#edchat Archive
#Edchat is a hashtag, a movement—it is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
Tuesday December 15, 2015 7:00 PM EST
Hi Mark. I think it begins with the fact that teachers have too little voice in most systems.
An important post from a Syrian-Muslim-American student. Is History Repeating Itself in 2015? https://t.co/p9epYtibjb
topic: If we recognize that a majority of educators do not see worth in their district's PD, what are the major flaws in the system?
JOIN - If we recognize that a majority of educators do not see worth in their district's PD, what are the major flaws in the system?
It would seem the flaw to be that the educators aren't playing a role in the future of the school. https://t.co/hLU6VRjo4W
Now - If we recognize that a majority of educators do not see worth in their district's PD, what are the major flaws in the system?
How is public education been absent from every single debate?
Agree Scott. I love those short, but important hallway hellos and chats.
How are the educators' voices being heard? Perhaps that's a start of the flaws
I hope everyone can join tonight at 7pm Central for as we discuss "A few of our favorite things!"
- Our school is offering ongoing, relevant, teacher-sourced PD delivered during the day. Opt-in model. A great way to get buy-in.
How has public education been absent from every single debate?
Agree Phil. Sometimes this is simply due to the fact that teachers are on task w/Ss most of the day.
How might we mate watchful inebriety by breaking the mold?
One main issue is the lack of time Ts have. Another is the lack of choice and control when it comes to PD
Topic: If we recognize that a majority of educators do not see worth in their district's PD, what are the major flaws in the system?
Could it be because most candidates sent their own children to private school?
Admin must make time an T's must take it. Otherwise, the school is floating with no direction.
Most PD feels like something that is done TO us, not something we are doing together. Not learning that matters to me.
How lucky to work in a place that meets teachers’ PL needs. https://t.co/qO5APaHPoI
- Our school is offering ongoing, relevant, teacher-sourced PD delivered during the day. Opt-in model. A great way to get buy-in.
Seeking people who have explore Mt. Everest or other locations where you had to survive in the cold for a project
So true Margaret. I want us to rethink the day, extend shared leadership model.
RT ma31richard RT FEA_Fairfax This / program has 1 marveling at how his has improved. …
RT samuelchan32sc RT FEA_Fairfax This / program has 1 marveling at how his has improved. …
As someone designing it with our admin team, I'm trying to be mindful of these issues
Until we change the culture of fear & compliance that has taken over our schools it won’t be about kids or learning.
Educators are like the kids ... need to see immediate value of PD ... no who am I kidding many don't want to learn!
One good step has been our PLCs, but that hasn't affected district wide PD much.
It’s so sad, but I see changes as more districts embrace Edcamps & on demand PL. https://t.co/RUfJI5o2QC
Most PD feels like something that is done TO us, not something we are doing together. Not learning that matters to me.
I do not have time in my day for much PD, so I have turned to Twitter, blogs, voxer. Finding my own to meet my needs.
Perhaps traditional PD model is an outdated one. Teacher-directed learning like style unconferences seem the new norm.
The people involved in this discussion are in a small minority that value learning and improving ... many Eds don't
Not ALL PD needs to be T driven or have T input. Sometimes we grow through being pushed. It's a give and take
What Most Education Startups Get Wrong - EdSurge: What Most Education Startups Get WrongEdSurg... https://t.co/Kplo9pqbZk
I hope that's not totally true, Thomas, but I definitely see that too.
EDpuzzle Is Now Integrated with Google Classroom: December 15, 2015
EDpuzzle is finally integr... https://t.co/yr5KgfcD1S
Ask T about professional learning, she will tell you exactly what she needs and why she needs it. BIGGEST FLAW? Not listening to Ts.
YES! We are starting to change. Slow and steady! AND we need to recognize the individual learning done on social media!
A lot of teachers have taken this approach. https://t.co/cdj373xAX8
I do not have time in my day for much PD, so I have turned to Twitter, blogs, voxer. Finding my own to meet my needs.
Many of the mistakes made in PD parallel the mistakes currently made in our edu system.
