Welcome to #EduAR! The EduSistas are thrilled about tonight's discussion about learning celebrations! Please introduce yourself and let us know where you are! @nortnik@Lindsey_Bohler
Hey @CJLuckeyDope this will be good chat to jump in on since you celebrate students & educators around the country! Check it out if you get the chance. We will be tuned in! 😄
In reply to
@bethhill2829, @nortnik, @Lindsey_Bohler, @woodard_julie, @NowakRo, @MrCoachEli, @BarbaraGruener, @ERobbPrincipal, @clegleiter, @MrsHankinsClass, @mjjohnson1216, @Joshua__Stamper, @Supt_Jordan, @CJLuckeyDope
A1. Students and staff who try new experiences, stretch themselves and if not successful- how they get back up, reflect and try again. Support each other makes us stronger. #eduAR
So true. Celebrations are different for every child (and adult). Knowing where people are helps us understand how and what to celebrate in others. #EduAR
A1. Students and staff who try new experiences, stretch themselves and if not successful- how they get back up, reflect and try again. Support each other makes us stronger. #eduAR
A1. Students and staff who try new experiences, stretch themselves and if not successful- how they get back up, reflect and try again. Support each other makes us stronger. #eduAR
Thanks for the heads up guys. I absolutely love Mrs. Beth! I believe she is one of the administrators who lead the chat. I’ll definitely be watching the tweets for #EduAR. It’s always a lot of creative ideas and great information provided in these chats. Thanks again. 🙏🏽
In reply to
@TeamCJLuckey, @bethhill2829, @nortnik, @Lindsey_Bohler, @woodard_julie, @NowakRo, @MrCoachEli, @BarbaraGruener, @ERobbPrincipal, @clegleiter, @MrsHankinsClass, @mjjohnson1216, @Joshua__Stamper, @Supt_Jordan
Hello #EduAR sorry I’m late, I’m Eli. Lead Learner/Principal in NM. A1 We should be celebrating everything in our schools. Successes, failures, one another.
A1 We should be celebrating all the little things and amazing things our students and staff do. We need to make our people feel valued and special. Don’t wait for big occasions. Take every single opportunity that presents itself. #eduAR
Hello #EduAR sorry I’m late, I’m Eli. Lead Learner/Principal in NM. A1 We should be celebrating everything in our schools. Successes, failures, one another.
Thanks for the heads up guys. I absolutely love Mrs. Beth! I believe she is one of the administrators who lead the chat. I’ll definitely be watching the tweets for #EduAR. It’s always a lot of creative ideas and great information provided in these chats. Thanks again. 🙏🏽
In reply to
@TeamCJLuckey, @bethhill2829, @nortnik, @Lindsey_Bohler, @woodard_julie, @NowakRo, @MrCoachEli, @BarbaraGruener, @ERobbPrincipal, @clegleiter, @MrsHankinsClass, @mjjohnson1216, @Joshua__Stamper, @Supt_Jordan
Hello #EduAR sorry I’m late, I’m Eli. Lead Learner/Principal in NM. A1 We should be celebrating everything in our schools. Successes, failures, one another.
A1 We should be celebrating all the little things and amazing things our students and staff do. We need to make our people feel valued and special. Don’t wait for big occasions. Take every single opportunity that presents itself. #eduAR
A1 celebrate success big or small, challenging that have been over come, attitude that has shifted, mindset that is open,thinking that inspires empowers & challenges #EduAR
A1 We should be celebrating all the little things and amazing things our students and staff do. We need to make our people feel valued and special. Don’t wait for big occasions. Take every single opportunity that presents itself. #eduAR
Oh my goodness! You just made my heart sing, Gina! Welcome to #EduAR! @nortnik@Lindsey_Bohler if you aren't connected with Gina, follow her now! A wonderful Arkansas administrator!
