#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat "connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.”
Welcome to #edtechchat. I am excited to be leading the conversation and learning along with you. We will follow the traditional Q & A format.
Please introduce yourself, share your impact area, and your favorite pre-chat ritual.
We’re bringing you back to 1920s Harlem with our new video, Harlem Renaissance! Learn about the social and political history behind this important movement in history. https://t.co/b1BZycoxjc#edtechchat
Enjoy the chats tonight! Just two days away from the very first #APTeach chat at 8PM CST on 4/4. Would love if you could help us get started whether you are in or out of Advanced Placement! #nyedchat#teachwrite#admin2b#edtechchat#tlap
I am excited to moderate tonight’s #edtechchat. I am a 4th & 5th grade classroom teacher & Dean of Professional Growth from Maine. My pre-chat ritual is reading to my children. Tonight, Harry Potter Order Of The Phoenix.
Welcome to #edtechchat. I am excited to be leading the conversation and learning along with you. We will follow the traditional Q & A format.
Please introduce yourself, share your impact area, and your favorite pre-chat ritual.
Educators can accomplish this by learning more about the full range of capabilities in their school's LMS, incorporating devices in lesson planning, and using classroom management apps.
https://t.co/6Jajw4h0xO (Via @EducationDive) #edtech#edtechchat
Some guiding words: "Agency may be the one most important factor in human happiness and well-being." -W. Stixrud & N. Johnson in, The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives. #edtechchat Do you agree?
A1: It is not about fads and trends. It is about meaningful solutions that are proven to provide value. It takes time to research and evaluate new tools. #EdTechChat
A1: It is not about fads and trends. It is about meaningful solutions that are proven to provide value. It takes time to research and evaluate new tools. #EdTechChat
a1 Edtech is not a fad, rather it is an imp part of our evolving role as eds. Ss who have access to more efficient learning have advantages over those who don't. It's becoming an equity issue. #EdTechChat
A1 I wish that people could understand that #edtech is not a silver bullet. Careful and purposeful use of edtech, seamlessly connected to the curriculum, is powerful but that level of implementation takes time and support. #edtechchat
A1: I wish that other educators knew that Ed Tech doesn’t have to be something complicated, but can be something that can help your students succeed! #EdTechChat
we say #edtech is not about fads and trend, but do we mean it ... anyone still got their google glasses ... they were the "game changers" a few years ago #edtechchat
Ditto!! Let's give them the tools, access, opportunity, & encouragement to risk, try, stretch, grow, & build their own pathway, not the one someone else put out for them. #edtechchat
& if it is complicated, it can still be worth the effort to learn it. Khan's GUI is like a Boston road map but mostly bc it is so powerful. #edtechchat
My name is Kelly Wade, and I am a teacher and small group instructional technology coach in my district. #EdTechChat
Pre-chat ritual | Music on, and getting in the tech mindset 😀
Welcome to #edtechchat. I am excited to be leading the conversation and learning along with you. We will follow the traditional Q & A format.
Please introduce yourself, share your impact area, and your favorite pre-chat ritual.
A1 My role as #techdir means my job is to make sure everyone knows everything they NEED to know about #edtech. That means I need to help interpret the massive amount of #edtech available and share the gems! #edtechchat
A1: I wish all stakeholders would be more open to new ideas/hearing from Ts and Tech folks. Decision makers tend to make decisions w/o any input
A1 I don’t have all the answers but I am willing to help you find them. I’m not trying to force edtech except when it enhances learning and the process of education #edtechchat
we say #edtech is not about fads and trend, but do we mean it ... anyone still got their google glasses ... they were the "game changers" a few years ago #edtechchat
A1: edtech should make things easier or make things possible or preferably both. Creativity being key because tech in the service of testing? No thanks #edtechchat
A2.1 I have an open door so a lot of our integration efforts are shared by word of mouth and through the student generated blog. Our yearly TechCamp and #EdCampMe also help us share what we are doing. Learning is reciprocal. #edtechchat
A1 | How essential it is, and how digital citizenship is its' equal. In any situation that tech is being used, citizenship should be modeled for effective use. #edtechchat
A1: #edtech is a toll that is leveraged by teachers to accomplish a goal. It is not an impediment or a miracle solution, it is just a tool. To paraphrase a comedian - it amplifies your teaching #edtechchat
A2.1 ANY educator can be an #edtech leader:
1. Invite others into your space to observe intentional practice & purposeful integration
2. Get Connected (#edtechchat much?)
3. Curate, create, & share resources w/ your team
4. Start a book grp, #edcamp, flipped faculty mtg, or PLC
A2.1 share with the staff as a whole then partner with teachers who show interest. Showcase teachers who have integrated #edtech with positive outcomes! #edtechchat
A2: so much. About variety when it comes to PD. Let Ts show their classrooms off. Co-teach with them. Send out Tech tips. Highlight accomplishments of all users. Success breeds success #edtechchat
A2: I find the best way to share the joy of digital curriculum with teachers who aren't comfortable is to model how it will help them solve a problem-whether it is enriching a student who needs more or scaffolding for a student who needs support. #edtechchat
They were the precursor to the Apple Watch. Wearables got better. The tech we use today will be the worse than any tech of the future. Edtech is always changing. I think It’s about deciding which ideas are worthy for adoption and when #edtechchat
A2.1 Our district is 1:1 K12 and we use #peqpantherpride to share what's going on in the school. We celebrate accomplishments at every BOE meeting, including Ss sharing their work within our digital curriculum! Share the #edtech! #edtechchat
A 2.1: I think that one way I could integrate a community around tech through special ed is integrating tech in the general education classroom #EdTechChat
#edtechchat Q2. My middle school team meets weekly for an hour and a half. Although we have a changing agenda, sharing our technology finds and success happens often.
A2.1 share with the staff as a whole then partner with teachers who show interest. Showcase teachers who have integrated #edtech with positive outcomes! #edtechchat
Q3 Do you feel that your school/district’s digital curriculum / integration effort is connected across grade levels and content areas? Are there examples of seamlessness in action? #edtechchat#diglit
A2 our school came up with a philosophy of tech integration and then student outcomes we want to see our students have by graduation. These re creating framework with the 4 c’s of tech integration #edtechchat
A2 partnering up with my curriculum coordinator working as a team. Being transparent and infomraing my staff about the 90% I can share so they trust me with the 10% I cant share at the moment. #edtechchat
a2: pitfalls include infrastructure problems and sage on stage mentality that some teachers have that they must know all the answers before being willing to use #edtechchat
Not all devices are meant to be fully adopted - I think google glasses paved the way for cardboard, explorations and other AR/VR things currently in the classroom #edtechchat
Is it a wildly different world ... strangely the more tech integration we get the more we have to worry about critical thinking ... kids asking questions? Is there a correlation between the rise in tech and the decline of critical thinking? #edtechchat
Q3 Do you feel that your school/district’s digital curriculum / integration effort is connected across grade levels and content areas? Are there examples of seamlessness in action? #edtechchat#diglit
A2.2 There are a lot of different tools out there but it is easiest to use only a few more common ones like Google docs, slides, and classroom. #edtechchat
We did a similar thing where all faculty members discussed what #diglit skills we wanted to see by the end of the K-12 experience. From that we created capacities and then indicators that would provided evidence. #edtechchat
A2.2 #edtech can become a problem when it becomes The Lesson. Teach #edtech like you do other tools and procedures, then let Ss produce, share, and shine! They will be the best mouthpieces for #edtech, for better or worse! #edtechchat
A2: Implementing new tech requires some trial and error. Things might not always work. It takes time. It's important to be patient, appreciate trying and know students are always learning something ing the process, whether it works or not. #EdTechChat
The problem with #edtech is that it is replacing important building blocks in learning ... what are the ramifications of kids not knowing their multiplication tables ... or not knowing how to read a ruler? #edtechchat
A2.2: Many people are concerned about how students are able to focus with technology but if you can use tech to help engage students meaningfully, the good outweighs the bad! #EdTechChat
A2 | @Flipgrid has been an amazing tool for having students share out their learning. I have my students do mini-lessons on tech use for the younger classrooms in our school to watch and learn from. The videos radiate pride and ownership of learning! #EdTechChat