Is it the PD system that needs to be changed or the attitude of the adult learners ... aka ... the teachers?
I've done that too, Margaret, but it's important that our PD in our schools works to bring us together too.
So true. We need to relook at our school structures, beginning with who has the time.
Can you tell us more about your PD system. How is time created during the day for these learning opps?
Agreed. There needs to be a component of connecting in real life - beyond the digital.
Like our students, PD driven by our choices and what our needs are engages and excites Ts!
Sometimes people who plan PD hardly ever work w/Ss.
If Ts do not see value in the PD opportunities offered to them, then there is a major breakdown in communication. Sadly, Ss lose.
“Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.”
― Claire Fagin
Definitely a blend, we must have common understandings and expectations. One size doesn't fit all
Maureen, how would you rethink the day and create a shared leadership model?
We have a dedicated training room with glass walls - The FishBowl. We offer three 45 min sessions per day…
We have T led PD as Admin takes student body. Empowers T leaders https://t.co/ZpfpNXkYi6
Can you tell us more about your PD system. How is time created during the day for these learning opps?
The biggest flaw in most PD is that it approaches adult professionals as if they are children without a voice in their own learning
It's especially great to talk with the kindergartners--brighten my day.
Leading a training session ... teacher looks at me and says "I'm never going to Fing use this" Attitude change needed.
Seat time does not equate to learning. Same principle applies to PD. Can and should happen anywhere, anytime, in various modes.
…over a four week period we have 60 sessions. All optional. Offered during classes. Teachers can opt in.
YES! I feel most connected to my students and most able to reach them by talking this way.
Yes, we need time to talk, problem solve, target, shared.
. Yes, so how do we get admin on board?
Could you explain more about what you mean by who has the time?
Ts expect PD with the same robust, relevant, and collaborative approaches that they uses everyday with their Ss. Let them have it.
Makes sense... How to scale it?
Yes -- learner agency so critical w/ professional growth! https://t.co/ioG5NODkkM
Agreed! What if T were able to choose their own PD, something meaningful and inspiring for the individual
I do see some irony when edus wanting personalized PL tend to provide whole group instruction to kids.
…sessions are delivered by EdTech Specialists and our Teaching and Learning Team. Tech, PBL, and Design focussed.
I think this would look different depending on context, community, needs.
Pedagogy vs. Andragogy? https://t.co/s1UQscQLBt
The biggest flaw in most PD is that it approaches adult professionals as if they are children without a voice in their own learning
At my school, I'd begin with some thoughtful time for T's to share their ideas, thoughts, practice
W/classes, tchrs should know their students; in PL, it’s too often a stranger working w/strangers. Tougher to differentiate.
I'd work for a strategic process of share, goal setting, checking in, assessment.
Strange you imply its Liver Mush ... T wouldn't even log into the computer ... Can at least try.
Sometimes people who plan pd hardly ever work with Ts, either. If they do, the Ts often lacks opp to say what they need.
It would be great to really work for something valuable together, make a difference w/each other.
Yikes! We can do better...
Agreed, but I think they have to know where we are in our learning in order to push all those involved.
We are constantly refining & re-evaluating our data. Finding sweet spots & targeting our offerings.
Who are the teaching and learning team?
As a PhysEd teacher would you let a kid say I'm not going to run ... bcuz I don't want to try?
Some have fewer duties, time-on-task w/Ss, less Ss, less responsibility for lots of paperwork, standards, reports.
I wish more edus would discover the value of seeking learning thru social media tools & PLNs.
- Our Teaching and Learning Team are our instructional coaches and T&L Director.
How was this system initiated? How can you improve the system you have to make it even better?
Yes, this week I made a recommendation for meeting, but was told it was not valuable by admin.
Hmmm. I think I have seen lots of poorly developed PD. Maybe both can be at play?
Share a vision and have those T leaders lead the PD. We are lucky to have driven veterans willing. https://t.co/QS45YnjzDB
Agreed, but I think they have to know where we are in our learning in order to push all those involved.
Control and compliance are keys in most PD not innovation, collaboration and support. How is that working for Educators?