A3. We host “Coffee with the Principal” for our parents- we have students share classroom experiences (failures and successes) and we share our school journey. #eduAR
Celebrating the gift of learning at our fingertips. We are living in an age where learning is attainable in all different paths. The choice is ours to select what path we are passionate about learning. #EduAR
A3. We host “Coffee with the Principal” for our parents- we have students share classroom experiences (failures and successes) and we share our school journey. #eduAR
A1. We should be celebrating the little success stories of the Ss in the classroom, their struggles they have overcome, risk taking, trying new things, speaking in front of the class, projects they complete! #eduar
A2. This idea was shared during a Twitter chat. I liked it so much I quickly created this graphic so I could continue to spread this idea far and wide. #EDUar
A1: we should be celebrating big and small victories, personal and team successes, times that we grow, times we’re stretched and challenged, opportunities to fail forward, and every smile, hug, and high five from kids and staff in our building! #eduAR
A2: I love to celebrate the learning of teachers in our PLCs by sharing on social media. It helps our families and the community get a glimpse of the dedication they have toward improving themselves for our kids. #EduAR
A2. This idea was shared during a Twitter chat. I liked it so much I quickly created this graphic so I could continue to spread this idea far and wide. #EDUar
I have gone to my school mailbox and found notes from other teachers. I have gone into my classroom and found little notes on my table. These have been the most uplifting things that have turned my days around or started it off on the right track! #EduAR
A2 @KaganOnline has taught me the value of celebrations through things like “cheers” throughout the day and instruction. Other ways are #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay, staff recognition, special treats, notes of appreciation/recognition/gratitude #EduAR
I have gone to my school mailbox and found notes from other teachers. I have gone into my classroom and found little notes on my table. These have been the most uplifting things that have turned my days around or started it off on the right track! #EduAR
A2: Last week I spent time with 8th grade students; they volunteered to write positive notes to the #firstyear teachers in our city. Here are a few of my favorites! #EduAR#gratitude#studentvoice#service
Hey guys, I’m CJ Luckey!
Hip-Hop Artist / Motivational Speaker
Glad to be apart of your chat! I’m not an educator( but I’m married to one!) And am very passionate about education and celebrating students and educators.
A3: Sharing with the community and families and having them share in the celebration of learning.
It helps them feel involved, and makes our kids feel so valued. (Adults too) #EduAR
A2 I always celebrate the amazing things kids do by telling them personally how proud I am of them. When they go above & beyond, I like to surprise them with a small gift. Milestones remembered. With staff, a card, a coffee, a special surprise. I want them to feel valued. #eduAR
Hey guys, I’m CJ Luckey!
Hip-Hop Artist / Motivational Speaker
Glad to be apart of your chat! I’m not an educator( but I’m married to one!) And am very passionate about education and celebrating students and educators.
