Demà Dijous 15 a Lleida.
Taller: El moviment #Edcamp. Què és? Com organitzar un Taller?
Si tens curiositat....t.hi esperem. Serà a les 17.30h al @Torrevicens. Inscriu-te a l.enllaç de sota.
Encara no t'has inscrit als tallers territorials sobre el moviment #edcampCAT? Doncs demà 13/3 arriba a Girona i el 15/3 a Lleida! Inscriu-te que queden poques places, ho pots fer aquí:
All #futurereadynj educators and admin join us on April 14th for Spedcamp NJ hosted by @LBpublicschools. Not just for special educators but anyone in the edu community. Please RT and share. Lot's of tech conversations and tech giveaways for attendees.
Why attend #EdcampKansai ? Reason #6: You will be exposed to different perspectives and fresh ideas that you may not have considered before! Join us on Sat April 14! Registration is open. #edchat Register: Learn more:
Extend your experience & expand your community when the 8 weeks on campus conclude. Engage in follow-up activities including focus groups, classroom visits, blog posts, conferences & more. Apply now:
@jmattmiller hey Matt, I work with @EdcampUSA and would love to repost your blog about homework in our upcoming newsletter to start dialogue with our #edcamp community. What do you think?