We are spreading the message - around our district and beyond. Presenting our at conferences
Fair enough, very true, context is everything. How would it look in your environment w/ your learners?
The meeting was to better plan for and collaborate w/ instruction for all Ss including our most at-risk Ss.
As a teacher, I also create PD offerings based on Teacher wants ... unfortunately only about 10-20% actually want.
Right. We do not have a pedagogical foundation to stand on when we do this to Ss. https://t.co/DVxSfhMZD7
I do see some irony when edus wanting personalized PL tend to provide whole group instruction to kids.
We look to improve each iteration by drilling down into our data. Looking at how our training is impacting T&L.
Yay! Field trip approved. We can now attend . We are soooo excited!!
It's amazing to be able to take back some of the control and find what you need, when you need it!
Looking for ways to add more teacher choice and personalized learning into our PD through technology.
I agree. It’s not all one or the other but should be a blend — some PL to meet sch/district needs & some tchr driven.
I also wanted to focus more attn to problem solving, but told we already do that.
You have a great point about where we are on our path. I encourage fellow T to try PLN like Twitter,"we have no time"
PD should be robust, relevant, and collaborative…but seldom is. What up?
This week on the Donatelli EdZone. , Game-planing, and . Inspiring Ts to have a positive week! https://t.co/OVpUVSrmNi
The key is that the PL needs to be relevant & useful — whether tchr-driven or mandated.
In my brief admin time, best PD has been in-house because T's feel supported and can follow up.
so what you are saying is that you are ok with a kid sitting out of everything if they think its mush?
Our choose your own PD last year was a huge success. PD should be relevant & empowering. Not just a quota.
One admin once told me that they didn't have time to plan that kind of PD.
Update Boston University revokes Bill Cosby’s honorary degree, slamming his treatment of women https://t.co/LmsCxfsaEZ
Wow. Well, that's not a very open minded professional, is it? .
So what was concept on which trad. PD was founded? Ensuring that Edus stay current in field? Encouraging innovation in teaching?
Ladies and gentleman, I present exhibit A.
Not every T wants to spend extra time learning, and some simply don't have the time.
Many connected educators comparing notes have determined their own directed learning through social media is most effective.
Good in-house PD needs to be convenient for teachers, tied to school goals, relevant, and rooted in relationships.
That's why there might be room for different kinds of roles in schools.
Set up Google form with in house ts led tech sessions. Offer options in blocks.
I don’t either but I’m afraid we now have educators in our schools who are products of this culture. It’s all they know.
. It's not working for educators- control hinders creativity.
that's quite the response but consider the relevance and purpose of PD. Are we forcing innovation that doesn't resonate?
How has culture changed as a result of these offerings?
These are naturally reflective people...the best T's. These t's will always push to be their best. https://t.co/Wbvv9x9sEJ
Many connected educators comparing notes have determined their own directed learning through social media is most effective.
Waaaay too often it's one-size-fits-all and sit-and-get :(
If admin will listen, I think a good argument can be made for what is effective PD. Buy-in from teachers is important. .
. PD should be imagined to have "training montage music" underneath. Ring and room are both four-letter. . .places.
Considering the success of the Edcamp model for PD, why aren't more districts adopting that format for their staffs?
“: PD should be robust, relevant, and collaborative…but seldom is. What up? ” How do we do this?
Trickle down effect: we should let T's guide their own learning (PD) to prepare them better to do the same for their Ss
Sometimes you pay a price for speaking up in schools. That discourages people from speaking up.
Best PD founded on common goal/direction that reflects school' culture. Admins and Ts on similar paths toward quality instruction.
If there is no follow up or support after PD session then usually not worth the time.
Agreed, but often times mandatory training on non-instructional things get in the way. https://t.co/O2R2ZCBtf2
Our choose your own PD last year was a huge success. PD should be relevant & empowering. Not just a quota.
That also encourages people to advocate in ways that are more quiet, less transparent.
That's not good enough. That wouldn't fly if we said that about how we teach our Ss.
Are Ts valued as leaders for PD? Or does admin still see the need for outside PD?