A2: affirmations when we see behavior that we appreciate or that should be continued. I like the idea of celebrating learning from mistakes, but making it safe to express is difficult. #eduar
A3. Our staff is doing a “Kindness Bingo” board to promote kindness within our school. We know “it starts w/ us” - if we model kindness then kids will follow. It’s been great. #eduAR
A3. Our staff is doing a “Kindness Bingo” board to promote kindness within our school. We know “it starts w/ us” - if we model kindness then kids will follow. It’s been great. #eduAR
A3. In several different schools we created a Wall of Honor to celebrate the lives of veterans. Students took home a form that lead to discussions about relatives who served our country. <-- One of the best kinds of homework assignments (home/school connection). #EDUar
A3: I think is important to celebrate success; however I also feel that it is crucial to celebrate risk-taking in students stretching themselves to try new and challenging things. Celebrating this fosters a culture of growth and freedom to fail forward! #eduAR
What about an idea of Goal Action Plan? As a class create one and have each student create one. Modeling a tool that will benefit al stakeholders. #EduAR
A3: I think is important to celebrate success; however I also feel that it is crucial to celebrate risk-taking in students stretching themselves to try new and challenging things. Celebrating this fosters a culture of growth and freedom to fail forward! #eduAR
A3 As you celebrate others, invite them to go further. Challenge them. Share their learning globally to have them further reflect on work and be proud. Share pics/vids/artefacts with parents & community. Make things purposeful & authentic. #eduAR
What about an idea of Goal Action Plan? As a class create one and have each student create one. Modeling a tool that will benefit al stakeholders. #EduAR
What about an idea of Goal Action Plan? As a class create one and have each student create one. Modeling a tool that will benefit al stakeholders. #EduAR
A3: We celebrate "Goal Getters" at Pinewood! (adutls and children) get the ring the bell. We have no classroom walls at our school so the entire school stops and celebrates when the bell rings. It is awesome! #eduar
A3 Giving them a sense of pride of validation goes a long way. By doing this it provides them with a feeling of satisfaction and helps with sustaining culture and also because who doesn’t like feeling validated and cared for or worthy? #EduAR
A4 I would like to see a community effort aligned with school’s mission/vision to celebrate everyone. Do not make it the responsibility of a few. Have everyone take part in celebrations. If we want our members to be valued, have everyone celebrate & build each other up. #eduAR
A4: I would love to see more celebration of colleagues and kids through social media! We have several teachers who are very comfortable with this, and I want that level of comfort for everyone. #EduAR
A4. During my travels as a principal one school strongly wanted end of quarter award's assemblies and another felt just as strongly the other direction. Interesting how school culture dictates some of our decisions. #EDUar
A3: My Ss came up with a solution for our mosquito problem. The solution... get bat houses. They thought about how to pay for it by designing a product we could sell in our bookstore. We celebrated their by actually 3D printing their product! #EduAR
A4 I would love to see a more consistent and “fun” and engaging way we celebrate. A “house” system would be a great addition and is a goal for the future #EduAR
A3: I think is important to celebrate success; however I also feel that it is crucial to celebrate risk-taking in students stretching themselves to try new and challenging things. Celebrating this fosters a culture of growth and freedom to fail forward! #eduAR
A4. Too much focus on results and not on the process. Kids should not be represented by test scores but who they are, their experiences and their passions. #eduAR
A4: I think it would be amazing for my community to celebrate our schools' successes more. So often, we are ridiculed for what is perceived as going wrong, rather than celebrated for the great things. #EduAR
A3 Celebrate with the audience in front of you. Social media is a huge presence at my campus. Sharing our stories & giving our students the spotlight rocks. Inviting them in and cultivating the relationships all around. #EduAR
A3: My Ss came up with a solution for our mosquito problem. The solution... get bat houses. They thought about how to pay for it by designing a product we could sell in our bookstore. We celebrated their by actually 3D printing their product! #EduAR
A4: Celebrations shouldn't be just for the kids who are A/B students, who are the best behaved, or meeting grade level expectations. Every child can have goals and those goals should be celebrated! #EduAR
A4: I think it would be amazing for my community to celebrate our schools' successes more. So often, we are ridiculed for what is perceived as going wrong, rather than celebrated for the great things. #EduAR
A4: Celebrations shouldn't be just for the kids who are A/B students, who are the best behaved, or meeting grade level expectations. Every child can have goals and those goals should be celebrated! #EduAR