I know that in one of the elementary schools that I was assisting in that it was a very poor area and very few parents had access to computers. I think it is good idea to be aware that not all students have access to technology. #edtechchat#edfb4338
A3: do not think there is vertical integration; however, with a goal for digital learning portfolios (Utilizing SeeSaw and Canvas) we are getting somewhere. #edtechchat
A3: K-12 sequence of EdTech within certain classes, but less integrated with many others. Digital Media and Robotics teachers good about teaming up, others not doing their share and isolated (self perhaps included) #edtechchat
A3: I think seamless integration has more to do with the Table behind the scenes setup. More about the lesson and where the tech fits and makes an impact. #edtechchat
Elementary is well connected but I think the nature of elementary teaching leads itself to more small group instruction. Tech supports this mode easily. We also have a prek-5 grade steam program that suppprts our integrated units so it just seems natural now. #edtechchat
Part one of a two part question: Q4.1 Do families & the community understand the role your digital curriculum / integration efforts play in the everyday lives of students? #edtechchat
Bells and whistles give us as #techdir the opportunity to bring up the larger issues with our colleagues so that we can all learn and provide the best environment for our students #edtechchat
It definitely is. I'm not saying we should ignore critical thinking, but to not integrate technology into student learning is to leave our students underprepared to effectively engage in 21st century civic and professional life. #edtechchat
A3. I feel that the digital curriculum here is growing at different rates depending on how comfortable the teachers are with trying new things. But overall I feel the teachers are making an effort to work with students to learn what works best. #edtechchat
A4.1 I think we can do a better job of connecting with Ps in regards to our growing digital curriculum and integration efforts. Families are just as concerned about how Ss use tools and how to prepare Ss for their futures. #edtechchat
YES! so many are against Ss being on devices. Trust us to integrate effectively! We were teachers before the tech came along! At least I was!
I also see shifts happening forward with our upper school that gives those students more equality in tech usage, partly because of some mandated usage requirements made of teachers and partly because the tide is shifting to see the benefits. #edtechchat
A4.1: Since I am not an educator yet, based on past experiences with my school community, they have been very open to Ed Tech in the classroom. #EdTechChat
A4.1 we are getting there by inviting them in and sharing a lot of what we are doing while also educating them on important topics for home #edtechchat
I am giving a standing O to my children's tech educator, @PondCoveTech, for all that he does to connect philosophy, practice, and application with open houses and info night. #edtechchat
It is not about frequency, it is about the transparency to the lesson - if the tech is truly subordinate tot he lesson, we stop talking about the tech except in reference to how it was used and focus on the topic #edtechchat
but my question is deeper than that ... is tech removing the critical thinking component thereby inhibiting students actually learning to think? #edtechchat Have apps replaced thinking?
#edtechchat Q4.1 We recently showed the film "Screenagers" for both parents and students to have technology discussions. It was great to hear students defend technology in the classroom and point out times when it isn't necessary or it is misused.
A3 We rewrote our technology curricula this past summer to improve the K12 connection and have identified it as a significant area in all other curricula as they are developed... but we could always do more! I'd love to focus more on digital citizenship! #digcit#edtechchat
Is there research showing declining critical thinking? I would think technology *could* increase critical thinking if used the right way in education. Even if simply because there's so much more to think critically about. #edtechchat
I'm using them to nudge them into thinking more deeply. Also they blow off stuff they don't know on paper hw whereas Khan won't let them move on until they get it--video & text hints provided. #EdTechChat
Thrilled with all the collaboration and conversation happening during #edtechchat. Remember to follow the great edus participating in tonight’s conversation. Question 5 is about to pop onto your screens.