That happens so often. Almost all of our faculty time goes to mandated meetings re safety, other issues.
PD should be a "tune-up." Why are so many "tuned-out." Or with limited budgets, many opportunities "turned away."
Neither open-minded nor professional
Not sure the problem is always the PD approach, but rather teachers lacking the time to implement the PD.
Also a challenge when PD providers/directors possess no teaching experience in full-time settings. Blind leading the knowledgable.
It's added an element of transparency. Students see teachers learning as they pass by. This is been a game-changer.
Lots of initiatives don't go full circle due to time, commitment, good planning, and strategy issues.
We need PD about instruction - not about the newest tool or trend. And Ts need time to play, see how it fits, talk to colleagues
It was a short session about Screen Capture using QuickTime ... then hands on making one - my talk time <15 mins
Absolutely and educators in a school/district need to work together to identify this--has to be more than words on paper.
When did PD begin? Has it been presented in this way since the beginning of the industrial system?
Realizing that some PD is mandatory asks for planners to consider balance. We do this fiction/non-fiction reading, right?
None of us have time, really. I have three kids and a full-time job. We do our best and make time when we can, right? .
Is there a fear of failure because of new evaluation metrics? https://t.co/KNnCtA9atO
We need PD about instruction - not about the newest tool or trend. And Ts need time to play, see how it fits, talk to colleagues
Time for reflection and implementation is still not seen as vital to education.
Problem is that PD is wrapped up in political and economic concerns? Someone is making a ton of money from traditional PD.
Yes or people who don't know standards, expectations, what a teacher's day is like.
On a PL day, I used an interest survey by staff to prepare online starting points to investigate topics then turned them loose.
What about student led conference for students? Lets showcase more than the science fair.
I am a T, and you side stepped the question ... Would you let a kid sit out of everything?
To me, that sounds like it's changed relationships and perceptions. Shows teacher as learner.
No common goal = no lasting effect from PD experience. https://t.co/ucKKUTtfiT
Absolutely and educators in a school/district need to work together to identify this--has to be more than words on paper.
That's an issue too-that's why every learning community needs to work together to strategize around professional learning
Do the people who run the PD actually do the things the say you should do?
Agreed. Yet research and neuroscience has found that it is an important part of the process.
I am a hands on facilitator ... my talk time is basic showing how then on to hands on ... creating
Tchrs could work alone or in small groups; reported out at end of day something they learned & how they would (or wouldn’t) use it.
That is awful! If we aren't planning with teachers in mind--who are we planning for? https://t.co/qAHZjLg84g
One admin once told me that they didn't have time to plan that kind of PD.
. hope in the future in order to motivate for today
Sometimes you need to do more than just see it when someone else does it, though.
Exactly. How/why did these PD models get created in first place? https://t.co/k5arkrskaE
When did PD begin? Has it been presented in this way since the beginning of the industrial system?
Shazam! Screencasting is so powerful even for the teacher centered sage on the stage!
Maybe be PD would be better served within the "Pinterest Paradigm." See it. Like it. Try it. Assess: Nailed It? Failed It?
My brother reminded me of Kissinger quote, "Academic politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small."
A look at Assistive Technology with some examples from the writing world. What do you think? https://t.co/iBM6mT46V3
Not that ed stakes are small, but many see them that way.
How does your system support experimentation, exploration, having lessons fail...
Yes! PD providers must have boots-on-the-ground experience to know Ts needs accurately and appropriately. https://t.co/FVaR2kcfFf
Yes or people who don't know standards, expectations, what a teacher's day is like.
Gotta go w/Dennis here. I’ve observed lots of “garbage” lessons students have to endure.
Yes, some leaders say to teach "failure" but don't allow risk--irony.
VIDEO: More 'super-size' schools on the horizon - The birth rate in England is rising so rapidly that a... https://t.co/5odhuV85or
And the growth that comes as a result of all of these elements.
I bet they hate when Ss treat them like that. 🙄
How might we claim pertinent detraction where students and faculty collide?
I think good professional learning happens when a group of educators design a blended learning unit.
