Monthly Twitter chats on topics of interest to educators who want to share ideas, build their professional learning networks, connect and converse about tech in NYC Schools.
Q1 What are some of the best professional learning opportunities you have provided or attended? What was valuable about the learning? #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
Q1 What are some of the best professional learning opportunities you have provided or attended? What was valuable about the learning? #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A1- Lisa's IPPD program provided a great menu of companies to select from that was relevant to the classroom; also @edwebnet had a lot of free quality and valuable webinars #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A1: I’ve loved several of the IPPD (insert new name) trainings-or any that the presenter makes time to play/experiment-the IPPD gives time to intensely learn a specific piece of tech/skill-I hope the ones I give are good...#NYCSchoolsTechChat
In reply to
@eileen_lennon, @JPatanio, @DarlynnAlfalla, @bev_dangelo, @ereale23, @MrBermanMath, @StephaniePlachy, @Acevedo493, @Bytes4BigHearts, @pelfers
A1: There was also an #edcamp at a castle upstate that was super cool since I got to connect to teachers outside of NYC & got to discuss their entirely different experiences #NYCSchoolsTechChat
In reply to
@eileen_lennon, @JPatanio, @DarlynnAlfalla, @bev_dangelo, @ereale23, @MrBermanMath, @StephaniePlachy, @Acevedo493, @Bytes4BigHearts, @pelfers
A2: I think giving participants time to explore with new tools goes a long way. Having time to create and talk to each other opens up doors and makes new connections!#NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A2 Having a place for back channel discussion (ie. @Twitter) is helpful and allows for connections b/w participants! I think it keeps me more engaged #NYCSchoolsTechChat
In reply to
@eileen_lennon, @cybraryman1, @growAllison, @lisa_simm, @onemind, @Acevedo493, @elawson1977, @molapus, @Levy_Jason, @library_debs, @Twitter
A1 #NYCSchoolsTechChat#nycschoolspd Best PDs I have attended I learned useful tech tools easy to use for me and my students across subject areas. Example Skitch, Remind,, Wikispaces
Q1 What are some of the best professional learning opportunities you have provided or attended? What was valuable about the learning? #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A2 You need to use the tools yourself, you need to stay abreast of the current changes in technology and society - as well as adapt to new learning styles #nycschoolstechchat
GA2: give equal time to hands-on as presenting, have fun interactive online & in-person, playing games is good, know your audience, make it applicable to their experience #NYCSchoolsTechChat
In reply to
@eileen_lennon, @cybraryman1, @growAllison, @lisa_simm, @onemind, @Acevedo493, @elawson1977, @molapus, @Levy_Jason, @library_debs
A2 #NYCSchoolsTechChat#nycschoolspd Time plays an element how successful a session can be. Practice I do and You do. Add video tutorials for participants to watch in their own time. Have them work together in a group and present for all.
The best PD I've experienced is going to Match Charter School in Boston & studying their approach to teaching as well as harnessing the techniques found in Teach Like a Champion. Will be going to their workshop in the spring. @TeachLikeAChamp@Doug_Lemov#NYCSchoolsTechChat
A3: Mine live in a @googledrive folder. I often share with admin, other teachers after copying the agenda and adding my own notes to it #NYCSchoolsTechChat
A3 Haven't been to a PD since the last Google Admin Session in the city a few months ago. I learned a lot - I opened up the Team Drive for my school and we are not using it in several departments!! You need to be able to take something home with you!! #nycschoolstechchat
A1: One of the best opportunities we provide @HighlanderInst is our Blended & Personalized Learning Conference! Includes innovative school site visits, student makerspace, and more. Coming up on Apr. 5-7, 2018 in RI:
A2: Always practice what we preach @HighlanderInst. If we are shifting schools to personalized learning, we cannot do traditional stand-and-deliver PD. We put teachers in students’ shoes, adapt to them, and run a personalized learning simulation. #NYCSchoolsTechChat
A3 Digital agendas are a MUST. If you don't give participants a digital agenda, you don't respect their time and commitment. All materials, presentations, directions are included in our experiences
Q4 I was just putting the links to the SIBFC and DOE PD's on the Tech Website I created for my school! Then it will be my favorite place to visit. Doing this tomorrow! Can't loose an opportunity! #nycschoolstechchat
Q5 What are important considerations we should have around ensuring professional learning opportunities provide a valuable experience? #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
5 Make sure there are varied levels for introductory to advanced! I.T helps address all learners or always offer follow up after introductory. #NYCSchoolsTechChat
A5 Administrators should work with teachers to evaluate their resources, including skills then develop a plan based on the feedback of all involved - including the students!! #nycschoolstechchat
A6: Make it free, offer webinars after school hours and during the summer. Be able to get certified completely virtually. #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A5 #NYCSchoolsTechChat#nycschoolspd Audience should be aware how they can use it in their classrooms for them to determine if it’s valuable to them and also whether is beginner or advance level.
Q5 What are important considerations we should have around ensuring professional learning opportunities provide a valuable experience? #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
There should be plenty of opportunities to showcase new ideas & technology, but, in my view, the focus of PD should be on refining delivery of instruction, increasing rigor & participation, and incolcating classroom management maneuvers. #NYCSchoolsTechChat
A6: continue to offer certification trainings to build capacity in schools. Maybe offer different levels of certification too (I know some do already but maybe open it up to more) #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A5 To ensure professional learning is valuable you need to have not only a short presentation but a lot of discussion from the participants. My Professional Learning page
A6:Offer free or low cost products to encourage Ts to use it in their classrooms, provide support and even model how to use their products successfully #NYCSchoolsTechChat
A6: #EdTech companies, what say you? How can you support learning efforts? I say one way is to be responsive on Twitter & other social media spaces. #NYCSchoolsTechChat#NYCSchoolsPD
A6: Be nimble, humble, and open to feedback from teachers. Educators and students can provide invaluable insight for all platforms and products. #NYCSchoolsTechChat
6 offer more PD’s and licensed for costly programs at discounts or free to teachers taking PD’s. No one wants to pay for a license is they haven’t even tried the program. #NYCSchoolsTechChat