#NVedchat is dedicated to increasing communication and collaboration of education related topics in the State of Nevada. Originally, created by Mr. Snehal Bhakta.
A1 I guess I'd define it by being able to access the content & define the author's meaning & intent-its not just what they say but why they are saying it. Teach it by having students access a variety of literacy on many subjects #nvedchat
A1-It's importance is definitely amplified with all the news in today's society.
With Ss, I focused on the ability for them to analyze, evaluate, and create media in a meaningful and equitable way using it's various forms - print, digital, etc... #NVedchat
A1- #MediaLiteracy is the ability to think critically about information, in order to make informed decisions & actively participate in society. #nvedchat
R1: hate to use the word “fake,” but there is material that Ss use that is not high quality material. Finding media that covers the subject area and is “vetted” by users is what I would look for. #NVedchat
A1 I think you need to teach it every day. It should not be something completely seperate, it needs to be embedded in your curriculum. There are some things I assume Ss know, but actually need to be modeled and taught. #nvedchat
A1-It's importance is definitely amplified with all the news in today's society.
With Ss, I focused on the ability for them to analyze, evaluate, and create media in a meaningful and equitable way using it's various forms - print, digital, etc... #NVedchat
Exactly...empowering students is something we probably could do a little more in education in my opinion. I've alway been impressed with what they have to say...most times. #stuvoice#NVedchat
A1 part 2 I also like to show my Ss sites that look credible but are completely wrong. It opens their eyes about the fake/not credible content out there. We have to show them how to find credible sourcez. #nvedchat
Exactly...empowering students is something we probably could do a little more in education in my opinion. I've alway been impressed with what they have to say...most times. #stuvoice#NVedchat
I always try to pick a topic that is in the news to discuss how my preservice teachers can deal with it. We just used @EchoesReflect to talk about the Tree of life tragedy. #Nvedchat
A2-It is very important to keep education current in all academic content areas.
I gave a project to Ss where they had to create their own digital newspaper based on 10 years in the future.
Really impressed with their thinking on what would be relevant down the road #NVedchat
A2 I imagine it is difficult using media with so much information overload! #TeachersAreMagic Looking forward to hearing from our educators :)
#NVedchat@NevadaEdChat#MediaLitWk I will suggest some ideas later with historical papers!
R2: used info from the aborted Soyuz launch last month with my AP Physics Ss to discuss force, gravitational acceleration. Used info from @NASA to have that discussion. #NVedchat
A2- I teach history & geography so news is critical to understand issues. In history, we connect the past to current news. In geography, we examine different perspectives of events. #nvedchat
A2 start first by not censoring it... know that students will see info many times before we do. We need to teach them to be informed consumers #nvedchat#medialitWK
Q3: Follow up to Q2- are there any topics in the news, past or present, that are off-limits or that you are uncomfortable teaching? How do you handle discomfort? #NVedchat@NevadaEdChat#MediaLitWk
A2 I like to use recent history, last few years, news stories they may remember. In #careerteched#medical class recent outbreaks or surgery success that were in news can make for great lesson opening #Nvedchat
A2: when I taught Am. Lit, we went through Time Mag. & found articles that either upheld or violated the 10 amendments THT make up the Bill of a Rights. Made the “old” language more contextual. #NVedchat
A3 in elementary it can be touchy..when students bring up questions we need to address but in a thoughtful way.
I was teaching Kinder on 9/11 & we had to address it with sensitivity
Q3: Follow up to Q2- are there any topics in the news, past or present, that are off-limits or that you are uncomfortable teaching? How do you handle discomfort? #NVedchat@NevadaEdChat#MediaLitWk
A3. Take a knee was pretty charged and as a teacher I wa nervous but I used a great historical @padlet organized by @KristinZiemke#nvedchat. It showed the importance of teacher curation.
Q3: Follow up to Q2- are there any topics in the news, past or present, that are off-limits or that you are uncomfortable teaching? How do you handle discomfort? #NVedchat@NevadaEdChat#MediaLitWk
A3. As an upper elementary teacher, I have to be careful about what we talk about. If they ask about something, I try to give them unbiased info and we have discussions. Sometimes they can't happen bc they're 10-11. #nvedchat
A1: I personally define media as film, journalism, art, music, digital platforms too. Loved building units where as many as o could fit rounded out the theme. #NVedchat
A3. As an upper elementary teacher, I have to be careful about what we talk about. If they ask about something, I try to give them unbiased info and we have discussions. Sometimes they can't happen bc they're 10-11. #nvedchat
A3-I always try to make sure we always focus conversations and the use of various media on the positive stories or outcomes.
There is way too much negative media. So you have to be careful...these are young minds that are very influential. #NVedchat
A3 agree this is great question. I always prepare myself for possible student question on current news just in case they ask but I don’t always start the discussion. Sometimes it’s best if you get them talking first so you get to listen #NVedchat
Q3: Follow up to Q2- are there any topics in the news, past or present, that are off-limits or that you are uncomfortable teaching? How do you handle discomfort? #NVedchat@NevadaEdChat#MediaLitWk
A3- It’s important to know your Ss & what they can handle. If we are learning about human trafficking, I guide the discussion & sources towards labor. Making connections from the past to current is always helpful. #NVedchat
A3: grade level matters due 2 the maturity level needed to discuss some issues. That being said, if it is aligned 2 the curriculum & necessary to teach then approach the topic w/ sensitivity, resources, & student voice #NVedchat
A4-They can learn how things have changed for both good and bad. Plus, how tolerant or intolerant we have become on certain issues.
It was definitely a different time years ago and the world seemed a lot smaller.
Now, b/c of media tech, there is so much more... #NVedchat
A4 students need to know where we come from as a community & society-these tools help them understand our history. We need to be able to understand all aspects of a culture to understand decisions that are made, local newspapers provide that window #nvedchat
A4 Ss need to know how our world/community was so they can be better. Especially the new generation, they are so much more accepting of everyone. Some don't understand how some could think certain ways. #nvedchat
#nvedchat Q5: In closing*, #MediaLitWk@MediaLiteracyEd defined as ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, CREATE, and ACT. *don't go anywhere- we'll share more stuff :)
Q3: Follow up to Q2- are there any topics in the news, past or present, that are off-limits or that you are uncomfortable teaching? How do you handle discomfort? #NVedchat@NevadaEdChat#MediaLitWk
A4) students could learn about the history of local newspapers and share that knowledge with the world by joining in the Newspapers on Wikipedia project #NVedchathttps://t.co/NDRnKVZ2pc
A3: those are the topics we probablyneed to teach most. My experience is to give students exposure and tools and allow them to synthesize. Research project or argument essay gives them space. #NVedchat
Researching local area papers would be a great PBL activity, and then either students or teacher can add that info to the @Wikipedia page for the paper. This info would then feed into any google search for local news sources. #Nvedchat
A4: the focus can vary— point of view/different ones;bias;reporting vs textual information; novelization and interpretation. Newspapers may be more how it went down than Hamilton—for example. #NVedchat