A4 we need to up our training of families and community better as a whole. We live in an innovative city so most families see the benefit... we just need to train more on the privacy, safety, dig cit from the aspect of e-parenting. #edtechchat
Part one of a two part question: Q4.1 Do families & the community understand the role your digital curriculum / integration efforts play in the everyday lives of students? #edtechchat
A3. This summer our district is providing free pd sessions for tech integration. They are offering 3 levels within the PD so you can start off in a place that fits your current abilities. #edtechchat
A4.1 I believe more and more parents are noticing the significance of digital curriculum. We are living in an age where technology is a part of everyday life. Parents will become more aware as the curriculum grows. #edtechchat
A5 I would like to see more connection across content areas and grade levels. I would also like to see more purposeful integration of the tools in the service of learning. #edtechchat
A4.3 its not about the tech, its about learning and preparing Ss for the world they will face, engaging and assessing Ss authentically through problems and passions #edtechchat
A5 Add more engagement and allow more time for students to create and grow deeper in their learning. I think we sometimes have so much to teach with little time. Slow it down so ss can master it! #edtechchat
A5: More integration of ed tech in EVERY subject so all kids get equal exposure and see value of ed tech no matter what their favorite subjects are. #EdTechChat
A4.1 We share out using #peqpantherpride to help be transparent about what goes on throughout the district, especially with #edtech! Love to see when the community uses the #peqpantherpride to share back to us! #edtechchat
Yes! This requires some oversight in the form of a tech integrationist. Some schools are hesitant to add the role but it is so very necessary to maintain momentum, spark innovation, support edus, and remove pockets of instructional isolation. #edtechchat
A5: Working on this currently
Would love to see more experiential learning utilize the power of edtech to create more collaborative experiences. #edtechchat
A4.2: Introducing Ss to tech in the classroom makes them more comfortable when they will have to use it in the future, preparing Ss for the ever changing tech world after they leave school #edtechchat
A3 | I don't feel it's as seamless as it could be, and that's due to access. When access to tech isn't equal from K-12, it makes it difficult to have flow. Different levels of access can then (unfortunately) allow teachers to put off learning effective use. #edtechchat
A5: More integration of ed tech in EVERY subject so all kids get equal exposure and see value of ed tech no matter what their favorite subjects are. #EdTechChat
I'll tell you how 3D printing the Nile riverbank gets a student a deeper understanding of the ecosystem and the importance of the river in geopolitical terms #edtechchat
Time for students to iterate and see the power of the #edtech tools at their fingertips. Time would also allow for reflection helping Ss discuss their decision making process for the edtech tools and the content. #edtechchat
A5 Add more engagement and allow more time for students to create and grow deeper in their learning. I think we sometimes have so much to teach with little time. Slow it down so ss can master it! #edtechchat
I can see it in my students ... having to debate how 3mm is too small to print while the kid is telling me how big it is on the screen. Kids quick to state anything that is online ... have you seen SM? #edtechchat
A5: Many times teachers integrate tech before making sure students understand what they are using. Teachers should make sure that students understand the tech before fully integrating it into the classroom! #EdTechChat
A5 embedded in all classrooms with a scope and sequence that suppprts what is currently being studied and for tech being used in the classrooms. It should be the responsibility of us all. #edtechchat
A4.2 As #techdir my role is to be whatever is needed to make #edtech successful. Sometimes that's PD leader, sometimes that's #techsupport, sometimes that's teacher, sometimes that's admin... #whateverittakes#edtechchat
Curious how many of the #edtechchat participants know about KQED's In the Classroom https://t.co/fsGgJjaaHS website - articles by teachers for teachers describing innovative ways that tech and digital media are being integrated into the classroom.
