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Report writing can be a chore. Why not write a general report comment for one of your most beloved #PrimaryRocks citizens to praise them for what they have done well and give them something that you (as a follower) would like to see more of? #TwitterReports#ukedchat
A1 Deceptively simple question...of course names...but then prior attainment data for mark books...and depending on school communication processes, may need access to parent contact details...and so the data grows! #ukedchat
It’s amazing what you learn about your learners as the year goes by... one of our Access students popped in today to show us her Commonwealth Gold medal from 2002 amongst others! What golden secrets hide in your learners? #SLTchat#ukedchat#aussieED
A1: I think the data usage by individual staff members is highly contextual- I’ve been in schools where huge expectations on pupil data are expected for planning and meeting lesson expectations. Differs by school, SLT and stage #UkEdChat#EdChat
Not sure if it's the bare minimum but teachers have to collect attendance data daily. Not sure what else they need to collect on a day to day basis. #ukedchat Q1
A2 Probably like many others it is our "management information system" (MIS). We use "SIMS" but are going to be moving over to "Schoolpod" probably in the next year or so. #ukedchat
A1: Data should be considered when planning how best to support pupils- a working knowledge of the needs pupils present is key- but a professionally developed understanding of need based on supporting pupils, day in, day out, trumps data #UkEdChat@UKEdchat
The school pupil database, with personal and contact details, comes from school admissions forms etc. Assessment data can come from internal and external tests. Medical data usually comes from parents too. #ukedchat A2
A2 Probably like many others it is our "management information system" (MIS). We use "SIMS" but are going to be moving over to "Schoolpod" probably in the next year or so. #ukedchat
A2 I see...Source is parents, of course, but then teachers and admin staff input additional information...which then becomes a new source for others to use! So perhaps it's both! #ukedchat
A2 Probably like many others it is our "management information system" (MIS). We use "SIMS" but are going to be moving over to "Schoolpod" probably in the next year or so. #ukedchat
A1 I'd agree with this. The register of attendance is the only data we collect. If a child is feeling ill or a parent hasn't picked them up on time then contact details for parents may be needed. #UKEdChat
A2: Assessments link to students, recorded in planner etc; communication with colleagues, so potentially email/verbal; information management systems #UKEdChat
A3 We have found it hasn't changed too much. There is a difference between general data and "sensitive" data, as far as I understand it. Teachers need to access a lot of "sensitive data". But we all need to be careful, especially with memory sticks...! #ukedchat
A3 Teachers in my school were concerned with paper copies of emergency contact details that are taken, often, on trips. This is another thing to be very careful of now. #ukedchat
A2 Difficult to secure markbooks, I’d think. We have advice not to leave them accessible/open on desks where students or others might see info #UKEdChat
A1 targets and grades...both beg big questions about how schools assess, and how schools set targets...probably each worth a separate #ukedchat of their own!!
A2 Difficult to secure markbooks, I’d think. We have advice not to leave them accessible/open on desks where students or others might see info #UKEdChat
A2 SEN paperwork which is kept in a locked cupboard, class assessment data which is stored in a separate office and children's addresses / home phone numbers stored in locked drawers in school office. #UKEdChat
A4 I think generally speaking schools are aware of data issues and are probably ahead of many businesses, because of safeguarding concerns. There are new leadership burdens of appointing a "data controller" now, though, which SLTs need to address. #ukedchat
Do you feel that schools at allowing pupils to 'opt in' to how data about them is being used, and prepared for pupils/parents to request all of the information being held about them? #UKEdChat
A4 I think generally speaking schools are aware of data issues and are probably ahead of many businesses, because of safeguarding concerns. There are new leadership burdens of appointing a "data controller" now, though, which SLTs need to address. #ukedchat
A3 Yes, I'm sure some smart companies have an opportunity to market encrypted USBs. They're very handy - used to use one for my safeguarding work. #ukedchat
#a4#ukedchat I can understand the implications of data but am a maths fail - it's always good if a system gives you the results to work on rather than the raw material. This gets better every year.
A4 My understanding is that every organisation must have someone in charge of data, taking a lead on it. So it might be the Business Manager / Bursar in some schools... #ukedchat
Finally found out what all the Who Let the Gods Out fuss is about- brilliant!! @MaryAliceEvans. Would also recommend Bubble Boy. Also re-read Weslandia ready for the final half-term. #UKEdChat
A4 We took the view that we have to have parental contact details for emergencies, so it would not be appropriate to give parents the chance to opt out. That would not be safe for children to have no emergency contacts. There are some legal issues, though, yes. #ukedchat
Do you feel that schools at allowing pupils to 'opt in' to how data about them is being used, and prepared for pupils/parents to request all of the information being held about them? #UKEdChat
A4 I think generally speaking schools are aware of data issues and are probably ahead of many businesses, because of safeguarding concerns. There are new leadership burdens of appointing a "data controller" now, though, which SLTs need to address. #ukedchat
A2: #UKEdChat That's tricky-we have an electronic register where we register absences and justifications of students. In the latter we're talking about sensitive data related to health and psychological problems. Plus any marks they obtain.