A4: I’d love to see more inclusive celebrations that honor effort, integrity, and students strengths. I also cannot say enough about the power of student nominated and student selected recognition. #EduAR
A4: Celebrations shouldn't be just for the kids who are A/B students, who are the best behaved, or meeting grade level expectations. Every child can have goals and those goals should be celebrated! #EduAR
A4 I’d love to see more celebrations in the grade level classrooms. There are some that do it amazingly. I hope others can have the same experience. #EduAR
Spot on right here! Risk taking is so important in student and teacher growth! They have to feel that it's safe to do it and that comes from celebrating those moments of fearlessness! #EduAR#REdefinedED
A3: I think is important to celebrate success; however I also feel that it is crucial to celebrate risk-taking in students stretching themselves to try new and challenging things. Celebrating this fosters a culture of growth and freedom to fail forward! #eduAR
A4. I would like to see students celebrating the accomplishments of other students. Perhaps during morning announcements or during a Morning Meeting. If it came unsolicited all the better!! #EDUar
A4. I would like to see students celebrating the accomplishments of other students. Perhaps during morning announcements or during a Morning Meeting. If it came unsolicited all the better!! #EDUar
A4 As a SPED P, I see the word "inclusion" & get all excited! Inclusion means my daughter is in a community; she belongs. In her Jr year of HS, her peers designated Special Olympics as their charity of choice - in her honor. Very cool #EduAR
A5: We have a broadcast team in our school that is student lead, produced, and edited. I'd love to see a student spotlight. A celebration for something they did that made them proud. Could be submitted by staff or a fellow student. #EduAR
A5. I would like to celebrate the importance of school to family connections. We do not have a “school family celebration” - but somehow to bring everyone together to say “thank you - we are the difference”. #eduAR
A5 I want to create personalized cards to send by mail celebrating students or staff. I want them to have a momento of their accomplishment. A token of appreciation unique to them that they can keep or share. #eduAR
A5: We have a broadcast team in our school that is student lead, produced, and edited. I'd love to see a student spotlight. A celebration for something they did that made them proud. Could be submitted by staff or a fellow student. #EduAR
A5: We have a broadcast team in our school that is student lead, produced, and edited. I'd love to see a student spotlight. A celebration for something they did that made them proud. Could be submitted by staff or a fellow student. #EduAR
Magic mints! Celebrating the magic that comes from enjoying the mint and the last magic that carries with them for both adults and students. #magicmintswithmaria#EduAR#traditions
A4: We just started this but it’s never too late. We created a PAWSitve Impact Award and shared it with all of our stakeholders. Using Google and nominees get cert and we will meet 2 x per year. Cake and presentation. We base it off our PAWS. #EduAR
A5: We have a broadcast team in our school that is student lead, produced, and edited. I'd love to see a student spotlight. A celebration for something they did that made them proud. Could be submitted by staff or a fellow student. #EduAR
A5: I would love to do what @nortnik does at her school...the student prize patrol! She and a team visit a child's house with balloons and a sign to put in the yard. It is WOW! #EduAR
Some kind of “Failing Forward” celebration. Because failure is a great teacher. Learners need to embrace that failure is only a stop on the road to success.
A5: I would love to do what @nortnik does at her school...the student prize patrol! She and a team visit a child's house with balloons and a sign to put in the yard. It is WOW! #EduAR
A5: I would love to do what @nortnik does at her school...the student prize patrol! She and a team visit a child's house with balloons and a sign to put in the yard. It is WOW! #EduAR
A5: I would love to do what @nortnik does at her school...the student prize patrol! She and a team visit a child's house with balloons and a sign to put in the yard. It is WOW! #EduAR
A4: We just started this but it’s never too late. We created a PAWSitve Impact Award and shared it with all of our stakeholders. Using Google and nominees get cert and we will meet 2 x per year. Cake and presentation. We base it off our PAWS. #EduAR
I'd love to plan an elementary gathering for our district at our school. Celebrate and visit our elementary teachers in our district. How powerful would that be to all be in one place?!!! @bethhill2829 I know you would be on board with this! ; ) #EduAR
A5: I bought a bluetooth fanny pack thanks to @AllysonApsey and I would like to use it to bring impromptu celebrations through music! It is so ridculously cool! #eduAR
I'd love to plan an elementary gathering for our district at our school. Celebrate and visit our elementary teachers in our district. How powerful would that be to all be in one place?!!! @bethhill2829 I know you would be on board with this! ; ) #EduAR