc530
I’ve been seeing new teachers talk (yell) over students—that sabotages their management. Wait for silence, then speak! It works with adults too. Saves time. #bfc530
I have ZERO issues in the 5 years I have been doing #geniushour. ZERO. Students choose what they are going to work on and how they are going to work on it. #bfc530
I used to get annoyed if there were a few minutes left in class & students would line up (factory model makes me twitch!). So now, if that happens every once in a while, the students pick a karaoke song from YouTube & we have a sing along! Yesterday's song: Africa by Toto #bfc530
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@engineerteacher, @rossathibault, @timneedles
Another element to classroom management is the art of moving from reactive to proactive. Take measures in advance to ensure success. Relationship building, as was mentioned earlier, is critical! #bfc530
I always told my students (and my own kids) that every teacher is going to have different expectations, rules, procedures... Figuring that out is an important skill. We work and interact differently with different people. #bfc530
I’d say it depends: why do students need their phones in class? Are they using them as tools to help them learn about or work on things that matter to them, or are the phones getting in the way of meaningful work and learning? #bfc530
As a coach, I teach classroom managent and revisit it in every coaching conversation! It’s essential for new teachers to get CM strategies down! #bfc530
I agree with the idea that the kids have to adjust to the teacher's rules. Like in real life when we have to adjust to the expectations of different people in our lives.
Parents texting them is the worst! I say you're parents can call the main office of its an emergency. Then they answer why would they do that if they can just text me?
They aren't wrong. #bfc530
That and a consistent follow through and execution. Consistency is key. If you have a set of expectations, you have to continue to push to ensure they are met and exceeded. Ss will rise to the level of expectation. #bfc530
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@wheeler_laura, @MrEandre, @btcostello05
Does the school have a policy? Most do, but with the flexibility to work for that teacher, that subject.
Consistency is important to a degree, but conformity can limit teachers’ ability to really make something their own. #bfc530
Indeed! @burgessdave's #TLAP book changed my paradigm so that I now challenge myself to make my class something Ss would buy tickets to attend. Every day. Game changer! #bfc530
In #180days, they recommend jumping into your daily routine to build engagement first. Unless you are teaching pre-k or k, kids know how they are supposed to behave. Engagement is the biggest influence on getting rid of negative behavior. #bfc530
Well we have chrinevooks in our room but some Ss still prefer to work on their cell phone. If that's how they're more comfortable, it's fine by me. If they take 30 seconds to send a snapchat of then having fun in class st an ok time,I don't see much harm in that edit her #BFC530
I have students tell me other teachers are nice, strict, give more/less hw, let us do __. I tell them they need to be able to work with different kinds of people. That goes double for picking Ss seats! #BFC530
Reducing my sarcasm. It comes so naturally to me in my "real" life, and I struggle with being my authentic self with my students and not being sarcastic all the time. #bfc530
Spot on! Don't view this as wasted time or time lost not "covering material." View this as as investment in creating a learning community, where these relationships will pay off 10 fold! #bfc530
I think its important for schools to set up clear expectations and follow through. Classroom management needs to have the backing of the front office at the end of the day. #BFC530
#BFC530@wheeler_laura to continue to focus on fine tuning our transitions when leaving the classroom for specialist blocks-many days we are so engrossed w/learning that the closure to lessons is too fast & we are “ late” to the special-total work in progress 😊
My inspiration many years ago came from @Radiolab they are engaging right from the first second, totally immersive. I try my hardest to emulate this and make my lessons a “total sensory experience” #bfc530
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@engineerteacher, @burgessdave, @Radiolab
In PD I run, inevitably someone asks about ways to manage cell phones in class. My go-to response is to say I let kids use them, but teach them moderation. When I get push back, I tell them to look at all the adults with their cell phones out while I'm talking...
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@mrfieldmanchs, @BFC_530, @MrEandre, @wheeler_laura
It doesn’t have to be true, we allow it to be true. I ALWAYS focused on management w Pre Ts and made a point to visit $ talk with new Ts in my previous building about the process.
