#APChat Archive
Professional development expert Jared Wastler, hosts a Twitter conversation at 8:00 p.m. (ET) using #APChat.
Sunday May 8, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to a special Mother's Day edition of . Please take a moment to introduce yourself.
Jared Wastler, HS Principal in PA, PD Faculty, and moderator for
Crystal, MS AP in NC- Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Tonight we are discussing "Character Education."
Q1: What does character education currently look like in your school?
Running a little late as usual... Kat MS AP in NC
I feel like elem does a better job at character ed than MS/HS
Fred, aspiring change agent in Fort Worth, TX. Thanks for the topic; don't hear much about character ed these days.
Q2: How has recent focus on soft skills like grit, determination, etc. impacted character education in your school?
I agree; seems non-existent at the HS other than our slogan of "dignity, courtesy, and respect"
Heather from Omaha. Happy Mother's Day, All!
Character ed happens every time I have a discipline conversation with a student. Trying to get/keep them on the right path
A1: Don't have a character ed program at our HS; there's some activity now and then- student group did "kindness week" recently...
A2: We added a report that included College Career Readiness skills alongside trad report card. Parents loved it!
A2: seems grit, student ownership, etc are integral to character ed- as much a part of developing Ss into kind of people we want
A2: is it wrong that I lump them all together in my head?
Q3: Who was responsible for building your character education program (i.e. teachers, parents, organization)?
A3: generally falls to guidance counselor. It should be all if us.
A3: Committee of district and building staff. Came out of bldg Site Plan and district Strategic Plan.
A3: I believe all stakeholders should be involved so that it can be reinforced in and out of school.
A3: came out of district Stratg Plan and bldg Site Plan. Curric is developed largely by counselors but facilitated by all staff.
Q4: How are you integrating parents and the community into your character education program?
A4: I'll say this: if you're not, the character of your institution is morally suspect
A4:great question! Intro of PBIS/positive recognition and CCR has helped bring the convo up, but we have miles to go!
Q5: How can we better empower students to lead our character education programs?
A5: Love this question! We need Ss to take ownership of their own character- more meaningful & more likely to have an impact!
A5: Ask them! We built time for kids to write notes of appreciatn to each other and staff. It's not exactly C.Ed, but it's a start.
Be sure to check out this week's expert of the week, Kendrick Myers, on the site Tuesday.
Thanks for joining tonight. Be better every day in every way - our students deserve it.