With enthusiasm & feedback. We learn from what doesn't work. We are running maker-spaces to assist in exploration.
What are your new year resolutions? Share with us tomorrow in ! :) All are welcome to join in! https://t.co/qpIXOYLoyX
David from VA dropping in.
The design has to start w/success criteria, build in the map, include assessment, revision, good metrics.
FAIL - First Attempt In Learning. I love that acronym!
It set me back on my heels, but many saw the value, but none are using. Even offer MacBookAir checkout.
. One reason to look at Finland's education system. "Less is more", not the US motto "more is better".
. If districts adopted the Edcamp model, it would probably have to take place during the week and not a Saturday.
Hi David, thoughts about professional learning or professional development programs/practice for educators?
right! I meant more of our limited time and overwhelming paperwork. Some T think their time could be better spent
But makerspaces (while fantastic) isolate those ideas to a certain room in the school.
Perhaps it boils down to TRUST. Admins trusting Ts to know what's best for their professional growth & learning. Let them just be.
None of them are terrible people or bad teachers, but if given the choice they will sit out ...like the kids
Not when there aren't any walls. :)
or taking it a step further&implementing it for students.Too many 2nd rate replicas in education who don't have visions
How do you embed maker thinking/creation throughout the building and curriculum?
I can tell your frustrated. Is there one teacher that you can focus your enthusiasm on? Build from there?
Ladder-climbers trying to push fads.
Boy, am I right with you there. And not just in expected placed. What if ELA really embraced "ARTS" part of designation?
we attend on Saturdays. Why can't admin?
Yet, many educators have been treated poorly for a long time--need to talk w/them, use their ideas.
Thanks for a thoughtful chat this evening! Have to duck out early I have PD resources collected here: https://t.co/LlmmQJwE2S
I hope you don't mind the pushback. Sounds like you have a wonderful system, just trying to create reflection opps.
https://t.co/QIXDqTCQoV I think good professional learning happens when a group of educators design a blended learning unit.
Flip PD. Ts go locate and find their best professional learning opportunities and report back to admins. Maybe a portfolio system.
Through the development of trans-disciplinary units in the ES. Taking a design-thinking approach across the school.
Yahoo! Edu News: Gun and bomb attack threat closes Los Angeles schools in likely hoax https://t.co/DQtCkS4XEB edchatrant.c…
. I read a blog post about a month ago where one school did an edcamp with their kids. It went well.
ohhh, intriguing, tell me more about the setup. Do you have pictures you can share?
Thanks for catching me up.
Makerspaces/culture/ISTEAM should be infused in all rooms/hallways of the building-
And there needs to be a commitment and honest assessment of initiatives.
There's a LOT of politics in education.
agreed, but if students entered their class the way Teachers enter PD sessions, heads would roll, calls home, referrals
Glenn, how do we go about doing that?
I had so little time when I was balancing young children and an elementary school classroom.
Love the conversation! Great questions. We learn from pushing back. No one gets anywhere without the skeptic.
And, as some are saying, maybe that trust has sometimes been broken. .
I had about an hour a day to plan 4-5 classes, do all work, then took care of little ones at home.
I'm unfamilIar w/ public system. What day matters if teachers are empowered & charged w/ their PD destiny..
Now I have more time. I think we have to think about the structure/expectations for educators.
Who led these changes in your school? How long has the current system been in place?
Make Ts accountable for the PD they locate on own. Show data that teaching innovations have resulted in deep learning for Ss.
"What is the experience that you are trying to create?" That has to be answered first
that is the million dollar questions ... what makes some Ts active seekers of knowledge while others are not
Most T's are w/you if it's going to positively help Ss, problem is lots of PD not good quality, what Ss or T's need.
I am admin at a private school. our teachers each teach 6 classes with a 45 min PP - something has to give
I'd love to see a district edcamp -even if just a halfday during PD week.
schools like to shut down on weekends
Yes -- a sad commentary on where we find ourselves. But as shows, we can pursue change in meaningful ways! https://t.co/S27yHLaTf6
And, as some are saying, maybe that trust has sometimes been broken. .