A5 I think the only information held about me and accessed by HT and one other member of staff in the office are address, phone details and emergency contact. HT has information about professional development dialogues. I'm happy with that. #UKEdChat
A3: #UKEdChat Personally not much, but since I'm in the safety team at school, I know there has to be an official nominee for eSafety in the school who looks after privacy matters. Before, it was just an unwritten agreement
Had to do GDPR training for recent role as examiner. Left it with the feeling that it is a case of using extreme common sense. But as they say, common sense ain’t so common. #ukedchat
A5 I think most schools will have things like medical info, attendance, appraisals, salary info, references... probably more info than many teachers think. Because schools have to have these things .... #ukedchat
A4: #UKEdChat Absolutely NOT: things change so fast in the virtual world, that I feel abismally ignorant, even though I've done many courses to keep up. So more staff training is mandatory.
A6 - people not realising how easily data is stored unintentionally. Ever emailed from your phone, even if using school email? You’re storing confidential data... on your phone. #ukedchat
A6 We were concerned about school's use of social media - photographs etc. Though again many schools already wised up to this for safeguarding reasons. #ukedchat
A5: #UKEdChat That's a sore point with me...our paper folders and files just aren't safe. At least as far as I know. They have just about anything about our past lives, legal files, health files and family, and these are left to be checked by anybody.
A5 That's a fair concern. But they should be kept in locked offices, I would hope, and usually office staff would only look on a "need to know" basis. Perhaps your staff committee to ask about procedures? #ukedchat
A5: #UKEdChat That's a sore point with me...our paper folders and files just aren't safe. At least as far as I know. They have just about anything about our past lives, legal files, health files and family, and these are left to be checked by anybody.
A6 ..that's always a bad's even worse when you don't freeze the board ad you are emailing a teacher...or a parent...surely that would never happen to anyone on #ukedchat ... ... !
A6: #UKEdChat Weakest points: well secretarial ignorance as far as I know. A lot of these office workers don't even know how to use their credentials and how to protect things with e decent password! So yeah, they need training too!
Was actually thinking of a news report about a school SLT noting staff arrival and leaving times from school as part of performance management (because long hours=performance apparently🙄), but a genuine open question. #UKEdChat
A7 ...But what if an adult then decides to sue a school, in their middle-age, about not recognising an SEN issue, or about abuse...Schools will want to keep data, but then how does GDPR square with that... (getting beyond my training here..._ #ukedchat
A7 ...But what if an adult then decides to sue a school, in their middle-age, about not recognising an SEN issue, or about abuse...Schools will want to keep data, but then how does GDPR square with that... (getting beyond my training here..._ #ukedchat
Yes, always a good thing to put on the "Acceptable Use" form. Every school wants to use photos of children, of course. But there will always be some families who do not want children to be recognised for understandable reasons. #ukedchat
Parents have to give consent, for use of images, names etc. Also depends on type of use: some parents might be ok with image in a newsletter but not on social media, for instance. #UKEdChat
In reply to
@BrunsdonTom, @fieldsofmindedu, @ukedchat
A8 To be honest, I think most schools have the problem of making sense of the huge amounts of data we already have! I think the challenge is streamlining data systems, and perhaps GDPR may help us all with this (being optimistic here!) #ukedchat
Indeed so. Then pity the person who has the job of checking every photo sent in for the school's various social media posts, especially when they are group shots! #ukedchat But we all do our best.
Parents have to give consent, for use of images, names etc. Also depends on type of use: some parents might be ok with image in a newsletter but not on social media, for instance. #UKEdChat
In reply to
@BrunsdonTom, @fieldsofmindedu, @ukedchat
That is the problem with GDPR. I guess that many photos of adults don't really count as "sensitive data", though probably all photos of under 18s should. #ukedchat
And photos of visitors (e.g. a visiting author or sports player giving out medals at sports day)? Would you get them to fill in a consent form? It's a minefield.
In reply to
@MrsEEllis, @fieldsofmindedu, @ukedchat
A7: #UKEdChat That's my weak far as I know, they have an archive about old student records...but I'm not sure, and I don't think they are willing to share this info with me (I'm not so deep in the direction😉)
And photos of visitors (e.g. a visiting author or sports player giving out medals at sports day)? Would you get them to fill in a consent form? It's a minefield.
In reply to
@MrsEEllis, @fieldsofmindedu, @ukedchat
Surely this is then a balancing act, risk assessing rights of people over data versus need to safeguard children - and the latter should always trump the former. #ukedchat
And photos of visitors (e.g. a visiting author or sports player giving out medals at sports day)? Would you get them to fill in a consent form? It's a minefield.
In reply to
@MrsEEllis, @fieldsofmindedu, @ukedchat
A8: #UKEdChat That's easy...what happens to our info (and ex Ss info) once we don't work at the school anymore. Is it still there, or do they archive it in a central point?
In fact, if I visit a school and sign the visitor book I often put my car registration in alongside my name and surname. That's not exactly secure personal data. #ukedchat
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@ukedchat, @MrsEEllis, @fieldsofmindedu