That's awesome - it works with your mission - which is the key element - and something most schools miss when implementing technology! Awesome job! #edtechchat
A5 Would love to see the next step, taking #edtech from implementation to a focus on improving student outcomes. Why are we doing all the work, investing in our Ss, Ts, and the tech itself? What is the benefit? Focusing on that should be our priority! #edtechchat
Low level lesson, true. Ss could find numbers about industrial output between N & S., military battle tactics, etc. There are lots of other knowledge items that are not in the text. Even (gasp!) things that are deeper. #edtechchat
For that project, students chose how they implemented technology into their presentations and learning. Some chose pyramids, one chose the Nile, some chose sarcophogi, others just symbols #edtechchat
A5 | I would like to see more student-led teaching of digital citizenship in schools. After all, there is a solid chance the student knows how to use it already, so we should teach THEM how to facilitate learning for others. #edtechchat
think it has replaced many of the basic critical thinking components ... replaced by an app ... we no longer have to add because the calculator can do that ... kids then struggle in Algebra not because they dont understand algebra, but because they struggle with math #edtechchat
It is a distraction when not integrated properly or if time is not given for Ss to explore all the possibilities. We as edus need to repurpose the tool for education. #edtechchat
Yes. And so can just about any tool. If the Ss are so focused on trying to "win" I question how deeply thoughts have time to sink into long-term memory. #EdTechChat
Be in the know before anyone! Join our mailing list to receive our #blogs and important announcements, like all of our upcoming releases! https://t.co/b4chBnPrGz#edtechchat
Sorry - very later here. A5: I would love to see some gross grade and cross curricular opportunities as well as extended learning opportunities for students #edtechchat
A6 it adds some work on the part of all teachers to teach outside their subject matter in some ways but I think it shows the students the importance of a positive digital footprint when we are all making it a priority. #edtechchat
So not every kid gets the same chance to use the tech ... see this is where I lose faith in tech ... only certain kids get access to the good stuff ... usually the gifted kids. #edtechchat
#edtechchat but sometimes access is also about the lack of training provided by the district. If they put new tech into the schools and mandate use but do not provide training on its use then staff especially technophobes are less likely to want to integrate
A5: I would like to start the year with 2 weeks dedicated to #edtech, #digcit, and #diglit. let me train everyone in the tools and mindset, and then all year long we just play and learn! #edtechchat
College wise, very helpful if you are motivated. Use for online credit recovery is problematic. I don’t believe it is the right solution there. #edtechchat
It is funny that we ask students to jump from content area to content area, skills set to skills set with just a 5 minute break in between. #edtechchat
A6. I believe that some people value traditional school methods too much. However, the world is changing and it is important that education keeps up with those changes in order for students to learn skills that they can use now and in the future. #edtechchat
A5: I've always been a proponent of cross-grade and cross-class learning - we shouldn't be isolated just to our classroom - and definitely more #globaled! #edtechchat
No the students were given a choice on which technology to choose - they could use whatever they wanted on whatever their topic was - each had a different topic - I had 19 kids using a 3D printer with only a few lessons on how to build models. #edtechchat
Are classroom teachers presenting the demos? If so, I applaud that decision as it casts a spotlight on innovation and reframing the learning experience. #edtechchat
#edtechchat A7: use the ISTE standards and regular check-ins on a PBL assignment. students have to see the value and see the progress in order to buyin and persevere
A7: In many of my classes we have been learning about different apps and programs that give information about how students move through the curriculum to the teachers. #EdTechChat
A2: learning needs to be through an integrated framework with big ideas and driving Qs - how can Ss use tech globally and locally to engage in effective discourse and brainstorm solutions and ideas? #edtechchat
I think its okay to assess students just not the way we do it! Students learn at different rates their assessments should be when they are ready and when they have mastered the skill #edtechchat
A7: Observation and self assessment, but that's probably not quantifiable enough for some. Easy in a small classroom. Not so much in a big one.#edtechchat
It would be cool for Ss to create a DIY or How To video library connecting #diglit skills along with their content knowledge. This library would be shared far and wide. #edtechchat#HMW