“If your lesson is good you won’t need it” isn’t the whole story, but it’s the one the get #bfc530
Great to check-in and collaborate with fellow #bfc530 leaders. Have to get ready for the day. Have a great day on purpose! Oh, and should you be available, an open invitation tonight to join #mdeschat...
Or, right now! How many of us woke up this morning and immediately grabbed our phones to jump on #bfc530??
Teach them the appropriate times to use the phone. When I'm presenting critical content? Nope. When you're doing independent practice? Sure, send a text real quick.
My kids are on computers already. They ask EVERY class period to listen. Sometimes it isn’t realistic, but other times it helps them focus(until they are on YouTube every 3 minutes picking a song) #BFC530
that's the problem! The distraction isn't the music, it's PICKING the music! Maybe allowing them only if they have a playlist that runs through without intervention from them..... hmmmm..... my wheels are turning now.... #bfc530
I may teach them to set a playlist. Then give them 3 minutes to create one, after that, I shouldn’t see YouTube up for any reason. Window stays minimized. #BFC530
IMO and experience, a minimum set of expectations re cell phones in a school does not work with much success b/c every T handles it differently. The same thing happens w/ skips & lates - every T manages them differently no matter what the school sets as an expectation #BFC530
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@wheeler_laura, @MrEandre, @btcostello05
I don’t think it does. As a P, I hear the same things from Ss re Ts who manage/don’t manage lates or Ts who allow Ss to eat in class & others who don’t. My convos are always re how many situations have different expectations/rules & it’s up to them to figure it out #BFC530
A: I wish I could make a better plan and stick to it. Every summer, I try to plan my entire year and I often scrap what I'm doing during the year. Its planning ADHD. Just a little inefficient. Being flexible is good, shiny object syndrome is bad. #bfc530
Yes! Shift the paradigm from "What do I have to do to get Ss to follow rules?" to "What do I have to do to create an environment where the Ss are so engaged with their learning that the rules are moot?" This is the secret sauce of effective classroom management. #bfc530
It is really tough when your district has a zero tolerance policy. Especially with kiddos with ED. It is not worth it to take the phone bc instant crisis. However, we are expected to. Plus, those kids are on social media blasting one another. No easy answer.
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@BradShreffler, @mrfieldmanchs, @BFC_530, @MrEandre, @wheeler_laura
I used to start my classes w/ asking everyone how they were doing that day. I would ask for hand signals - 👍/👎 or 1-5 fingers (1=☹️, 5=🤩). It was quick, helped me plan the day & told me who I needed to check on 1-1. #BFC530
Zero tolerance is just asking for a fight. Yes, zero tolerance on drugs, fighting, bullying, etc. Something like phones, we are dooming ourselves. Rigid boards break, water does not. A flowing stream in more powerful than a rock.
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@BradShreffler, @mrfieldmanchs, @BFC_530, @MrEandre, @wheeler_laura
What is your policy and procedure? I really think it helps to share them. I have a 6:1:1class where I have designated times for phones. They ignore that designation when they are trying to start something and that gets them ignored, which they hate.
For classroom mang. I have been working to ask and listen to my groups and supporting them through what they tell me. As a SPED T I have Ss for 30 min. We have such a small work window & we have so many variables to work around. #bfc530
As a school there needs to be guiding principles so that Ss know those. Ts can have what is needed for their individual class and Ss. There are Ts & ss coming & going all the time the guiding principles help everyone. #bfc530
First week will be introducing Restorative Practice circles procedure, and social acceptance within the classroom. We won’t move to math until classroom norms are set. #BFC530
I have seen @PearDeck and want to learn more. For our community building in PD a T introduced us to Kahoot! @GetKahoot I quickly loaded the app on my phone and used my phone to participate, super easy and interactive. Another way to get appropriate cell phone use. #bfc530
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@wheeler_laura, @PearDeck, @PearDeck, @GetKahoot
Morning, #bfc530. Two items on my management to-do list: Invest time in co-creating class norms w/students & following up together on our effectiveness. Adapt ideas from book _Bored and Brilliant_ (Zomorodi) to foster healthier, more mindful tech use.