One where all students are creators, questioners, explorers?
Are all stakeholders involved as 1?Too often IT, Curriculum, Ts & Admins are on separate islands
I know! It's really hard! My 6 year old would like to read right now! .
Many Ts have endured bad PD. But, still they expect Ss to treat them well even if prior T was boring.
Update 12 Critical Issues Facing Education in 2016 - 2016 is quickly approaching and there are at least... https://t.co/aI5xR1RVRH
Organized an awesome 2-hour for a division meeting. It can be done! https://t.co/1yaY7JFCHS
I'd love to see a district edcamp -even if just a halfday during PD week.
I'm working in shared model now, love it--we're able to do a lot of good work together.
Finding a way for SH's to develop a shared vision is difficult but not impossible.
Is that a message to all and is that message believed in-Ts&Ss need to have voice in it
As long as there is an open mind. We can learn from the best as well as worst. Shutting down immediately does no good.
So how do we create more frequent, low amplitude ways to connect, collab and grow?
True, but when T's have not had a voice for a very long time, PD has to acknowledge that, bring them in.
We all have similar amounts of time in school, but some are using it in better ways than others.
Remove all CYBOs (Chief Yea But Officers) and move to How Might We- are u leading or managing?
Why is PD wrapped in compliance? Wasn't I hired to be an effective teacher who is proud of his craft? Shouldn't I be trusted?
Let's throw the PD concept out the window ... What percentage of teachers would educate themselves?
I think it's about voice--it's the same reason many Ss act up--no voice, no empowerment.
There have come demands for innovation, change, and accountability in education. Why does that not apply to PD as well?
This is where Egos & bias need to be check at the door- HARD FOR MANY TO DO!
is the challenge location or ability to organize?
. That is the underlying problem. Ts still aren't trusted in their profession
Would love to see better work conditions for all be a part of the next presidential election.
Voice Typing Is A Great Feature in Google Docs- Here Is How to Use It: December 16, 2015
There... https://t.co/Zdf7Cuz3pr
Many families are struggling to earn a living and take good care of their families too.
Once again- it's about mindsets- too often we get "know it all" ppl or traditionalist
Not at present, but would love to display my PD experience for the year in an interactive portfolio. https://t.co/nMZsnFQues
Ideas like 4-day work week, better day care, realistic expectations for work week might help.
. …and why is PD almost always the first thing cut when there is a budget crisis?
Expanding your ’s circle of concern can help expand their ability to empathize with more people https://t.co/R1M3c31bTQ ^kk
Saturdays for most is a day they have to devote to PD. It's a commitment of their own time. Their day, their PD.
Past PDs: I think I try to engage, but def get frustrated when I feel like PD isn't offering me anything new.
I always judge Ss behavior with the question, "Is it me or them?" If it's a bad lesson, I acknowledge.
We've had district edcamps in my district and the results have been very positive.
Agreed! If Ts can't reflect on PD experience, no growth can be expected. https://t.co/r5MqnZZdIA
- First it must start w/ deep learning for the T. Otherwise, we are no better than the rest. Provide time for reflection & growth.
I reason w/Ss, provide rationale, ask for their help in making things better.
YES! I am in Phila...deplorable that's why I believe so much in engaging, relevant PD. We need the spark
Gotta get the kids to bed. Thanks for letting me interact for a few minutes!
Not sure where this distrust originated. Your thoughts? https://t.co/Pr89uwk5ko
. That is the underlying problem. Ts still aren't trusted in their profession
We can still improve though, as many of the PD sessions are overly T-centered.
. I think most good teachers do, but more time is allocated for district mandated PD
Yes, but sometimes the work load is so great that to sit through terrible PD means you have extra 3 hours of work at home
Not enough opps where the PD facilitator gets out of the way & allows Ts to experiment.
but what happens when teachers are not using their voice ... content with the status quo ...
Very true. I've been hired to give PD at a time that was not advantageous for T's--felt bad about that.