Yes! I think that’s why districts are seeing the benefit of PBLs and integrated curriculum... our current form of instruction creates lots of disconnect. #edtechchat
#edtechchat recent discussion @edcampyork about student run IT Help Desks, also heard someone float idea of student run help desk for seniors in the community
A7: I worry about assessing digital skills as a separate thing but I do think that media literacy and digital citizenship might fit for assessment in tandem with other classroom skills #edtechchat
A7. I believe collaboration projects could be used to assess students. Students can evaluate their peers to keep each other accountable and file a small report at the end for teacher to use for assessments. #edtechchat
Yes! I think that’s why districts are seeing the benefit of PBLs and integrated curriculum... our current form of instruction creates lots of disconnect. #edtechchat
Q8 In order to enact any changes to your digital curriculum / integration efforts, with whom might you start these conversations with? Would a conversation be your first step? #edtechchat
That would be a thoughtful & productive assessment done the right way. I’d say “yes” to a need-we need a road map right? Er...uh...a road app.?? #EdTechChat
A7 We are required to assess Ss and demonstrate technology proficiency in NJ, but that's poorly defined. #edtech can be used to provide more frequent, effective formative assessment and feedback. Our Ss succeed when they know how they're doing! #edtechchat
A7 we should be setting up opps for them to showcase them. Chat rooms and discussion threads could “test” many dig cit skills. Tech integration skills should be embedded in classroom work thru student creation/connection/consumption/curation #edtechchat
A7: Running a SS run genius bar with one of my Media Specialists. I have my SS run PD sessions with me for our Ts. True mastery if they can teach others. Especially their own Ts!
Great things can happen when edus are provided an opportunity to make decisions about their workday. Our goal is to be able to drive the change we want to see in our schools. #edtechchat
A7: learning should be happening through a skills lens not a content lens - how are Ss developing important skills and habits of mind via the content in the curriculum #edtechchat
School is the only place where mental math still reigns supreme. We have a calculator in our pockets. We have endless resources at our disposal which can help us figure out equations we should use & that calculator to help us figure out the equation. Use the resources #edtechchat
A8 Involve all stakeholders in your #edtech decisions. It is a huge investment in resources for Ss and Ts, as well as funds for the district. Making sure everyone is on board is critical! #edtechchat
Powerful transformations occur when edus are given more control of their professional growth. Do you feel like you have a say in how you challenge your own growth edges? #edtechchat
We do a #PBL based block with three major topics to teach independent research, tools, and presentations. This section was on Ancient Egypt #edtechchat
KQED's In the Classroom posts once every Tuesday (8:00 AM PST) Tomorrow's post - How to Integrate PBS's American Creed into an English class. Great read. Next week's post - all about https://t.co/Wfwye9rtgR. Another great read https://t.co/fsGgJjaaHS#edtechchat
I’m doing this for teacher pd but what if students had an escape room opportunity where they had edtech challenges to do in order to get out? #edtechchat
In reply to
@ajpodchaski, @LaneWalker2, @Hypepraise, @rjmesz
I would talk with the district personal in charge on curriculum, the conversation would start by telling that person students are missing learning opportunities because their isn't the knowledge and implement. #edtechchat
we teach teachers in abstract - this is how you do X, without it having to matter - what about making them do something live that matters - develop a lesson, get on Social media, present at edcamps - something that is more than sit and get #edtechchat
A8 it needs to be more than just curriculum and admin, students and families should have the opportunity to discuss what they want to see taught to their children. Parents are often worried because they can’t stay up with tech changes. They are counting on schools #edtechchat
Thank you. PBL is going to be a focus of my professional growth. We are asked to identify 3-4 goals & from these we are placed in a PLC group. Time & money is giving to each group to help support our growth. Observations & critical feedback are central to our growth. #edtechchat
A8. I think it is important to talk with the students to get an understanding where everyone is starting at. From there you I make plans to have students help each other as well as figure out what students want to learn and what skills would help them most. #edtechchat
Q8: My first conversation would be with my principal to eventually go to our school board. Our technology is so out of date we would need data of what tech we have, how is it used, and how often so we could make a point #edtechchat#TED9190
Think I mentioned before but App night out is a big thing in my county right now and we have done district wide and I know of at least one school that did it as part of a PD in their school specifically. Teachers present on tech and pass they are actually using #edtechchat
Yes! I also like to pop in on grade level or dept meetings to get a sense of what is being done. Finding those pockets of support can be instrumental in ushering in change....but it all starts with how it will impact S learning. #edtechchat
A9: Ss need more voice in all facets of education and the classroom - we need to ask them what they think - they need to be doing most of the talking..give them opportunities to provide feedback. #edtechchat
A9: I had an afterschool tech club (Technovators) and they were always my guinea pigs. Rolled out new tech w/them first. LOVED their feedback & get exp before i rolled out to Ts
A9: have them reflect on the use of the tech kind of like an exit ticket good bad indifferent anonymous if need be what was good about this experience what needed more explanation what was not useful and actually use the feedback #edtechchat
A9: #stuvoice. Give them the platform to share. They are our best and worst critics but can offer so much in how we alter what we do. If you ask them they will tell you. #edtechchat
A9: Students voices are integral. So often where Ts are unsure or feel like using technology is too much of a risk, students are able to jump in and support the learning. they just need the opportunity! #edtechchat
Think I mentioned before but App night out is a big thing in my county right now and we have done district wide and I know of at least one school that did it as part of a PD in their school specifically. Teachers present on tech and apps they are actually using #edtechchat
A9. I would give students multiple platforms in which they can make their voice heard. I would teach them methods they can work together to make a bigger impact with their voice and give examples in history where people have made changes by voicing their concerns. #edtechchat
Q10 Last question! What resources do you find valuable in creating a digital curriculum and pioneering your school’s integration efforts? Who is your #edtech superhero? Get those tabs ready! #edtechchat
A9 Adding S input to the curriculum is something I would love to do better. Maybe eliciting feedback from Ss toward the end of the course if provided the curriculum from which it was taught as a reference? Would be interesting but presents timing challenges. #edtechchat
A9 they are digital natives but not necessarily trained digital users. Ask them what there struggles are. Or my fav, ask graduates what they didn’t know how to do when they got to college but needed to know. #edtechchat
we have done it apps night out Ts sign up to present on the tech they are using and other Ts sign up for four sessions and rotate through the things that interest them. a room is also setup gallery walk style with samples of other apps/tech being used #edtechchat
A9 During my 1:1 meetings with Ss I ask about the decisions they made in re to #edtech. They give me the good, bad, & ugly. When working in groups, the next step after creating norms & expectations is deciding on what tech to use, if any. #edtechchat
Q9: Have then help with how it works, new programs, etc. Students nowadays know more about tech then some of the teachers. It gives them a sense of purpose. More importantly, it allows them to learn at a deeper level because it’s important to them. #edtechchat#ted9190
A9 cont. Give them a platform. My SS genius bar gets a say I ask them what they need/want/would like to learn. I meet with students council and ask questions. Poke around and youll gather some great info! #edtechchat
And this just launched: KQED's new platform Learn. Great for middle and high school students looking for an inquiry-based learning project that calls for students to make and share with tech and digital media https://t.co/3VcjtWt7iy#edtechchat
Before our closing I want to thank the #edtechchat team for letting me play in their sandbox and for @ajpodchaski and @nathan_stevens for the tweet support.
Q10 Last question! What resources do you find valuable in creating a digital curriculum and pioneering your school’s integration efforts? Who is your #edtech superhero? Get those tabs ready! #edtechchat
My #1 resource has and will always be my Ss. They have helped me redesign my ELA curriculum when I was in the classroom and now help me find the best ways to meet their needs. #edtechchat
Thank you. This moderating thing is a lot harder than I thought. I apologize to all the responses I ignored in efforts to keep up. Drenched by the firehose. #edtechchat#LearnToLearn
A10. I value the tools that Google has to offer. They are a good starting point for students with little experience and have a variety of uses. #edtechchat
Welcome to moderating #edtechchat :) Now you see why we automate portions of the questions so we can keep up - I was a full 8 minutes behind you most of the chat to try to make sure nothing got lost!
Thank you all for your thoughtful participation. This was my first time moderating and it seems no one got hurt! Remember to follow those who sparked your thinking and challenged your notions. Have a great week! #edtechchat#ConnectED