Maybe there is an unspoken acknowledgement that trad. PD is really just a hoop that Ts must jump through. https://t.co/lVHLSFDdNp
There have come demands for innovation, change, and accountability in education. Why does that not apply to PD as well?
My book on makerspaces- Worlds of Making: Best Practices for Establishing a Makerspace for Your School https://t.co/g9Qo4thKPw
Right. I think there has to be some push, on both sides, for stretching beyond the status quo. . All learners.
Focusing on creating strong learning communities like SLA is the way to go.
If we are to better educate our kids, we must first better educate their educators.
so are "good" teachers the rule or the exception to the rule? Many great teachers dont feel the need to learn more
yes so true - must role model what we are asking our Ts to do in the classroom!
Ts up and out of seats. Love seeing Ss like that, too.
Don't expect everyone to be the same, but shouldn't everyone be open to learning? Teachers especially?
Right on. https://t.co/RneUb2tMEK
. Heavy question, but underlying concern is how educators are viewed in our society and in our country.
. How can you be a "great" teacher if you don't continue learning? Isn't that what education is about?
Presenting at on one of my favorites !
chat starts in 15 minutes > Join us as we Push The Edges of
Agree, have to keep learning, and if you do the work becomes so much more satisfying and successful.
Agreed! Self-directed and meaningful PD equates to growth that can change Ss lives. https://t.co/Z32zPQxsYM
This is why so many educators turn to SM & Web 2.0 technologies for "virtual" PD that matters!
When it comes to PD, I always strive to be the model for how other Ts should participate. Stay positive. Contribute. Validate others
How might we record aching filibuster in the 21st Century?
In MA it's part of eval sys to set goals,keep learning-overall I think it's a positive approach if used well.
I think most T's want to keep learning--the key is to help people identify best ways, paths.
. In CO too. But goals are tied to standards in eval, so again, admin-focused, not teacher focused
My best PD experiences have been delivered by colleagues, fellow Ts who aren't afraid to innovate and take risks in instruction.
Key word in this discussion is "coaching" - not formal coaching, but coaching each other.
Formal coaching can be good, not so good--depends on model.
THANK YOU for participating in a lively You’re the best! Nod to co-mods:
fan of working w Ts 2create personalized pathways - best suited to strengths/needs
we need shift our ideologies for teaching teachers as we do for our students
We are standards-based too, but I've found that we can be creative w/Standards at 5th grade.
I know that is certainly how I like to learn!
love working with Ind Teachers ... ask "What are you trying to do?" go from there
Thank you Mark. This invigorated me--I needed that tonight. Can't forget the power of a good
Thank you for addressing the TOUGH question... https://t.co/bcjweTo6js
received copies of Starting a Movement for my leadership team today. Cant wait to keep changing the culture at my school.
Thanks out to our great team of moderators: and all who participated.
Yes, I like this and collaborative pathways too for teams.
Me too--that's my favorite part of teaching too.
When you have the time to work deeply w/focus amazing things happen.
Knowing how to teach is a broad stroke.Many educators/admins are steeped in the 20th Cent but have 21st Cent learners
Thanks Tom, Nancy, Mark and all contributors--great chat tonight!
PD is not personalized it is one size fits all similar to classroom instruction promoted in many schools
implying many Ts get results (students learn/gain) without changing ... effective
we have team unit planning tomorrow ... let the collaboration begin
PD rarely includes the teachers' unique strengths and skills they shared be able to share in professional learning communities
so true, especially when you work with young learners
Ah, yes... The "comparing notes" rubric. So often overlooked in adult education & professional development. https://t.co/YqaWQ5DOj2
Many connected educators comparing notes have determined their own directed learning through social media is most effective.
Hope it goes well. Are you using the backwards design approach?
This teacher is a dedicated educator, BUT this is not the way we should fund American education. https://t.co/hUpnO7Xufu
Have you used in your classroom? I am new to and want to hear all about it!
Glad you could join us, if even for a little bit!
. Love Great way to engage and check in on all Ss and embed tech
Jennifer Palmer researched & evaluated her own classroom instruction—leading her to rethink her strategy. https://t.co/AQDyK4MS2D